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Between The Devil And The DNC
Between The Devil And The DNC
Between The Devil And The DNC
Ebook42 pages23 minutes

Between The Devil And The DNC

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Investigative Journalist George Webb and Creativity Expert Peter Duke team up to condense the reporter's 4,000 reports over four years of reporting on DNC corruption to a easy to understand, story form.  Learn how Duke took Webb through a tried and true creativity process to synthesize years of shoe leather reporting into a crisp, visual summary.  This book will be equally enjoyed by both Democrats and Republican unless you worked in the Hillary Clinton State Department, and you are researching island nations with no extradition treaty like the Maldives. With the exception of those on the run in the Maldives, all storytellers will appreciate the insightful wisdom Duke renders in this short, pithy book.

PublisherGeorge Webb
Release dateSep 7, 2020
Between The Devil And The DNC

George Webb

George Webb left a very successful, lucrative sales engineering career to tell the story of Democratic National Committee corruption in 2016.  Webb invented a new form of crowd sourced citizen journalism to find critical evidence in outing the DNC's spy ring in Congress.  Webb has written five bestsellers in 2020 including Blackberries Matter, and Adam Schiff's Worst Nightmare.

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    Between The Devil And The DNC - George Webb

    George Webb

    Between The Devil And The DNC

    © George Webb

    George Webb is the the Washington, DC Journalist who found the hard drives and Blackberrys used by the Democratic National Committee for the DNC’s machinations of the 2016 Presidential Campaign.  Webb was a prolific YouTube publisher, making over 4,000 news videos in four years in the Washington, DC area before he was banned by YouTube for in depth reporting on NATO’s involvement in the development and testing of COVID-19 like biological weapons.

    Since George Webb’s banishment from YouTube, he has switched to authoring books about the DNC spy ring and other spy rings in Washington, DC.  His books include Awan Minutes To Midnight, Blackberries Matter, Let’s Call Him McDuff, YouTube’s Finest Hour, Sub-Source Carter Page, And Adam Schiff’s Worst Nightmare.


    George Webb

    Cobb Island, Maryland

    [email protected]

    In This Book, I Will Describe How A Media Expert Named Peter Duke Used A Creativity Process Made Famous By Disney And Widely Used In The Creative Arts Around The World.

    The Gist Of Aristotle’s Poetics - Every Story Must Have A Beginning, A Middle, And An End.  The Plot Must Be Complete.  The Plot Must Include Everything

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