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Night Church
Night Church
Night Church
Ebook443 pages6 hours

Night Church

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Homecoming Queen Sharon Moseley is found dead, naked in the woods, and laid upon an altar. FBI Special Agent Charlotte Cassidy and Agent Harris are called in to investigate the murder of this young woman in the small, Northeastern town of New Kensington.

What she doesn't know is that in New Kensington, no one is innocent. Charlotte a Satanist and her FBI partner a Christian must overcome their differences to solve the crime.

Meanwhile, something is killing off townsfolk. Something mysterious. Something remotely human. With the FBI lagging behind a group of crazy teens who seem to be the only ones to have found the courage to stop this lurking menace in their small town where darkness is bubbling beneath New Kensington's wholesome facade.
Release dateSep 23, 2020
Night Church

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    Book preview

    Night Church - Ed Russo


    Part 1


    Chapter 1

    The Body

    New Kensington, January 17, 2019—A sock-puking stench filled the air while a lifeless body of a young woman in her late teens was found posed on a pile of rocks arranged like some kind of altar, killed the same way as the last victim. The corpse was cut from her neck to her stomach. Inverted crosses were cut into her body and the throat slit. Cassidy turned away as her stomach, heaved, nostrils filled with the smell of rotting meat. Without eyelids, the milky blue eyes stared into the frozen sky while the lip-less mouth hung open. Agent Cassidy’s heart pounded with one question racing through her mind.

    We are not responsible for this. Who did this?

    There were three deputies, a coroner, forensic scientist Ethan Bowman along with Agent Cassidy and her new FBI partner Agent Andy Harris.

    These inverted crosses were made postmortem. There are two sets of human footprints indented here in the snow. There is another set that resembles hooves. That is strange, Ethan said.

    What are you saying? asked Harris.

    This appears to be a ritualistic murder. Maybe it’s a cult of Devil Worshippers. As far as the hooves, I don’t know. Maybe an animal was here before the perps came, Ethan tried to explain.

    Bullshit, Charlotte thought. I attend to get to the bottom of this, she fumed.

    Yes, these people need to be stopped, Harris responded.

    Anyone got a name? asked FBI agent Charlotte Cassidy.

    A logger named Jason Fields discovered her body. He recognized her as Sharon Moseley, said Harris.

    At the Moseley’s residence on Kenneth Avenue, Ashly was in the kitchen making breakfast. Her husband Arnold just left for work.

    Sharon, what’s taking so long? Get your ass up for school or you are going to be late, Ashly demanded.

    There was no answer.

    Sharon! I’m not going to tell you again, she yelled.

    Still no answer.

    Ashly walked upstairs and across the hall to Sharon’s bedroom. She knocked and no answer. She opened the door to see that her daughter wasn’t there. She then walked toward the bathroom. She saw it opened and knew that Sharon wasn’t home.

    Ashly grabs her phone to call over Sharon’s best friend's mother’s home.

    Laurel, this is Sharon’s mother, is my daughter there with Cheryl? asked Ashly.

    No, my daughter just left for school and she was alone, Laurel clarified.

    She wasn’t here this morning and her bed doesn’t even look like she slept here last night, Ashly said out of concern.

    Have to talk to her boyfriend Joey? Laurel asked.

    No, I haven’t. I don’t have his cell number, Ashly admitted.

    Maybe he is at school. Contact his coach, Laurel suggested.

    Ashly called Valley High School to find out that Joey Sabatino hasn’t shown up for football practice in days. Now she was really worried.

    Sharon’s best friend Cheryl Blanchard was home on Third Avenue getting ready for school. She had a kind of understated beauty, and perhaps it was because she was so disarmingly unaware of her prettiness. She had long black hair and her cocoa skin was completely flawless.

    Good morning Pumpkin, greeted Mr. Blanchard.     

    Good morning daddy, responded Cheryl.

    Where’s your mother? asked Mr. Blanchard.

    She’s in the bathroom, Cheryl clarified.

