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Don't make me use my Life Coach Voice
Don't make me use my Life Coach Voice
Don't make me use my Life Coach Voice
Ebook149 pages1 hour

Don't make me use my Life Coach Voice

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Think back on your life and remember all the times you were wandering aimlessly without any goals or direction. Were there times you felt like a huge failure? Were there other moments when you could not figure out what to do? If so, you are not alone. Many people are living in their own private misery, unsure of where to go or who to turn to.

What these individuals would benefit from are some good life coaching sessions. A life coach is someone who helps others overcome obstacles and live their best life. There are many different types of life coaches who are able to bring value in any area of a person's life, whether career, personal, relationships, or health. A life coach does not have the answers. They have the right questions to help you come to the right answers yourself because the best solutions for your success will be found by you.

In our book, Don't Make Me Use My Life Coach Voice, we will provide detailed information about what a life coach is and how they can bring value to someone's life. As you read through the chapters, you will also be able to determine if this is a field you are passionate about. If so, you may consider becoming a life coach too. The field is growing and we can use all the help we can get. After completing this book, you will:

  • Fully understand what a life coach is and they are not.
  • Numerous techniques and skills that can make any life coach successful.
  • The importance of asking questions appropriately during a coaching session, which includes the right questions, right tone, right time, and right circumstances.
  • Specific coaching practices like intuitive coaching, mindset coaching, and business coaching, and how you can be successful in each.
  • The power of habits and how to change or form them.

Life coaching is a rewarding field, and whether you are on the coaching side or client's side, you will gain immense value with each session. While there are many challenges to being a coach, watching someone pick themselves up from the lowest points in their lives is a true gift that never stops giving. If you are excited to learn more about this field, do not wait any longer. Get a copy of this book right away and experience the many ways life coaching can change a person's life in ways you could never imagine. "Don't make me use my life coach voice" to tell you!

PublisherElvin Coaches
Release dateNov 8, 2020
Don't make me use my Life Coach Voice

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    Book preview

    Don't make me use my Life Coach Voice - Elvin Coaches


    The great thing in the world is not so much in where we stand as in what direction we are moving.

    Oliver Wendell Holmes

    Picture a man wandering aimlessly on the road. He is going in a certain direction, but if you were to stop and ask him where, he would not be able to tell you. This is because he has no actual direction and will just go where the road leads. The man will not know if he has arrived where he's supposed to be because he never really knew where he was going. When he's hungry, he will eat. When he's thirsty, he will drink. When he's tired, he will sleep. He will respond to his physiological needs, but beyond this, his life will have no real meaning. He is just doing what is needed to exist.

    Unfortunately, this is a metaphor for how so many people live. People wander aimlessly through life with no real direction. They have no goals or ambitions, and therefore never create the life they were meant to have. I want better for you because I know that you deserve it. We all deserve to live a fulfilling life as long as we are willing to work for it. You must develop direction in order to truly get where you want to be. To have direction, you must create solid goals, objectives, and pathways for how you want to get there.

    This can be challenging for those who are not used to it. Many individuals have learned to retreat when life gets challenging. They have numerous problems and have no idea how to resolve them. The great thing is, you have the answers inside of you. That's right! With any problems that come your way, you have the ability to come up with a solution. You have the capability, just like anyone else, to figure out your true path and create a life that you desire.

    Sometimes, we just need some guidance from an outside source. The answers are somewhere inside of us, but we cannot figure out how to find them. There can be many reasons for this, like past failures, disappointments, pain, trauma, abuse, and a wealth of other setbacks. These act as mental roadblocks, and my goal is to help you tear them all down. We can make this happen together through the art of life coaching.

    Life coaching is an interesting field. Many people confuse it with counseling, but the objectives are quite different. With counselors or therapists, their goal is to find solutions for you while dealing with mental health disorders, whereas a life coach helps you figure out things for yourself. They don't tell you how to live your life, but help you determine the type of life you want to live. A life coach will provide you with clarity so you can see the answers to your problems right in front of you. From there, it is up to you to move in the right direction.

