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Written After a Massacre in the Year 2018
Written After a Massacre in the Year 2018
Written After a Massacre in the Year 2018
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Written After a Massacre in the Year 2018

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In Written after a Massacre, Daniel Borzutzky rages against the military industrial complex that profits from violence, against the unfair policing of certain kinds of bodies, against xenophobia passing for immigration policy. He grieves for the children in cages and the martyrs of the Tree of Life synagogue shooting in Pittsburg. But pulsing amid Borzutzky’s outrage over our era’s tragedies is a longing for something better: for generosity to triumph over stinginess and for peace to transform injustice.
Release dateMar 2, 2021
Written After a Massacre in the Year 2018

Daniel Borzutzky

Daniel Borzutzky is a poet and translator. His 2016 collection, The Performance of Becoming Human, received the National Book Award. Lake Michigan (2018) was a finalist for the Griffin International Poetry Prize. His most recent translation is Paula Ilabaca Nuñez’s The Loose Pearl (2022), winner of the PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. He teaches English and Latin American and Latino studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

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    Written After a Massacre in the Year 2018 - Daniel Borzutzky

    The Blankest of Times

    Managed Diversity

    Through predictive analytics I understood the inevitability of the caged-up babies

    They keep coffins at the border for when the refugees get too far from home

    How many bodies can we fit in a tent or a swimming pool

    We can live without the unknown in front of us if we keep enough babies in cages

    The cardboard box sleeps one kid comfortably

    Two is snugefficientrecommended in times of austerity

    Relational values change in relation to market sentiments

    This is the danger of having too much access to illegal bodies

    Let’s pretend the illegal bodies are bankers

    Let’s stick all the bankers in cages

    Let’s shove shit in their mouths

    Let’s pretend they are eating cryptocurrency

    Let’s create a crisis let’s induce inflation

    Let’s undervalue the cost of their bodies

    I dream of an economy where one arrested immigrant is replaced with one dead banker

    I am not responsible for my dreams rather I am responsible for what I do with my dreams

    When the sleep medication wears off I am alone with the machines that watch me

    The global economy brightens my room with the surveillance of my rotten assets

    Systemic Risk

    But the people in the dining room

    Are busy being born and dying

    —Os Mutantes, Panis et Circenses

    You can analyze systemic risk

    according to how many bodies live or die

    If the system fails

    the broken bodies

    become invisible and/or hypervisible

    The people are being born and dying

    They are enacting the invisibility

    of the security system

    through the exhibition of their naked bodies

    I eat corrupted data

    to keep my skin

    from becoming transparent

    I would rather be

    a defect of culture

    than a defect of data or character

    What is not observed

    grows more visible

    in relation to the strength of the surveillance

    It’s better to deprive

    a few million people of food

    than to pull the plug on the global economy

    If the consumers don’t want your product

    then teach them the meaning of love

    Poem #1022

    There is not much excess

    and what there is is barely perceptible

    the blank ones disappear from our vision

    no one notices until

    there is a dramatic decrease in surplus value

    the war is born

    and the blank ones disappear again

    but really their disappearance is subjective

    some see no one

    while others see everyone

    for some the extermination of the cancer is

    inseparable from the decreation of the city

    others associate the decreation

    with an unstoppable flow of leakage

    while others associate the decreation

    with falling rates of profit

    and the barely perceptible

    appearance of the human body

    out of the dead refugee sprouts

    a breathing poem

    out of the dead soldier sprouts

    a breathing poem

    out of the dead city sprouts

    a breathing poem

    but when the city disappears

    so do the poems

    and when the poems disappear

    the dead are assassinated

    picture a heart covered in dust and

    picture a poem sprouting out of it

    picture a heart covered in dust

    and picture a child chasing it

    picture a bullet that kills a child

    and picture the soldier who tosses the child into the sea

    the soldier kisses the earth and says

    it’s not my fault the people are being born and dying

    the pastor calls out the names of the children to the congregants

    to each name they respond


    Day #423

    The beach is burning in the middle of the city and they tell

    Us the lake is not dead but we know it has

    Disappeared into the chemical blankness and

    The sand is full of disease and

    The water is full of petroleum and the water is full of bodies

    With cadmium and arsenic in their ears

    They have lead in their mouths they

    Are falling out of the sky or they are bones in the earth

    They are clinging to something they are clinging to each other

    They are clinging to the air to the trees to the breath to the night

    And youare a wounded shoulder in the hypnosis of the emergency

    You are shrapnel and inexhaustible love

    You wear a mold-mask of shame

    You see shame in the growth of the willow trees in the locust trees in the

    red cedars

    Your bones are martyrs and on the other

    Side of the beach there is water but you can’t see it

    They will not let you near it and the waves are frozen

    And you feel them

    Like fat or hair or dead skin on your body

    And there is the irritating hum of time and death

    And the living who are dying of so much living

    Of so much time and death

    They are

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