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The Accidental Alchemist: An Accidental Alchemist Mystery, #1
The Accidental Alchemist: An Accidental Alchemist Mystery, #1
The Accidental Alchemist: An Accidental Alchemist Mystery, #1
Ebook380 pages6 hours

The Accidental Alchemist: An Accidental Alchemist Mystery, #1

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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"Filled with magic, intrigue, and humor, this series is sure to delight fans of cozy mysteries and urban fantasy."―Bookriot


A chance for a new beginning in Portland, Oregon. A stowaway from Paris. Can alchemist Zoe Faust solve the mystery of an ancient book in time to save her new friend? Don't miss the first novel in the award-winning series from USA Today bestselling author Gigi Pandian!

Unpacking her belongings in her new fixer-upper house, alchemist Zoe Faust can't help but notice she's picked up a stowaway. Dorian Robert-Houdin is a living, breathing gargoyle―not to mention a master of French cuisine―and he needs Zoe's expertise to unlock the secrets of a centuries-old text. Zoe, who's trying to put her old life behind her, isn't so sure she wants to reopen her alchemical past...until a crime committed on her front porch leaves her no choice.
Includes recipes!

Winner of the Left Coast Crime Lefty Award.
"Zoe and Dorian are my new favorite amateur-sleuth duo!" ―New York Times bestselling author Victoria Laurie

"A whimsical and charming supernatural mystery."―Mystery Scene


"Mysterious, captivating, and infused with the rich history of the Northwest...fantastic." ―Portland Book Review
"This reviewer is eagerly anticipating more from this series, and a return of a cast more fun than an episode of Portlandia."―RT Book Reviews


"Pandian...launches a supernatural cozy series that hits high marks for a modern twist on an ancient practice. Amusing supporting characters and historical details solidify this engaging mystery." ―Library Journal


"[A] lighthearted supernatural mystery...Pandian sets this series apart from other fluffy paranormal mysteries with Zoe's cute nonhuman sidekick and some mouthwatering vegan recipes." ―Publishers Weekly


"Readers won't want to put this book down." ―Vegetarian Journal


"[A]n eccentric and charming cast of characters readers are going to want to spend more time with." ―RT Book Reviews Online


"A magical, whimsical cozy that will delight readers who enjoy Juliet Blackwell and Heather Weber mysteries!"―Agatha Award-winning author Avery Aames (aka Daryl Wood Gerber)


"Gigi Pandian's pen never disappoints." ―New York Times bestselling author Juliet Blackwell

Release dateOct 27, 2020
The Accidental Alchemist: An Accidental Alchemist Mystery, #1

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Reviews for The Accidental Alchemist

Rating: 4.214285714285714 out of 5 stars

14 ratings4 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a solid start to a fun paranormal cozy mystery series. They love the charming characters, intriguing locations, and premise. While some reviewers were influenced by negative reviews, they still enjoyed the engaging elements of the book. The mystery element may not be great, but readers are still invested in finishing the book. Overall, readers are excited to continue with the series.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A solid 3.5 starts rounded up to four. A creditable start to what could be a fun paranormal cozy mystery series. I am keen to read the second book and see how the characters develop.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I made the cardinal mistake any book reviewer could do. I read reviews for this book. I had opted for Book 3 in this series from NetGalley and had to review it. I realized I hadn't read Book 1 so perhaps, I would not have enough context to read book 3. I found Book 1 on Scribd and started reading it.

    And then I read the scores of 2 star reviews for the book on Goodreads. And I understood why they say you shouldn't read reviews because until that time, I was perfectly enjoying that book. I mean it wasn't a great mystery as such. The mystery element was pretty terrible (That I agree with), but the other elements were engaging and I still wanted to finish the book.

    I do agree that the plot kind of focused on Zoe's life without focusing on the mystery enough. Things just happened to take place that would aid the mystery. And those things took away from the book. But, it WAS fun to read about a Gargoyle appearing in Zoe's life and how he turns things around. He had grown on me in the time I read about him as well.

    All in all, it's really not that bad as the reviews say. But it's honestly not as good as some of the cozy mysteries out there. This one is barely a mystery at that. But still, it is a fun read. I just wish the mystery had a little more weight.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I absolutely loved this book. I couldn't out it down. I'm ready to start the 2nd in the series
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Charming characters, intriguing locations and premise, what more could you want?

