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Best of Sticky Fingers: Sticky Fingers: A Collection of Short Stories
Best of Sticky Fingers: Sticky Fingers: A Collection of Short Stories
Best of Sticky Fingers: Sticky Fingers: A Collection of Short Stories
Ebook290 pages6 hours

Best of Sticky Fingers: Sticky Fingers: A Collection of Short Stories

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Stay up all night with USA Today bestselling author JT Lawrence


Diverse, dark-humored, and deliciously bite-sized, you'll binge-read this compelling collection of 16 psychological suspense short stories.


★★★★★ "Lawrence makes every word count, telling each story with elegance and emotional punch." — Patsy Hennessey

★★★★★ "JT Lawrence is the queen of short stories." — Dora Bona

★★★★★ "Each story is masterfully constructed ... Humorous, touching, creepy, but most of all entertaining, this collection is superb." — Tracy Michelle Anderson



If you're a fan of Roald Dahl or Gillian Flynn you'll love these unsettling stories with a twist in the tale. 


Are you ready to stay up all night with USA Today bestselling author JT Lawrence?


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PublisherJT Lawrence
Release dateNov 4, 2020
Best of Sticky Fingers: Sticky Fingers: A Collection of Short Stories

JT Lawrence

JT Lawrence is an author, playwright and bookdealer based in Parkhurst, Johannesburg. She is the mother of two small boys and lives in a house with a red front door.

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    Best of Sticky Fingers - JT Lawrence



    Thanks for coming in," says Captain De Villiers, standing up and rubbing his stubble. He’s looking rougher than usual, more unkempt. His face is as crumpled as his shirt. What he really means is: Thank you for not making me come and get you from that damned sheep farm of yours.

    You promised me we’d catch a wife-killer, Robin Susman says. How could I resist?

    Usually you’re bloody good at resisting, says De Villiers. You must be getting soft in your old age.

    Speak for yourself. Susman eyes the box of Calmettes on his desk. Since when did Devil need tranquillisers? De Villiers follows her gaze and scoops the pills off the table, dropping them in the open drawer below and slamming it shut.

    They’re natural, he says, under his breath. Susman doesn’t reply. She assumes the captain’s wife has insisted on them. The Devil she knows is not one for herbal remedies.

    If the case is so open-and-shut, why do you need me? Susman asks.

    Khaya suddenly appears at the door. You’re back! He grins at her but knows not to hug. Hugging comes with the risk of being stabbed by a ballpoint pen. Robin Susman has boundaries.

    She nods. Sergeant.

    I’ve just made the captain some coffee, Khaya says, passing it to Devil. Would you like some?

    Susman laughs. From this place? No. Thank you.

    De Villers takes a sip and pulls a face. Good call.

    You guys need to get with it, says Susman. "You need a decent coffee machine. I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere. I churn my own butter for God’s sake … and yet even I have a proper espresso maker."

    Certainly, says Devil, batting his short brown eyelashes and gesturing at the grubby surroundings. Shall we order the gold-plated one, to match the rest of the office?

    Robin doesn’t have to look around to capitulate. She knows by touch the thin walls, the cheap furniture, the broken ceiling fan that has been hanging skew for years. No matter how hot it becomes in the confined space, the officers know to never switch it on, or face the imminent threat of decapitation. Susman sighs. She knows there is no budget for anything; as it is, the police station is critically understaffed and has been for years.

    But what do you do when a woman is missing? There's no time to complain about slow software or cracked windows. You just get on with the job. And in a city like Johannesburg, there is no shortage of missing persons cases.

    Robin sits down, and Captain De Villiers passes her the file. MEGAN ELIZABETH SHAW.

    "Shaw disappeared two weeks ago. Both her husband and parents reported her missing when she didn’t come home on the night of the 22nd of May. The husband—David—had seen her that morning and said she was her usual self. Nothing out of the ordinary.

    Susman pages through the file, reading snippets as she listens to Devil’s brief. There is a photo of Megan Shaw: brunette, average height, hazel-eyed and friendly-looking. She was wearing heavy makeup and a spotted silk scarf knotted at the neck.

    She looks like a film star from the 50s, says Susman, picturing those actresses who would don cat’s-eye sunglasses and wrap their hair in a designer scarf before riding in an open-top sports car somewhere in California or St. Moritz.

