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2 Kingdom 1 Throne
2 Kingdom 1 Throne
2 Kingdom 1 Throne
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2 Kingdom 1 Throne

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2 Kingdom 1 Throne is about the struggling of a queen-to-be where she had to face the fact she's the one enthrone for the kingdom and that she had to face the betrayal of her own family and sister. But by her faith, she is able to standing on her feet and keep fighting no matter what she had to deal with. Join the adventure and feel the thrill.
Release dateDec 20, 2019
2 Kingdom 1 Throne

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    2 Kingdom 1 Throne - Nat Morrison

    2 Kingdom 1 Throne

    2 Kingdom 1 Throne

    By Nat Morrison

    Copyright © NATLEAH MORRISON

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed Attention: Permission Coordinator, at the information below:

    ISBN: 978-1-79482-010-4 (Paperback)

    ISBN: 978-1-79482-014-2 (eBook)

    Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.

    First printing edition 2019

    Nat Morrison

    [email protected]

    2k1t ori.jpg

    Chapter 1

    Do you have to go? You both?

    Yes, sweetheart, only for a few days.

    Mother, why not father who left? This is father’s kingdom. A busy afternoon at the Acacia palace ahead of the departure of the King and Queen.

    This is our kingdom, dear. Mother is the wife of your father; I have to accompany him away. And you are our daughter. You are our oldest daughter, so you must remain in the palace in our place. We will go to Domenico to discuss something important, after we are done; I promise we will be back soon with King Legend and his son. You will definitely be happy to meet him.

    Bellatrix was ​​the first daughter of King Elliot and Queen Graciella. 16 years old, blue-eyed, blonde-haired girl with fair skin. She was an independent daughter, never once did she make her parents worry. She’s good at sword, archery to hunting. Her father taught her everything she needed to one day lead this kingdom. Even when she was only 12, King Elliot brought her to war, showing how a leader led cavalry and infantry troops. She was good at sword and archery when she was 5 years old, that’s why the King was not worried about leaving his daughter with her sister. She’s the one who could be depending on.

    Come on, dear! You don’t want us to leave before dark, aren’t you? King Elliot shouting as he entered the chamber.

    Hey, Trix? Your mother and I would go for a while. King Elliot said to Trix—Bellatrix nickname.

    Why can’t I go with you? Let me go with you!

    Trix, you are the kingdom’s oldest daughter. When the king and queen were not there, the princess must take place. After all, we won’t be long.

    What are you talking about? You’re not going anywhere longer, right? Besides, I’m just a child, my father.

    I was a child too when my father told me to replace him when he was away. It’s not because of age; it’s because of your heart. I was afraid too, but at the end we are all ended up here. We don’t know what will happen, Trix. We could have gone longer. But it’s all right; I believe you will do your best. I believe in you and your abilities. Promise me, you will protect your sister and take good care of her, understand? Trix nodded to her father.

    They came out of the palace accompanied by several knights to the port. Aislinn also accompanied them. She was the second and youngest daughter of King Elliot and Queen Graciella. Black-haired, brown-eyed, shorter than Trix and almost very timid. She was very spoiled, afraid of being alone, afraid of lightning, even afraid of mice. Unlike Trix, Linn needs to be taken care of.

    Linn, we are going to Domenico. Your sister will take care of you. All right? Aislinn nodded as she kept on bow her head.

    Queen Graciella knew that Linn was frightened they would leave. She was a little hesitant after seeing her youngest daughter who looked sad on their departure. But King Elliot assured her that Linn would be fine, considering how many knights were stationed in the palace and Trix who would definitely protect her sister.

    The king and queen boarded the ship together with several royal councils, knights and nobles. Trix and Linn waved their hands at their father and mother as the ship moved away from the port. The ship was fast gone away, Linn ran all the way on the edge of the port following the ship that kept moving away. Trix followed her younger sister, worried about her safety. And seeing their ship began to disappear in the fog.

    That night, the air was cooler than usual. The wind blew from all directions; the royal banners were flying around as if about to run away from the pole that held them, causing a loud crash into the walls of the palace. Dark clouds with its awesomeness were ready to flush Acacia with rain. Lightning stroke some time as if about to catch someone underneath it.

