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Forgotten Dreams: Christmas in New England: Storms of New England, #3.5
Forgotten Dreams: Christmas in New England: Storms of New England, #3.5
Forgotten Dreams: Christmas in New England: Storms of New England, #3.5
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Forgotten Dreams: Christmas in New England: Storms of New England, #3.5

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Wanted: Christmas magic.


Ten years ago, Mark Campbell broke Kristan Donahue's heart when he joined the navy and left her behind in their small New England town. Now he's back home for the holidays and wants to pick up where they left off.


Can the magic of Christmas help Kristan open up her heart enough to trust again? And can this same magic convince Mark that next to Kristan is where he belongs forever?


This is a sweet, Hallmark style Christmas romance that is 30K words long. Small town, family-filled fun. 

PublisherKari Lemor
Release dateOct 4, 2020
Forgotten Dreams: Christmas in New England: Storms of New England, #3.5

Kari Lemor

Kari Lemor has always been a voracious reader. One of those kids who had the book under the covers or under the desk at school. Even now she has been known to stay up until the wee hours finishing a good book. Romance has always been her favorite, stories of people fighting through conflict to reach their happily ever after. Writing wasn't something she enjoyed when young and only in the last few years began putting the stories that ran rampant in her head, down on paper. Now that her kids are all grown and have moved out, she uses her spare time to create character driven stories of love and hope. She spends her time with her husband divided between a small town in New England and beautiful St. Augustine.

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    Book preview

    Forgotten Dreams - Kari Lemor


    Forgotten Dreams © 2020 by Kari Lemor

    Cover Art by: Karasel Cover Art

    Photos: depositphoto

    RyCon Press

    First Electronic Edition: Oct 2020

    ISBN - 978-1-7348335-4-6

    First Print Edition: Oct 2020

    ISBN - 978-1-7348335-5-3

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact [include publisher/author contact info].

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    To Kristan

    who inspires me to do great things

    and write better words.

    I couldn't do this without you!


    So many people have given me support and encouragement on my writing journey. I wouldn't be here today if not for them. My husband, who never even blinked when I wanted to retire from teaching to write full time. My children, who are my biggest supporters and cheerleaders. Sagey who waved her purple pom-poms furiously until I put more words on the page. And especially to my amazing TEAM, Meredith, Emily, and Kristan, who are always there helping me with writing problems. You make me who I am.

    And to all the beautiful winters spent in New England, you are the dreams of Christmas!


    1.Chapter One

    2.Chapter Two

    3.Chapter Three

    4.Chapter Four

    5.Chapter Five

    6.Chapter Six

    7.Chapter Seven

    8.Chapter Eight

    9.Chapter Nine

    10.Chapter Ten

    Sweet Dreams


    Also By Kari Lemor

    About the Author

    Chapter One


    "W hat do you mean Janet and Joan can’t come in today? It’s the week before Christmas, and we’ve got a full house."

    Kristan Donahue let out a deep sigh and tucked her long red hair behind her ears. She should have put it in her typical bun this morning, but with the chilly air outside, she’d wanted it down to keep her warm.

    Macy Wagner, the office manager and bookkeeper for The Inn at the Falls gave a dainty shrug. They called in sick. Said they have the flu. They both sounded pretty yucky.

    Why did they call you instead of me? They know I’m always here early.

    Macy’s impish grin appeared. I’m sure they wanted to avoid the grand inquisition.

    Kristan narrowed her eyes at their office manager. Macy had been a good friend for years and was one of the only people who could get away with saying something like that to her. Most of the other staff were terrified of her strict business persona.

    Do we know they have the flu or do they just want some time off? We’re booked solid the next few weeks, plus the Storm anniversary party next weekend. Janet and Joan were twins in their fifties who’d never been married. They were excellent workers…when they showed up. Usually, at least one of them came in while the other took a day off, but both of them? It couldn’t have come at a worse time.

    I’m sorry. Don’t shoot the messenger. If you’re really stuck, give a yell, but I’ve got payroll to do today, so I don’t have tons of extra time. With a whoosh of wild blonde curls, Macy did an about face and sashayed back to her office.