    It’s in her profile, says Khaya. The scarves. Her friends say she had—and I quote—a ‘scarf addiction'. Her mother said she'd never have left them behind. That's how she knows Shaw didn't leave on her own accord; when we checked her house, the scarves were all there.

    How would she know? That they were all there?

    Marie Kondō, says the sergeant.

    Susman frowns. What now?

    Ha, says De Villiers. I had the same reaction. Shaw’s mother said that the weekend before her daughter went missing, she had helped her sort her closets.

    Decluttering, says Khaya. It’s trending hard right now.

    They had given away all but her favourite scarves, and kept fifty.

    "Fifty, said Khaya, giving her a pointed look, as if owning fifty scarves was scandalous. And when we checked her place out, there were forty-nine. She was wearing her favourite one—green silk—the day she disappeared."

    Susman began tapping the leg of the desk with her boot. Remind me why this is significant?

    Because she never packed a bag. Her toiletries are all still there. And she never packed any of her scarves.

    Sounds to me as if you guys are reaching.

    Khaya stares at her. "So you think she did do a runner?"

    I don’t think anything yet. All I’m saying is basing a case on a silk scarf seems sketchy at best.

    But you always say—

    I know what I always say.

    Susman always says The Husband Did It. Most of the time, she’s right.

    Blom sticks his head through the doorway, and his face lights up when he sees Robin.

    Susman! he says. Can I make you some coffee?

    I’m getting the feeling you guys actually don’t want me to stay.

    Khaya laughs, showing off his perfect teeth.

    I have news, says the tall Dutch detective who they call The Flying Dutchman.

    Body? asks De Villiers.

    "Negatief, says Blom. He's chewing gum, and Robin watches as his jaws work away at it. I finally got through the red tape. They released her bank statements to us. Megan Shaw withdrew all her money the day before she disappeared."

    Robin sits up a little straighter. That’s interesting.

    All her money? Devil has a sip of his coffee and then has a regretful expression.

    Every cent. Savings, current, access bond, you name it. She maxed her cash withdrawal and sent the rest to PayDay. It’s an international payment service based in the US. We can’t access those records.

    Yet, says Devil. Get on it.

    Yes, Captain. Blom retreats, giving Susman a wave. Khaya leaves, too.

    I don’t understand why they’re always so bloody happy to see you, moans De Villiers.

    Oh, please, says Susman. They get to look at my face instead of yours for a few days. I’m surprised they’re not throwing a party.

    Devil purses his lips.

    Where is the husband? asks Susman. David Shaw. I’d like to speak to him.

    When Robin Susman had been a detective in Devil’s squad, she had cracked suspects in half with her interrogation technique.

    It’s not a technique, she used to say. I just ask questions.

    That’s what life’s about, though, isn’t it? Devil had said in one of his more reflective moments. Asking the right questions.

    I’ve tried already, he says. Shaw doesn’t answer a thing. Just says he’s innocent and hides behind his attorney.

    Smart, says Robin.

    He was willing to do a lie-detector test.

    Susman looks up at him.

    He passed. We’re holding him, but don’t have anything. Not really. We’re going to have to charge or release him in a few hours, and we're running out of time. He reaches for his jacket. Want to go for a walk?

    They stride over the broken paving of the sidewalk, stepping over tree roots and potholes. Susman trips over the nub of a tree stump, and De Villiers catches her hand without thinking. She regains her balance and snatches it back.

    Sorry, he says. She thanks him in an annoyed way and plunges her hands back into her pockets and they keep walking.

    Pigeons, pecking at the stale breadcrumbs near an overflowing rubbish bin, look up at them and scatter. Cars dodge and overtake, and aggressive drivers lean on their horns. Robin can taste the carbon monoxide in the air. Farm air is not without its stink, but she’d take compost and sheep dung over exhaust fumes any day.

    Nice to get some fresh air, jokes Devil.

    Susman smiles at him, the sun’s glare reflecting off the traffic and making her eyes water. Tell me about the blood spatter.

    No blood spatter, says De Villiers.

    They dodge weeds, rocks, and loose gravel. There is graffiti on the dirty brick walls, and an old empty chip packet glints as it’s pushed along by the lazy breeze.

    I want a new forensic team checking her house.

    I can’t authorise that. We don’t have the budget. De Villiers runs his fingers through his hair. Strictly speaking, we can’t afford you on this case, either.

