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A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire
A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire
A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire
Ebook73 pages30 minutes

A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire

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About this ebook

A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire was inspired by the challenges and persecution faced by the author after an acrimonious marriage break up. Conceived from their encouragement, the uplifting quotes and thoughts that they too may have experienced in their life of hardships and trials; is a way to help them heal. An inspired piece of writing is is meant to encourage each and every person seeking to be more self-confident and filled with self-belief. A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire will speak to every reader's heart.
Release dateDec 30, 2017
A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire

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    A Daily Dose of Inspiration - Peaches Joy Williams

    A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire

    A Daily Dose of Inspiration

    Peaches Joy Williams

    To read more contact the author:

    [email protected]

    Cover design by Joel Rowe

    Copyright Year: April 2017

    Copyright Notice: by Peaches Joy Williams. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever.

    Results in this copyright notice:

    © 2017 Peaches Joy Williams. All rights reserved

    ISBN: 978-0-244-95857-2

    To the One Who Created Me, I Give Thanks and Live to Fulfill the Purpose for which I was Made



    To my children, Christina, Shannon and Joel who have been with me on this journey, I Love You. To my friends, Paula Burton and Dambile Nkunika - Peters, who encouraged and supported me in every way from the very beginning. To my family, especially my sisters, Sharon Williams and Janice Williams, you both have been my Cheerleaders. To friends who offered a helping hand and a listening ear. I Thank You all for your Love.

    What Inspired me to write…

    In February 2010 I made a life changing decision to walk away from my marriage after 17 years. That was an extremely difficult decision to make for me since I had walked away twice before. This time, however, I was sure that this was going to be the third and last time as I knew beyond any doubt that I needed to have my PEACE above all else. It was that choice which set the stage for all the drama, persecution and contentions I had to deal with over the next five years. It meant that I lost custody of my children, lost my home, faced charges, was jailed on three occasions, with possible long-term incarceration. But, I stood trial for five days in Snaresbrook Crown Court where I represented myself…and won.

    During two and a half years, I appeared at three different courts over 80 times and answered charges of harassment and four injunction breaches. I cried so many nights until my head constantly hurt and my eyes, swollen; many nights hungry in a cold house in the middle of winter, I went to bed hungry. It was during those tumultuous times and victorious moments that I wrote most of these quotes.

    Yes, the rough road and valley experiences have made me stronger, and for me, I am better and definitely WISER.

    The world is filled with stories, each and every single day. You too have a story…one the world is waiting to hear, WRITE IT!

    Kwame MA McPherson

    Award-winning Writer, Content Organiser and Book Architect

    Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire

    A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire was inspired by the challenges and persecution I faced after a marriage break up. It was conceived from the encouragement of friends and family who thanked me for my quotes and thoughts which I posted daily on social media and also sent via messages to them during times of hardships and trials. It aims to Inspire and Encourage anyone who lacks self-belief and confidence or thinks of Giving Up.

    A Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes and Thoughts to Inspire speaks to you from the heart and from very real experiences.

    Peaches Joy Williams

    As you walk into your Destiny and Transform into the Amazing person you are, some things will fall away from your life, some of these will be bad habits, your friends, your doubts, your fears or even your family. Do not try to pick them up…they were not meant to be a part of your Destiny.



    During the last seven years I have had many challenges but the opportunity to meet many wonderful people who have helped and supported me on my journey, has been fantastic and a blessing. A few have gone the extra mile and they are the ones I would like to thank; for the role they have played and

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