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Lacey's Warriors: Bondmates, #6
Lacey's Warriors: Bondmates, #6
Lacey's Warriors: Bondmates, #6
Ebook262 pages4 hours

Lacey's Warriors: Bondmates, #6

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Bondmates #6


 Kidnapped from Earth by alien slavers, Lacey had to fight her way to freedom in an inter-galactic gladiator match against the Hive, a fearsome race of psychopaths bent on destroying everything in their path. After defeating the Hive in battle, all she wants to do is return to Earth and her young daughter. But the Universe has other plans.


 When Kadothian Warrior Gwarnon was young, he was told by his sadistic, manipulative mother that his Matriarch had died. His blood brother, Chel, had always insisted that she was alive, but Gwarnon had long ago given up hope. When he finds out through a twist of fate that his Matriarch is indeed alive, he is elated. At least at first. Lacey wants nothing to do with them, but Gwarnon and Chel are determined to show her that staying in the Bel'Tan Galaxy and being loved by them is her destiny.


Lacey will have to find a way to bring her worlds together, while protecting both her men and her family from an unseen enemy that is determined to destroy everything she holds dear.


Author's note; It is HIGHLY suggested you read Roxy's Warriors and Tara's Warriors first, as there is a slight time overlap with all three books.

PublisherAnn Mayburn
Release dateSep 14, 2020
Lacey's Warriors: Bondmates, #6

Ann Mayburn

With over forty published books, Ann is Queen of the Castle to her five dogs, three cats and three amazing sons in the mountains of West Virginia. In her past lives she's been an Import Broker, a Communications Specialist, a US Navy Civilian Contractor, a Bartender/Waitress, and an actor at the Michigan Renaissance Festival. She also spent a summer touring with the Grateful Dead-though she will deny to her children that it ever happened.    From a young Ann has had a love affair with books would read everything she could get her hands on. As Ann grew older, and her hormones kicked in, she discovered bodice ripping Fabio-esque romance novels. They were great at first, but she soon grew tired of the endless stories with a big wonderful emotional buildup to really short and crappy sex. Never a big fan of purple prose, throbbing spears of fleshy pleasure and wet honey pots make her giggle, she sought out books that gave the sex scenes in the story just as muchd etail and plot as everything else-without using cringe worthy euphemisms. This led her to the wonderful world of Erotic Romance, and she's never looked back.    Now Ann spends her days trying to tune out cartoons playing in the background to get into her 'sexy space' and has accepted that her Muse has a severe case of ADD.

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    Lacey's Warriors - Ann Mayburn



    A crisp, frosty air blew over the dormant orchard, the breeze stiff enough to send the flags bearing the green and blue flag of House Westfall snapping on the four towers high above Lady Casey Westfall’s manor in Northern Kadothia. The late morning sky roiled with clouds as the promise of one of the famed Northern Continent blizzards built far above. Ignoring the sting of the wind, Chel stared into the churning mists with unseeing eyes, his mind sorting continuously through streams of data coming into his crystal implant.

    His blood brother, Gwarnon, was sending Chel a live feed his meeting with a Smuggler Prince who was also a Kadothian informant. They hoped their spy had information about any Earth women recently smuggled into the Bel’Tan galaxy bearing a resemblance to Roxy Westfall, Lady Casey’s sister.

    Soft, rhythmic footsteps came from the flowering winter garden below, the manor guards on high alert. A young Earth woman who was just beginning to settle into her role as a Kadothian Matriarch, Lady Casey was beside herself with worry and grief. Because Chel was so physically close to the Lady, her strong emotions trickled through their shared bond. Her grief and fury mixed with his own.

    Lady Roxy wasn’t only his Matriarch’s sister, she was the key to Chel and his blood brother Gwarnon finding their own bondmate. Months ago, Chel experienced a true dream— he met his future bride in his dreams. Chills still raced over his skin as he clearly remembered dancing with his golden-haired beauty at a Harvest Festival thrown by Lady Roxy. At the time, Chel had no idea who hosted the ball, but he recognized the mystery Matriarch’s husbands, Nosa and Cormac. They watched Chel and Gwarnon dance with fond smiles, the kind shared between good friends.