    In Penn Hills at a pizzeria, in the backroom, a few men in suits were sitting around discussing some things. One of the men was Arnold Moseley. The owner of the pizzeria was a man named Siragusa.

    You think there is going to be any problem with the Russians?" asked one man.

    We never had a problem with them before. It should be no problem, said Siragusa.

    You still want me to make that run? asked Moseley.   

    Yes, everything will be okay.

    Excuse me, I have to take this. It’s my wife, Moseley explained.

    Moseley got up from the table and walked into the front entrance of the pizzeria. He answered it and his wife Ashley was on the phone.

    Arnold, have you seen Sharon? She wasn’t in her room this morning, Ashley fretted.

    No, calm down, you are getting worked up over nothing. She is probably with Joey, said Arnold.

    Hold on, someone is at the door, Ashley gulped. When she opened the door, her heart dropped as soon as she saw it was the police.

    It’s about your daughter Sharon, Mrs. Moseley. She stood there waiting for the ball to drop. Sorry." The officer said as he held his head down.

    The grief surged with every expelled breath, reaching higher peaks. Tears began to spill from her helpless eyes onto the floor. At that moment the sure knowledge that life would go on without her daughter, that time was only stopped for her, undid her completely.

    Noooo! Not my baby! she screamed hysterically.

    Arnold’s face fell faster than a corpse in cement boots. In that instant the blood drained from his face, wild-eyed, bewildered, hands over mouth, nostrils flaring, mouth opening and shutting like a goldfish with no sound coming out, still as a statue, ridged as a board, face stuck in an incredulous expression, unblinking stare, shaking head in disbelief, sent reeling backward, brain desperately scrambling to make sense of it all, rendered speechless, temporarily incapacitated, stood as if paralyzed from the neck up, unable to comprehend what he had just heard.

    One of Siragusa’s men came out from the back.

    Arnold, what are you doing?

    My daughter is dead, he said as his voice quivered. No matter how much he tried to be a tough guy, try not to show his emotions, the wall broke and he cried uncontrollably.

    On 7th Street at Eazer's Restaurant & Deli, Joey was parked outside the restaurant. He sat there as if he was waiting for someone.

    I wish I had time enough to eat breakfast here. I have to be in school during the time it opens. Damn, where is she, Joey wondered.

    He then looked up happy as he saw Elizabeth Cooper. She had had that shy look young women often wear, but it was never moody. Always behind those slightly pursed lips was a smile just waiting to be tempted out.

    She was the kind of girl that women loved to hate. She was an adult I suppose, but so young that she still had the exuberance of youth. She had that movie star look, not overly tall and willowy, but more like an action star. Her muscle definition was perfect and she walked with the confidence of someone a decade older. She wasn't just flawless in her bone structure, her skin was like silk over a glass and she radiated an intelligent beauty as her blonde hair flowed in the wind.

    She saw him and looked around before she opened up the passenger car door and slid in.

    Hey babe, good to see you? she greeted. You look good Liz, as usual, Joey responded.

    The two started kissing passionately. His hand clasped gently into the back of her hair, pressing it softly. After a few seconds, he broke away and smiled, We have to be careful. I can’t have this get back to Sharon, Joey whispered.

    I know, no one is around, she responded.

    We can go to our spot for a quickie, Joey whispered.       

    Sure, why not, she smiled.

    Joey pulled off and drove down Fifth Avenue toward Parnassus. When they started on Coxcomb Hill, they saw it was blocked off by police.

    Shit, what the fuck is this about, Joey cursed.

    I don’t know. I guess we cannot do anything, Liz said. Neither one of them was happy about this. Both were looking for some quick sex before homeroom.

    Joey did a U-turn and headed back heading toward Valley High School.

    Arnold Moseley and Siragusa went to the coroner’s office together. He wanted to confirm the body was his daughter.

    In the hallway, they ran into Carmine Molino, a friend of the Family. He ran for District Attorney two years ago against Eric Falcone who was forced to committed suicide.

    Arnold, I am sorry for your loss, Molino comforted with the traditional mafia greeting hug and kiss,

    She was only seventeen, he cried.

