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Medical Terminology, Human Anatomy and Physiology Certification Pretest Volume 1 part 1: certification pretest series for medical terminology and technologist
Medical Terminology, Human Anatomy and Physiology Certification Pretest Volume 1 part 1: certification pretest series for medical terminology and technologist
Medical Terminology, Human Anatomy and Physiology Certification Pretest Volume 1 part 1: certification pretest series for medical terminology and technologist
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Medical Terminology, Human Anatomy and Physiology Certification Pretest Volume 1 part 1: certification pretest series for medical terminology and technologist

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Certification Pretest Series For Medical Laboratory Technician and Technologist designated to help students or grads to find out their strengths and weaknesses before they conduct the certification test to create their efficient plan which would save their time and reduce their anxiety before they take the test.
Medical Terminology, Human Anatomy, and Physiology Certification Pretest is the first edition of this series. This book is focusing on the fundamentals of medical terminology, basic biology, the integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, lymphatic system, and the circulatory system.
In addition to the medical terminology and human anatomy and physiology, there is the certification pretest, which is about 200 MCQ questions represent the entire competencies or disciplines of the clinical laboratory, which the medical laboratory technician needs to master the certification test.
Release dateJul 19, 2020
Medical Terminology, Human Anatomy and Physiology Certification Pretest Volume 1 part 1: certification pretest series for medical terminology and technologist

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    Medical Terminology, Human Anatomy and Physiology Certification Pretest Volume 1 part 1 - Oday Alubaidi



    Since I graduated from University as a microbiologist, and before starting my professional life in the clinical laboratories, I had to challenge the certification or license test to practice legally in my field. Later, when I was forced to move away from my home country to another (in each country, you have to pass the certification test to practice legally), I had to challenge, again, the certification or license test. Every time I conducted the test, I asked myself what I should study? Where should I start? Do I have to study every clinical laboratory competency or discipline? Do I have to focus more or less? Where are my strengths and weaknesses among the entire clinical laboratory disciplines? Such questions, for sure, would build the overwhelming anxiety even before studying for the test. After several years of successful practicing, I started teaching the clinical laboratory program at a college level. At this time, again, I faced the same challenging questions. However, this time, the questions came from my students, who were willing to challenge the certification test. Students would usually ask me, which subject or discipline should I focus on? Or they would say, What are my strengths and weaknesses?. I started thinking, what’s the best I can do to my students?  How can I tell each student what are his or her strengths and weaknesses? From this point, the idea of the Certification Pretest Series lit in my mind, which is my way of letting the students discover by themselves their strengths and weaknesses, which competency or discipline they have excellent or reliable knowledge, and which ones they don't? Once they find out their weaknesses, they can use their time and resources wisely to enhance their knowledge.


    The certification pretest series books are designate to find out if you are ready for the real test or not.

    In every book of this series, you will find three sections.

    Section 1; it is to discover yourself as a learner. How to find your study style and how you improve your performance in the test. What are your strategies when you are conducting multiple-choice questions?

    Section 2; is about the book subject matter. We will introduce you to the knowledge of the subject of the book by asking and answering 40 questions related to the book subject matter.

    We will analyze, together, every question of these 40 questions by know how to approach the question, finding out the keywords which they will guide us to the correct answer. We will not explain why this answer is the best one you have to choose; however, we will explain every choice in the answer choices whey they are the wrong answers as well.

    In this volume, the book subject matter will be the medical terminology, basic biology, and cell types, structure, and function. Because it is difficult to cover every system in the body in just one book, we divided it into two volumes. In volume 1 part 1, we will introduce you to the fundamental of medical terminology; in addition to we will breakdown the structure and function of the Integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, lymphatic system. And the most related body system to the medical laboratory technician and technologist, which is the cardiovascular system. In volume 1 part 2, we will explain the rest of body systems like the digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, endocrine system, nerve system, and reproductive system.

    Section 3; in this section, you will challenge the certification pretest—the pretest designated to simulate most of the certification tests. It has different structures of questions that represent the entire clinical laboratory competence. 200 MCQ questions divided into twelve parts. Each part represents one lab competence as below.

    Questions from 1 to 20 will represent the clinical microbiology

    Questions from 21 to 40 will represent the medical terminology, basic human anatomy, and physiology

    Questions from 41 to 60 will represent the laboratory safety

    Questions from 61 to 80 will represent the introduction to a clinical laboratory

    Questions from 81 to 100 will represent the hematology and hemostasis

    Questions from 101 to 110 will represent the Immunology.

    Questions from 111 to 120 will represent the immunohematology.

    Questions from 121 to 140 will represent laboratory math and quality assurance.

    Questions from 141 to 150 will represent the laboratory equipment.

    Questions from 151 to 160 will represent the urinalysis and body fluid.

    Questions from 161 to 180 will represent phlebotomy and specimen handling.

    Questions from 181 to 200 will represent clinical chemistry.

    Your score in each category should not be less than 16 correct answers out of 20 questions, which means not less than 80%. Do not look at the entire score. The point from this certification pretest exercise is to find out your strengths and weaknesses. It is to find out if you are ready for the real test or not.

    Your next step, after you figured your strengths and weaknesses, is to create your plan to study well for your certification test. My recommendation at this point is to look at the textbook I used them as my references. These textbooks we recommend them in the college or university for the students. Or, you can use the certification pretest series for medical laboratory technicians and technologists and choose the book or the volume from this series who will represent the specific competency you are looking to enhance or upgrade your knowledge.

    One thing left, I must make it clear in this introduction, which is why this book is for medical laboratory technicians and technologists? The medical laboratory technician and technologist have two different levels of knowledge in the clinical laboratory. The medical laboratory technician has the entry-level of knowledge, which is not required the interpretation or judgment, and should supervise by the technologist. What we have in these series is the cognitive level one and two, which is fit to the level of medical laboratory technician. What about the technologist? Technologists also should start building their knowledge from the entry-level moving forward to their designated cognitive level. That is why this book also is essential to the medical laboratory technologist as well.

    Section 1: Before You Start

    Before you start reading this book, I would like to stop you for a while. The reason why I start writing this book and the other books is to maximize my student's performance in the school and when they challenge the certification exam. To do so, you need to know something vital. Even more important than reading and explore the questions in this book. It is yourself.

    Know Yourself as a Learner

    From my experience, as a college instructor know who you are as a learner is halfway to be a successful person in your life as a student or when you challenge the certificate test.

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