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The Stolen Bride: Hope's Crossing, #3
The Stolen Bride: Hope's Crossing, #3
The Stolen Bride: Hope's Crossing, #3
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The Stolen Bride: Hope's Crossing, #3

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Isabella "Bella" Latham's callous father sold her into marriage to settle a gambling debt. Rather than face life with a cruel man more than twice her age, she runs from New York and becomes a mail-order bride. Bella's dreams are simple. All she needs to be happy is a home, children and an honorable man to love her.


Alex Hastings lost his wife in a riding accident two years before. Left withtwo adorable butmischievoustwin four-year-old daughters, he's convinced they need a mother to take care of them. Alex knows he must marry, but vows he'll never love another woman.


Bella's tenderness and fire melts Alex's stone cold heart. But when her jiltedfiancé from NewYork sends men to capture Bella, will Alex be able to get back his Stolen Bride?

Release dateOct 26, 2020
The Stolen Bride: Hope's Crossing, #3

Cynthia Woolf

Cynthia Woolf is the award winning and best-selling author of twelve historical western romance books and two short stories with more books on the way. She was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in the mountains west of Golden. She spent her early years running wild around the mountain side with her friends. Their closest neighbor was about one quarter of a mile away, so her little brother was her playmate and her best friend. That fierce friendship lasted until his death in 2006. Cynthia was and is an avid reader. Her mother was a librarian and brought new books home each week. This is where young Cynthia first got the storytelling bug. She wrote her first story at the age of ten. A romance about a little boy she liked at the time. Cynthia loves writing and reading romance. Her first western romance Tame A Wild Heart, was inspired by the story her mother told her of meeting Cynthia’s father on a ranch in Creede, Colorado. Although Tame A Wild Heart takes place in Creede that is the only similarity between the stories. Her father was a cowboy not a bounty hunter and her mother was a nursemaid (called a nanny now) not the ranch owner.   Cynthia credits her wonderfully supportive husband Jim and the great friends she's made at CRW for saving her sanity and allowing her to explore her creativity.   TITLES AVAILABLE   NELLIE – The Brides of San Francisco 1 ANNIE – The Brides of San Francisco 2 CORA – The Brides of San Francisco 3 JAKE (Book 1, Destiny in Deadwood series) LIAM (Book 2, Destiny in Deadwood series) ZACH (Book 3, Destiny in Deadwood series)     CAPITAL BRIDE (Book 1, Matchmaker & Co. series) HEIRESS BRIDE (Book 2, Matchmaker & Co. series) FIERY BRIDE (Book 3, Matchmaker & Co. series) TAME A WILD HEART (Book 1, Tame series) TAME A WILD WIND (Book 2, Tame series) TAME A WILD BRIDE (Book 3, Tame series) TAME A SUMMER HEART (short story, Tame series)     WEBSITE –   NEWSLETTER -    

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    The Stolen Bride - Cynthia Woolf


    For Jim.

    Thanks for putting me to bed all those nights I fell asleep at my desk. Thank you for being my greatest cheerleader, my husband, my love and my best friend.

    I love you, sweetheart!


    For my Just Write partners Michele Callahan, Karen Docter and Cate Rowan

    For my wonderful cover artist, Romcom Custom Covers

    For my wonderful editor, Linda Carroll-Bradd, you make my stories so much better.


    January 31, 1874

    Hastings Ranch, Hope’s Crossing, Montana Territory

    Alex, you’ve got to do something about those hellions of yours. Those girls need a mother.

    Now, Martha, they aren’t that bad.

    Alex stirred a teaspoon of sugar into his coffee. The sweet treat was one he looked forward to every morning.

    Martha Jennings put the iron back on the stove and hung up the shirt she’d just pressed.

    They are. Those girls are four years old now and need to learn some manners. I know you feel like they got the raw end of the deal when Kate died, and you’ve done well alone up to this point, but if you don’t do something soon, they will grow up thinking they can do anything they want. The first time someone says ‘no’ to them, that person will get shot with those slingshots they play with.

    A good thing they are independent little souls, countered Alex. They have to be able to protect themselves. I won’t always be here to do it for them.

    At this point it’s the rest of us who need to be protected from those two uncouth little hooligans. Running through the house, chasing the dog, who they decided to give a bath. And, of course, since the dog is wet, they have to take all their clothes off and play in the tub with him!

    He shrugged and glanced outside at the snow on the ground, glistening in the sunshine. They were outside and it was summer.

    Until he got loose when they tried to rinse him and ran through the house carrying pans of water. My nice clean house, I might add.

    Alex chuckled. The complaint was old but the vision was still fresh in his memory. They were cute as buttons running around bare-assed naked and you know it. Heck they were only three.

    Martha shook her head but she smiled at the memory. By the time I caught them and got the dog back outside, I was nearly as wet as they were.

    That you were.