    I have to see her, I have to see what was done to my little girl.

    The three with the coroner entered where Sharon Moseley’s body lied.

    He uncovered her face and broke down crying even more.

    That’s my baby, my little girl, he cried as he hugged Siragusa.

    Let’s get out of here. We will find the bastard who did this, Siragusa promised.

    In Valley High School, Cheryl is in the hallway Liz while they are at the lockers. A young man walked up to Cheryl.

    Hey, have you seen Sharon? asked Daniel.

    No I haven’t, she responded back. Daniel walked away wondering where she was.

    In homeroom, the students sat there ready for roll call.     

    Veronica Haywood, asked the teacher, Mrs. Andrews. Here, Veronica responds.

    Lisa Thompson.


    James Hurley


    Daniel Smith.


    Cheryl Blanchard.

    I’m here, she responded. The police arrived at the entrance.

    Excuse me Room 105? I am looking for Joey Sabatino.

    He is in room 107, the teacher clarified.

    We need to make a public announcement, whispered one of the two police officers.

    The teacher had a sad look on her face. Cheryl looked at the empty chair where Sharon Mosely supposed to be. She glances over at Daniel Smith and saw that he noticed the same thing. The reality of the situation came upon both of them, especially when they heard a scream coming from down the hallway followed by hysterical sobbing.

    After Mrs. Andrews said there will be an announcement by the Principal and it was clear she was upset and could barely speak. Cheryl broke down crying. She had her hands over her face.

    Veronica had a smirk on her face when she saw this reaction.

    Joey Sabatino is in the Principal’s Office being questioned by the police. Joey always came off like a bad boy; he wears his black leather jacket all the time. He had no alibi where he was and why he has been missing football practice.

    I didn’t do nothing, said Joey.

    You are a suspect and you have no alibi where you were, said the officer. He doesn’t want to admit that he has been cheating on Sharon and his alibi was Liz Cooper.

    What were you doing this morning on Coxcomb Hill. A witness saw you doing a U-Turn when you saw the police. Were you coming back to the crime scene? asked the police.

    What crime scene?

    Your girlfriend Sharon Moseley was murdered, said the officer Stackhouse.

    What, I didn’t kill her. I loved her and she loved me, he yelled. His rights were read to him as he was arrested.

    Shortly it was heard over the announcements about Sharon Moseley.

    May I have your attention, please? This is Principal Snyder. I am deeply saddened to have to announce that this morning your classmate Sharon Moseley was found dead… this is a terrible moment for all of us, his voice cracked.

    "… her family, it is very important that we all support each other through this difficult time… the police asked me to ask each of you to come forth if you have any information about Sharon Moseley’s death…. I am dismissing all classes for today, and I ask each of you to join in a moment of silence in the memory of Sharon Moseley,’ announced the Principal who ended the call sobbing.

    Sharon’s best friend Cheryl continued sobbing as a few of her friends held her to comfort her. Daniel sat there in shock wanting to cry, though his tough exterior wouldn’t allow him.

    As the police got in the car, they get a call that a woman named Mary Ann Schaefer reported that her daughter also didn’t come home last night and wasn’t found this morning.     

    So her daughter Beverly is missing too? asked an


    Yes, said Stackhouse.

    What the hell is going on here?

    I don’t know, I wish I did, said Stackhouse.

    A woman staggered down the railroad tracks, her skin has ruptured above the growing purple welts. Every movement hurt. Her clothes were tattered, and worse her shattered soul, can it be healed? Beverly was battered on the inside worse than any broken bone she may have.

    Oh my gosh, miss, are you okay? a man spotted her realizing it’s much too cold outside to be underdressed wearing rags.

    Daniel Smith pulled up to Eazer's Restaurant & Deli on his bike. He goes inside and saw his father there eating breakfast. He sat down at the booth with him.

    Sharon is dead, he bewailed. I heard, he responded.

    She was the one, I loved her, said Daniel.

    FBI agent Cassidy and Harris were at the hospital to see Beverly Schaefer accompanied by the Police Chief. She was at the reception desk.