    Susman stops walking to look him in the eye. And yet, here I am.

    The duo stand inside Megan and David Shaw’s lounge. The captain’s compromise was to get a junior forensic to comb the house again, and Susman could do her own search. After ninety minutes of careful inspection, they agree the lounge is clean. In Susman’s mind, it’s suspiciously clean. Susman snaps her latex gloves off to give her perspiring hands some air.

    Satisfied? asks Devil.


    Susman makes her way to the bedroom the couple shared and carefully looks through their things. She uses her borrowed UV light to check for blood residue, spraying Luminol as she slowly works through the room. The carpet smells of shampoo, the walls were recently scrubbed. Robin stops when she sees the scarf collection. Taking out her phone, she records a voice note saying how she thinks the room is too clean.

    Susman! De Villiers calls. We may have found something.

    Susman turns to leave, but something is still bothering her. She spins around and looks again, her eyes scanning the room.

    Susman! yells Devil.

    Robin remembers the hairline crack in the clay stand of the bedside lamp. A sign of a struggle? She walks towards it, picks it up, and looks at the bottom. She doesn’t need the Luminol to see the blood spatter. It’s there: a fine spray of brown on the grey felt.

    She wends her way back to the captain and the junior forensic.

    It might be nothing, says the intern, holding up a sealed evidence bag. It looks empty. But we found what looks like female hair on the husband’s outbound dry-cleaning. It was in the closet near the front door, ready to go.

    Long and blonde, adds Devil. So, in other words, not his wife’s.

    Good work, Junior, says Susman. Now come upstairs, and bring your UV light.

    They uncover three more patches of blood spatter: in the central light fitting, behind the wall-heater, and underneath the closet door.

    Someone cleaned this up really well, says the junior.

    Not well enough, says De Villiers, looking grumpy. Maybe he was disheartened that his original team had not found anything. Maybe he needs to be harder on them. Robin can tell he’s been distracted lately.

    While the forensic packs up the samples and the rest of his kit, Susman looks out of the window at the peaceful suburban scene outside. Indigenous trees, green lawns, kids riding bikes, and thinks what an illusion it all is.

    It’s probably enough to charge him, says Devil. But not to prosecute. No body, no motive, no weapon.

    An outsider wouldn’t have gone to so much trouble to clean up.

    De Villiers nods in agreement.

    The blonde hair could point to the motive, says Susman. Let’s find out who the owner is.

    While the evidence is being processed in the lab, Blom arranges for David Shaw’s car—a silver Audi—to be searched. The report comes back clean. Devil orders a second search. Again, the report is clean.

    Anything on the DNA of that hair yet? De Villiers yells into his phone, then shakes his head. After he ends the call, he slams his phone on his desk. Blood is hers, he shouts, and the office goes quiet; an unintended minute of silence for the victim. Robin doesn’t feel the usual cold wash that accompanies these murder cases. Perhaps the pile of bodies has simply grown too high.

    The mother just called, says Khaya. The vic’s mother. Said that Megan and David had an argument the night before she disappeared.

    Blom chips in. That’s what the neighbour said, too. Said she heard them shouting at each other. Said it happens often and they don’t even call the cops anymore.

    Had she ever laid any charges against him? asks Robin. Domestic violence?

    No, says Khaya, but the vic’s mother said she’d often have bruises. Always had an excuse for them, though. Mother says that the vic’s father never approved of the marriage. So maybe she felt like she couldn’t tell them about the abuse.

    But no evidence, right? says De Villiers. No broken bones or hospital records.

    Right, said Khaya. Just a mother’s opinion.

    We could put her and the neighbour on the stand, says Susman. But it’s a bit patchy.

    Is the blood spatter enough to charge him with? asks Blom, glancing at his watch. We’ve got an hour left before those clerks start packing up.

    Oh, says Khaya, scratching his head with the back of a cheap yellow pen. "She also said to check his bakkie. A Ford Ranger."

    "His bakkie?" asks Blom, unfamiliar with the South African slang.

    His pickup truck, says Khaya.

    You should know that by now, says Devil. You bloody Dutchman.

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, says Robin.

    Who are you calling black? jokes Khaya.

    They laugh, but not for long.

    Okay, De Villiers says. "Khaya’s checking on the bakkie. Blom is going to nag the lab. He drums his fingers on his desk so hard they all stare at him. Go on, he says to Khaya and Blom. Get lost. I need to think."

