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Her Calling
Her Calling
Her Calling
Ebook172 pages3 hours

Her Calling

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The leadership of the werewolf packs of the world are on the verge of telling humans that they exist, threatening to throw the relative safety of their world into a tailspin. In the midst of this world changing choice, Kyndle Callahan is doing her best to be an average teenage girl. However, as the daughter of her pack's Alpha, she doesn't have many choices that are her own and she is far from average. As she approaches adulthood and attempts to find a way to remove herself from old pack traditions to be with the girl she loves everything begins to fall apart.

When her father makes an announcement that will change her life and separate her from the love of her life, she is left with a decision. The steps she takes over the months ahead will force her to grow up, face her future and become the leader her territory never knew they needed. With her best friend Abbey supporting her, Kyndle must embrace the strength and power within her and take the future she wants more than anything. Can she and fight the laws and structure of the society that's told her to stand aside and keep quiet her whole life and rise to power?

Release dateOct 12, 2020
Her Calling

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    Book preview

    Her Calling - Kaden Shay

    Her Calling

    Book One of New Beginnings

    Kaden Shay

    Smashwords Edition

    Supposed Crimes LLC

    Matthews, North Carolina

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    All Rights Reserved

    Copyright © 2020 Kaden Shay

    Published in the United States

    ISBN: 978-1-952150-61-6

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    The sounds of labored breathing, hitching here and there with the soft brush of skin on skin, the sweep of tingles and the shuddering twitch of muscles that followed. Fingers drift lightly across arms, shoulders, chest, stomach and legs, barely more than a flutter over the surface, but sending each nerve ending into overdrive. Arousal heightened, flushed skin and a quickened the rush of blood to already sensitive body parts that screamed for attention. Breath teased and tickled down silky flesh, chilling over a thin coating of fresh sweat, ripping a gasp past parted lips. A tongue darting out momentarily, wetting full lips with a shine of moisture as heavy lids slide closed over ice blue irises. Just as things took a turn for the very best and started heating up even further, a shrill screeching stopped it all dead.

    I grumbled and slapped at the alarm clock on my bedside table, growling at the damned thing for cutting off the best dream I’d had in weeks. Ever since my last secret meeting with a member of the neighboring pack I’d been sneaking around with for the last two years, I’d been plagued by dreams that never quite got where I hoped they would. That meeting had been cut short when my father’s scouts had ventured a little closer to our meeting place than they normally did. Neither of us had managed to find the time for another rendezvous since then and that had been over six weeks ago. That fact was painfully obvious just then as I rolled over, threw off the covers and instantly felt the need for a very cold shower.

    A huff escaped me as I rubbed my eyes with the backs of my hands to clear them of the morning gunk that always plagued me and then I sat up and stretched my arms toward the ceiling for a good shoulder pop before I slid out of bed. My bare feet hit the wood of the floor, cold from being exposed to the northern November air all night. I shuddered a little bit and then smiled as the chill spread over my still far-too-warm body, helping to ease the heat the rather realistic dream had left in its wake. I sighed heavily, shook my head and then headed across the room to the bathroom, bare feet making no sound on the smooth, polished floor. After I stepped in and flipped on the light, I swung the door closed, sealing off the small room to keep whatever heat might build up in the space trapped.

    I turned the shower on, electing for a typical warm wash thanks to the chilled air having relieved most of the ache that had settled itself annoyingly in my lower body. After adjusting the knobs a little, I turned to look in the mirror over the sink and made a face at myself. My typically-tamed strawberry-blond hair was a mess, looking very much like I had actually engaged in the carnal acts that had slipped through my dream-world. I growled a little at my reflection, let my nose wrinkle some and pulled the left side of my upper lip up just slightly, despite the fact that it wasn’t a very attractive gesture. Steam started to rise from the shower, catching my attention so I let the expression fall back into a more flat overtone. After a last little huff, I turned away from the mirror, stripped off the tank top and shorts I normally slept in and stepped into the shower, wincing as the water hit my now cooler skin for the first time. I realized that I might have let it get a little hotter than I'd been meaning too. Oh well, my skin would settle in and get used to it after a couple minutes, no use messing with it any further.

    I took the few minutes I normally needed and washed up, shut off the water and grabbed a towel, drying off as I left the bathroom, a spattering of goose bumps rippling over my bare body the instant the colder air of the bedroom hit me. I couldn’t help but smile at the delightful change in temperature and let the wet towel fall to the floor as I headed over to the dresser against my wall. After digging through a couple drawers, I settled on a slightly-newer matching set of underwear, black with a shock of teal edging to it, I loved teal. Fighting the stubborn bra took a minute but once it was in place, I stepped over to the closet and grabbed the first thing my hands landed on, a pair of black jeans. After wiggling into the near skin-tight pants, that described almost every pair I owned I tugged on a baby blue tank top, something I owned at least a hundred of in various colors and patterns, a pair of socks and some pale blue converse sneakers. I topped off the ensemble with a black denim jacket that mostly matched the jeans, kind of, but was much too thin to be of any help against the Montana winter, not that I cared.

    I slipped down the stairs and out the front door as silently as I possibly could, actually managing to sneak past both of the parentals and all four ridiculous older brothers without being noticed. Only five more months and I could stop the sneaking around for fear of the third degree, my eighteenth birthday really couldn’t come fast enough. Getting out of the house scot-free was a rare thing and when I realized roughly ten seconds later that I had actually managed to walk out without the car keys I rolled my eyes and just kept walking. There was no way in hell I was going back in that looney bin to get them and risking the onslaught of those nutcases, or rather my family, just for those damn keys. Instead, I tugged my cell phone out of my pocket as I reached the corner, unlocked the screen and hit speed dial number two, my best friend Abbey. I stood there, phone to my ear and what felt like a rather impatient look on my face, right foot tapping slightly to Abbey’s ringback tone as I waited for the other girl to answer her phone.

