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Strange Magic
Strange Magic
Strange Magic
Ebook172 pages2 hours

Strange Magic

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It was like he had stepped straight out of my dream. He was even wearing the same clothes. I stood rooted to the spot as he walked right past me without even glancing my way.

Susannah has a prophetic dream about a guy she has never met. She later sees him at school and learns that he is a new student. He awakens a power in her that she never knew she possessed.

Release dateSep 2, 2020

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    Book preview

    Strange Magic - Suzana Thompson

    Chapter 1

    The first time I saw him was in a dream.

    I stood in the park beneath darkening clouds.  A storm was approaching.

    Susannah, a deep male voice called behind me.

    I turned to see a guy about my age standing several feet away from me.  He had jet black hair.  His eyes were the palest blue I had ever seen.  We stared at each other as the wind picked up and started to play with my long hair.  I stood mesmerized by his eyes as he began to walk toward me.

    My heart was beating wildly.  The air seemed to be charged with electricity.  How much of it was between us and how much was from the coming storm I couldn’t tell.  In the way of dreams, it took him a long time to reach me.  Finally, he was standing close, and I was looking up into those incredible eyes.

    He leaned down to kiss me.  As his lips touched mine, the storm broke within me.

    I felt disoriented when I awoke to find sunshine streaming in through my bedroom window.  I closed my eyes again, wanting the dream to continue, but it was no use.  Damn.  What a dream.  What a guy.  What a kiss!  It had been wild.  I had never experienced such a kiss in real life.

    I was almost seventeen.  So far, I had only had one boyfriend.  I had enjoyed kissing him, but it hadn’t even come close to the passion in my dream.  Maybe we wouldn’t have broken up if we’d had that kind of heat.  Kevin and I had dated for three months.  When I wouldn’t go further than kissing, he’d broken up with me.

    Of course, he didn’t exactly come out and say that, but I knew that was the reason.  I wasn’t a prude.  I just wanted to wait until I was in love.  I missed having a boyfriend, but I didn’t miss Kevin all that much.  I definitely wasn’t in love with him.  He wasn’t in love with me either, since he quickly found a new girlfriend.

    I stretched lazily.  It was my last day to sleep in.  School would begin the next day.  No more hanging out at the pool with my best friend, Caitlin.  We were going shopping for our back to school outfits.

    I put on a pair of shorts and a matching top and headed down to the kitchen.  Mom and Dad were both at work.  At least we were easing back into school mode with only three days the first week.  Too bad we couldn’t have Monday and Tuesday off every week.

    As I poured myself a bowl of cereal, I was still thinking about my dream.  Where had that come from?  I didn’t know any guys who looked like that.  I would have thought that I’d dream about my crush.  Brad was blond with baby blue eyes.  He was a football player and completely out of my league.  Plus, he already had a girlfriend.  Mandy was a cheerleader.

    My cell phone interrupted my thoughts.  It was Caitlin.  Are you ready?  I’m coming to pick you up.  She didn’t wait for a reply.

    I quickly finished eating breakfast.  Caitlin was knocking on my door shortly after I got done brushing my teeth.  I told her about my dream as she drove to the mall.

    Ooh, hot!  I bet it’s a sign that you’ll find a new boyfriend soon.

    I laughed.  Caitlin believed in such things.  She was always checking her horoscope.  It was part of her dramatic personality.  She planned to go to Hollywood and become an actress when she finished high school.

    It probably just means that I’ve been reading too many romance novels, I said.

    And now it’s time to start living it, Caitlin said as we pulled into the mall parking lot.

    I ignored that comment.  Tell me again why we need to buy something else when we already spent so much money here last week.

    Caitlin sighed.  I told you.  We need a special trip for this.  The first day of school is very important.  What we wear tomorrow will set an impression in people’s minds.

    I laughed again.  They already have an impression of us.  Most of them have known us for years.

    You never know, Caitlin said.  People can change over the summer.

    I remember this as being the last normal day.  You can take normality for granted.  People call it the same old, same old.  Half of the time I lived in my own world.  I was given to daydreaming.  I craved excitement and adventure.  Being average in every way didn’t make me appreciate what I had.  I had average looks and average grades.  I didn’t even have a musical or artistic talent.

    I didn’t realize then what it meant to have the easy companionship of someone you’ve been friends with since second grade.  Caitlin and I went from store to store.  In the end I bought an outfit that was similar to the clothes I usually wore.

    An exasperated Caitlin gave up.  You say that you want to stand out, but you won’t step out of your comfort zone.  You won’t even try a new hairstyle.  You hide behind that long hair.

    Maybe you’re right, I admitted.  I guess I’m just not ready to change.

    Anyway.  Caitlin bounced back to her usual excited self.  Let’s enjoy our last day of freedom.

    The rest of the day passed quickly.  Before I knew it, bedtime crept up on me.  It was hard to fall asleep, because I was nervous about going back to school.  It seemed like I just closed my eyes and my alarm was ringing.  There had been no dreams about gorgeous guys with pale blue eyes.  I couldn’t remember dreaming about anything at all.