    At first, Gwarnon expressed skepticism that Chel true dreamed.

    After all, his vile mother, Lady Melissi, had convinced Gwarnon that his Matriarch died long ago. Years before, Gwarnon lost his first blood brother in an ‘accident’ just when his blood brother supposedly found their Matriarch. Gwarnon had barely survived their loss—his mind broken, his heart shattered, and his will to live gone. If it wasn’t for Gwarnon’s loyal friends, he probably would’ve ended his own life. Instead, he’d managed to somehow deal with the fact he would never find the love of his life, that he was doomed to die to the madness.

    When Gwarnon met Chel, and once it became clear they were blood brothers, Gwarnon broke the news that their Matriarch was dead. While Chel had no proof, he felt deep in his soul that Gwarnon was wrong, that their Matriarch was still out there. They’d fought bitterly about it, and Chel had let it go after he realized Gwarnon’s mind would never be changed.

    It wasn’t until Gwarnon had a true dream about their mysterious alyah—and woke with a fresh love bite on his neck and scratches down his back to prove it—that he’d finally allowed himself to believe. Allowed himself to hope.

    Worry threatened to overwhelm Chel, but he used the old Healer trick of making himself intensely focus on his surroundings to clear his mind.

    The icy rain began to change to snow, and large flakes edged in gold and pale purple began to drift down over the manor grounds. Lorn and Nast—Lady Casey’s husbands and the Lords of this manor—had done a good job preparing the Territory for her, but no land came alive until there was a Matriarch to bond with it. Since Lady Casey had taken over the Territory, it had begun to transform and prosper. Right now, the towns, hamlets, and farms in the Westfall Territory were celebrating an unusually good harvest of their popular wine. He could hear distant merrymaking, but his heart held no cheer.

    Behind him, the blue gilded doors leading into the manor swung open, momentarily bathing him in warm and light as the sky above continued to darken.

    A tall man with his long white hair smoothed back in a club braid stepped out onto the balcony. He wore the gleaming blue casual armor of a Negotiator, his long cream and blue-edged cape marking him Head of the Negotiators flapped about his figure as he shut the door. His grim face wasn’t unusual. Lord Rell was known for his somewhat off-putting nature—when he stared, it was like he could peer into your soul. The only time Chel had ever seen Lord Rell relaxed and smiling was when he was with his Earth bride, Lady Paige—who just happened to have grown up with Lady Casey on Earth.

    So many connections, so many coincidences. Chel’s High Priest uncle would have said the hand of the Lord of Life was busy moving his pieces into place. Chel sent up a silent prayer, asking the Lord of Life to bless his search for his bride and keep her safe. Losing a Matriarch twice, even if the first time was a hoax, would destroy Gwarnon and Chel would not survive his blood brother’s loss.

    Lord Rell stopped next to him at the railing. His breath fogged in the snow filled air as he said, Senior Healer Chel, I would like to discuss a few security matters.

    Bowing his head, Chel kept his features even. Of course, my Lord.

    Pressing a button on his wrist, Lord Rell activated a privacy shield. It not only kept anyone nearby from overhearing them, but it also blurred their images.

    Once the bubble fully formed, Lord Rell exchanged a much warmer greeting with Chel, clasping his forearm. It is good to see you again, my friend. How are you faring?

    Lord Rell was one of the few people who knew Chel and Gwarnon were blood brothers, but Chel trusted him not to say anything. Not because Chel was ashamed that Gwarnon was his mate, but because Gwarnon’s mother was hands down one of the most manipulative, sadistic, and brilliantly vile women the Lord of Life ever created. It still boggled Chel’s mind that someone as foul as Lady Melissi could have given birth to someone as honorable as Gwarnon.

    Chel? Lord Rell asked with concern in his deep voice. Are you all right?

    Yes, sorry, my Lord. I fear I have much on my mind.