Book preview

The Accidental Alchemist - Gigi Pandian


The once-beautiful Craftsman house was falling apart. Sloppily applied sections of wood covered several windows. A chunk of the roof was missing, a plastic tarp in its place to keep out the frequent Pacific Northwest rains. More exposed wall than lavender paint showed on the outer walls. And on the inside? Well, let’s just say that the plumbing had seen better days—and I’m pretty sure those better days weren’t any time during the previous century.

In other words: perfect.

At least, it was perfect for what I had in mind. I smiled as I looked at the rundown structure through the window of my trailer. Finding this house in the artsy Hawthorne neighborhood of Portland, Oregon hadn’t been easy. Real estate agents had a difficult time grasping the fact that I wanted a house in complete disrepair.

It was probably my own fault, because I didn’t lie to them. I told them I wasn’t a professional home renovator. Nor was I a house flipper. No, I wasn’t a masochist either. But I left it at that, letting them think I was a single young woman with trendy dyed-white hair and a limited budget who loved a challenge. I didn’t tell them I was someone who needed a residence where doing substantial construction wouldn’t raise eyebrows—that I was someone who wanted to hide in plain sight.

As soon as I’d seen the listing that a peppy young real estate agent emailed me with a healthy dose of skepticism and at least a dozen exclamation points, I knew this was the perfect house for me. I’d even found the perfect contractor, who’d come highly recommended by the real estate agent for being discreet.

The contractor wanted me on-site to make sure he was correctly executing my unique instructions, which is how I found myself moving into my new home during a furious winter storm, the day before he promised to begin work. I love the rain, but I love it most when I’m inside the warm, cozy trailer where I’ve lived for years, listening to the rhythmic sound of the rain tapping on the roof.

Inside the silver Airstream trailer, I bundled my coat around me and scooped up a bag of a few essentials before running the few yards to the house. Not that there was much more to move inside. I was born and raised in Massachusetts, but I’d been living out of that old trailer for a long time. Half the space in the trailer was taken up with the trinkets I sold at flea markets across the country. Most of the antique wares I’d accumulated over the years were in storage. I was waiting for a shipping company to deliver them that afternoon.

I hung my silver raincoat on a rusty hook next to the front door, then carried the bag to the kitchen. It contained my blender, a kettle and mug, a few jars of dried herbs, raw chocolate, and a bag of produce and nuts from a hearty farmer who braved the rains at the farmers market. Like I said: essentials.

The water from the kitchen’s mid-century faucet ran a yellowish-brown color, but I wasn’t deterred. A small sip of the water assured me it was only rust. A little extra iron would do me good. Still, I let the water run for a few minutes while I poked around the kitchen. Though it was in desperate need of cosmetic upgrades, its bones were solid. The vintage porcelain stove was functional, and it would be beautiful after a little cleaning. The pink fridge was one of the models popular in the 1950s that looked like it could have withstood a bomb blast. The best part was the window box above the sink, perfect for growing delicate herbs. My blender didn’t explode when I plugged it into a socket, which was a good sign. I made a green smoothie with fresh leafy greens, an apple, avocado, mint, chocolate, and ginger.

Energizing drink in hand, I was ready to explore my new house. I’d toured it already, but that was different. Now it was real. A home I could make my own. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d allowed myself to feel so optimistic. I was almost hopeful. Almost.

I shook out the faded curtains that covered the tall living room windows. Branches of unpruned cherry trees scraped against the windows like claws. The trees would need to be trimmed, but not too much—I liked the privacy they granted.

Floorboards creaked underfoot as I made my way up the stairs. Before I reached the second floor, a honk that played the opening notes of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony alerted me to the movers’ presence. You’ve gotta love movers who enjoy the little things in life—and who don’t ask questions about the items they’re delivering. In addition to the furniture for the house and the antiques I sold online, the crates contained glass jars I didn’t want anyone looking at too closely.

Within an hour, the efficient father-son team had carried the heavy furniture and crates inside, and I’d made us all a pot of mint tea with a hint of licorice. I had to scrounge up two additional mugs from my trailer; I’m not used to entertaining.

After the movers departed, I sank into the green velvet couch that had been in storage for years, enjoying the sound of the rain. The respite didn’t last long. As soon as I pried open one of the crates, I knew something was wrong. Someone had tampered with my shipping crates.

