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Finance Secrets of Billion-Dollar Entrepreneurs: Venture Finance Without Venture Capital (Capital Productivity, Business Start Up, Entrepreneurship, Financial Accounting)
Finance Secrets of Billion-Dollar Entrepreneurs: Venture Finance Without Venture Capital (Capital Productivity, Business Start Up, Entrepreneurship, Financial Accounting)
Finance Secrets of Billion-Dollar Entrepreneurs: Venture Finance Without Venture Capital (Capital Productivity, Business Start Up, Entrepreneurship, Financial Accounting)
Ebook296 pages4 hours

Finance Secrets of Billion-Dollar Entrepreneurs: Venture Finance Without Venture Capital (Capital Productivity, Business Start Up, Entrepreneurship, Financial Accounting)

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About this ebook

Readers will learn how the most successful entrepreneurs in America:
Used financial strategies to optimize internal cash flow and grow.
Found the right external financing (the right amounts and sources to cut cost, reduce risk, maximize potential, and keep more of wealth created).
Developed launch strategies to link business advantage and financial strategies to build a dominant venture.
Release dateNov 24, 2020

Dileep Rao

 Dileep Rao, PhD, has been a financier for 23 years and has financed hundreds of businesses and real estate projects. In that time he has also founded four ventures and managed five turnarounds. He has consulted on new business development with Fortune 1000 corporations, including Medtronic and General Mills. An award-winning Professor of Entrepreneurship at Florida International University has also taught at Harvard University, Stanford University, INCAE (Costa Rica), and the University of Minnesota. Rao is the author of nationally acclaimed books that include: Business Financing: 25 Keys to Raising Money (NY Times Pocket MBA Series), Finance Any Business Intelligently, Handbook of Business Finance & Capital Sources (Co-Publisher: American Management Assn, NY), Bootstrap to Billions, Nothing Ventured, Everything Gained: How Entrepreneurs Create, Control & Retain Wealth Without Venture Capital. He is entrepreneurial Finance Columnist for and has two engineering degrees and a doctorate in business administration from the University of Minnesota.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I Already Read The Book For The First Time And Exactly Explain Why My Business Failed In It Strat.
    After Completing the Book, I Decided on Some Roadmaps And Get Started To Overcome Failure And Take Off The Growth.
    I Advise Everyone When Starting In Business To Read This Book First.

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Finance Secrets of Billion-Dollar Entrepreneurs - Dileep Rao

Copyright 2020 Dileep Rao

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Finance Secrets of Billion-Dollar Entrepreneurs: Venture Finance without Venture Capital

ISBN: (p) 978-1-64250-199-5 (e) 978-1-64250-200-8

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Table of Contents



Part I Pre-Finance: Link Business & Finance

Chapter 1

Select the Right Growth Track

Chapter 2

Link with the Right Steps

Chapter 3

Develop Capital-Smart Skills

Part II Finance: Financing Growth

Chapter 4

Prove Bottom-Up Assumptions

Chapter 5

Focus on Cash Flow Until Aha

Chapter 6

Finance to the Stage

Chapter 7

Channel Your Equity

Chapter 8

Use Alt-VC First

Chapter 9

Grow with Angels You Control

Chapter 10

Seek Non-VC VCs First

Chapter 11

Seek Scalable Debt

Chapter 12

Choose Smarter Instruments

Chapter 13

Use VC Intelligently

Chapter 14

Develop the Right Capital Structure

Part III Post Finance: Controlling to Take Off

Chapter 15

Focus to Dominate with Less

Chapter 16

Sell Direct to Connect with Your Market

Chapter 17

Pace to Lead the Industry

Chapter 18

Adjust to Takeoff with Limited Cash

Part IV Conclusion

Chapter 19

The Right Model for You



About the Author



This isn’t just another book on entrepreneurship. If you are reading this, chances are you are looking for a how-to on financing your dream enterprise OR you are a successful entrepreneur looking for the right way to grow your venture. Not only does Dileep Rao give entrepreneurs a clear and no-nonsense road map to financing ventures in Finance Secrets of Billion-Dollar Entrepreneurs, but he does so while asking you to look beyond conventional wisdom, using methods aimed at keeping you in the driver’s seat.