    By reading through the chapters in this book, you will learn about the immense benefits of life coaching and how to become one yourself so you can assist others in finding their pathway towards a better life too. By the time you are done, you will have a detailed understanding of what life coaching is and the immense benefits it provides. This book will also cover different types of life coaches that exist, the various techniques and methodologies used in coaching practices, how to form positive habits, and effectively coaching those who need it.

    If you have been feeling lost and uncertain about life, don't be too hard on yourself. It happens to everybody, but the key is to find the right solutions. This is what I am here to help you with through my book, Don't Make Me Use My Life Coach Voice. I understand the feeling of being lost and in pain. I know how it feels to not know where you're going. These feelings are not unusual, so never think yourself to be weird for having them.

    However, you also cannot allow yourself to live this way forever. At some point, you must look towards greener pastures to find and create better circumstances. Otherwise, you will be stuck in an existence that you find miserable and restrictive. Once again, you have the power to get out of your rut because you know yourself the best. I am simply here to guide you. If you are ready to start your life coaching journey, come with me and I will show you how.

    (David, n.d.)

    Who Am I?

    Well, before you take my advice, I assume you would like to know more about me first. I am part of a group called Elvin Coaches, which is a collective of people who love to help and guide others towards a better life and circumstances. We all met each other during an event in Bali, Indonesia several years ago. We were there to study the life coaching process and bonded with one another almost instantly. Over the years, we have become closer and now feel like a family.

    Life coaching has become a passion for all of us, and we have collectively helped numerous individuals during our many years of training. Life coaching is not just a career or business at Elvin Coaches, but a passion and lifestyle by which we all swear by. This means that if we are not actively helping people, we feel an emptiness inside, as if there's a piece of us missing.

    Because we are so passionate about life coaching, we wanted to impart our knowledge and training to you. We felt that the best way to reach the masses was by writing a book detailing our ideas. We want to help you, the reader, learn about life coaching so you can benefit from the practice and even become a life coach yourself someday if you choose. The information provided in this book, Don't Make Me Use My Life Coach Voice, helped all of us during some of the most challenging times in our lives, and we are confident it will help you too, just like it has for many other clients that have crossed our paths.

    All of us at Elvin Coaches still experience the ups and downs of life. There are days when we are on top of the world, while others, we are down and out and just want to hide somewhere. Getting through life is a constant battle, and none of us will ever tell you differently. We do not promise that all of your problems will go away; however, you will be equipped with better tools to handle them. After learning the techniques used in life coaching, you will look at your life in a completely different way.

    Ultimately, we want to help you find the solutions for your life and also guide you into becoming life coaches yourself. Once you learn to put yourself back together, you can help other people do the same. That is the mindset here at Elvin Coaches. We coached ourselves to become better people. Now, we will help you become coaches in the same manner.

    All of us at Elvin Coaches want to thank you in advance for listening to our words. If you are ready to become the ultimate life coach, keep reading.



    The Essence of Enlightened Coaching


    For those of you who are sports fans, I want you to think about your favorite athlete. If you are not a sports fan, think about an actor, singer, or any type of performer that you admire. How do these individuals make you feel when you watch them perform at their highest level? I imagine that it's a powerful experience for you. Now, I want you to realize that all of these individuals had someone behind the scenes to help hone their craft and provide motivation. In most cases, it was some type of coach. All great performers out there had some assistance in becoming who they are with their talents. Athletes have head coaches, defensive coaches, or offensive coaches. Other celebrities may have voice coaches, acting coaches, or speech coaches.

    After understanding this, does it make their talents seem any less significant? Of course, it doesn't because all great men and women had some type of guidance throughout their lives. It might have been direct face-to-face coaching or learning from afar. Either way, everybody needs help, and getting it does not make them any less smart, talented, or skilled.

    Since these entertainers have coaches for their careers, why would someone not consider having a coach for their lives? A life coach is someone who will help you live your best life. They will be a guiding light so you can make the best decisions for yourself. The art of life coaching provides a synergistic relationship between the coach and their client. Eventually, this will lead a person to tap into their full potential and live the life they were meant to have. So often, people are just existing rather than living. They are constantly falling short of where their talents can actually take them. It's time to change this routine and

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