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Nightmare Whispers: What Remains: Nightmare Whispers, #3
Nightmare Whispers: What Remains: Nightmare Whispers, #3
Nightmare Whispers: What Remains: Nightmare Whispers, #3
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Nightmare Whispers: What Remains: Nightmare Whispers, #3

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About this ebook

New Horizons or the maze of your mind navigation depends on the secrets you find. Fae Corps Publishing Presents 8 tales of psychological horror that ask the question "how do you fight the enemy within?" Featuring poetry, prose and art by new and established authors from around the world. Nightmare Whispers Volume 3: What Remains is 132 unsettling pages that trap your mind and combines fantasy and cyberpunk for a gut punch of terror.

Release dateOct 31, 2020
Nightmare Whispers: What Remains: Nightmare Whispers, #3

Fae Corps Publishing

A relatively new Indie Publisher, Fae Corps is all about helping the Indie Author find the magic in their art.. We are the authors and the small storytellers. We are all about helping the new and struggling authors to be seen.

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    Nightmare Whispers - Fae Corps Publishing


    Fae Corps Inc

    ©2020 Fae Corps Publishing

    Editors: Cyndi Pilcher/Patricia Harris

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form  or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage  and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the authors.  The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. This book is a work of Fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and co-incidental.

    This is a horror anthology. There are mature themes and situations. We here at Fae Corps hope that your experience is entertaining, and just a little spooky. Please enjoy with caution.

    Nightmare Whispers

    (In entirety)

    By Patricia Harris

    The darkness within

    echoing the madness without,

    fighting the urge to pretend

    that the anger doesn't mirror

    my own pain.

    A shadow covering

    my route to escape.

    Intensifying my doubt,

    Makes me wonder about

    what remains.

    The whispers of Nightmares,

    hides in my soul,

    telling of monsters

    wearing faces of man

    Makes me wonder how it all began


    Kari Leigh Sanders

    For my mother, Karma, for all of her love and support, and for answering questions that begin with, So this is going to sound weird, but...

    K.T. Seto

    for my brother

    Brittany MacDonald


    You were always believing in me, even when I couldn't. You've always been my biggest fan and, without you, this wouldn't be possible. I love you.

    Tish MacWebber

    I would like to dedicate this story to all of the spiders that have made me laugh this summer. I never knew there were spiders who were also comedians. I would also like to thank my husband, Roy Webber, for coming up with Ludvick von Hairball's name.

    Serena Mossgraves

    To those who screw up,

    Just remember it is not the end of the world.

    Valkyrie Howard

    To my mother and grandmother for always believing in me and encouraging me to follow my dreams. Even forever separated by space and time, you'll eternally be my Sun and Moon

    Stories and poems contained

    Within this volume include

    The Reaper Art by Z.L.A.

    Creepy People A Poem by Arianna Sebo

    Ghost Man A Poem by Arianna Sebo

    Evil Laughter A Poem by Arianna Sebo

    Apoptosis (What Remains) A Story by K.T. Seto

    Intruder In The Woods A Story by Austen Miles

    5 Senryu Poems by Robert Beveridge

    The Intruder A Story by Kari Leigh Sanders

    Pontoon A Poem by Ivor Steven

    Dark Fae Lovers Art by Z.L.A.

    Apocalyptic Truths A Story by Serena Mossgraves

    There’s Something Different About Her A Story by Raz T. Slasher

    The Nightmare Machine A Story by Valkyrie Howard

    Web of Nightmares A Story by Tish MacWebber

    City of Broken Dreams A Story by Brittany McDonald


    Creepy People

    by Arianna Sebo


    Creepy People

    by Arianna Sebo

    Creepy people

    always about

    touching my hair

    asking personal questions

    trying to be suggestive

    but being controlling instead

    they need to leave me alone

    before I bring out my torch

    and burn down their houses

    and their dirty hands

    Ghost Man

    by Arianna Sebo

    Ghost man sitting in a chair

    why do you stare at me

    you tease me

    make me believe

    you are really there

    with your rugged looks

    and intense stare

    why do you cross your legs so

    it’s like you are expecting me to

    look at you

    while you creepily keep me in

    your line of sight without

    shifting your gaze

    why do you torture me

    please go creep someone else out

    Evil Laughter

    by Arianna Sebo

    Enjoying others anguish and


    is that so wrong

    it brings me joy to see them squirm

    because they find me imposing

    the mere mention of my name

    ringing bells of alarm

    in the primitive centres

    of their brains


    to have such power

    purely maniacal

    laughter erupts

    from my belly

    I get a kind of sick pleasure

    from watching their wormy

    squirmy bodies tense up when I

    tease them with my presence and


    evil laughter


    Apoptosis (What Remains)

    by Kt Seto

    The humming sound the ship made seemed muted after the cacophony of the battle.  How long had it been? He couldn’t remember. William stifled the urge to move or touch the controls knowing his salvation lay only in inaction, if he fired the thrusters too soon, he might miss.  It was hard, every instinct he had screamed for him to run as far and as fast as possible. Every bone in his body hurt, every muscle felt as if some mad and vicious thing had chewed on him and spit him out instead of swallowing.  Bone deep pain, the kind that lingered and followed you into the darkness of sleep was his only companion. Shouting its presence in the silent blackness that grew larger and more encompassing as he drifted away.

    The pod could have held more than one person. Three tops if they were small and there wasn’t any other cargo.  It held enough rations for two humans for a month, enough air and water for longer if you stayed calm and immobile. He’d once heard of someone who’d survived in a pod like this for almost an Earth year. They’d been in suspended animation and their oxygen requirements had been minimal in that state. Hopefully, he wouldn’t need to be here long. Hopefully someone safe found the vessel before he ran out of options.

    It was comforting to know that he had options unlike those he’d left behind. Though they were few, the reality of having more to look forward to than just death soothed him. A balm for his shattered nerves. He’d been tested beyond the realm of his previous imaginings by the last few days. Yet he’d learned how strong he was, how deep the determination to survive ran through his veins.  If he closed his eyes now, he would probably see the faces of those he’d left behind in the ship. Their faces and what he’d done, how he’d changed them. Left his mark until nothing remained. Nothing human that is.

    William looked out the window at the rapidly retreating point of light that had been his home for more than two years. The light came from the incineration of the ship’s interior fixtures sealed away from the vacuum of space by the layers of metal and silicon composites that made up the hull but to the unaware it could be the normal lighting of the freighter. A metal tomb that burned merrily in place because there hadn’t been a breach from the outside. No, destruction had come from within. His trajectory, providing he caught the solar wind stream he’d aimed for- would take him on a long loop towards Mars and potential safety.  If he didn’t catch it, he still might get drawn into the slight gravity well of one of Mars’ many moons- which still offered him the chance for salvation, but it would take longer. Options. Paths to take, all of them leading away from was, into what might be built on the ashes of his former life. A life that ended in pain.

    The pain was nothing compared to the fear. It was fear that held him immobile more than anything else. Fear that he hadn’t left everything behind. Fear that something had clung to him or the pod, that something remained. Something that even now lay in wait for him to let down his guard so it could get in and do to him what it had done to his crew. For a moment all he could feel was the fear, that same suffocating madness that had been his constant companion for the last four days. When he’d begun to see the creatures lurking behind their eyes, begun to hear the faint hissing in their throats when they spoke. Watching them change, watching the metamorphosis had stolen most of his logic. Stifled his ability to think, to reason. Trapped. He’d been trapped in the ship with them as they shifted from human to something other and back again before his eyes.

    That was the worst part of this, beyond the pain, beyond the terror; the knowing that they had

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