The road to the pinnacle of entrepreneurship can seem like a steep climb. While it does take a lot of hard work to carry your venture from concept to thriving reality, the wrong decisions in key moments—especially when you are looking to grow and expand—can result in all your hard work going down the drain. This book’s key message of delaying or completely avoiding external financing (VC)—not only to successfully fund and grow your business, but to do so while staying in control—is one of many smart strategies outlined and explained in detail by Dileep in Finance Secrets that resonates with me.

The road to becoming CEO of a successful multi-million-dollar company started in college. In 2004, with just $375 and a need to pay my out-of-state tuition, I built a merchandise liquidation company. Eventually, I was working with huge companies like Macy’s and CVS. My business grew with internal financing, and, when I saw the opportunity in the subscription beauty-box business in 2013, I took it. I was able to count on my previous growth to start BoxyCharm. I was not interested in copying what others were doing. As Dileep points out in his study of successful entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, among others, I knew the key to capitalizing on an emerging trend was to stand out by improving what was being offered to the consumer.

My success, and the success of other unicorn-entrepreneurs discussed in this book, is proof that you don’t need venture capital to start your business or to fuel your growth. And you certainly don’t need to give away ownership and control of your dream in exchange for financing. Don’t take my word for it. Just look at the author’s own track record. Entrepreneurs and leaders from around the world—including Fortune 500 companies—count on Dileep’s advice in venture financing and business development. Trust me, wherever you are in your journey as an entrepreneur, you’ll learn a great deal.

Yosef Martin

Founder and CEO of BoxyCharm


There is not enough venture capital (VC) to satisfy the world’s entrepreneurial dreams. Even with VC, more ventures fail than succeed. But all entrepreneurs can benefit by getting the expertise to take off without VC—and then decide whether or not to use it. With shows like Shark Tank and the constant publicity drumbeat from Silicon Valley, nearly all entrepreneurs have been deceived into thinking that they need angel capital and VC to build a giant venture. But this is not true. I wrote this book to show you the reality from the entrepreneur’s perspective—how more than 90 percent of America’s billion-dollar entrepreneurs finance their ventures and take off without VC and nearly 80 percent never use it.

Can you create a billion-dollar business without taking a penny of VC? 76 percent of America’s unicorn-entrepreneurs do just that; and 18 percent receive VC after they have already built their venture and proven their leadership potential—allowing the entrepreneurs to control the venture capitalists instead of the other way around.

If you are the owner of one of the millions of businesses succeeding every day without VC, this book will teach you how to dominate your industry and scale your business without losing control of the venture.

Two key questions are: Can you avoid VC? Or can you delay VC till take off and still succeed?

A prevailing and quite popular belief is that entrepreneurs need VC to grow. With twenty-three years as a financier (in equity, debt, and leases), including success managing five turnarounds, I, too, at one time believed in the importance of financiers.

But when I interviewed seven billion-dollar entrepreneurs and twenty-three one-hundred-million-dollar entrepreneurs¹ and analyzed the strategies of eighty billion-dollar entrepreneurs,i my thinking shifted. I found that more than ninety percent of America’s billion-dollar entrepreneurs in the VC era (since 1946) had avoided or delayed VC. In Silicon Valley, most delayed VC. Outside Silicon Valley, most completely avoided it.

They used finance-smart expertise to link their business and finance strategies to grow more with less, to finance for control, and to launch before the end of the runway. This book offers their proven strategies that help to link business and finance, to grow without VC or with delayed VC, and to control the venture and wealth created.

Need for Finance-Smart Expertise

As you will see, finance-smart expertise helps entrepreneurs grow and maintain control of their enterprise.

VCs fund very few ventures. About 99.9 percent of ventures will not get VC, and 80 percent of those who do get it fail. This means that only about 0.02 percent of ventures gain after obtaining VC. Even among the 0.02 percent who benefit from VC, finance-smart entrepreneurs retain control of their venture and do better than the others.