    I ate my usual milk and cereal for breakfast.  Then I got ready for school.  I put on the black skirt and bright red top I had bought the day before.  Caitlin had talked me into buying the red top.  You should at least wear some color if you won’t show any skin.

    You look very pretty, my dad said when I came back downstairs.

    Yes, my mom agreed.  Very pretty.

    I had never had an argument with my parents over what to wear.  I just wasn’t a rebel.  Caitlin was right.  I was too scared to step out of my comfort zone.  But she was used to being the center of attention.  She had been in every school play we’d ever had.

    She was always changing her look.  Right now, her hair was red.  I hurried out to meet her when I saw her pull into our driveway.

    Anymore hot dreams?

    I shook my head.  No.  I’m starting off the year right.  I’m ready to focus on studying.

    Caitlin laughed.  Girl, you won’t remember any of that ten years from now.  What do people talk about at reunions?  It’s sure not what they studied.  It’s the experiences that they had.

    She was right again.  I found myself excited to see everyone after the summer.  We all said hi to each other as we walked to our lockers.  We stopped at Caitlin’s locker first.  I was talking about Brad’s great tan when I stopped in midsentence.  All I could do was stare.  Caitlin turned to see what had grabbed my attention.  I heard her gasp.  That’s how I knew that I wasn’t hallucinating.

    Now there was a sound in my ears like rushing water.  It was my blood.  Whether it had rushed into my head or out of it, I couldn’t tell.  Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion.  My heart was in my throat.  There had been other people here a second ago.  Now there was only him.  The hallway stretched into infinity behind him.  It was like he had stepped straight out of my dream.  He was even wearing the same clothes.  I stood rooted to the spot as he walked right past me without even glancing my way.

    Suzy!  Suzy!  Caitlin grabbed my arm when I didn’t respond.

    I finally looked at her.  I seemed to be hearing her voice across a great distance.

    Suzy!  Caitlin shook me.  You look like you’ve seen a ghost.  Was that?  I mean, that looked like the guy you said you dreamed about.

    No, I said.  That was him.  That was the exact same guy.

    Wow!  Caitlin recovered quickly.  Do you know what this means?  That guy is your destiny.

    What?  I could barely comprehend what she was saying.  I just kept wondering how this could be possible.

    Caitlin was bursting with excitement.  You dreamed about him before you met him.  He must be your soulmate.  This is so cool!

    The warning bell rang.  I bet he’s a new student.  We have to find out his name.  I’ll see you at lunch, Caitlin said as she hurried to class.

    We hadn’t had time to go to my locker.  I didn’t have anything to put in it anyway.  Caitlin had already brought a little mirror to hang in hers.  We had gotten our locker numbers and combinations in orientation the week before.  I was thinking about inconsequential things, rational things, in an attempt to calm down.

    Somehow, I managed to push aside my confusion and deal with meeting my new teachers.  Luckily, there wasn’t much to do on the first day.  By the time I got to my third class, what had happened that morning seemed almost like another dream.

    Then, as I sat down at an empty desk, I heard the girl beside me ask, "Who is that?"

    By the way she said it, I knew who I would see before I looked up.  He still took my breath away.  Especially when he sat down at the desk right next to me.  This time he noticed me staring at him.

    Hi, he said in that voice I knew from my dream.  I’m Duncan Mkkenna.

    Hi, I breathed.  I’m Susannah Hastings.

    Nice to meet you, Susannah, he said politely.

    Then the second bell rang.  Duncan turned his attention to the teacher.  He introduced himself as Mr. Gates.  After he took attendance, he informed us that these would be our seats for the rest of the year.  I would be sitting next to Duncan every day.

    Almost everyone called me Suzy.  I had introduced myself to Duncan with my full name because I had wanted him to say it like he had in my dream.  Thinking about my dream made me blush.

    Duncan didn’t notice.  He seemed underwhelmed by me.  I saw him checking out the girl sitting in the row on the other side of him.  Brad’s girlfriend, Mandy.  Mandy had the kind of body that turned heads, and she dressed to show it off.

    My crush on Brad seemed like the distant past.  All I could think about was Duncan.  It was going to be hard to concentrate in this class.  Thank goodness it was English, which was one of my better subjects.  So much for starting off the year ready to study.

    Caitlin was bubbling over with news when I saw her at lunch.  His name is Duncan Mkkenna.  He moved from California.  Why would anyone leave California and move to Ohio?  I would kill to live in California!  I could go on auditions all the time.

    I’m sure you would have your own show by now, I agreed.

    Caitlin was ecstatic when she found out that I had a class with Duncan.  You talked to him already?  This is great.  Did you tell him about your dream?

    Caitlin!  I would never tell him about my dream.  He would think I was crazy.

    You want me to tell him?

    No! I yelled a little too loudly.  I lowered my voice.  It’s too embarrassing.  Besides, he seemed pretty interested in Mandy.

    That’s good, Caitlin said.  Now we know for sure he’s into girls.  Guys can’t help but look at Mandy.  But you’re his destiny.  That dream has to mean something.

    I wasn’t so sure.  It was hard to believe that a guy like Duncan could ever be interested in me.  I didn’t know what to think about my dream.  I decided to try to put the whole thing

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