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More Than My Boss
More Than My Boss
More Than My Boss
Ebook341 pages4 hours

More Than My Boss

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About this ebook

She's tired of hiding the pain.
He is about to collapse.
Both with hard pasts and hard to forget.
Pain and sadness need to be tamed to find happiness again.
Can they both tame their past?
Or will they remain stuck in it?

PublisherG.J. Robbins
Release dateSep 25, 2020
More Than My Boss

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    More Than My Boss - G.J. Robbins

    Chapter 1

    Again the same scene every day.

    I look at my face in the mirror, the marks appeared on my face, the blood is all over my mouth, I wash quickly and look for a cream to prevent inflammation, I gently place it on my face and body, you damn bastard.

    What impression would I make on my new boss tomorrow? My body is sore and I am powerless to do nothing.

    My name is Alice Hill.

    I live in New York, one of the most exciting cities in the world, my life was quiet, in a small town in Texas until the day I decided to move. I thought it would be a great adventure, it was the first months but everything changed a year ago when I met him.

    It used to be cute and sweet but suddenly it became aggressive and wild. Every day my hands tremble with fear, the only thing I receive is beatings and abuse.

    Tomorrow I would start working in a new place, I quit my old job because of my stupid boyfriend, unfortunately his jealousy towards my co-workers was the cause of long hours of beating, I decided to change jobs, I got one in one of the best companies in this city, Seymour Enterprises.

    First day and hurt, great, I put on my pajamas and with grimaces of pain I can relax my body on the bed, I sigh and close my eyes, my body was devastated, the noise of the traffic and the screams of people in the streets was the only thing that I could hear.

    It was the only thing that accompanied my tears...

    Sleeping all night was impossible, I look at the big bags under my eyes and sigh, I finish putting makeup on the bruises and walk to the closet to find my work clothes, my body is still sore and it is difficult for me to walk, When I take off my pajamas, the soft fabric brushes my skin and that makes a chill run through my entire body.

    Little by little I go up the straight black skirt, not at all flashy, and I put the white shirt in tune with my heels.

    Once ready I look at myself in the mirror again, I try to make a fake smile which I would wear all day. I know what awaits me at night.

    It's already going to be a year, a year where I hide from people, I am no longer the same, before I used to be sure of myself and happy but now everything has fallen into thousands of pieces.

    I go down the elevator and greet the lady at the reception, she is very kind to me and I doubt that she does not know about my mistreatment, it is impossible not to know, I try not to shout a lot when he hits me but it is inevitable, the pain betrays me.

    When arriving to the street as expected in New York, people walk in a hurry, I can feel the different smells and the cries of people, before I loved to be part of them, to be free, to have a life as a New Yorker but now it's something impossible.

    After seeing the great traffic and no empty taxi, I decide to walk to my work.

    I keep my pace fast, it is already late and the rules of this company are very clear.

    Walking or rather running about fifteen blocks I come to a large building, I can see at the top a large metallic sign with the letters of Seymour.

    I can't keep watching as my feet lead me to the grand entrance, after showing an identification card to the big security men, I find myself in a large room.

    I'm disoriented, there may be more than a hundred people fighting for elevators or talking on their phones.

    I go to a large golden sign which has the floors and the names of their bosses engraved on it.

    My new boss is Anthony Harrison, he is in charge of the editing floor, I see his name and then see that it is the forty-second floor, yesterday I had come here but I have so many things on my mind that I could not remember the floor, I sigh when I knew That I will not arrive on time climbing the stairs, I am already late enough.

    I walk towards the elevators and manage to get into one, the truth was that it was very tight and that caused me pain in the injured areas, after a few minutes of suffering I reached my floor, pushing several people to leave, I managed to do it.

    Many of the workers observe me and that makes me nervous, a blonde girl approaches me with a step of authority, nervously looking at the floor.

    You must be Alice Hill, you're late, your boss is waiting for you at the second door on the right, he just left.

    I don't know if it was my impression but she was very tough or just does her job. As indicated, I get to the second door on the right, I tap gently and then hear a go ahead.

    When I enter I observe the office little by little, it is nothing out of the ordinary, it is a cream color with some meaningless pictures, a man is sitting on the desk, my nerves consume me when I think that Cameron, my boyfriend, some day knew him.

    My new boss is handsome and he won't like that.

    Miss Alice Hill, I was waiting for you, have a seat.

    I'm sorry there was too much traffic and I had to walk, I say as I sit on one of the chairs, taking care not to wince.

    For being the first day you are forgiven.

    I try to smile and hide my private life.

    Well now I will give you some indications of your work, as you know you will be my secretary, I needed one a long time ago he laughed.

    After talking for a long time with him I realize that he is a great person, he taught me the rules of work, our next project in which I should contribute a lot and he accompanied me to my desk, yesterday he had brought some personal things to set it up When I got to my apartment it was when I found Cameron very angry, I didn't have time to explain to him that I had come here.