    Listen to me, Alex Hastings. Martha wagged a finger at him. You have to take them in hand or get someone in here who will. I can’t be here all the time to do it. I have my own family to look after.

    Alex sighed and ran a hand behind his neck. The realization that he needed to marry and get a mother for his girls made his chest ache. I know Martha. I appreciate all the work you do. I can’t expect you to raise my daughters as well. I guess it is time I remarried.

    Now you’re talking sense. Why don’t you get yourself one of those mail-order brides like Sam and Jesse did? You can’t deny that Jo and Clare are wonderful women and you’ve never seen Sam or Jesse happier.

    He nodded. What she said was true. He realized Sam and Jesse had never been happier. They both found love with their wives. Alex wouldn’t. He wouldn’t love again. It was too hard.

    She reached into her apron pocket and pulled out a newspaper clipping.

    Here. She shoved the little piece of paper across the table to him. I got this from Clare. It’s for the agency both Sam and Jesse used.

    Alex picked up the scrap of paper with a name and address and little else. Matchmaker & Co, 467 10th Street, Golden, Colorado Territory. Contact Mrs. Maggie Black.

    All right. I’ll write to her and see what can be done. I don’t want another wife, but I don’t see a way around it. And finding one is impossible in Hope’s Crossing where every female is either married, a prostitute, too old or too young.

    Martha clasped Alex on the shoulder. I know you miss Kate, but this is the right thing to do for those girls. You’ll see.

    I hope you’re right. You know I’d do anything for Rose and Violet.

    I know. She moved back to the ironing board and started on the next piece of clothing. The hardest thing will be to stand with their new mother when she disciplines them. That’ll be hard for you to do because you don’t want to see them unhappy, but it’s necessary. They’ll thank you for it…eventually.

    Alex nodded and left the kitchen. He had let the girls run roughshod over everyone including him. Their mama dying was his fault. He never should have kept that stallion. He’d been too much animal for Kate to handle but she’d begged and promised she wouldn’t let him have his head. Alex had still said no, but she took the animal out anyway before Alex could stop her. The horse knew its rider was inexperienced and took off…a runaway.

    Then the stupid animal had stopped dead at the fallen tree in his way instead of jumping over it. Kate had flown over his head and broken her neck.

    That was two years ago. Now his girls were acting like that animal, wild and untamed. He didn’t want to have to cage them, like he had the stallion. No one rode the big black. No one could handle him except Alex, who was afraid he’d take out his temper on the animal and so left him alone in his stall or the corral.

    The only time he was with other horses was during breeding. Alex had gotten a couple of very good colts and several fillies off of the black horse.

    Kate had called him Beauty.

    Alex called him the Beast.


    The music was lovely, the food scrumptious, and mostly, the company was engaging, but Isabella Latham was bored. Every week was the same, visiting the New York City hospitals, taking luncheon with her mother’s friends, followed by the only thing she enjoyed. Riding hell bent for leather on her hunter, Champion. He was temperamental and barely broken to the saddle, but she loved riding him. Every Saturday she took him out for two or three hours, as long as she could get away with. The outings were the only time she felt free.

    Tonight was another of Ernst and Julia Latham’s balls. Isabella had a new dress made for it. The beautiful pale pink gown of the finest silk had three rows of ruffles on the under skirt and looked wonderful with her pale skin, brandy-brown eyes and hair. The over shirt was smooth and gathered in the back over the bustle, the gathering held with ribbons of satin anchored in a choker around her neck. She had to admit the design of the dress was what drew her because the satin ribbons attached to the collar made it look like she was being strangled, when she was not. The shock she saw on people faces when they saw her in the dress was worth the cost.

    The bodice was perfectly fitted over her tightest corset and showed only a bit of décolletage from the off-shoulder design.

    Beautiful as it was, she hadn’t looked forward to wearing it. Isabella couldn’t breathe in the dang thing and she swore the lack of air kept her brain from functioning correctly. Otherwise she wouldn’t have just heard her father say he was announcing her engagement. To whom?

    Ladies and gentlemen, friends and colleagues, I would like to take this opportunity to announce the engagement of my daughter, Isabella, to my business associate, Mr. Sydney Rockwell.

    Her father was rather red in the face. Perhaps he’d overindulged, and that was the reason for such an announcement. Surely, her mother would take him in hand and correct this outrageous situation. But, when she looked at her mother she saw fire in her mother’s emerald eyes and a rather pained smile on Julia’s normally lovely face.

    Suddenly, Sydney Rockwell, a large, fat man, who was at least three inches shorter than Bella, was at her side.

    Come, my dear, smile. It’s your engagement party after all.

    He took her, none too gently, by the elbow and guided her to where her parents stood on the bandstand.

    Smile, he whispered and squeezed her elbow painfully.

    She obeyed.

    He eased his grip but didn’t let her go completely.