It was the smell that hit me first. A metallic scent assaulted my senses. With the crowbar still in my hand, I examined the mess. The glass and copper antiques that had been carefully wrapped in old newspapers were now exposed. This wasn’t the type of chaos that could have been created by a turbulent flight, or even damage that would have resulted from the crate being tipped on its side or placed upside down. Taking a closer look, I saw that not only had the contents been unwrapped, but the lids from several glass jars had been sloppily resealed. That’s where the metallic fragrance was coming from. There could be no doubt that someone had rifled through the contents.

The strange thing was, nothing seemed to be missing. Even the jar containing a small amount of gold was there. Instead, as I removed the glassware and pushed aside the tangle of newspaper padding, I saw that something had been added.

A three-foot stone gargoyle stared up at me from the wreckage that used to be carefully organized antique alchemy artifacts.

Instinctively, I stepped backward. How had this statue been added to my sealed crate? And why on earth would someone do so?

I ran out the front door, but the movers had already departed. The porch sagged beneath my feet and the rickety front door banged shut behind me in the strong wind. When I turned the door handle to let myself back inside, the brass knob came off in my hand. Be careful what you wish for, Zoe Faust.

Thankfully, a strong shove was all the door needed to open. Back inside my new home, I returned to the crate for a closer look. The gargoyle reminded me of the stone carvings on Notre Dame in Paris. The gray creature looked similar to the famous thinker gargoyle, with short horns and folded wings. The main difference was that this gargoyle held an old, leather-bound book in his arms. That was odd. I would have expected any added detail to be made of stone, not this real book with leather binding. I couldn’t place the type of stone used to carve the gargoyle. Granite? Sandstone? Or perhaps softer soapstone? It wasn’t like any stone I’d seen. I leaned in for a closer look. There was something…

The gargoyle blinked.

My fist tensed around the crowbar. I stumbled backward, falling into the large couch.

Sprawled out on the couch, I laughed at myself. I’d seen a fair share of magic shows in my time. I knew what this gargoyle was. He was something that had been a popular attraction over a century ago: an automaton.

You’re the best-looking automaton I’ve ever seen, I said.

The gargoyle’s shoulders moved, as if it was stretching. It was a wonderfully constructed piece. It must have been programmed to awaken when light shone on him. A good trick for the stage.

I am no automaton, a deep voice emanating from the automaton said. He—for his voice assured me he was male—climbed out of the crate onto the hardwood floor.

I gasped and fell off the edge of the couch. Ouch.

I’d seen ingenious automatons created by stage magicians. None were as advanced as this one. If I were to believe my eyes, I would have sworn he was alive. But then again, technology had progressed since automatons were popular in stage shows of the 1800s. A famous example of an early automaton was The Turk, a chess-playing machine that drew huge crowds to watch him play chess against famous chess players. Automatons were a combination of technical wizardry and stage showmanship, and the most famous automatons were aided by human helpers. There was no way a person was inside the crate with this creature, so he had to be completely mechanized.

Where are my manners? the creature said, bowing before me. I did not mean to startle you. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dorian Robert-Houdin. He spoke in English with a thick French accent.

I pulled myself together and stood up. Either I’m going crazy, or your creator had a mischievous sense of humor. Incorporating a recording of his voice—

I broke off when the gargoyle who called himself Dorian Robert-Houdin blinked at me again. The effect was quite disconcerting. His eyelids looked like granite, but the eyes themselves were a liquidy black substance.

I assure you, he said, I am not a robotic automaton, nor are you going crazy.

Most people would have run screaming from the room if they saw a walking, talking gargoyle emerge from their storage crate. I admit I was surprised, but I’ve seen many things in my lifetime. I stood my ground and took a closer look at the creature, trying to find evidence he was an incredibly advanced robot. I didn’t see any. All I saw before me was a creature that looked every bit as alive as I was. It wasn’t only the wrinkles in his gray skin and the absence of visible mechanized parts—it was the spirit that showed in his eyes.