    Dr. Sheppard, this is FBI agent Cassidy, introduced the Chief.

    Nice to meet you, the doctor said as she shook agent Cassidy’s and Harris’s hand.

    How is the girl? asked Cassidy.

    She is in shock and suffering from exposure, Dr.

    Sheppard responded.

    May I see her, asked Cassidy. Come this way, said the doctor.

    She took them to see Schaefer. She was laying there unresponsive and wearing an oxygen tube nasal cannula.

    Was she raped? asked Harris.

    Yes, she was, many times, said the doctor. Any connection to the dead girl, asked Cassidy.

    Don’t know. They just went to the same school is all I know, said the chief.

    May I ask her some questions? asked Charlotte Cassidy.

    I don’t think she can answer any questions, said Dr. Sheppard.

    FBI agent Charlotte Cassidy held her hand.

    The devil, it was the devil, a monster, she mumbled.   

    "What do you mean Miss? asked Cassidy.

    You mean an evil person? asked Harris. No, a monster with… horns.

    This girl clearly has to be delusional. There is no such thing. I am a Satanist and even know that Satan is a metaphor of empowerment, FBI agent Cassidy thought.

    Chapter 2

    Leads to Nowhere

    Beverly Schaefer said nothing else. Charlotte Cassidy had no idea what this woman just was rambling.

    Did you hear that? asked FBI agent Harris. Yes, I heard, Cassidy responded.

    She said she encountered the Devil. The Devil came to her in the flesh, said Harris.

    Charlotte raised one of her eyes brows and looked at her partner in unbelief.

    I believe in flesh and blood humans that were responsible for this only, said Cassidy.

    She said it had horns. Then what else could it have been? asked Harris.

    It could be a number of things. Maybe someone had horns surgically attached or they were wearing a mask, Cassidy scoffed.

    Have you tried any of that Maple Caramel Bacon Crack ice cream, asked the chief.

    Oh yes, I did earlier, it was so delicious, Cassidy admitted.

    Oh it was great; I’m looking forward to it again. Harris also confessed.

    So how much do you know about Sharon Moseley? asked Cassidy.

    She was the Homecoming Queen and a good girl who attended church regularly. She never got into any trouble. I don’t know who would murder such a good soul, said the chief of police. She was well-liked in the community everyone knew her.

    Cheryl stepped into Eazer's Restaurant & Deli. She saw Daniel’s dad.

    Hello Mr. Smith, have you seen Daniel? asked Cheryl.

    Yes, he was here and left about an hour ago, said Mr.


    Okay, thank you, can you just tell him I was here to see him, he said.

    Yo bitch, where the fuck has you been, I been looking all over the place for you! yelled a young blonde man wearing a Valley High School Varsity Letterman Jacket who stood in the doorway.

    I’m here trying to find out something, said Cheryl. Joey is in jail and he is my friend and we need to be there for him. So come on bitch! said Jay Corelli.

    Well Sharon is my best friend, Cheryl snapped back.   

    Watch your mouth here, this is a place of business, said Mr. Smith.

    Bitch! Jay said as he walked away as he got in his car and sped off.

    Agent Charlotte Cassidy and agent Andy Harris is with the chief looking over Sharon’s diary.

    The last entry in Sharon’s diary is that after I did my homework, I ate dinner we had eggplant and I hate that stuff. Now I’m going out to meet R, and I’m nervous.

    R? asked Harris.

    Yes, now who is R, Cassidy wondered.

    This info came back on her autopsy and she tested positive for cocaine, said Cassidy.

    That can’t be possible. Sharon was a good girl who never drank or even smoked, the chief defended her.

    Well there is a lot we don’t know about an individual, Cassidy said.

    Yea, but you don’t know her as we do, said the chief. We all have three faces, one face we show to the public, another face we show to our closest friends, and the third face, no one fully sees, Cassidy said.

    You said she was a regular churchgoer. What church did she attend? asked Harris.

    Laodicea Baptist Church of God, said the chief.