    The morning was very fast, I had to do some paperwork and organize the next project which would be called SEL (Seymour Limited Edition).

    It is already my break and I am preparing a coffee, before I took a pill for muscle pain, my body is literally as if a truck had passed overhead.

    A lot of work, right? - I am surprised to hear the familiar voice, it is the same blonde from today - by the way my name is Lisa.

    Alice, nice to meet you.

    Yes, I know, she said, laughing nonsense.

    He smiled and I take another sip of my coffee.

    -You need something? - I ask after a few minutes, she was still by my side, as if waiting for that question.

    Yes, her boss needs to see her.

    Anthony? I spoke to him a few minutes ago.

    I'm sorry, our boss needs to talk to you. I couldn't really understand him.


    Steven Seymour needs to see her.

    Now I understand, the head of the entire company wants to see me, I do not understand why, I hope it is because of my delays I am impressed by how he can know about me, since thousands of people work here.

    -It's okay.

    I put the coffee cup aside and follow Lisa to the elevator again, she marks the top floor and the elevator began to rise.

    Upon arrival I notice that here they are all women, rather than workers they seem models or just perfect girls.

    Many of them look at me, that makes me too uncomfortable. I stretch the sleeve of my shirt to prevent them from seeing some marks.

    Well it's here, come in without hitting he knows you'd come, Lisa said, then lost herself among the other women.

    Insecurely I turn the handle of the door and open it, a large office was inside, some armchairs, lamps, paintings all over the walls and a large desk on top with a view of the great city, the chair is turned and I can see that someone is on her.

    Suddenly he turns and I am met with an intense gaze.

    Alice Hill. His voice was like that of a strong and intense man or so it seemed to me.

    Mr. Seymour.

    He smiled, a smile that reveals his perfect teeth, his gaze traveled all over my body, he stretched the sleeves of my shirt even more, I'm afraid he will notice some marks from yesterday, but he seems not to.

    They reported that you were late today.

    I'm sorry, it won't happen again.

    He got up from the chair and walked over to me. How old would you be? He certainly looks very young but at the same time very authoritative.

    -I hope so. And how old are you Alice?

    -Twenty one years.

    You're not from here, right? - It made me uncomfortable to have him so close but with that I confirmed that he was like a Greek god, his body was well worked and his features were like that of a beautiful sculpture.

    No, I came from Texas.

    All she wanted was to get out of that room, now less than ever she wanted trouble with Cameron.

    I've been a couple of times, beautiful place.

    -Yes it is.

    His gaze focused on my hands, I try to hide them but he took them gently, please, he didn't notice something.

    I see you've hurt yourself, do you need help?

    No, it's fine, thanks.

    He released my hands, I try to assimilate what happened but my mind doesn't seem to work.

    It was a pleasure meeting you, I have an important meeting in a few minutes, Anthony is very lucky, let me walk you to the elevator.

    I nod and then we find ourselves walking together the same path I walked with Lisa.

    I hide my face between my long hair since all eyes were on us, I think he can attract the attention of any woman.

    Chapter 2

    At the end of my schedule I said goodbye to Anthony, who congratulated me on my start and then took the elevator, luckily no one was inside.

    I leaned on my side and mentally prepared myself for what was to come. I raised my gaze and saw myself in the mirror inside, my eyes no longer transmitted anything, before they were a honey color that gave the impression of mystery in other people but now it is just a common brown.

    Maybe if Cameron doesn't remember going today I'll call my mother, I haven't done it in over a week.

    The elevator stops on the ground floor, there are not as many people as this morning. It's already past six in the afternoon, I stayed longer than my schedule implies but I thought it would be better to make a good impression after my delay.

    I don't understand how Steven Seymour could find out or who would have reported me, Anthony had forgiven me.

    I walked towards the great exit of Seymour Enterprises, when I left I could feel the cool breeze that ruffled my hair and made it dance to its beat.

    The traffic was doubled and all the people left their jobs. I started walking without looking at anyone. I can't see anyone in the eye anymore, I don't have the guts anymore. It may be something insignificant, but for me it is a lot, before I showed everything I felt, now I just hide in my room and shed a few tears.

    The pain in one of my hands increased, being honest today it hurt a lot when writing on the Lap-Top. But at this point I do not have to take importance, I have had much more serious injuries.

    Passing by a bookstore I stopped at the window, how long have I not read? Seven months or eight maybe, even that he forbade me, my identity. He thought those books would fill my mind with garbage.

    But one of the many that were exposed caught my attention. Do not hesitate to enter, the bookstore was much larger than it seemed and several people were inside.

    I walked over to a shelf and started flipping through various books, different names, sizes, publishers, and authors. I loved being here, I always dreamed of being able to write a book. Make it famous and then they can adapt it into a movie.