Through my shock and confusion, another emotion poked through: disappointment. It was a feeling I knew well. Portland was supposed to be my chance at a normal life. I’d been traveling for far too long. Running. I was tired. Ready to settle down. My trailer had been my sanctuary for years as I crisscrossed the country, never staying in one place for too long. But when I’d passed through Portland the previous year, the city spoke to me. It had all the elements I cared about. Plentiful greenery, an ancient river, vibrant weather, and most of all, welcoming people—many of whom I felt might be kindred spirits. Feeling instantly at home in Portland had struck me as too good to be true. Maybe it was. This was the last place on earth I expected to find a creature that wasn’t supposed to exist.

Surely you know what I am, the gargoyle continued, "Alchemist."

The word hit me more forcefully than a slap.

Did I mention that when I was born in Massachusetts, it was 1676? I’ve been around for a while. But even my many years hadn’t prepared me for what I’d find in Portland.


Being an alchemist isn’t as glamorous as it sounds. Turning lead into gold? It’s a laborious, utterly draining process that’s incredibly difficult to replicate. Living a longer life? Not without unpleasant consequences, such as outliving everyone you love and feeling the effects of years of unhealthy living.

Alchemy means different things to different people, but at its core it’s about transformation that strives to achieve perfection. It’s a personal journey that involves transforming yourself as you transform plants or metals. Finding the philosopher’s stone to create gold and the Elixir of Life to live forever are the most famous goals of alchemists, but those are only two parts of a much greater whole.

It’s a lonely life. Because there are so few of us who have succeeded in realizing alchemy’s true potential, and because we’ve seen what has befallen alchemists over the centuries, we’re forced to keep the extent of our alchemical transformations a secret.

It’s not as bad as it was during the Salem Witch Trials, when misunderstandings had consequences much worse than hateful comments on Facebook. Society has come a long way since then, but people are still afraid of what they don’t understand. The people I’ve met in my travels love that I can use herbs to create healthful elixirs that heal what ails them or sell them a decorative alchemical relic. But tell them about my deeper connection to plants, my ability to detect poisons, and the fact that I first did so over three hundred years ago? They’ll get as far away from me as possible and probably call a psychiatrist. I’ve learned not to tell people the whole truth. It’s better for everyone. That’s why I was doubly disconcerted to have a living gargoyle standing in my new home announcing who I really was.

The creature’s eyes followed me as I took a few slow steps backward and leaned against the wall, steadying my trembling legs.

How do you know me? I asked. Why do you say I’m an alchemist?

Dorian bowed again. This time his wings widened as he did so. They, too, looked visually like stone, but moved like the wings of a bird or a bat.

The rain had stopped, at least for the moment, but a strong breeze outside rustled the branches of the trees in the front yard and they again brushed against the living room windows. Standing in the shadow of the crate, Dorian cocked his head and looked at the windows, his eyes narrowed.

You will draw the curtains, Dorian said. Then we may speak more freely.

I kept the creature in view as I stood up to close the musty curtains. Part of me thought he’d disappear if I let him out of my sight.

There is no need to pretend with me, he said. Besides, you give yourself away, Alchemist. You seem rather unsurprised to find a living gargoyle in your luggage.

You don’t call falling off the couch surprised?

You are sitting here speaking with me, he said. That is more than most people would do if they saw me.

You lucked out and hid in the crate of an open-minded person.

The gargoyle rolled his eyes. Apparently it was a universal way to express exasperation. Or maybe I really was going crazy.

Zoe, he said. I knew your apothecary shop, Elixir, in Paris.

My grandmother’s shop? Maybe that explained things. Well, as much as things could be explained with a talking gargoyle in one’s living room. I’ve got a great collection of historical alchemical supplies she left me, as you must have seen from rooting through my shipping crate. I sell things like these antiques to make a living.

"Mon dieu, Dorian said. I know that you are the same person as the young woman from a century ago you claim was your grandmother."

That’s ridiculous, I said, hoping my shaking voice didn’t betray me.

"If you are not going to trust that your secret is safe with me, at least you can feed me. Do you have any food? J’ai faim. That crate was in transit for much longer than I imagined it would be. I apologize that this is why I searched through your belongings. I was hoping to find something to eat."

"You eat food?"

But of course.

Something about the gargoyle saying how hungry he was made me realize the absurdity of the situation. I glanced around the expansive living and dining room, empty except for shipping crates, a green velvet couch, a mango wood coffee table, and a oak dining table with chairs. I half-expected a Frenchman with a remote control to jump out from behind the couch and tell me this was a practical joke for a reality TV show.

