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Buddhism for Beginners: A Guide to Enlightened Living
Buddhism for Beginners: A Guide to Enlightened Living
Buddhism for Beginners: A Guide to Enlightened Living
Ebook148 pages2 hours

Buddhism for Beginners: A Guide to Enlightened Living

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About this ebook

For those searching for mindful moments or for a more engaged way of navigating life in the twenty-first century, Buddhism for Beginners opens the door to understanding Buddhism's key concepts and practices. The authors tap into their years of training and study in meditation, martial arts and Eastern philosophy to bring readers a comprehensive introduction to the spiritual tenets and attainments that mark the pathway to enlightenment.

In this new hardcover edition, the authors explain in clear and simple terms:
  • The history of Buddhism
  • The key themes and belief systems (the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, Mahayana, nirvana and more)
  • Ways of integrating Buddhist principles and philosophy into the everyday
  • The organizing notions and overarching thesis of Buddhism: to live fully aware in the moment, to see things as they truly are, and to recognize yourself as part of the whole
  • Buddhism's relevance today

Buddhism for Beginners then completes this introduction to meditation and mindful moments by offering simple exercises, practices and prompts reflective and supportive of the Buddhist teachings and tenets laid out in the volume, including filling- and clearing-the-mind meditations, performing acts of compassion and inner-peace and conflict-resolution exercises.

An essential purchase for people looking to integrate Buddhist principles into their lives or for those seeking a more meaningful, mindful or meditative path.
Release dateJan 19, 2021
Buddhism for Beginners: A Guide to Enlightened Living

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    Book preview

    Buddhism for Beginners - C. Alexander Simpkins


    The themes and principles of Buddhism are timeless. Over the years, we have all had to let go of much that we had taken for granted. Few of us are given a life of luxury and pleasure like Buddha, when he was living his early life as Prince Siddartha. But we have all seen or personally experienced suffering, illness, aging, poverty and, for some, the death of those we love or care for. At such times, our trust and faith in life can be shaken, and perhaps the meaning and value lost. The philosophy and practice of Buddhism, introduced and communicated in this book, can help us. If we take it to heart our faith in life can be renewed. Release from suffering is possible. When our views change, each moment becomes truly open, new and filled with potential. We hope our readers will join us, to walk the path of Buddhism and to find inner peace through enlightenment.

    Buddhism is a philosophy that offers a different way to be happy. Everyday life can be filled with frustration and difficulties. And while we may experience pleasures and satisfactions at times, they rarely last. Buddhism helps people overcome this human condition to find true happiness. Called enlightenment by Buddhists, this happiness is a transformation that takes place within, and is followed by deep calm, clarity of perception, and a feeling of compassion for others. Everyone has the ability to change, because, according to Buddhism, enlightenment is already there, it’s just lying dormant and unrecognized.

    Buddhism offers a clear method to follow, which it calls the Middle Path. This path brings wisdom and understanding of the source of problems, enabling us to gain control of our thoughts and actions. When this happens, we can recognize things just as they are and understand how we are a part of the whole. When we step out of the shadows of illusion, there is nothing in the way of positive accomplishments or of being who we are. From this new perspective, we can endure and transcend—and live an enlightened life.


    This book is designed to help you understand and use Buddhism as a means of inner transformation. The book is divided into three parts. Part I gives the background and development of Buddhism, to introduce you to the ideas. Part II explains key themes, guiding you along the path to becoming wiser and more compassionate. Part III shows how to meditate the Buddhist way and then how to apply these abilities to everyday life.

    You may choose to apply personally relevant Buddhist concepts to your life, or you may decide to follow the path more deeply and comprehensively. Start with where you are. However you decide to integrate Buddhism into your life, let it open your potential to become the best person you can be.


    Meditate regularly and think carefully about the ideas presented here—this is the basis for discovering Buddhism for yourself. Deep contemplation will help you understand Buddhist concepts better.

    Buddhism is not just a set of concepts or a theory to learn; it is something you must discover for yourself through your own experience. We encourage you to do the exercises. Read through the directions once or twice, then set the book aside and try them. Give yourself time to reflect on the new ideas and skills as you find ways to integrate them into your life. Be patient with the process: The journey of self-discovery may have its ups and downs, but with an open attitude, you will discover your own enlightenment!