    Do you need a special book? - When I turned around, a young girl was looking at me.

    I wasn't just looking, well, actually, I wanted to check the price of the book in the window, I replied.

    Do you remember the name?

    —Yes, Learn to Live.

    Wait a minute, I'll be back.

    She was moving her butt, she had a very provocative way of walking. And that attracted the gaze of several men who were there, while waiting to look at a girl, she wanted to reach for a book and did not arrive. Feel free to walk to where she was.

    -Need help? - I asked, she looked at me. He shouldn't be more than seven years old, his gaze was very sweet and of a special color, brownish-green, that made me think of Steven again.

    If you don't mind, I need that book, the purple one, she said, pointing to a small purple book with pictures of animals on its cover.

    I reached out and pulled it out, handed it to her and she took it with a big smile.

    -Thank you.

    -You're welcome.

    Lilly come here, yelled a slim woman who was chatting with a man in a suit.

    I smiled at the girl before she ran off with what appeared to be her mother.

    I turned around and could see again the provocative girl coming towards me with the book in hand. She told me her price and I bought it, it might be a bit over my budget but I actually wanted to read again.

    Before leaving, today's little girl waved me off, I returned the gesture and left that bookstore.

    It was already getting dark and that scared me a bit, currently there is a lot of insecurity. Although I believe that the true insecurity must be waiting for me in my apartment.

    Once in my building, I go up one of the three elevators to the floor where I am.

    Luckily for me, Cameron hadn't arrived yet or so I thought.

    When I went to lay my aching body on one of the chairs I received a blow.

    Where the fuck were you? - He yelled.

    Blow after blow, I wanted to explain but I couldn't, I tried to avoid some blows but he was stronger.

    My vision began to blur but he grabbed my hair and threw me to the ground, a very familiar pain.

    What did you buy this garbage with? - I could hardly see how he took the book that I just bought a few minutes ago and threw it at me. It hit me on the head and then bounced off the ground.

    A fucking book won't teach you to live.

    He approached me and took hold of my hair again, I dragged myself hard without caring about my pain or how many things hit me on the way. He took me roughly by the waist and threw me on the bed, I knew what would come.

    Blow after blow, I undress, breaking my best work clothes that cost me so much to pay, his fury, his anger, everything demonstrated by abusing me, his attacks produced terrible pain even in the small cells of my entire body. Tears came out uncontrollably and some screams were unavoidable but the slapping shutting me up was more than I could bear.

    I could feel blood in my crotch, but he wouldn't stop, he was hurting me too much but he didn't seem to care and so he continued until three in the morning. He left but left me worse than I was, I could barely get over last night. I walked or you could say drag to the bathroom, when I looked in the mirror I could only see a hurt girl, naked, my bones were very noticeable, I hardly ate, the blood covered all my legs. Grimacing, I went to the living room, picked up the book, it was a bit ruined but it still worked. The vase that I received as a gift from my grandmother was destroyed all over the floor, it was one of the few memories I have of her. A few weeks ago I received the news that she passed away and I could hardly get over it.

    I wanted to cry, cut myself, not live anymore.

    In just five and a half hours I would have to be at work and I can barely move. Nor do I have presentable clothes, the marks I have on my face I doubt they can be hidden. I sit on the ground and hug myself, crying my strength out.

    I make one last effort to get to the bathroom again and open the shower faucet, when I got inside the soft hits of the drops were like stones that fell on me. I close my eyes and sighed, I washed myself slowly with the soap. Once ready I wrap myself in a towel and carefully dry each part of my body, I put on the rest of the cream that I had left. The truth is expensive and I barely have enough for two cans per month and the truth is I need one per day.

    I stay in my underwear and then lie down, he tried to sleep but all he was doing was giving my body a rest because my mind was destroyed and full of thoughts, I just want to know when this is over...

    Chapter 3

    I open my eyes, I had really managed to sleep, less than two hours but it's something, I don't think I can walk all day like this, I sigh and I think that this was the only way I could keep working.

    I get out of bed quickly and a gasp comes out of my throat, I look in the closet for some clothes, I find a ruffled shirt and a skirt similar to the one I used yesterday but a little shorter and older, it was the best thing for me. I could put on, I would see how I could manage to buy new clothes, my feet were too sore to be in heels, but the impression at the Seymour company comes first.

    Once in the bathroom I cover the marks, the dark circles that I have under my eyes are very difficult to hide but I manage to cover most of the wounds.

    I look for a black bag and put my cell phone and some necessary things inside.

    Every step I take is like a stab deep in my body.

    When I went out to the street, I was able to hail a taxi, I couldn't imagine walking so many blocks again.

    Upon arrival I can see the great Seymour building again, I paid the taxi driver and got out.