VC works in a few select industries and areas. VC-funded home runs have mostly dominated emerging industries, and they have done well mainly in Silicon Valley. In contrast, finance-smart entrepreneurship works for all, everywhere and at any stage.

VCs mainly finance after they have seen evidence of potential. Finance-smart expertise helps entrepreneurs develop ventures both before and after there is evidence of potential. After this potential is evident, some entrepreneurs seek VC. Most do not.

Among America’s billion-dollar entrepreneurs, those who were finance smart and avoided VC kept the highest proportion of the wealth they created followed closely by those who delayed VC. Those who were the least finance smart and got VC early and were replaced as CEOs kept the smallest proportion. As an example, Steve Jobs got VC early and kept a very small proportion of the wealth he created in Apple. Jeff Bezos delayed VC and kept a much higher proportion of the wealth created by Michael Bloomberg avoided VC and kept more than 80 percent of the wealth created in his company.

Capital-intensive, VC-seeking ventures need money constantly. Entrepreneurs who use the capital-intensive strategy continuously need cash for their venture because they spend faster than their influx of cash, and because of poor forecasts. There are too many unknowns in new ventures and emerging industries to forecast accurately. This constant search for the next round of funding can feel like a runway that needs extending while the plane is in motion.

Additionally, emerging industries don’t take off immediately. Many entrepreneurs expect a fast takeoff with limited cash, especially when a new industry emerges. When reality turns out to be worse than expectations, ventures run out of cash. A cash-guzzling venture can fail if it cannot raise additional capital or cannot switch to capital efficiency quickly.

Entrepreneurs who raise a limited amount of cash may not be able to get more. Billion-dollar entrepreneurs are able to grow with limited cash by being finance smart.

Finance-Smart Expertise Links Business and Finance

Figure 1. The Finance-Smart Business

Finance-smart strategies used by billion-dollar entrepreneurs combine business-smart, capital-smart, and leadership-smart skills and strategies:

💰      Business-smart

▶Opportunity: What you sell?

▶Strategy: How to dominate?

💰      Capital-smart

▶Financing: How to fund needs with control?

▶Launch: How to take off with limited cash?

💰      Leadership-smart

▶Controls: How to control as the business grows?

▶Organize: Developing an effective corporation?

▶Leadership: How to become a dominating leader?

Finance-smart entrepreneurs plan and act holistically. They don’t develop their opportunity and strategy in a vacuum and then seek financing. They understand finance and its impacts. They design, adjust, and link the business based on the financial implications in order to grow with capital efficiency.

Business-Smart Skills & Strategies

Business-smart strategies include finding the opportunity and developing the strategy to create more wealth per dollar of capital used. This means finding and proving growth strategies with minimal investment and growing with limited resources.

Opportunity strategies for more potential per dollar: Finding the right opportunity for high growth without capital is not easy because you need to use your skills and passion to develop a competitive advantage in a high-potential trend. Passion helps entrepreneurs become better than competitors, even with fewer resources. Trends spur growth as customers migrate more easily toward the emerging industry. Without an expanding industry, you need to capture market share to grow. But grabbing market share is difficult to do without a competitive advantage. Entrepreneurs often seek increased share by starting a price war, but this is dangerous for a new venture with limited resourcesunless you have an edge that your competitors cannot imitate.

When Jeff Bezos was starting, he was able to seek higher market shares by competing with a lower price against the established giants, Borders and Barnes & Noble. But he succeeded because his costs were significantly lower since he used the Internet to avoid the fixed and variable costs of stores.

Business strategies for more edge per dollar: Your finance-smart business strategy should include the right combination of product, customers, and advantage. The business strategy affects your advantage, growth, pricing, and potential. Often, the business strategy can be more important than your product, especially if your product can be easily imitated. Since the first strategy may not be right, billion-dollar entrepreneurs often pivoted to get an edge. This group includes Sam Walton (Walmart), Bill Gates (Microsoft), and Travis Kalanick (Uber). As examples, Sam Walton shifted from owning small Ben Franklin stores to starting the big-box Walmart store when big boxes emerged. Bill Gates changed from writing software to licensing an operating system. Travis Kalanick shifted from renting limos to developing the cab-without-cab model. Bootstrap and test your strategy.