    Once the officers leave, Robin gets a faraway look in her eyes. It would explain the heavy makeup. And the scarves.

    Devil rubs his temples. What?

    You can hide bruises with scarves.

    Devil watches as Robin’s fingers unknowingly travel to her collarbone. They’d had to pin it back in place, if he remembers correctly, and it hadn’t been the only surgery she had required. He tries not to wince. His phone rings, making them both jump. He barks his name and then listens intently as he scribbles notes on the back of a sheet. Robin stands up and moves to look over his shoulder, trying to decipher his awful handwriting.

    Cross, Hailey.


    Knew vic.



    The last word was underlined, but Robin couldn’t tell if it said witness or mistress.

    Uh-huh, he says. Uh-huh. Show her to the interview room. We’ll be there in five minutes.

    Hailey Cross is waiting in the grey room. She wipes her hands on her jeans before shaking Devil's hand. She's petite, moderately attractive, and has cascading blonde hair. She frequently swigs from a bottle of water she's brought along. Dry mouth, clammy hands. She's not even trying to hide the fact that she’s as nervous as a cat in a cage. Her attorney sits, stone-faced and silent, beside her.

    Thank you for coming in to talk to us, says De Villiers. I realise you don’t get much time off—as a nurse—so we really do appreciate it.

    Robin stares at him. She’s never heard him be so polite in his life. Maybe the tranquillisers are working. Or maybe he was working on his manipulation technique.

    I heard that David’s getting out this afternoon. Hailey’s eyes dart nervously between them.

    Yes, says Susman.

    She chews on her lower lip; her eyes have dark crescents beneath them. She hasn’t been sleeping. You can’t let him go.

    We don’t have enough evidence to charge him, says Devil.

    He did it, she says. He murdered Megan. In their bedroom. He wrapped a jersey around her head and then smashed it with a baseball bat.

    Robin shuddered. She gripped her knees in an attempt to silence her body’s reaction to such brutality. Devil took the pen out of his mouth and blinked at the nurse. How do you know this?

    Hailey Cross blew her fringe out of her eyes. Because I was there.

    Why did you wait so long to come in?

    I didn’t want to be implicated, she says, looking at her attorney. Accessory to murder? Obstruction of justice? But then I heard he was getting out—

    —and you knew he’d come for you, next, says Susman.

    Yes. Hailey lifts a hand to her eyes and begins to cry. I can’t get it out of my head, she says, rubbing her forehead. I just keep seeing it happen over and over again. And I know he’ll do the same thing to me. She begins to unbutton her blouse, and the captain instinctively looks away. When his gaze returns to Cross, he sees a large bruise across her chest. She also shows them what looks like a cigarette burn on the inside of her forearm. He is a vicious man.

    By the time she has buttoned up, she has stopped crying.

    You were having an affair? asks Robin, thinking of the long blonde hair they had found at the house.

    Cross nodded. We met a year ago. He wasn’t wearing his wedding ring. When I found out about his wife, I tried to end the relationship. That's when he started beating me. I tried to leave, but he'd always find me. He enjoyed it. Her lips pulled to the side with emotion. He enjoyed hurting me. Said if I ever went to the police, he’d kill Peggy, and I knew it was true.


    My Jack Russell. She's missing a leg, the nurse says, as a way of explanation. Devil looked confused, but Susman knew the common nickname for pets missing a leg. Peg-leg. Three-leggy Peggy.

    I knew he would do it, Hailey says.

    You were trapped, says Susman.

    I knew he would do it, she says again. He’s done it before.

    Killed an animal?

    At the cabin, she says. We’d go there, in the beginning, so that his wife wouldn’t find out about us. It used to be romantic, but then it got scary. He knew he could do whatever he wanted to me in that cabin, because it’s in the middle of nowhere, so—

    She doesn’t have to say the rest. So that no one could hear her scream.

    God. Susman didn’t mean to say it out loud. Her skin turns to braille.

    Why didn’t we know he had a cabin? asks Devil. It would have been the first place we searched.

    It doesn’t technically belong to him, said Cross. I don’t know the details—he was evasive—but as far as I know, it belongs to a friend of his. There’d be no paper trail.

    Tell us about Megan Shaw, Devil says. Susman looks at the

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