    Oh wow, I grew up going to that church. My niece goes there too, Andy Harris excitedly said.

    We need to find out who R is, Charlotte said. She looked back further in the diary and saw something else of interest. She found a disturbing poem that Sharon wrote.

    I stood on the bridge In silence and fear

    For the demons of darkness Had driven me here

    They cut my heart Right out of my chest Making me believe

    That the demons knew best

    They were always there, I felt lost inside

    Waiting in limbo

    To attack at the right time.

    Feel so lonely

    Even though I have friends

    There is something wrong with me Dark and twisted, where do I begin?

    These demons were destructive Knocking down the life I knew Hating everything about me

    I hated myself too

    I pray to God, he doesn’t answer Should I just go ahead

    and take the easy exit?

    She seems like she may have been suicidal. This was written the night before Christmas Eve. She was at church earlier that day. Let’s take a trip to your church, Cassidy suggested.

    Okay, let’s go, Harris agreed.

    Shortly the two FBI agents arrived at Laodicea Baptist Church of God.

    Oh my, Andrew, it’s been so long since I have seen you, said Pastor Douglas.

    Yes, it’s been a long time. I’m sorry to say I am here on FBI matter, though I will be here Sunday if time allows me, Harris reassured.

    Pastor Douglas was saddened about the news about Sharon Moseley.

    She was such a wonderful girl, a girl of such joy. What happened was a disgrace. It was horrible and unspeakable to what was done to that young woman. I pray to God that they find the monster who did this, Pastor Douglas sniffled.

    Her diary shows that she was here at church Sunday. Have you notice anything out of the ordinary, asked agent, Cassidy.

    No I have not, said the pastor.

    Well she does come to talk to me often, she doesn’t trust psychiatrists. She just had some struggles in her life as most teens her age do, said the pastor.

    Do you know who R is? Her last entry in her diary was that she was going to see R, Cassidy revealed.

    I am afraid I do not, admitted Pastor Douglas. Was she suicidal, asked Harris.

    Well, she did talk about not wanting to be here and I discuss with her the dangers of her immortal soul if she ever went through it, confessed Pastor Douglas.

    Well thank you for our time, said Agent Cassidy. Thank you, Pastor Douglas, said Agent Harris.

    You’re welcome, I am glad to be of any help, Pastor Douglas reassured. I’ll see you in church Sunday, perhaps you can convince your friend there to join you, he added.

    Sorry it’s not my cup of tea, though I appreciate your offer, Charlotte clarified.

    On Argonne Drive, a Mercedes came to a roundabout with a fountain at the center, swept around it, and continued up toward a large house. Ivy and ferns grew through the crevices of the old winding stone path, which led directly to the colossal structure. It was Victorian, redbrick topped with copper domes and spires that had long ago turned green. There must have been at least a hundred windows on five floors facing the drive. It was a house that just didn't know where to stop.

    When the Mercedes came to a stop Robert Haywood stepped out of the vehicle.

    They say middle age has a fork and people take either one path or the other. One takes the person onward to further maturity, an outward-facing mentality geared to help others. The other is a path to narcissism, selfishness, an inward-facing mentality that puts the self first and others a distant second.

    The first path is a life that makes the most of the experiences gained over the years, helping the next generation and the community. It is one that consolidates, builds on the loving relationships in their lives and allows them to become role models.

    The second, though it, has an exciting allure, is truly self-destructive. It brings the person to disregard and even betray longtime friends and mates as they seek to build a new self. Old relationships are disregarded, excitement and thrills are sought every bit as much as they were in the teen years. The result is a lonelier person with lower self-esteem and damage to their family, often for generations to come. Robert Haywood, the owner of Hotel Standard, has taken the second road.

    He lives on protein shakes and rolls up to his place of business each morning in his brand new Mercedes. He's ditched his wife for a younger woman and he spoke to his teenage daughter’s friend like he was her best bud, while neglecting his daughter Veronica. What he did almost kill her mother. She isn't the same anymore, needing pills just to function. Rather than face his own mortality he screwed up their lives. For one more turn on the swings.

