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Recreational Love
Recreational Love
Recreational Love
Ebook220 pages3 hours

Recreational Love

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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“You still want to have sex? Because if that’s all you can handle right now, I’m prepared to keep it light, no strings attached.”

Michael Reynolds had it all. A successful real estate developer who could have any man he desired, but only on his terms. Recreational love was all Michael wanted; no feelings required, just a good time for the night. He only gave his heart away once, and twenty years later, he is reunited with the love of his life. Determined to win Spencer back, he agreed to a simple fling, no strings attached. Could he play by the rules of recreational love, or would he lose his heart instead?
Spencer Talbot returned home to escape rumors and gossip after being abandoned at the altar by his philandering fiancé. Secretly relieved the wedding didn’t take place, all he wanted was a quiet place to lick his wounds and get on with his life. When his first love reappeared after decades apart, his world was turned upside down. The attraction between Spencer and Michael was overwhelming, but the timing couldn’t be worse. Giving in to his feelings would make him vulnerable, and he’d had enough rejection to last a lifetime. Could Spencer open himself to Michael and finally be with the only man he’d ever loved?

This is a second chance romance between reunited high school sweethearts. It features a wise aunt, an eccentric family, and a love that refuses to die. And of course, there’s a guaranteed happily ever after. 
Release dateAug 31, 2020
Recreational Love

Ian O. Lewis

Ian O. Lewis is the bestselling author of The Boys of Oregon Hill series and other LGBT novels.

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    Book preview

    Recreational Love - Ian O. Lewis


    Prologue- Michael

    I dare you to kiss me like that again.

    Spencer melted against my chest, his breathing ragged. He shook against me and I laced my fingers through his wavy blond hair. I pulled his head back then peered into his emerald green eyes and felt my heart thump faster. He laced his fingers around my neck and pulled my face to his. But instead of placing his full lips on mine, he glanced off them, landing on my cheek.

    Are you sure you can handle it? He murmured, his breath tickling the sensitive skin. Spencer’s tongue flicked my ear lobe then attached below it on my neck.

    Oh baby, what are you doing to me? I gasped, unprepared for the onslaught of sensation as he worked his mouth from my ear to the top of my shoulder and back again. My arms wrapped around his slim frame tighter, pushing my length against his hip.

    Whenever I saw him I’d get hard. It was difficult during our last year of high school. We had almost every class together, and I’d see him in the hallway and know what we’d be doing after the last bell rang. I wanted to take him, pressed against the lockers in front of everyone. My cock was on constant alert, and I’d place my books or backpack in front of me hoping no one would figure out my filthy mind was focused on Spencer. His eyes shone in my direction when he thought no one noticed. More than once he’d grabbed his dick and given me a saucy smile. Now that we’d graduated, we were making the most of the time we had left. His insistent hands and mouth demanded my attention.

    Hopefully turning you on. Making you hot. I want to feel you inside me, on top of me, all around me. Spencer breathed, then pushed his cock against mine as if trying to bust it through the fabric of his shorts.

    My eyes snapped shut. Stars flashed behind my closed eyelids as the pressure of his dick against mine electrified the lower half of my body. If I didn’t get his clothes off soon and take him my cock would explode. I grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him back, unable to handle… I didn’t know what... the explosions taking place in my body? All I knew was I wanted him, wanted to take what he’d offered for the last few weeks now, his ass. I opened my eyes and he leered, knowing what he’d accomplished with just a touch of his lips and hands.

    Spencer straddled me, his ass pushing down on my cock. I held his hips as he lifted his t-shirt over his head. He gazed in my eyes, biting his lower lip. Finally, he bent at the waist and gave me the kiss I’d dared him to. Spencer’s hands folded around my neck and his body smoothed down against mine. I dragged my fingers all over the skin of his back, touching and feeling the flesh I’d come to know as well as my own.

    If you don’t fuck me now, your parents will come home and we’ll lose the chance. Spencer muttered, his eyes glazed with that wild look I’d come to recognize. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. Shit, he was right. Dad would be home from work soon, and Mom was due back too. Spencer bit his lower lip and moved his hips again, knowing exactly what would stir me to action.

    Kiss me once, then I’ll make you feel better than you’ve ever… I began, then the voice of doom interrupted.

    Michael? Is Spencer with you? Mom called down the stairs. Spencer mouthed the word fuck and gingerly climbed off me.

    Yes, Mom. I yelled hoarsely, my fist rising up and slamming down into the mattress.

    His mother called and wants him to go home. I need you to get the groceries out of the car. She yelled, then I heard her heels crossing the floor to the kitchen.

    I’m sorry. I whispered, then slid off the mattress in search of my shirt. Before I could bend over to pick it up from the floor Spencer pulled me into his arms.

    I need to tell you something. He said. Before I go, I want to… I interrupted him with a kiss. I meant it to be a small kiss, one to hurry us out the door to help Mom, but a second turned into five, then ten. Why did he do this to me? Make my insides melt whenever he was within sight? Reluctantly, I pulled my lips away, knowing we’d be in trouble if I didn’t.