What are you? I asked. The gargoyle was even larger that I’d originally thought. He stood three-and-a-half feet tall, two feet shorter than my five-foot-six frame, and looked every bit as real as I did.

I would think that was evident, he said. "Je suis un gargouille—a gargoyle. As I said, my name is Dorian. I am no less alive than you."

The hilarity I felt a moment before drained from my body, replaced by fear.

You’re a homunculus, I whispered. I no longer cared about what I said in front of the creature, even if it meant admitting I was a practicing alchemist. Keeping my secret was now the least of my problems. Having such a creature in my home was far more dangerous than the most advanced robot—because he had a mind that was controlled from afar. A homunculus could not be deactivated or killed by anyone besides the person who created him.

There were rumors of alchemists who had succeeded in creating a homunculus—a living being created out of an inanimate object— but none of the rumors had ever been proven true. They were either stories told by men who wanted to appear more powerful than they really were, or legends created to make people fear alchemists. It couldn’t be…

My father did not think so, he said casually, as if this was a normal conversation.

"Your father?"

The man who raised me and cared for me. That is what one calls a father, no?

Yes, but how—

There is much to tell, but I am hungry, he whined.

But why are you here in the first place? I asked. What were you doing in my moving crate?

You visited Paris so briefly, Dorian Robert-Houdin answered, looking up at me. You were there only to pack up your storage unit. That did not leave me time to speak with you about my book. He held up the antique book clutched in his clawed hands. I assure you I am no homunculus. I have a mind of my own, you see. You have nothing to fear.

Though I wasn’t sure how much better it made me feel to know that he had a mind of his own, I didn’t have time to give the matter more thought. A crash sounded from the direction of the kitchen. The swinging door burst open and a scrawny boy fell to the floor.

Dorian’s black liquid eyes bulged and he scampered back inside his crate.

Sprawled on the hardwood floor was a boy who looked about thirteen or fourteen years old. Curly black hair stuck to the sides of his face, messy from the earlier rain. He met my gaze as he pushed himself up. His hazel eyes resembled those of a cornered animal— defiance masking fear.

Instead of anger at the realization that he’d been spying on us from behind the swinging kitchen door, my first thought was concern. A large streak of blood covered the boy’s forearm.

You’re hurt, I said.

I’m fine, he stammered, his voice breaking as he held his bleeding arm.

"Let me get something to bandage that. Then you can tell me why you were in my house eavesdropping—"

I’m fine, he repeated, and I didn’t see anything. He stood still for a second longer, then bolted back toward the swinging kitchen door.

He was fast, but Dorian was faster. The gargoyle jumped out of his crate and grabbed the boy’s leg.

Don’t hurt me! The boy tried to shake free of Dorian’s grasp, but the little creature was strong.

"Mon dieu, Dorian said. We are not going to hurt you. But you must give us your word of honor you will not speak of what you saw."

I swear I won’t say anything. The boy kept squirming, but Dorian’s grip was unrelenting.

What’s your name? I asked.

The boy glared at me.

What do you think you saw? I asked. I was unpacking my robot—

Nothing, he said quickly. I didn’t see anything.

The boy is not stupid, Dorian said. It is evident I am no robot.

I’m not a boy, he said, jerking his arm away. This time Dorian let go. I’m fourteen. And I’m just leaving—

Let me clean your cut, I said.

I told you, I’m fine.

No, you’re not, I said. You’re also breaking and entering.

His face paled. You can’t call the cops. This place is abandoned. I’m not doing anything wrong.

As you can see, I said, spreading my arms and looking over the room from the velvet couch to the crates, I’m the new owner. How did you get in?

He looked at the floor.

Watch him, I said to Dorian.

I poked my head into the kitchen. One of the windows had been forced open. A smear of blood covered the rusty latch.

There’s no way that window latch is sanitary, I said to the boy. Let me clean that cut.

He crossed his arms and glowered at me, but didn’t attempt to run.

I’ll be right back, I said.

I went to my trailer to find an antiseptic salve and a bandage. It took me a few minutes, and when I returned, Dorian and the boy were sitting cross-legged in front of the brick fireplace. They watched each other skeptically, apparently having reached a détente.

Let me see your arm. I took his hand in mine.

