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The Ghosts of Rabbits Past
The Ghosts of Rabbits Past
The Ghosts of Rabbits Past
Ebook109 pages1 hour

The Ghosts of Rabbits Past

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Talk about a rude awakening! Things go from bad to worse when Hank and Drover wake up in the wee hours of the morning to a full-fledged invasion of the ranch. It’s the coyotes, and they’re set on making a take-out dinner out of the resident cat, Pete. But, when Hank does Pete a favor, things take an even more unexpected turn: the coyotes catch sight of Drover and decide to kidnap him instead! In the blink of an eye, little Drover is taken prisoner, and that means that Hank only has one day to figure out how to get him back before the coyotes make Drover their evening meal. Can Hank manage to get Slim to understand the situation, or will he have to go it alone? Or, will he get help from a very unexpected ally?
Release dateOct 15, 2013
The Ghosts of Rabbits Past

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    The Ghosts of Rabbits Past - John Erickson


    The Ghost of Rabbits Past

    John R. Erickson

    Illustrations by Gerald L. Holmes

    Maverick Books, Inc.

    Publication Information


    Published by Maverick Books, Inc.

    P.O. Box 549, Perryton, TX 79070

    Phone: 806.435.7611

    Published in the United States of America by Maverick Books, Inc., 2013

    1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

    Copyright © John R. Erickson, 2013

    All rights reserved

    Maverick Books, Inc. Paperback ISBN: 978-1-59188-162-9

    Hank the Cowdog® is a registered trademark of John R. Erickson.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Except in the United States of America, this book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


    I dedicate this book to the memory of C.S. Lewis, in appreciation for the education I have gotten from his books. I think he would have liked Hank.


    Chapter One We’re Attacked By Hoodian Voles!

    Chapter Two Something Big and Hairy

    Chapter Three Yipes!

    Chapter Four The Catnip Kid

    Chapter Five Drover Is Catnipped

    Chapter Six I Try to Communicate With Slim

    Chapter Seven A Cow Swallowed a Bone

    Chapter Eight A Wreck

    Chapter Nine Back On the Case

    Chapter Ten I Put My Plan Into Action

    Chapter Eleven Treachery On a Grand Scale

    Chapter Twelve The Ultimate Hoax

    Chapter One: We’re Attacked By Hoodian Voles!

    It’s me again, Hank the Cowdog. We’re going to take this story one step at a time and we’re going to start at the beginning. Are you ready for that? You’d better be, because the train’s fixing to leave the station, and I’ll tell you right now, it’s going to be scary.

    Okay, here we go. The moment I heard the eerie scream, I knew we had a problem. I had been out most of the night, doing a routine patrol of ranch headquarters, and had returned to the office to work my way through a stack of reports. On this outfit, the work of the Security Division never ends. If we’re not walking the beat, we’re tied up with paperwork.

    Maybe I had dozed off at my desk. Yes, of course I had dozed off. That’s what dogs do when they finish an eighteen-hour shift. We try to exceed the limits imposed by flesh and blood, but sometimes sleep creeps up from behind and grabs us.

    I’d fallen into a light doze, is the point, but came roaring out of it when I heard the terrible screams. I leaped to my feet and hit Sirens and Lights. Speckled starfish in the rectangular salad! Man the lifeboats and don’t forget the ketchup!

    I made a dash for the lifeboats but ran into one of the sailors in the dark. It knocked both of us to the deck. I sat up and so did the other party. I narrowed my eyes and studied his face. Are you going to lower the lifeboats or just sit there?

    I don’t think we have any lifeboats.

    They’re already gone? Why wasn’t I informed? How can I command this ship if it’s sinking all the time? I blinked my eyes and glanced around. Are we sinking?

    I don’t think so. You need water to sink.

    You saw water in the sink? Where is the sink?

    I don’t know, in the bathroom, I guess.

    That fits, but where’s the bathroom?

    Out in the weeds.

    We have weeds in the bathroom?

    We don’t have a bathroom.

    Already I’ve found a fly in your oatmeal. If we don’t have a bathroom, we can’t possibly have a sink…and by the way, who are you?

    He grinned. Drover. Hi.

    I looked closer and recognized his face. Hi. We need to get those lifeboats in the water, fast.

    We don’t have any.

    No lifeboats? What kind of ship is this?

    It’s our bedroom. You’re still asleep.

    I leaned toward him and whispered, I’ll try to forget you said that.


    Drover, where are we?

    Under the gas tanks.

    I paced a few steps away and tried to clear the fog out of my head. Who started this rumor about the sinking ship? I must know.

    It wasn’t me.

    Then who or whom does that leave as a suspect?

    I think you were dreaming.

    I was NOT dreaming.

    Yeah, but there’s nobody left to blame.

    I shot him a cunning smile. That’s where you’re wrong, son. We’ve always got the cat.

    You mean…Pete?

    Exactly. Don’t forget: he specializes in lies, gossip, and dirty tricks.

    Yeah, but…

    At this point, we don’t know how he did it, but all the evidence points at him like a flaming arrow.

    What’s the evidence?

    The evidence is that we have no evidence, which is irreguffable proof that a cat was behind this whole charade.

    He yawned. I’ll be derned.

    Please don’t yawn while I’m reviewing a case.


    It’s very discouraging when I look out at the audience and see dogs who are yawning.

    Sorry, but it’s the middle of the night.

    That is not my fault, Drover. I don’t pick the times when the cat chooses to sabotage our systems.

    Can I go back to bed?

    No, not until we make some progress on this case. I began pacing, as I often do when my mind is racing after the Rabbit of Truth. Okay, make a note and enter it into the Daily Log. The Sinking Ship Episode was a fraud from start to finish, a distraction created by the cat to disrupt our systems. At our first opportunity, we will thrash the little snot and park him in a tree. Make three copies and post one on the bulletin board.

    He glanced around. Where’s the bulletin board?

    Drover, I deal in large concepts. You figure out the bulletin boards. Now, unless you have further questions, I’d like to get some sleep.

    Can I yawn now?

    Yes. Yawn all you want. Fall into your yawns, I don’t care, just don’t make any noise.

    I rumbled over to my gunny sack, fluffed it up, and

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