    Trix felt lonely and empty because her parents weren’t there as usual — it felt something was missing. There was nothing she and Linn could do at a time like this. She just wanted to be alone. On the other hand, she needed to make sure Linn was with Margaret or the chamberlain so she wouldn’t be alone in case she was lonely.

    She worried about her parents. Seeing how strong the wind blew and the darkness of the clouds, there might be a storm. She could only hope and pray that they had arrived at their destination before the storm. Just to think about it made her overwhelmed, she immediately returned to the oratory, even though she had just been there a few minutes ago. She returned to pray for salvation for her beloved father and mother.

    Quiet waves in the ocean made Queen Graciella as calm as night. The evening wasn't too late, but it felt like midnight because of the dark clouds surrounding them. King Elliot was on the bridge deck to monitor their journey, whether it could continue or not. Queen Graciella approached King Elliot on the deck. She looked worried, not about the storm but she was worried about the daughters. As a husband, King Elliot tried to calm his wife.

    Don’t worry, dear! They’ll be all right. We stationed the best knights to protect them. They will be fine. All right? She knew that King Elliot was now anxious about the possibility of a storm. Thus, Queen Graciella chose to calm herself after King Elliot told her to return to her room. She couldn’t make him even more agitated with her unnecessary worries.

    On the way to the island where they were about to meet, King Elliot saw a ship from the opposite direction, tidal waves that led to the head of Acacia. Master, is that a ship? King Elliot asked, as he wasn’t sure of what he saw. He ran out of the bridge to get a clear view. There, he saw Domenico’s flag and the royal emblem plastered on the front of the ship.

    Oh, no! King Elliot ran to the bridge to inform the crews of the possibility of a collision with the Domenico ship. There is Domenico ship in front. We will collide, they’re out of control.

    King Legend and Queen Nala who were on the Domenico ship panicked as they were resting in the chamber. All crews of the ship ran frantically, trying to control the ship. But a lot of water has entered the lowest deck. The waves quickly damaged Domenico’s ship. Whilst the crew tried to avoid a collision. King Elliot ran to Queen Graciella’s chamber, where she had panicked and frightened. Large waves accompanied by lightning and roar and heavy rain beat every effort of the crew.

    The two kingdoms initially planned to discuss the engagement of their son and daughter; Jasper and Bellatrix, on an island in the north-western part of Acacia. Unfortunately, collision was inevitable. The Domenico ship that was half submerged in water, lost control and the Acacia ship could not defeat the power of the waves that hit them. Collision was inevitable.

    Within seconds, the two largest royal ships collided. The ruins of the ship floated in the ocean, which began to calm. Left nothing from a huge collision.

    At dawn, Trix was awakened by something that bothered her. She had a nightmare that shocked her. She decided to get up, open the window of her chamber that led to the calm sea. The morning air smelled, the sound of birds flying after the storm hit. The sun started to appear from the east.

    She opened the door of her chamber and walked in the great hallway to the pantry to look for Margaret. However, a knight called out, running towards her with a panicked face. Princess, there is something that must be conveyed by Marshal Breton. Her heart beat very fast that she felt almost faint.

    What happened? Bellatrix asked while looking at everyone in the throne room, panting — there were royal nobles, knights and Curia Regis. They looked sad and mourned for something. Even Marshal Breton seemed hesitant to tell Trix what actually happened.

    Princess —Acacia ship —sank in the north-western waters. Marshal Breton said with tensed tone as sadness filled him that couldn’t be expressed. Trix was shocked that she couldn’t even speak out a word. Tears began to drop down her cheek as her body shaking.

    W-what? Princess Aislinn came from behind and was shock to hear it. It’s impossible. NO! NO WAY! M-mother? Father? Aislinn cried hysterically. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard, that her father and mother had died — left her forever. Margaret immediately hugged her, took her to the bedchamber, tried to calm her down. Whilst, Trix still stood there with disbelief as tears couldn’t stop flowing.

    Acacia held a funeral ceremony for the king and queen. The villagers gathered in the courtyard of the castle, they mourned and wept as felt the very deeply loss of their leader. A

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