    In a rare show of empathy, Lord Rell gave Chel’s armored shoulder a brief squeeze. Finding Roxy is a priority, but not only because she is Lady Casey’s sister and key to you finding your bride. I’m afraid the reasoning is much grimmer. Rumors claim the Hive is trying to acquire all the Earth women they can then bringing them back to their home planet. Afterward, they plan on...experimenting on them and have been using slavers to try to raid the Earth behind our backs. If the Hive gets hold of Roxy, we’ll never get her back. Because of Gwarnon’s extensive connections among the smuggler princes, I need him to search for any records of Roxy being sold.

    More snowflakes whirled around the privacy dome, and the view of the orchard became obstructed by snow. He is working on that now, my Lord.

    Lord Rell gave an absent nod. Tell him to be very discreet. I don’t want our enemies alerted that there is an Earth bride somewhere in the galaxy.


    Chel was cut off as an emergency message alert chimed through his mind from Gwarnon.

    Chel, came his blood brother’s mental voice. I have found Lady Roxy. I need you to get to the spaceport in Moldune as quickly as you can. I’m sending the coordinates now.

    Lord Rell is with me. What should I tell him? Chel’s heart thumped as he sent a silent prayer of thanks to the Lord of Life.

    Put me on holo.

    Holding up his wrist, Chel activated his armor and the holographic image of Gwarnon’s sharp and deadly features surrounded by his blue-black hair appeared.

    My Lord, Gwarnon quickly said. I have found the women, but I am afraid the news isn’t good.

    The women? Lord Rell asked.

    Yes, Lady Roxy and another Earth woman are being held by the NevShoo. They... The holo image of Gwarnon shook his head. They are being entered to fight in the Baladium.

    What the fucking fuck?! Lord Rell roared, the Earth curse words mixing with a blend of other language’s foulest phrases.

    Chel gripped the edge of the carved ivory stone baluster at the edge of the platform. His brain raced as he checked with the Baladium betting sites through his implant. There, plain as day, he found proof of Gwarnon’s words—two Earth women, with heavy betting and large sums of money being placed on their odds of their surviving the Baladium.

    The Baladium had been around for centuries, a fight club of sorts where the winners were awarded with the Bel’Tan Galaxy’s greatest treasures and the Baladium’s protection. Kadothian Warriors were strictly prohibited from taking part in the contest, as the Baladium itself was on the edge of Hive Territory, in a region where Kadothia had no influence. It was one of the worst possible places Lady Roxy could end up, and Chel tried to fight off the sense of defeat tearing at him.

    The NevShoo need someone to come fix the crystal implants they are using for the Earth women. Evidently, whoever smuggled them in put in defective implants, or just implants that do not work properly with a non-transitioned Earth mind. I am going to assume the role of a Smuggler Prince and gain access to the women and replace their implants.

    Then what? Chel asked with a sarcastic snarl. What in the name of the Lord’s balls are we supposed to do then? How do we get them out of the Baladium?

    The NevShoo are in desperate need of a Baladium win, Lord Rell murmured, his eyes darting about as he spoke. They will not release the women to us, so that is not a road we can take.

    And, even if they were willing? Gwarnon’s grim image added. The Baladium will not. The women are registered combatants, under the Baladium’s protection. Getting them out of there will be next to impossible. Perhaps, if I had an armada or two, we could fight our way out, but that is not realistic.

    No, Lord Rell agreed. Are you sure there is no way to get them out?

    I won’t know until I see the conditions they are being kept in, but from what I know of the Baladium’s security forces, it would be unwise. Chance of failure 98%.

    First things first... Lord Rell glanced over his shoulder toward the manor, then went silent for a moment before returning his attention to Chel and Gwarnon’s image. We have to fix whatever has gone wrong with their crystal implants. They could easily destroy both women’s minds.

    Agreed, Chel quickly said. If I may, my Lord, I request permission to travel with Gwarnon to the Baladium. I have experience with Earth women’s reactions to their crystal implants and have been working extensively with Lady Casey to fine tune hers.

    Agreed, Lord Rell said after a moment. I don’t need to tell you both, but this is a Top-Secret mission. If you’re caught, I’ll protect you the best I can, but you must be careful. The majority of the High Congress will approve of the rescue of an Earth bride who has already begun the Transition to Matriarch, but some members of the High Congress would happily ban every Earth woman from Kadothia, if they could. None will be happy that I’ve kept this information from them.