    ’Sup? The short yet somehow very happy syllable from my best friend made me smile and shake my head a little, the girl was always in such a good mood.

    Hey, Abs. Can you pick me up?

    Of course, girl. Where? And why don’t you have your car?

    The north-west corner and honestly, I managed to get out without being stopped this morning but…

    Abbey cut me off with a sharp giggle and I really could imagine the other girl shaking her head on the other end of the phone.

    But you walked out without your keys? Yeah, honey, with your family, I wouldn’t go back for them either. I’ll be there in five.

    I, as usual, didn’t bother to thank Abbey before we hung up, I would do that when the other girl showed up to relieve me from the chill of the morning air in a few minutes. The phone got shoved back into my pocket that really shouldn’t have had space enough in it to allow such a thing and I took a slow, deep breath of the cool, clean, crisp morning air. It was a perfect morning as most of them were this time of year and the sun only just beginning to peek over the tree tops in the east made it that much better.

    Exactly five minutes later, right on time as usual, Abbey pulled up and popped the door locks on her truck so I could hop in. I pulled the door shut and slipped on my seat-belt and then turned to grin at my best friend. Within seconds we were underway and Abbey was already on a roll about Tucker, the guy she’d been crushing on for the last couple years but had never had the guts to approach. I couldn’t help myself, I just chuckled and shook my head a little, wondering for a moment how the perky and very attractive blond sitting beside me could possibly have any issue approaching anyone. Abbey was easily one of the best-looking girls in the pack and if she would just own that, well there was no doubt that she could have anyone she looked at. Abbey however seemed to have no clue how cute she was and despite my rather constant attempts at telling her over the years, the other girl just assumed that I was only being a good friend.

    I quirked one slightly red and perfectly waxed eyebrow then took a few moments to study my best friend, something I did sometimes, just because I could do it and get away with it. Abbey was my height, five foot five, but we were built nothing alike, and didn’t even look remotely alike for that matter. While I myself was rather solid, as least for my height, weighing in at about a hundred and forty-five pounds or so, Abbey rarely hit an even hundred and twenty. I was evenly built, well-proportioned and looked every bit the tomboy I had always been, meanwhile, the other girl was much more feminine, legs for miles. I normally kept my strawberry blond hair to about the mid-point of my shoulder blades and had it almost permanently in a ponytail. Abbey in contrast kept her naturally pale blond hair almost to her waist and very rarely pulled it up, letting it flow in soft curls over her shoulders.

    Abbey had the more classically beautiful face, all smooth, clear skin, angled cheekbones and perfect lines with a light feathering of pale eyebrows and full lips. Meanwhile, mine had the softer ‘Girl Next Door’ look to it, a more rounded face, less defined features and more likely to be called ‘cute’ than ‘stunning’, ‘beautiful’, ‘gorgeous’ or even ‘sexy’. All of those words had been used to define Abbey at some point or another during our friendship, some even slipping from my own mouth once or twice. Our eyes were the only place where we shared anything at all in common, we both sported pale but stunning ice blue eyes that grabbed, and often held, the attention of anyone that looked into them. I had to admit that I was perfectly fine with that being all we shared, while I had always known that I wasn’t as gorgeous as my best friend, I knew that I wasn’t exactly hard on the eyes either.

    The sound of Abbey clearing her throat made me jump a little, thankfully just holding back the yelp that tried to escape but honestly not sure how long I’d had been lost in thought and staring at the other woman. How embarrassing. Abbey gave me an expectant look, both eyebrows raised, then nodded out the front window, indicating that we had stopped at the fork in the road that signaled the edge of the Clipper Packs territory and she needed to know where the hell she was going. We didn’t have much planned now that I actually stopped and thought about it for a moment, we had just decided that we needed a day out away from the pack. It wasn’t often that a wolf needed some alone time, we were social pack animals after all, but every now and then the human part of us won out and just needed a little space, and some silence. I sat there and glanced between the two forks for a moment, my face obviously showing that I was thinking far too hard about the choice.

    Abbey made the decision for me after a moment by rolling her eyes and turning down the right fork, steering her truck toward the city. Most of the pack lived out in the farming area that we, the Clippers had called home for more than seven generations but a few that managed to pull off blending in with humans lived in nearby Billings. Abbey and I often went into the city for movies, shopping, dining and anything else we didn’t have out in the middle of nowhere on the farms, which was pretty much everything. All I managed was to give a shrug and settle into my seat, knowing that if Abbey had decided on her own that she wanted to go into Billings, she had a reason for it and we would manage to find something to entertain us. Abbey turned on the radio and tuned it to the only station that came in properly so far out, a single country station which was fine by both of us strangely enough. We spent the rest of the drive into the city with the windows rolled down, the stereo cranked up and singing along at the tops of our lungs, badly.

    Chapter Two

    Billings offered a few things that our small farming town just couldn’t, besides the shopping and entertainment, it allowed those of us that weren’t farmers or generational business owners to find jobs. Most of the pack lived by running ‘from home’ type businesses that had been in their families for generations. We had farmers, furniture makers, tailors and even a blacksmith that frequently made replicas for local renaissance events. In recent years, nurses, doctors, web designers and photographers had joined the ranks, adding more income to the pack. Each Alpha set up their pack differently when it came to keeping things running, in ours those that lived on pack land typically lived in homes that had been paid off for decades so they paid ‘pack dues’. This money was held in a treasury that was handled by the Beta pair, it allowed the Alpha to lend a hand to those in need of financial assistance. It had worked for us for longer than most of the current pack had even been alive, so the practice stood. As teens in high school, Abbey and I were expected to hold down part time jobs, work ethics

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