    He walked into his home and sat down his briefcase. On the couch with her legs propped up, sat his daughter Veronica.

    Someone killed my friend Sharon. They found her naked in the woods, Veronica cried which was unconvincing.

    Yes I know Roni, it hurts my heart that she is really gone, Robert said.

    Veronica grimaced by his reaction. She felt jealous that he favorite Sharon over her.

    FBI Agent Charlotte Cassidy and FBI Agent Andy Harris were integrating Joey Sabatino.

    Mr. Sabatino, did you murder Sharon Moseley? asked Cassidy.

    No I didn’t, I loved her! he yelled.

    Where were you last night between 9 pm and 10? she asked.

    I was at home, Joey responded.

    When did you last see Sharon? asked Cassidy.

    I saw her yesterday at around five? What difference does it make I didn’t fucking kill her? Joey yelled.

    This is how things are Joey, we ask the questions and you give us simple straight-up answers, Harris clarified.

    You had an argument just a few days ago? asked Cassidy.

    Yes. What does this have to do with anything! he yelled.

    Joey, didn’t Agent Harris just tell you simple straight-up answers? Cassidy reinforced.

    Joey sat there quietly with his shoulders tense.

    Did you ever do cocaine with Sharon? asked Cassidy.

    No, I don’t do drugs, Joey clarified.

    Let me show you something, Agent Cassidy said. She then showed Joey cell phone pictures of Sharon and Cheryl in a wooded area.

    Did you take these pictures Joey? asked Cassidy. Joey got tensed and looked at the pictures being shown to him.

    No, he snapped.

    Do you know who took these pictures? asked Cassidy.

    No I don’t, he grunted.

    Did you know Sharon was seeing someone else? asked Cassidy. Joey got tensed.

    She would never cheat on me, Joey defended her.

    Is that what you were arguing about? Who is letter R? asked Cassidy.

    R? I don’t know who R is," he reacted.

    What is he being charged for? asked his lawyer. Nothing, I have one more question. Agent Cassidy used a screen to magnify the pictures where it showed a reflection in Sharon’s eyes a motorcycle.

    Do you recognize this bike? asked Cassidy. Joey looked, his jaws were very tensed.

    No, I don’t know, he admitted.

    Veronica sat there, the corners of her lips fighting a smile, her eyebrows slightly raised. Suddenly a mischievous look of hers spread. She burst into giggling like a little girl. Veronica sat there giggling; it was very disturbing for no one knew what was so funny.

    What is so funny, asked Robert.

    The television, Veronica answered. Robert walked around to look.

    The television is not even on Roni, her father stated.

    He looked at his daughter like she lost her mind.

    Joey was released from jail. He met his friend Jay out in the lobby.

    What’s up man, asked Jay.

    Sharon was seeing someone whose name starts with the letter R, Joey said.

    Who? asked Jay. Some biker, Joey said.

    Then we gonna make that fucker pay for what he did to Sharon, said Jay.

    Agent Cassidy and Harris had Cheryl in the integration room.

    This is you and Sharon, she said to Cheryl as she showed her the pictures taken on Sharon’s cell phone.

    Yes, Cheryl admitted.

    Who took these pictures? asked Agent Cassidy.

    I don’t know, just some hiker we just randomly asked, she lied.

    A hiker huh? Cassidy asked.

    Yes, just some woman, I don’t know her name, she was a stranger, Cheryl continued to lie.

    Who are you trying to protect? asked Harris. No one, she lied.

    This is a serious situation. Murder is more at stake than who Sharon may have been seeing other than her boyfriend. Cassidy made clear.

    I am telling you the truth, Cheryl lied.

    Who is R? She was seeing someone whose name starts with the letter R, Cassidy said. Cheryl had a surprise confused look on her face as if she really didn’t know who R was.

    The FBI agents let her go they knew she was lying and know to keep an eye on her so that she can lead them to the person is she covering for.