He wore a black hoodie that was pushed up to his elbows. The blood from his cut had soaked the cuff. He winced as I cleaned the cut and applied an herbal salve of yarrow and aloe. Though the boy was scrawny, his hands were strong. His fingertips were calloused, like he played a stringed instrument. I wondered which one. I couldn’t see him playing in a school orchestra, but one thing I’ve learned over the years is that people never fail to surprise me.

Why did you break in? I asked.

I told you, he said. This place was supposed to be abandoned. We saw the trailer in the driveway. He shrugged. We wanted to know who would be staying in a haunted house.

Dorian rolled his little black eyes.

Your friends are with you? I asked. This situation kept getting worse and worse.

They stayed down the street. None of them were brave enough…

You’re here on a dare?

He glared at me again. The kid seemed to have a lot of practice.

They won’t believe you, you know, I said.

A brisk knock sounded at the door.

"Mon dieu! Dorian exclaimed. What is this, une fête?"

Maybe you should—

"Oui," Dorian said. But instead of getting back inside the crate, he stood next to the fireplace. After stretching his shoulders for a moment, he stood so still that I would have sworn he was a stone gargoyle, just as solid and unmoving as a garden decoration.

Could it be your friends? I asked the boy.

He shook his head, confusion showing on his face. They wouldn’t—

Police, a deep voice called out from beyond the door. May I speak with you?

What were the police doing at my door? I felt my pulse quicken as memories flooded back to me. I wasn’t alone in my reaction. My young intruder’s eyes grew wide.

The boy hovered nervously behind me as I opened the door to find a handsome man with deep brown eyes standing on my rickety porch. Instead of a police uniform, he wore dark blue jeans, a slim-fitting black sweater, and a jacket. Two kids, a boy and a girl, stood next to him.

What can I do for you? I asked, hoping I didn’t sound as nervous as I felt.

My injured intruder groaned, slinking further behind me.

I’m Detective Liu, the man said. Max Liu. These two were worried about their friend Brixton. They said they saw him— He broke off and cleared his throat.

Let me guess, I said. You were going to say they saw him disappear into the neighborhood haunted house. The house had been uninhabited for several years, due to a legal battle among the family of the elderly woman who’d lived here. That’s how it had fallen into its current state of disrepair. I knew about the history from the real estate agent, but for everyone else in the neighborhood who saw the biggest house on the block sitting empty for unknown reasons, rumors about ghosts made perfect sense.

Bingo. The detective raised an eyebrow at Brixton’s friends.

The girl shrugged awkwardly. "Brixton said he’d be right back. He didn’t show, so I texted him and still didn’t hear back…"

He fell and hurt his arm, I said. He got a nasty cut and I was helping him clean it.

He wasn’t disturbing you? Detective Liu asked as a cold wind pushed up the collar of his jacket. Trespassing?

Not at all. He was simply saying hello to his new neighbor. I’m Zoe. I paused to shake his hand. In spite of the chilly air, his hand was warm. And there was something else… A faint scent of lavender wafted up from his hand, along with another plant essence I couldn’t place. The overall effect was familiar and comforting. Do you want to come in? It’s getting cold out there.

This is nothing, he said, stepping inside. I take it you’re not originally from Portland.

I’ve lived in much colder places, but I always appreciate the warmth. I paused as it hit me that I hadn’t seen any identification from Detective Liu. He didn’t look like a typical police officer. It wasn’t just the fact that he wasn’t dressed like one. I’ve known detectives in many eras and countries. There was something different about Max Liu. He was guarded and open at the same time. Looking into his eyes as I’d shaken his hand, I had the strongest sense that he was both genuinely friendly and hiding a burdensome secret.

You introduced yourself as ‘detective, I added. Isn’t it a bit much to send a detective because a fourteen-year-old decided to turn off his cell phone for a few minutes?

I live in the neighborhood, he said. He reached into his pocket and brought out his badge. They found me at the teashop down the street.

I bought this place last month, I said, and moved in today.

Why? the girl next to Detective Liu asked. She gaped at me, ignoring her friend who was jabbing her with his elbow. Even in ballet flats, she was several inches taller than either boy. She was beautiful, but from the way she held herself I could tell she couldn’t see it. She hadn’t yet figured out how to hold her long limbs gracefully.

Her friend remained silent. With a white t-shirt, leather jacket, and

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