    I can’t go out there with a boner, dude. I whispered, then pulled the t-shirt over my head. I’d stolen it from Dad, so it was a couple of sizes too big. Instead of tucking it in I left it out, hoping it would disguise the tent in my shorts. Spencer’s eyebrows came together, his eyes glassy and wet.

    Hey, what’s going on? Are you okay? I asked, then Mom called down the stairs again.

    Michael, I bought a few bags of ice for your going away party tomorrow. They’re heavy and I could use your help.

    Go. Help your Mom before you get in trouble. I’m gonna go to the bathroom first, okay? Spencer swiped at his eyes with the back of his hand. I reached out to take him in my arms but he pushed me away.

    Please. Go. I’ll be right behind you. Just give me a minute. He spun away, his face in his palms.

    Yeah, sure. I shook my head, incapable of moving my feet. My lungs ached as if someone had knocked the air out of me.

    Go. Spencer whispered.

    Finally my feet obeyed, and when I turned to go I saw his shoulders shaking. I had pressure building behind my eyes, and I shut the door. I leaned against the wall next to it and thought of the nuns at school. Then my mind latched onto the speech the President made on tv the other night. Anything to stem the potential flood of tears before facing Mom.

    Michael, how many times do I have to… She yelled again.

    Coming Mom.

    I’m afraid. I said before turning onto Spencer’s street. Instead of letting him off at his house, I drove past it. We had a special place, a field surrounded by woods two blocks over. His neighborhood association held bonfires and gatherings there throughout the year. It was usually deserted, and we’d spent many nights talking underneath the stars, and, of course, other things.

    Me too. Spencer murmured. Moments later I swung onto the dirt lane leading to the field. Once there I switched off the ignition and faced him.

    What’s going on? I asked, and reached out my hand for his. This was a new thing for us. Holding hands, hugs, touching each other. Having this affair, or whatever we wanted to call it. When it began six months ago it was a simple thing, a matter of sex. Lately, it had transformed into something I recognized from television and movies, but couldn’t put into words.  

    I, shit, I don’t know how to say this. You’re joining the marines in a few days, and I’ll be in Florida all summer before heading to Harvard. Spencer’s hand grasped the door handle and opened it. He stepped out of the car and sat on the hood. When I got out, he spun toward me before I could take another step. His words stopped me in my tracks.

    I love you. That’s what I had to say. I should have said it a long time ago, but I was afraid you’d… He looked away and kicked a rock into the grass.

    He loved me? Oh my God. Didn’t he know?

    Well, what makes you think I don’t love you too? I walked around the car and sat next to him, holding my hand out. He sniffed, then his fingers wrapped around mine.

    You do? Spencer whispered, shifting so his eyes could focus on mine. Whenever he faced me dead on I’d get flustered, my head spinning from, hell, I didn’t know why. He drove me crazy, and I should have told him sooner, not waiting until the last minute. But I was terrified. I squeezed his hand and drew him into an embrace.

    Yes, Jesus, of course I do. This is killing me, Spence. But… My voice trailed off. Dad had my life planned out. Marines for three years, then get my degree. Afterward, I’d join the family real estate business. I had no say so in my future, or at least it seemed that way. Spencer had been accepted to Harvard early, got a full scholarship. His future was planned out too, and he’d be spending the summer with his grandparents in Florida before heading north.

    Nothing we can do, huh? He murmured, then his lips touched mine. My eyes shut, and when his mouth opened, I felt the first tear escape, sliding down my cheek. Spencer pulled back, and I opened my eyes to see his fingers reaching up and wiping it away.

    So I guess we’ll never know how this story ends, will we? He asked, then placed his hands on my chest and pushed me back. Spencer glanced away, then crossed his arms over his chest.

    What the hell? We wanted so much, but nothing we could say or do would change it. Unless... maybe we could run away together, tell our parents to fuck off. We were adults, over eighteen,  in control of our own lives. I pushed myself off the car and faced him.

    Let’s get out of here. We both have a little money saved from our part-time jobs. We could find an apartment downtown… My voice trailed off as I saw the bitter smile crossing Spencer’s face.

    Yeah. I’ll turn down a full scholarship to Harvard, and you’ll say goodbye to the family business. And our lives will be so, so happy. His words were bitten off with an anguish I’d never heard from his lips before. He sighed, and once again buried his face in his hands. Finally he looked up, and his mouth said words I’d never forget.

    You know we can’t do that. We’ve just got to face the facts. We can’t be together, not now or ever. The universe is telling us to…

    Fuck that. I growled, then my fist landed on the hood of the car. Spencer jumped. This isn’t fair.

    Spencer’s eyes glittered in the moonlight, then he sobbed, his next words cutting through my fantasy.

    It’s not fair, but it’s the truth. If I could change it, I would. He took my bruised hand in his and kissed it. Placing it on his cheek, he took a deep breath, opened his eyes and waited for me to respond. For the first time in my life I was speechless.