    We have a very short window of time. I’m preparing the ship and assembling our crew as we speak, Gwarnon said, and his image looked off to the side for a moment.

    Lord Rell was gazing at the orchard again, his strong profile standing out in sharp relief against the turbulent sky on the outside of the bubble. You are right. Time is of the essence. Chel, grab what you need for the crystal implants.

    Yes, my Lord, Chel said as his mind was already assembling the tools and supplies he would need for their journey.

    Only contact me on the channel I’m sending you. Tell no one, other than your crew, where you’re going. Lord Rell’s unyielding face softened for a brief moment. You are two of my best men—loyal, brave, and honorable. It would greatly trouble me if we lost you as well. Please, be safe, and may the Lord of Life bless your journey.

    Hours later, Chel lay back in the wide bed on Gwarnon’s specialized smuggler ship. The sleek craft was made for speed and fabled to be all but invisible in the hands of the right pilot. They needed that stealth as they flew deeper and deeper into unfriendly territory hidden in the far reaches of the Bel’Tan Galaxy. Chel was glad to note his bond with Lady Casey easily held up across the distance, and he sent a prayer of thanks to the Lord of Life. Though the Hive wasn’t particularly active in this section of the Galaxy, the Baladium’s conglomeration of planets made formidable enemies that even the Hive didn’t want to face in battle.

    Gwarnon exited the small cleansing room to Chel’s right. The soft amber lighting made the deep blue streaks in his blood brother’s black hair appear almost as dark as ink. Bare to the waist, Gwarnon’s body was a testament to strength and physical fitness—sculpted muscles covered in scarred golden skin, with two dimples on his lower back right above his ass.

    Turning to watch Gwarnon ready himself for bed, Chel marveled at the rare moment of shared intimacy.

    Keeping their bond a secret from Lady Melissi was one of the most difficult things he’d ever had to do. On his own, he probably would have told the bitch the day they bonded, just so he didn’t have to hide his feelings for Gwarnon. But his blood brother had forbidden it, and Chel respected his wishes. Gwarnon had already lost one blood brother and his Matriarch, though Chel believed that wasn’t true. Oh, Jestin had been Gwarnon’s blood brother, and would have been Chel’s future husband as well-if he’d lived. But he was sure the woman Jestin had claimed to have found on a distant planet right before they both died wasn’t their Matriarch.

    Turning to face Chel, Gwarnon gave him something he never gave anyone else, vulnerability. The cold, imposing mask, the robot-like display of emotions, the utter lack of warmth that was normally Gwarnon’s default expression, melted away. Instead of ice, his dark blue eyes, streaked with faint hints of silver lightning, seemed to glow with love. Chel immediately sat up and opened his arms to his blood brother, his heart filling with its own joy that surged between their bond.

    In moments, Gwarnon tangled up in Chel’s arms on the bed. They lay on their sides, face to face.

    It is good to see you, Chel said in a low voice as he stroked back Gwarnon’s hair. I have missed you.

    Gwarnon rubbed his nose against Chel’s, a brush of their lips sending pleasurable shivers down his spine. And I you.

    Giving in to temptation, Chel traced his tongue over the bow of Gwarnon’s lips, their bond saying everything their mouths could not. It had been months since he’d last felt his beloved’s arms, and Chel’s cock quickly swelled to the point of pain. Without breaking their kiss, Gwarnon slid his hand between them and under the sheet, gripping onto Chel’s erection with a hard squeeze.

    Yes, Chel moaned against his lover’s wet lips. Lord of Life, keep going.

    Gwarnon laughed as he kissed along Chel’s sensitive jawline, his hand beginning to stroke Chel’s swollen shaft, teasing him with light strokes that promised much but delivered little in the way of relief.