    We are very happy, said Sydney to the crowd of suddenly interested people. And we will be married in two weeks’ time at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Of course, you are all invited and I hope you will attend.

    He smiled.

    Smile, my dear, he said out of the side of his mouth while he kept what looked to her like a maniacal grin on his face.

    He again squeezed her arm.

    She smiled, grimaced was more like it, but the gesture soothed him and he released her.

    Hours later, the party was finally over and all the guests were gone.

    Come to the library, Isabella. Her father made the statement with some resignation.

    She followed him and found her mother there waiting.

    I know this was somewhat of a surprise, her father began as he seated himself in the large leather chair behind the massive mahogany desk. But you must see this through. You see, I owe Rockwell a lot of money. Money I don’t have and won’t have any time soon.

    So you what? Sold me to him instead?

    He wanted you and said he would cancel the debt if you became his wife. So you will marry him.

    Regardless of the fact he’s old enough to be my father and I find the man totally repugnant?! Isabella paced in front of her father’s desk. He hadn’t imbibed too much. This was what he had planned for her future—marriage to the most hideous man on the planet.

    Yes, and stop shouting. Her father shouted back. Then he said in a calmer voice, You will maintain a dignified tone when speaking to me, or you will not speak.

    Isabella closed her eyes and took as deep and calming a breath as her corset would allow her. So, my feelings in this matter mean nothing?

    He steepled his hands on top of the desk. No. They do not. You will do as you are told.

    May I leave now?

    Yes. Her father waved her away. Go to your room.

    Her mother had said nothing during the exchange. Isabella looked over at her. But her mother didn’t look back. How could she let him do this? She knew her parents weren’t close. In fact, she was surprised they remained married but this, this complete betrayal by her mother surprised her.

    And you, Mother? You go along with this…atrocity?

    Her mother did not look at Isabella. Yes. Go to your room. I’ll come help you remove your dress shortly.

    Don’t bother. Lucy will help me.

    I gave Lucy the night off. She’s visiting her sister in New York.

    Isabella nodded curtly and left the room. She managed to keep her back stick-straight until she closed the door to the library behind her. Then she sagged against it. How could her parents do this to her? Sell her, and to Sydney Rockwell, of all people.

    She lifted her skirts and ran from the library all the way up the stairs to her room, where she threw herself face first on the bed and cried. Isabella had never felt so betrayed in her life.

    A while later, she didn’t know how much time had passed, she heard the door open and then close with a click.

    Bella, my sweet darling. I’m sorry Ernst has done this. I couldn’t stop what happened tonight, but listen to me for I might have found a way out of this marriage. I won’t let you marry that evil man. It’s said he bought his wife at fourteen from her father and she committed suicide to escape him. Personally, I believe he murdered her. Either way, he’s a depraved man.

    Isabella, Bella to those who loved her, raised her head, her eyes gritty from crying and then sat up on the side of the bed.

    How? How can I get out of this?

    Here, read this.

    Her mother handed over a clipping from the newspaper out of the envelope she carried, and sat next to her.

    Bella looked at the piece of paper—an ad for mail-order brides.

    Wanted. Upstanding women for marriage to like-minded men in the West. Ranchers, miners and other professional men in the Montana Territory await you. Apply to Matchmaker & Co., Mrs. Maggie Black at the Golden, Colorado office or Miss Susan Wyatt at the New York office.

    She let the paper drop and turned toward her mother. How will this help me?

    I thought to put you on a train to Denver, Colorado and have you check out the prospective grooms from the Golden office. That will get you out of town immediately. You won’t be able to take along much. Two valises at the most, so pack your plainest, most serviceable dresses and undergarments. Wear your riding boots because slippers are worthless when you have to be outside for extended periods of time.

    Why are you doing this? I thought you were in agreement with Father.

    Her mother jumped up and began pacing from the bed to the door and back again. Never! Sydney Rockwell is a vile, hideous man, who took advantage of Ernst’s weakness for gambling and got us in this mess. He’s always wanted you and finally found a way to accomplish that. But I won’t let this marriage happen.

    As she listened, a kernel of hope bloomed in Bella’s chest. She had never seen her mother this upset.

    Won’t I just be going from one unwanted marriage to another with this mail-order bride solution?

    That’s why I’m sending you to Golden. You may at least be able to pick a man who doesn’t repulse you. Being in the West means time will pass before Ernst can find you. But he, or more likely Sidney Rockwell, will find you. You must be married, and the marriage consummated, before you’re safe. I overheard the conversation between Ernst and Sydney. He wants your virginity, you see. He’s a truly evil and despicable man.

    She’d never been farther from home than Aunt Agatha’s in Brooklyn. And the West? She’d heard horrific stories about the West and how dangerous it was. Still she’d rather face that than marry Sydney Rockwell. How am I leaving without Father knowing and sending someone to stop me?

    "I’m telling

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