    The FBI agents got a call where blood was trailed outside of an abandoned house. It is easy to say that abandoned houses tend to creak, not in the creepy horror movie kind of a way, generally speaking, but more of in the oh shit, I should probably get out of here before this thing collapses on me kind of way. This was a house that had you hesitant to even step through the doorway. Agent Cassidy and Agent Harris stepped through anyway, ignoring the stupid creaking. It wasn't collapsing any time soon, and, if it did, they were going to survive.

    They passed by cracked windows and moldy, browned wooden walls with water stains painting as scars upon the skin. Slivers of light shone from the outside as if invited to ignite these dusty hues. They walked through narrow doorways, yet ignored them, their eyes still searching. At that point, they could almost smell it, the smell of rotting meat. There was blood splattered and torn clothes that belonged to Sharon Moseley. On the floor was a bracelet. It was a gold Bracelet with a half heart on it. On the half heart had the words NER N IME. Near it was a piece of paper with words written in blood: COME IN SEE.

    Well Andy, we just now have to find out who has the other half of this bracelet, Cassidy said.

    Daniel Smith has his bike parked while he sat in Memorial Park. He was depressed as he sat there about the loss of Sharon Moseley. The park was his kind of place in its absolute stillness. If a person was moving in there he would hear them. He was alone. The old swings are stationary and there is barely even a soft whisper from what leaves remain in the mid-winter. The rain has melted the leaves underfoot to slush, without it he might not have dared enter for fear of giving his position away.

    He looked at his Partners in Crime best friend Bracelet he had on his wrist. The bracelet had half of a heart with the words PART I CR. The other half that Sharon wore had the other half NER N IME. He removed the bracelet and held it in his hand.

    Cheryl was in her bedroom texting Daniel. She overheard her father who was the coroner talking to his wife that the FBI found Sharon’s necklace. Sharon wore the bracelet the police found in the picture that was taken of Sharon and Cherly in the woods. She overheard her father tell her mother that the FBI said the killer may have the second half of the bracelet. Daniel text Cheryl back, he wanted her to meet him. She snuck out the window. Shortly her boyfriend Jay knocked on the door.

    Shortly a mocha skin-colored man answered the door.

    Mr. Blanchard looked at Jay with detest.

    What do you want boy? Does she know you were coming here? asked Mr. Blanchard.

    Hello, is Cheryl here? asked Jay.

    Hold on, he said as he prevented Jay from entering into his home. Cheryl, he yelled. He got no response. Mr. Blanchard walked upstairs to her room and saw she wasn’t there.

    She isn’t here, Mr. Blanchard told Jay. Jay left disappointed wondering where she went.

    Cheryl met up with Daniel at Memorial Park.

    She was acting very strange last night, Daniel confessed.

    What do you mean? asked Cheryl.

    She said there was something wrong with her, the darkness within her that you didn’t even know, Daniel confessed.

    I pretty well know her more than she knows herself, Cheryl said.

    Well she was ranting about Joey killed someone he confessed.

    What? For real? asked Cheryl.

    You have to get rid of the bracelet, I overheard them talking about whoever has the other half may be the killer, Cheryl said.

    Oh gosh, I don’t have an alibi where I was. After she left I just rode around alone, What do I do? he asked.

    You have to bury it somewhere, Cheryl said.

    "Your right, where at?

    How about here, Cheryl said.

    He dug a hole and dropped the bracelet in it and covered it up with dirt. He put a rock on top of it as a marker so he can get it later. Daniel offered to give Cheryl a ride home. As they pulled on the road they were pulled over by the FBI. Daniel Smith was arrested.

    He is innocent, he didn’t do anything, Cheryl yelled. He was put into the back of the unmarked car.

    No, this isn’t right, Cheryl yelled.

    The monster was bipedal, it lay hunched in the brooding forest on the borderline between The Known and The Unknown as it stepped out from the trees, its feet were revealed to be cloven hooves. The hand of the creature’s hand was leathery and dull grey skin with claws it held at the ready looked borrowed from some prehistoric predator, they were twelve inches to the tip and sharper than a butcher's knife. The clawed hands reached to the ground and removed the

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