Capital-Smart Skills & Strategies

Capital-smart strategies include using the right financial structure that is linked to the opportunity and to the business strategy; finding the right balance of internal and external financing; using the right sources, instruments, amounts, and uses by stage; and knowing how to control cash flow in real time to get more controllable capital. By cutting risk, keeping control, and taking off with limited capital, entrepreneurs enhance value and reduce dilution.

Financing strategies for more growth per dollar: Most billion-dollar entrepreneurs did not get VC at all or did not get VC until they started growing. After their venture started growing and their potential was evident, either they grew without capital, or attracted VC without losing control. Jan Koum (WhatsApp) grew with financing from his partner and angels. By the time he attracted VC, he was able to control the venture. What this means is that you need to be able to take off with the limited capital available from alternate financing sources.

Launch strategies for more takeoff per dollar: The capital-intensive growth strategy requires lots of cash. The capital-smart method is to launch with limited cash and make sure you never run out. This means using the right timing and growth rate; finding the right resources, developing the right sales, marketing, and operations strategies; and reducing finance needs till takeoff. Dick Schulze of Best Buy was able to grow by building big stores when they emerged. He had an unfair edge over his small-business competitors, used trade credit to finance his inventory, used leases, and focused on sales to fund the business.

Leader-Smart Skills & Strategies

Leader-smart strategies include designing the right controls, developing an effective organization, and leading as CEO to dominate your industry. Entrepreneurs who seek VC after evidence of venture potential, but before evidence of leadership are replaced by a professional CEO. To stay on as CEO, you need a track record in a previous venture or you need to prove it, with performance, in the current one.

This Book

This book focuses on the skills and strategies of finance-smart entrepreneurs. It gives you the steps to follow and helps you understand that the reality of America’s most successful entrepreneurs is not the rarified fantasy of Shark Tank, which most perceive to be the world of venture capital.

Billion-dollar entrepreneurs attain the skills to find the right opportunity and competitive edge to grow in a hot emerging industry or trend and the skills to launch the venture with limited resources.

They use the right internal and external financing strategy to launch their venture and capture potential. After Aha, when their potential is evident, they use customized capital strategies to take off and dominate.

Along with the right financing, they use customized launch strategies to dominate their industry with less capital. To do this, they grow at the right pace and focus for the right edge. If their first choice is not right, they pivot.

With these skills and strategies, they grow, dominate, control, and succeed. That’s what this book covers.

Part I

Pre-Finance: Link Business & Finance

There are two ways to build giant ventures. The first is the capital-intensive, venture capital method. The second is the capital-efficient, billion-dollar-entrepreneur method. 99.98 percent of entrepreneurs will not benefit from the capital-intensive method because they will not get VC, not want VC, or not succeed with VC, and can benefit from the capital-efficient method. The remaining 0.02 percent will benefit from the capital-efficient method by delaying VC and keeping control of the venture and the wealth created. To take off without VC, entrepreneurs need to link business and finance.

To take-off without VC, entrepreneurs need to know how to take-off with less. To take-off with less, entrepreneurs need to know how finance affects every part of their venture and adjust their business.

This chapter shows how billion-dollar entrepreneurs link their business and finance strategies to grow with control.

What Venture Capitalists Do

Venture capitalists are private equity investors that provide funds to startups that exhibit high growth potential, and they do so in exchange for equity in the company.

Venture capitalists (VCs) wait for Aha, when the venture’s potential is evident. There are too many ventures seeking VC. According to VC lore, they reject about 99 out of 100 ventures that seek their capital. So, they need to see proof of potential, i.e. Aha, before they invest in a venture.

There are basically four types of Aha:

💰      Previous-unicorn Aha: If Elon Musk wants to raise VC for a new venture, he will have VCs lined up outside his door. VCs are more likely to offer financing to entrepreneurs who have already built one unicorn under the assumption that these entrepreneurs have the skills to build another. The rest of us who have not developed unicorns need to prove our potential with

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