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Climate in Crisis: Who's Causing It, Who's Fighting It, and How We Can Reverse It Before It's Too Late
Climate in Crisis: Who's Causing It, Who's Fighting It, and How We Can Reverse It Before It's Too Late
Climate in Crisis: Who's Causing It, Who's Fighting It, and How We Can Reverse It Before It's Too Late
Ebook282 pages5 hours

Climate in Crisis: Who's Causing It, Who's Fighting It, and How We Can Reverse It Before It's Too Late

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The science is overwhelming; the facts are in. The planet is heating up at an alarming rate and the results are everywhere to be seen. Yet, as time runs out, climate progress is blocked by the men who are profiting from the burning of the planet: Energy moguls like the Koch brothers and ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson. Powerful politicians like Senators Mitch McConnell and Jim Inhofe, who receive massive contributions from the oil and coal industries. Most of these men are too intelligent to truly believe that climate change is not a growing crisis. And yet they have put their profits and careers ahead of the health and welfare of the world’s population—and even their own children and grandchildren. How do they explain themselves to their offspring, to the next generations that must deal with the environmental havoc that these men have wreaked?

With a new introduction from the authors, Climate in Crisis takes a very personal look at this global crisis, literally bringing it home.
Release dateSep 15, 2020
Climate in Crisis: Who's Causing It, Who's Fighting It, and How We Can Reverse It Before It's Too Late

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F Kennedy, Jr., an environmental attorney and activist, is the president of Waterkeeper Alliance. He is the author of numerous books, including Crimes Against Nature and The Riverkeepers. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, the Atlantic, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post, among other publications.

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