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Gnostic Fragments
Gnostic Fragments
Gnostic Fragments
Ebook43 pages48 minutes

Gnostic Fragments

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About this ebook

Eighty nine fragments from the novel “The Mystery of Belicena Villca” and forty five fragments from “Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom” have been selected to be read and studied by aspirants.

These 134 fragments are an optimum synthesis of the gnosis that Nimrod de Rosario had the mission to bring to this world.

These fragments are also an introduction to Nimrod de Rosario’s books. Once the aspirants read and re-read them, they could continue with the novel and with the first volumes of the Fundamentals.

The study of Nimrod de Rosario’s texts must be carried out thoroughly, taking into account that every word and every phrase is extremely important.

Nimrod de Rosario taught us that by reading and re-reading his writings, the awakening and the transmutation of aspirants will take place.
Release dateMar 20, 2013
Gnostic Fragments

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    Gnostic Fragments - Nimrod de Rosario



    Eighty nine fragments from the novel The Mystery of Belicena Villca and forty five fragments from Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom have been selected to be read and studied by aspirants.

    These 134 fragments are an optimum synthesis of the gnosis that Nimrod de Rosario had the mission to bring to this world. 

    These fragments are also an introduction to Nimrod de Rosario’s books. Once the aspirants read and re-read them, they could continue with the novel and with the first volumes of the Fundamentals.

    The study of Nimrod de Rosario’s texts must be carried out thoroughly, taking into account that every word and every phrase is extremely important. 

    Nimrod de Rosario taught us that by reading and re-reading his writings, the awakening and the transmutation of aspirants will take place.

    Fragments from The Mystery of Belicena Villca

    1. If you are already aware of the Great Deceit, then read the following lines carefully because you will find here some clues to be followed along the Returning Path to Origin. 

    2. The Secret, in sum, lies in … knowing the extraterrestrial Origin of the human Spirit and acquiring enough Wisdom to return to that Origin, finally leaving forever the insane Universe of Matter and Energy ; the insane Universe of the Created Forms. 

    3. Men coming from a total and frightful war… from an Essential War that had began long before, in the extraterrestrial Origin of human Spirit, and that have not ended yet. 

    4. The Essential War is a clash among Gods, a conflict that started in Heaven and spread to Earth, involving men in the process.

    5. The Ultimate Wisdom would coincide with the Strongest Will of returning to the Origin, with the Major Orientation towards the Origen, with the Highest Courage determined to fight against the Powers of Matter, and with the Maximum Spiritual Hostility towards the non spiritual. 

    6. Before the fall of the extraterrestrial Spirit into the Matter, there was an extremely primitive man-animal on Earth, son of God the Creator of all material forms: such man-animal had an animic essence, that is to say, a Soul that could reach immortality, but lacked eternal Spirit. 

    7. After performing the Mystery of the Fall, the Spirit ended up inside the man-animal as a prisoner of the Matter, and that is how the need for Its liberation emerged. 

    8. To understand the Sign of the Origin, it was needed exactly thirteen plus three Vrunas, namely, an alphabet of sixteen signs called Vrunas or Varunas.

    9. The highest priestly holiness, the one that was expressed by the control of the Soul -conceived either as a body or as a force- also meant the most abject submission to the Powers of Matter.

    10. In the Origin, beyond the stars, there was an Uncreated Light that could only be seen by the Spirit; that infinite light was imperceptible to the Soul. However, though invisible, in front of that infinite light, the Soul felt as in front of the most impenetrable blackness, an infinite abysm, and it was left immersed into an uncontrollable fear: this happened because the Uncreated Light of the Spirit made the Soul feel the intuition of the eternal death -end of its existence as much as of any other created thing- after a Mahamanvantara: a super Great Year of Creator God’s manifestation.

    11. It dealt with three concepts: the principle of Occupation, the principle of

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