    PART I

    Buddhism in Time

    A vision awakens us

    From the depths of ancient history

    Buddha’s enlightenment

    Dispels the shadows of mystery

    —C. Alexander Simpkins

    Buddhist philosophy spans twenty-five centuries, with millions of adherents throughout the world. The journey began in a shadowy past, before recorded history, when a legendary man named Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, through dedicated effort and commitment to all human beings, made a wondrous discovery: that life can be good, and so can we. As you follow the evolution, the veil over these shadowy beginnings lifts, revealing a brightly lit pathway of inner discovery, open for all to walk.


    The Founder Plants the Seeds

    Be a lamp unto yourself



    Buddhism can be traced back to one man, known to the world as the Buddha, The Awakened One (563-483 B.C.E.). He began his evolution as Siddhartha Gautama, a member of the Sakya clan of a small republic in northern India. During this time, India was divided into many small, independent kingdoms, each ruled by clans. Buddha’s father was the raja, or leader, of the Sakya clan area, and his family was wealthy.

    Siddhartha’s gentle-hearted nature began to emerge early. One day, young Siddhartha was playing in the garden with his cousin Devadatta. As a flock of wild swans flew overhead, Devadatta drew his bow, aimed at one of the swans, and shot. The arrow hit the bird’s wing, bringing it down. Siddhartha ran over to the struck bird and gently held the bleeding creature until it became calm. When Devadatta claimed the bird as his conquest, Siddhartha refused to give it up. They argued, but in the end, Siddhartha won. He took care of the bird until it was healed and then set it free to rejoin its flock.

    Siddhartha continued to remember the bird’s suffering. Suddhodana saw his son’s mood and tried to protect him even more from anything unpleasant. He lavished on Siddhartha all that he could give, including beautiful houses and delicious foods. He arranged Siddhartha’s marriage to Yosadhara, the most beautiful girl in the kingdom.


    Siddhartha lived happily with Yosadhara, never leaving the confines of his comfortable palace. Although he doubted the importance of the pleasures that filled his everyday life, he continued to feel happy.

    One day Siddhartha went outside the palace gates with his servant, Channa. An emaciated man, wracked with pain, appeared on the roadside. Alms for the poor! the man called out. Siddhartha stopped the chariot and asked Channa, What is wrong with this man? Why does he suffer so?

    Channa answered, This man is ill, my prince. Many suffer from illness. This is the way of life!

    Siddhartha, who had only known good health, felt deeply troubled. They continued along and came to an old man, bent over, shaking, leaning on a twisted cane. Now, what is wrong with this man? Why does he suffer so? asked Siddhartha again.

    This man is old, my prince. We all grow old and die eventually. This is the way of life!

    Siddhartha returned to his palace but felt no peace of mind. He could not stop thinking about the suffering he had encountered. All the beauty and joy of life was only transitory! People grow old, perhaps even become sick, and die. Was there nothing more permanent, more real to life? Day after day, night after night, he wrestled with the problem of suffering. Despite his love for his wife and their baby boy, Rahula, he resolved that he must leave the palace to seek answers for his people, to help them.


    At the age of twenty-nine, Siddhartha crossed through the palace gate for the last time. He joined a group of ascetics who had denounced worldly pleasures to seek higher truth through a form of Hinduism. The ascetics viewed the human body as the enemy of the soul. They believed that the body could be tamed through absolute denial of physical pleasures, freeing the soul to soar.

    Siddhartha found a teacher, Alara Kalama, who taught a form of meditation that attempted to reach beyond the everyday world to a state of nothingness. Siddhartha soon mastered this technique, achieving a state of nothingness, but found that even though he could achieve this state, it did not solve the problems of suffering and death.

    Disappointed, Siddhartha sought a new teacher, Uppaka Ramaputta. Siddhartha had heard that Uppaka taught a meditation system that brought about a state of neither consciousness nor unconsciousness. Siddhartha worked diligently at this method and eventually reached this state, but he did not feel any closer to eradicating suffering.

    So Siddhartha decided not to look for another teacher and traveled alone instead. He walked southward into the kingdom of Magadha where he met five other seekers. They recognized his intensity and decided to join him in hopes of learning from him. They all lived in the woods.

    Siddhartha experimented with many kinds of meditation, always pushing the limit. He tried austere practices, restraining his body, reducing his food to one grain of rice per day. He tried suppressing his breathing to the point of convulsive pains. Day after day he sat motionless in meditation. He endured heat, rain, wind, hunger, and fatigue. He sat so still that birds perched on his shoulders and squirrels sat on his knees.


    Seven years passed. Siddhartha had endured the elements without wavering in his self-denial, yet he felt he had made no progress. Instead of finding truth, his mental powers were dimming, his life was slipping away. One evening he was

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