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What We Are Watching Is The Spirit Of The Antichrist At Work!
What We Are Watching Is The Spirit Of The Antichrist At Work!
What We Are Watching Is The Spirit Of The Antichrist At Work!
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What We Are Watching Is The Spirit Of The Antichrist At Work!

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This book looks behind the scene of the events that are shaking the world at the moment, from the pandemic to the reelection of President Trump, and shows the spiritual forces at work and what they are trying to achieve, so as to help believers make sense out of these events and to spur each to prepare for our soon time of glorification!

Release dateOct 23, 2020
What We Are Watching Is The Spirit Of The Antichrist At Work!

Roger Henri Trepanier

Roger Henri Trepanier is an evangelist, author, and counselor, who has been serving God on his field of service since 1999. One hundred and fourteen books have been published so far in five different series, all available in print format and as an eBook for any type of eBook reader. He is a widower with three adopted children, all now married.The author's two websites have been closed. To access the author's books, please type, "Roger Henri Trepanier, books" in any search engine. All the author's books are available in print and ebook formats for all devices.

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    What We Are Watching Is The Spirit Of The Antichrist At Work! - Roger Henri Trepanier

    The Practical Helps Library

    What We Are Watching

    Is The Spirit Of The Antichrist At Work!

    Copyright 2020 by Roger Henri Trepanier

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2020 by Roger Henri Trepanier

    All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author. An exception is granted to a reviewer who wishes to quote a brief passage or two as part of a public review of this book.

    Scripture taken from:

    THE NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995

    by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    This book is dedicated to my friend, Wilner, who is attempting to lead his wife and five kids in the faith at a time such as this, which requires courage, strength, and reliance upon God:

    But you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work.

    2 Chronicles 15:7



    What We Are Watching Is The Spirit Of The Antichrist At Work!

    Chapter One

    What is in view when we speak of the antichrist and the spirit of the antichrist

    Chapter Two

    This world has been in the process of being prepared, since ancient times, for the coming of an evil ruler on the world scene, to rule over a one world government!

    Chapter Three

    The visible and invisible accomplices that the devil uses on earth to accomplish his purpose of bringing the antichrist as ruler over a one world government

    Chapter Four

    Ten things the devil needs to have in place in order to bring his agenda to pass on earth!

    Chapter Five

    The type of governmental systems we have on earth now in comparison to the type of world government the antichrist will have on earth

    Chapter Six

    The fear and hive mind principles as means of explaining things, such as the worldwide national shutdowns!

    Chapter Seven

    The grooming and attrition principles as ways for the Deep State to gain total population control

    Chapter Eight

    Nothing can stop what is coming!

    Chapter Nine

    The Holy Spirit, acting through the believers of earth, restrains the devil’s forces that are operating on earth, thereby preventing the antichrist from coming on the world scene!

    Chapter Ten

    What believers can do as they wait for the ending of the present third age!

    Addendum A

    The four ages of time

    Addendum B

    The two comings from Heaven to earth of God’s Son, The Lord Jesus Christ

    Addendum C

    For those who may not as yet personally know God

    The next book

    End page


    At no time in history has mankind been so perplexed by the series of events occurring at a rapid pace on a worldwide scale, from earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and wildfires increasing in frequency, to seeing multitudes of birds, whales, fish, and mammals die off with no apparent reason. If that was not bad enough, we are seeing a man-made viral outbreak that has spread around the world, causing a global lockdown of countries worldwide for the first time in history, which by all accounts is now causing more harm and health problems than the virus itself.

    In country after country, with few exceptions, even children, teens, and young adults are required to wear a mask if they go to a school in person, for supposedly preventing the spread of the virus, although every study published, and then inexplicably censored, has shown that no mask – not even the N95 surgical masks – are effective in preventing the spread of this virus. Only God knows the lasting harm that is being done to these young souls as they try to make sense of the world that they are in the process of growing into.

    At the other end of the spectrum, we have sick people, who are dying in large numbers, not from the virus, but because they are not seeking medical treatment, either because the doctors are not seeing patients, or the hospitals and clinics are temporarily dedicated to treating patients with the virus, or hospitals have become one of the worse places for being infected with the virus. At the same time, the elderly in the care facilities, who because of co-morbidities, are the most affected by the COVID-19 virus, although being quarantined with less family contact and activities no doubt makes things worse!

    What also perplexes many is that there are known treatments for the virus, but the mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry, which includes the healthcare system and the medical profession in general, are opposed to these treatments being used on a wide scale, as if they were seeking to keep the pandemic going, which to any normal person seeing this, simply does not make sense. The words that best describe the state of humanity at this time then are FEAR, ANXIETY, STRESS, AND PERPLEXITY! And as a result of this, many are becoming mentally unstable, or simply ending their lives, either through drugs or suicide.

    What many are not realizing is that ALL THAT IS OCCURRING IN THE WORLD AT PRESENT IS BY DESIGN! As we will show in this book, there are FORCES OF EVIL AT WORK PREPARING HUMANITY AND THE WORLD FOR WHAT IS ABOUT TO OCCUR. The tragedy is that there are many commentators on the internet, on social media, and through the print media, including television and radio programs, who are attempting to give plausible explanations for what we all see occurring, but unless one sees that there are FORCES OF EVIL at work behind the scenes, as allowed of God to bring about His purpose relating to the end of the age at hand, then these explanations will only be partly true and helpful, as they do not provide the full picture.

    Let me provide one actual example here, which could be multiplied over and over again. The other day, I was watching and listening to a commentator in Europe, who has a worldwide audience for his website. At one point, near the end of almost hour-long presentation, he said that the COVID-19 virus could not have been released by China on the world, with the intent on creating a worldwide lockdown that would result in an economic recession, that would then prevent President Trump from being re-elected on November 3rd, 2020. And the reason he gave was that since the election was only in the US, and since every country in the world was being affected by this lockdown and resulting economic slowdown, then this pandemic could not have anything to do with President Trump’s re-election.

    As I listened, I was saying to myself that it was unfortunate that this man could only see part of the picture to explain what was presently occurring in the world. This commentator would have been much more helpful

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