    Just what she needed right now was to be shorthanded. Her family had owned The Inn at the Falls in Squamscott Falls, New Hampshire for over a hundred years. Last year, her father had decided to slow down his involvement and she’d been named manager. Her brother, Zachary, was more interested in the lifestyle of aquatic creatures than the comforts of humans here at the inn. Besides, with her degree in business, it was only logical.

    The phone rang. She glanced around expecting someone else to answer it, except Joan was usually at the front desk. Grabbing the handset, she put on her gracious hostess voice, even if she felt like screaming.

    Good morning. Inn at the Falls. This is Kristan. How may I help you?

    She sat in the chair and opened up the registration menu on the computer. No, they didn’t have any rooms currently, but yes, she could put them on a waiting list for New Year’s Eve if someone canceled. As she typed, the bell over the door tinkled, and someone approached the desk.

    Eyes never leaving the screen, she covered the receiver and whispered, I’ll be right with you.

    A deep voice replied, No problem.

    The sound of it caused shivers to rush through her body. When she looked up, she froze.

    Mark Campbell stood tall and erect, smiling at her with that stupid crooked grin that always made her knees weak. His dark hair was shorter in a military cut, and he filled out his BDUs with a body much more buff than when he’d left ten years ago. He was still so incredibly good looking it made her want to cry.

    A voice on the other end of the phone brought her back to the present. Yes, I’ve got your information. We’ll be sure to call if we have any cancellations.

    Standing, she brushed her hands down her skirt and tugged on the bottom of her cropped matching jacket. Mark, hi. When did you get back in town?

    Hey, Krissy. He was the only one who ever got away with calling her that. It had been ten years since she’d heard it. Just got in a few minutes ago.

    Great. Here for Christmas? And his first stop was to see her? What did that mean?

    Yeah, visiting the family. But Edele has four kids, so I thought it might be better to get a room here.

    So, she wasn’t first on his mind. Of course she wasn’t. What an egotistical thing to think. He obviously hadn’t thought about her in ten years. Unlike herself, who’d thought of him every day since he’d left.

    Oh, we’re all booked up, I’m afraid. Could she offer him a place to stay at her house? She had an extra bedroom. She’d been good friends with his sister, Edele, for years, so it was only the neighborly thing to do. Right?

    That crooked smile again. Darn, it hit her right in the heart.

    I’ve got a reservation.

    Narrowing her eyes, she peered down at the computer and tapped a few keys.

    Oh, you do. Look at that. How had she missed Mark’s name on the registration? This was just what she needed. Her old boyfriend making her off kilter when she had to be at her best. Needed to prove to her father that he’d done the right thing making her manager. Shaking her head, she took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on her job. Which wasn’t front desk clerk.

    Um, you’re early. Check in isn’t until three. She peeked at her watch. Barely ten.

    I did request early check in.

    Another glance confirmed this. Of course you did. I’m afraid your room isn’t quite ready yet. Check out isn’t until eleven, and the guests are still in it. We’ll need to turn over the room as well. Unfortunately for you, we’re completely booked, so I don’t even have another room I can put you in.

    I don’t mind waiting. Can I sit here in the lobby?

    It could be a few hours before the room’s clean.

    I don’t mind. I’ve got some work to do and the view here is pretty nice. His eyes focused on her. Yeah, don’t fall for that again. He didn’t mean the view of her. He must be talking about the gazebo on the town square across the street. It was beautifully decorated for Christmas.

    She pointed to the room through the double doors to the right. Feel free to grab a cup of coffee and some pastry in the breakfast room. It should be clearing out soon, and you can do your work in there if you want.

    Picking up his duffel bag, he winked. Thanks. Give me a yell when I can check in.

    Kristan watched as Mark walked away. Holy Moly. Ten years had been very good to him. The twenty-year-old boy who’d broken her heart by enlisting in the navy and leaving her behind was replaced by a man who got that heart pumping back up to speed simply by smiling at her.

    She was in trouble.


    Mark settled into a chair by the window in the breakfast room, making sure he still had a view of Kristan at the front desk. Man, how could she be even more beautiful than she’d been ten years ago? Her long, gorgeous red hair flowed down her back. He’d loved running his fingers through it. Especially when he kissed her.

    After pulling his laptop from his bag, he started it up and logged in. He didn’t have that much work to do, but he hadn’t wanted Kristan to feel bad about the room not being ready. It was a good thing the inn was full. It meant business was booming.

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