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The Reign of Queen Ntoyi
The Reign of Queen Ntoyi
The Reign of Queen Ntoyi
Ebook73 pages58 minutes

The Reign of Queen Ntoyi

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This is a credible work of fictional prose from the genre of fantasy. It surreally invites readers to the realm of fantasy and legend, while steadfastly resolved to keeping them earthbound. The reader is transported by the riveting and compelling choice of words and expressions of the narrative; this work of authorship is wrought in quasi-township-suburbia parlance but reminiscent of pristine ancestral African tradition and dignity. It is indigenous to the fancy of young and adult alike.
The style reverberates with the majestic timbre and intonations of the Author in real life. It reads more like the Author speaking rather than its scripted value. As much as the overall anguish and harshness of our human journey remains virulent and insolently unremitting, it is once more tempered by the good-heartedness and indomitable spirit of the characters in this work and its progenitor. It is this convergence of Western nobility and African royalty which yields this admixture of fantasy. While no great story is bereft of fantasy; neither is fantasy devoid of reality. Patrimony sets the foundation for this subdued but distinctly effervescent matriarchal ascendancy. The sovereign expressions of the Queen Mother, Princess Ntoyi; divinely ordained at birth, and her congenial sibling, Princess Ntsu, are unmistakable. Princess Ntoyi and Princess Ntsu had nearly had the best of both western civilization and the pristine, innovation-free life of their ancestry and their primordial enchanting virgin grounds. Princess Ntoyi fulfills her divine destiny and mounts a successful bid to reclaim her ancestral lands. In accordance with providence, her destiny unfolds through the inadvertent death of her parents. Having made peace with her subjects, she fuses with the celestial Eagle and assumes her divine royal transfiguration with powerful wings of the Eagle as per the decree of Lord Qha!

PublisherBrenda Wardle
Release dateOct 16, 2020
The Reign of Queen Ntoyi

Brenda Wardle

Brenda Wardle is a South African Doctor of Laws student. She is a prolific author - essayist and poet. Wardle has published books on high profile criminal cases including 'To Kill a Fragile Rose: The State's Case Against Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius" to mention but a few. Her genres span poetry, children's books, fiction and non-fiction. Wardle is Chief Operations Officer at the Wardle College of Law and is a legal analyst of international repute having been interviewed on Sky News by Jeremy Thompson, BBC by Karin Giannone, Fox News by South African Correspondent, Paul Tilsey, SABC by Dumile Mateza. Between 1st January 2017 and 8th April 2017 Wardle has published 15 titles. On the 1st May 2017 she will be publishing her latest book, The Verdict: The Legal Trials and Tribulations of President Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma (As Politics and the Law, Converge).

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    The Reign of Queen Ntoyi - Brenda Wardle



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    Lisa & Qhama Book Series

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    Lisa & Qhama Book 2 – ‘Likuwe, The Lover of Laughs

    Lisa & Qhama Book 3 – ‘The Easter Bunny

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    Lisa & Qhama Book 9 – ‘Princess Naledi's Magical Tree

    Lisa & Qhama Book 10 – ‘Prince Alejandro’s Magical Treehouse

    Non-Serialized Titles

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    Imani and The Dancing Sun

    The Witches of Speelman’s Farm, Cofimvaba

    The Girl Who Could Not Read – I See the Boats!’

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    An Anthology of Children’s Stories

    28 Wobbly, Gobbly, Jibbery & Jabbery Bedtime Stories


    The Reign of Queen Ntoyi

    Third Edition

    Author: Brenda Wardle

    Foreword: Fezile Domino Mji


    Wardle College of Law (Pty) Ltd

    P O Box 1335



    Mobile 078 383 4448 Fax 0866 800 903

    Email [email protected]

    Email2: [email protected]


    The Reign of Queen Ntoyi

    Third Edition

    Author: Brenda Wardle

    City of Publication: Johannesburg

    Country of Publication: South Africa

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or

    transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

    including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and

    retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the

    inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    Copyright © 2020









    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine



    This book is dedicated to the memory of my forebears, both maternal and paternal, both near and distant. I am because all of you were. A special word of gratitude goes to my late sister, Portia Wardle, who urged me to write for, she argued, it was only through writing that I would find true healing.

    To my father, the late Gilbert, Robert Wardle, affectionately referred to by his peers as ‘Uphiko lo khozi’ or ‘Wing of the Eagle’, the greatest father to have walked this earth - thank you. I am not sure how it is that other children are loved by their parents, all I know is that you protected me against each harsh reality of life. You nurtured me and took care of me long before it was even regarded as fashionable for fathers to do so.

    To my mother, Ndileka, Ncediwe, Winnifred Pinini (Mene or Balfour) - uMamkwayi, descendant of the house of King Ngconde, Princess oh, if only I had taken in all those values – honesty, integrity, and forthrightness. However, all is not lost, for I now realize how important those are. You live in me – through my love for music (especially your favourite genres – classical music, opera, and jazz), through my love for history, English literature, philosophy, politics, and the classics. You made me realize the value of education as well as the relentless pursuit of knowledge!

    To my grandchildren - Alix, Qhamani, Lisakhanya, Likuwe, Ashanti, Maximilian, and Georgia - - this book is specially dedicated to you. I hope that you will enjoy it, for, if I can make you proud, if I can make you happy - I shall have fulfilled my purpose on earth!


    A more credible fantasy genre have I seldom stumbled upon. It is, therefore, simply surreal to be invited to that realm of consciousness while steadfastly resolved to remain earthbound.

    Transported by the riveting and compelling choice of words and expressions of the narrative; this work of authorship wrought in quasi-township-suburbia parlance but reminiscent of pristine ancestral African tradition and dignity, is indigenous to the fancy of young and adult alike.

    The style reverberates with the majestic timbre and

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