    With a growl, Chel thrust harder into Gwarnon’s grip, the teasing turning him on just like it always did. Made him crave a hot, tight hole to plunge himself into. He gave Gwarnon’s neck a nip on the sensitive point that never failed to drive his mate crazy, and quickly fumbled the towel at Gwarnon’s waist open, revealing his lover’s thick cock. Deep purple, with large, tight testicles surrounded by a smattering of blue and black curls, Gwarnon’s cock was perfect. Unable to help himself, Chel bent down, taking the sensitive head of Gwarnon’s shaft into his mouth, swirling his tongue around and tasting the essence of his lover.

    His balls drew up tight as Gwarnon, in one smooth move, laid back on the large bed then grabbed Chel’s hips, so his cock dangled in Gwarnon’s face.

    Leaning up, Gwarnon gave the tip a feather light lick, and Chel groaned around Gwarnon’s dick. Together, they worked each other, years of knowledge and time apart making their passion ramp up quickly. He needed this so badly—needed this time with his blood brother, needed to feel loved and not so alone. An echo of his emotions came back from Gwarnon, and a moment later, his mate put his thumb over the rim of Chel’s ass, teasing the nerves there. With a grunt, Chel thrust back, seeking more sensation as he sucked Gwarnon’s dick harder, his cheeks hollowing.

    Pushing just the tip of his thumb in and out of Chel’s rear entrance, Gwarnon worked him so well that, all too soon, the vibration started to shiver down his spine and into his balls, the pleasure ridges on his cock swelling. A moment later, Gwarnon’s pleasure ridges began to vibrate in Chel’s mouth, and he jerked his head back, working Gwarnon with his fist while he roared out his own released. Gwarnon joined him, his lilac purple seed coating Chel’s fist like the most delicious of sweet desserts.

    Shivers of love and pleasure had him arching as Gwarnon gave his sensitive shaft a hard suck.

    With a groan, Chel rolled off his mate, both men positioning themselves so they could hold each other as their breathing evened out and true relaxation softened their tense muscles.

    Resting his head on Gwarnon’s chest, Chel absently stroked his mate’s arm, tracing along the ridges and dents of muscle and tendon.

    I dreamed about her again last night. Gwarnon’s chest beneath Chel’s ear rumbled with his words.

    A true dream? Chel asked as he smiled, feeling the happiness coming through their bond as Gwarnon nodded.

    I believe so, but it was very confusing. She was in a room surrounded with a clutter of strange furnishings and objects.

    Like a warehouse? Perhaps she is a merchant, Chel said as a bit of excitement fizzled through him.

    I wish I could say for sure. It would make our search easier if we knew where to focus our efforts. So far, during my travels, I have felt no sign of her. Only in my dreams.

    She is real. Our dreams are true, Chel said as he gave his blood brother a tight squeeze. Do not give up hope. We will find her, and when we do, we will make her the happiest Matriarch that Kadothia has ever seen.

    Gwarnon let out a soft, tortured sound. I want to believe. I do believe, but—

    Knowing Gwarnon’s demons, Chel placed his hand over his mate’s soft lips. Hush. These are all things we can worry about tomorrow. Now, we need to get our sleep while we can. Nosa and Cormac will no doubt sleep very little. They’ll be awake and demanding our help all too soon.

    Do you think I did the right thing by telling them? Gwarnon asked softly. I fear that I have endangered their future on Kadothia by taking them to the Baladium with us.

    Lord Rell approved it, Chel reminded him. And he had good reasoning. Both Nosa and Cormac can feel their bride. They can help guide us to her if all else fails.

    This is true. Gwarnon went silent, his long fingers stroking through Chel’s deep brown hair, soothing him. Sleep, my brother. Nothing will harm you while I am near.

    Chel’s eyes closed as he placed a kiss on Gwarnon’s barrel chest. He prayed hard as he waited for sleep to claim him that somehow their actions would bring them one step closer to finding their own bride.

    The next day, Chel held out a box for Gwarnon, aware of an agitated Nosa and Cormac standing nearby, but ignored them for now. "Here are the implants. I did the best I could, but they should work. Female human minds are resistant to our technology until they have been changed by a Kadothian male. Once they have transitioned, it is much easier for them to use the implants, but many still request alternative forms of learning. If too much data is forced at

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