    There had to be a loophole, a way out. There was no way we’d be torn apart forever. This wasn’t fair. Seeing his face red and wet, his shoulders shaking while clutching my hand made my heart skip, then sink as our reality sunk into my stubborn brain. There were no words I could speak, nothing to take away his pain, and none for the agony tearing through my gut. When I hadn’t spoken, he whispered words I loved, and hated.

    I love you, Michael, but let’s face it. You will probably meet someone else in the service. Who knows what will happen to me in school. It, well, it just wasn’t meant to be right now. You know, wrong place, wrong time, something like that. Spencer choked, his voice thick.

    He spoke the truth, but the thought of anyone else touching him the way I did, hell I’d kill them. How, I mean, how could he even think about that?

    A growl came from my throat unbidden. Spencer put his hand on mine, then his back straightened. When his leg kicked out and hit my knee, I knew I’d scared him.

    I stomped away from the car. Fuck. All of the angry words dried on my tongue, and instead I spoke desperately, wanting to hang on to a shred of hope. When our parents were long gone, and we had everything we could ever want, we could be together. Nothing would stop us.

    Fine, but... if you’re still single and I’m still single by, I don’t know, twenty years from now… I can’t even think of you with anyone else. I will never love anyone but you Spence, I swear. If I have to wait another twenty years, so be it. I’ll wait. Promise me…  I felt my lips curl, but not in a smile. My throat closed, and for a moment I couldn’t breathe. I stared at the ground, praying my tears would dry, and hoping Spence would return my words. Why was I so embarrassed to cry in front of Spencer?

    Damn it, Michael, don’t do this. Spencer whispered. Yes, I will. I promise. He closed the distance between us and his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close. Spencer laid his head on my shoulder, and I laid mine on his, our hearts beating together.

    I’ll wait for you, Spence, I promise. I whispered, tears flowing down my cheeks.

    We’ll be together one day Michael. Shit, I promise. Just please, please don’t cry. Spencer pulled me even closer. I stiffened, unable to give in to his warmth, to the inevitable parting. His hands slid up and down my back, and finally I gave in, my torso falling into his as my sobs grew in strength.

    I love you Spencer Talbot. Never forget that.



    Are you excited? The woman from human resources asked in the nearly airless elevator. Her demeanor was cool, professional. It was packed, the doors opening on every floor letting people in and out. A gurney took up half the space, forcing the two of us against the wall.

    I knew I should give an immediate answer, laced with a smile. But the ball of anxiety spinning in my gut made it difficult. It was my first day of work at the VCU Hospital in the ER. I’d moved home to Richmond from Boston to make a fresh start in my hometown. It was comforting to see familiar places, but starting a new job was stressful, especially after being gone for so long. Twenty years in Boston, the last fifteen nursing at Tufts Medical Center. Finally, my lips stretched across my face in a semblance of a grin. I managed a small nod.

    Well, the staff are looking forward to meeting you, and they will put you to work right away. The emergency room is always hopping. Never a dull moment. Her phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out and scowled.

    I thought I’d have time to show you around the floor, but an emergency of my own has come up. Don’t worry, I won’t leave you stranded. I have someone who will work with you for the next two weeks to make sure you learn the correct procedures. Her eyes never connected with mine, and the ball of anxiety bounced up to my rib cage.

    Human resources was on the 22nd floor, so by the time the elevator doors slid open on the first, I was ready to bolt. I’d never been claustrophobic before, but my nerves were on edge. It felt like day one of school again, not knowing anyone or anything. I glanced at her name tag. Alesha. I knew the woman meant well, but her demeanor left something to be desired. Oh, and her perfume was a powdery rose that overwhelmed the small space we were in.

    It took every ounce of self-control not to run out of the cramped elevator. I waited for Alesha to exit first. When I stepped on to the floor I was amazed at the calm. This was a huge hospital, and I expected it to be a madhouse from the get go. Instead, the staff patiently went about their business. A few of them were standing together, obviously gossiping, but when they saw Alesha they parted in a hurry. Apparently, she was someone they didn’t want to cross.

    Spencer? Alesha’s grin was gone, and she was looking at her watch.


    I’m sorry, what were you saying? My cheeks burned, caught not paying attention.

    That’s okay, but I need to be elsewhere. Come with me. She hurried toward the nurses’ station in the middle of the ward.

    Nancy, where’s Josh? She asked a nurse, an older woman with a neutral smile she assumed as soon as she noticed Alesha heading her way.

    He’s at the pharmacy, but he should be back any minute. Would you like me to page him? She said, picking up the phone.

    No, that won’t be necessary. Nancy, this is Spencer Talbot. He’s moved here from Boston and today is his first day on staff. I have to leave him here with you. Something has come up, or I’d stay with him myself. Josh is expecting him, so let him know Spencer is here as soon as he returns to the floor. She turned without another word and jogged toward the elevator. Nancy’s mouth opened to reply, but Alesha was already gone. Her eyebrow lifted, and she shook her head.

    It’s a pleasure to meet you. They scheduled me for my break five minutes ago. If you don’t mind I’m going to let you sit in an empty office until Josh returns. She reached under the counter and pulled out a thick binder and handed it to me. It was a manual of procedures, and must

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