    I enter the large building, several people were like yesterday, desperate to get to work on time.

    I walk determinedly to the elevators waiting for my turn, the schedule did not worry me, this time I would be on time, suddenly I feel something more than fatigue in my body, it is as if they had sent me a current of energy.

    I could feel his presence just like yesterday, his manly perfume.

    Miss Hill, his voice sounds next to me, almost close to my ear, my pulse racing in a way that it doesn't usually do, I look up to meet his piercing eyes.

    Mr. Seymour, I reply in a whisper.

    Don't you want to go the other elevators? There are usually fewer people there - he said and then showed his smile, a smile that I never saw in my life, I nod my head.

    -I suppose.

    His smile this time was better than the previous one, a small smile was also intentionally formed on me, a real one, despite my pain.

    An unexpected act happened, he took my hand, he had long fingers and a strong hand, never before had anyone just holding my hand made me feel what I feel now.

    He walked in front of me, guiding me until we reached some metal doors, he released my hand and entered a code into what looked like a security computer.

    Upon entering I realize that he was right, no one was inside or outside waiting, the doors were closed and only the two of us were left, I can feel his gaze on me.

    Floor forty-two?

    Yes, he answered almost without voice.

    I could feel a connection to him.

    What would it feel like to hug him? To be able to feel it? But it's impossible, he's just kind.

    I just looked at the red numbers that were marking how many floors we went up., Thirty-two, that was the floor where the elevator stopped producing a loud noise, I think someone would enter but nothing happened, no, this could not be happening, not in me second day of work.

    I looked at Steven, searching for an answer.

    Did he stop? - I ask.

    It can't be, it couldn't have stopped.

    He touched one of the alarm buttons but nothing happened.

    I have a meeting in fifteen minutes, he said, taking her head in his hands.

    And I have to get to my office on time, I thought, he took his cell phone that he took from one of the pockets of his pants to match his jacket.

    Nothing, I have no signal. And you?-

    Unable to answer, I search for my cell phone in my bag until I find it. No, it had no signal.

    Neither, I reply.

    He pressed some buttons again but nothing happened, he sighed and then looked at me, my concern was being late and getting fired.

    He can't fire you, don't worry, I'm the boss. He seems to have read my thoughts.

    My feet ached and standing was not the best way to reduce the pain, his eyes were fixed on my legs, I cursed inside, I could have applied enough cream and makeup, but the bruises were noticeable.

    Did you hurt yourself again? - She asked, the truth bothered me, what would I think of having an employee who comes with more and more injuries? Would you think that I gave a bad impression to the company? Her voice was firm, waiting for an answer.

    No, I... I fell yesterday, I answer, unsure of what I was saying.

    Looks like it was a big blow.

    Yeah, it hurt a lot, I try to fake a smile.

    He got even closer to me, almost cornering me on the elevator wall, his gaze focused on my lips, I had the urge to kiss him but I couldn't, it wasn't right.

    Let me do one thing, he whispered.

    His hands reached the buttons of my shirt, he couldn't see, I tried to get out of his hands.

    Trust me, he whispered closer this time.

    How could I trust someone I only saw once? In someone I don't know? I don't know, but I just trusted, his hands were slowly undoing the buttons of my shirt, I could hear my heartbeat getting louder.

    My heart and my mind were a war. What if he just does this to make sure I get fired?

    Rule one hundred and two of Seymour Enterprises - Do not suffer from any illness or poor physical condition during your work day -.

    I closed my eyes once I felt my shirt completely unbuttoned, I know that he was no longer near me, the tears were in my eyes, he would no longer want me in his company.

    I know I broke a rule, I'm willing to get fired, I said and then opened my eyes.

    I find something different from what I imagined, he was in front of me, I could say horrified, observing every part of my body, I decide that I could not humiliate myself anymore, I cover myself quickly and begin to button my shirt again, it could seem stupid but some tears began to fall on my face.

    Suddenly I feel hands on my cheeks forcing me to look up, this time I can admit that his face scared me, this was not the Steven Seymour of a few minutes ago, with a smile on his face or asking me to trust him.

    The elevator started to rise again but he didn't seem to mind.

    -Who? - was his only question.

    I couldn't answer, I just couldn't, the doors opened and I got out of that elevator, no more...

    Chapter 4

    Sorry for the delay, the elevator just stopped, I say entering Antony's office, he raised his gaze from the papers he had all over the desk.

    I know, his answer surprised me. How would you know if it was only a few minutes ago?

    How? It was just a moment ago, she asked confused.

    My name is Mr. Steven's secretary.


    If she herself said that Mr. Steven wanted to inform me about her delay.

    Maybe I also inform him about my physical condition, would he be able? Of course, yes, he is the owner of this entire company, he would not be interested in me, in covering me.

    Didn't he say anything else?

    "Would you

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