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Indigo Flight: Into the Wild: Books 1-3
Indigo Flight: Into the Wild: Books 1-3
Indigo Flight: Into the Wild: Books 1-3
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Indigo Flight: Into the Wild: Books 1-3

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A girl without a past is struggling to build her future. It's difficult though, as every day further back than three months is lost to her. Signs are taped over everything she owns with notes to help her know what they are. At least in her home she is safe. But what about in the world where everything changes so fast that it throws even the most knowledgeable into chaos? Follow Dia in her quest to stay sane in a world of insanity. This edition holds books 1-3: Caterpillar, Chrysalis, and Butterfly. In them we are introduced to the world that Dia lives in. It is a strange place, where existence is contained within a school campus. Only teens are here, or so it seems. Strange things happen on campus. At first Dia thinks that this is all there is, but then things change...
Release dateDec 12, 2011
Indigo Flight: Into the Wild: Books 1-3

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    Indigo Flight - Kimberly Vogel



    Copyright © 2011 by Kimberly Vogel.

    ISBN eBook 978-1-105-34774-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    For additional copies refer to:


    I want to thank my family and friends for supporting me.

    Without you, I don’t know where I would be.

    BOOK 1 - Caterpillar


    With a deep breath taken in, the man ran his hand through his hair. The white locks held a slight wave as they were slicked back. Only a single piece spiraled down the left side of his face. As his brown eyes darted around a deep sigh pulled from his extremely pale lips. We can’t do this.

    We have to, replied the female companion. Like him she had pure white hair. Her long locks were pulled up in a spiked ponytail. The long bangs were pulled to the left. Her brown eyes stared out. You know what they’ll do if we don’t comply.

    Even so, isn’t what we’re doing wrong?

    Maybe so, she replied with eyes lowering. Questioning won’t help them. It will only get us killed.

    I guess so, he said. Spinning around in the chair, he sat with his back to the observation screens. A mauve jacket was around his top. The backside was split up the center to allow better movement and seating. Under the jacket was a white dress shirt. Brown slacks with brown boots were over the lower half.

    Identically dressed, the woman stood slightly to his left. She folded her arms across her chest while she spoke, So do it, then.

    The man of identical age and height nodded. The five foot eight frame spun in the chair. For a moment he appeared older than forty as he stared at the faces on the screen. His fingers twitched as his hands went over the keyboard set on the console before him.

    Silence screamed around the two. In the observation room the male and female stared at the screens. The wall before them was separated into a score of smaller screens. Each was focused on a single sleeping individual. On the left and right wall a single screen was placed. To the left was a rotating picture of the exterior of the compound. To the right was a rotating picture of the interior of the compound.

    The man sat in the chair set before the keyboard. His posture slumped forwards while his forearms rested on the table before it. His frame shook as he took a deep breath then let it out. I can’t.

    Fine, the woman replied. She leaned over his shoulder with fingers reaching for the keyboard. Then I will, to save both of us.

    No! He cried out. One foot kicked off the floor. While the chair spun his elbow slammed into her gut. Continuing the spin, his forearm continued to push against her torso.

    The woman flew back. She hadn’t expected her partner to strike out. Since the room wasn’t very large, when she stumbled and fell backwards, her head and shoulders slammed into the door behind them.

    The man stared at her in horror. He hadn’t expected that reaction either. Slowly he started to stand while he spoke in a trembling voice, Ceire?

    With a quick gasp, the woman grabbed at the door behind her. She pushed off the floor with her legs and used the portal for support. A faint smile pulled her lips as she remarked, Have you finally gotten a conscience, Tocho?

    I’m sorry, he stuttered.

    So am I, she replied. Her hand reached up and grabbed the lever which was for the alarm set by the door. She yanked it down.

    No! The man darted from his place to grab her wrist. It was too late though as the alarm rang through the corridor. His eyes went from her hand to her face. Do you know what you’ve done?

    Continued what you’ve started, dooming us. She replied. Her hand jerked away from his. In five minutes they’d be here anyway.

    We could have used that time to run.

    You may be a traitor, but I am not.

    He grabbed her shoulders. We’re not! This is wrong.

    She tried to jerk away from him. You keep saying that. What’s so wrong about what we’re doing?

    He opened his mouth to speak. Before he could, the sound of hissing overtook the silence. His eyes went up to the opened vents in the ceiling. He tried to speak, but the effects of the gas were too quick. Only a gargled sound emerged as he slid to the floor.

    The woman was no better off. Her head dropped as she slid down the door. With her back to it, she rested against it with the man pressed against her.

    A few minutes later the door opened. Behind it was a squad of six heavily armed soldiers. The leader stepped out as two of the others leaned down to check for signs of life. When there were none they looked up at the leader.


    The two nodded. One poked them with the barrel of his gun while the other spoke up. It looks like he attacked her. We’ll review the surveillance tape, but with the way the safeguards are, we won’t get much.

    The leader nodded. Usually, actions are all we need. I’ll tell the higher ups. They’ll need a new set to continue what these were in charge of. He turned away from the group and spoke into his headset.

    The two soldiers nodded. From a pocket at the calf of their uniforms they each pulled out a body bag. The rest of the soldiers moved into place. While this sort of thing didn’t happen often, it had happened enough in the soldier’s careers so they knew what to do. Once they had the two people in the body bags they carried them to the disposal hatch in the wall further down the hallway. Once they were dumped in, the soldiers returned to their duties.

    Minutes later, a new duo strode down the hallway. As with the two before, there was one male and one female of the same age and height. Two inches higher yet two years younger, the duo took a different fashion tilt. They were dressed in a black vest over a white dress shirt with black slacks and black dress shoes.

    The man held a clipboard in his hand. As his blue eyes stared out of his extremely pale skin at the text, the silver hair on his head fell to the left though he’d tried to spike it straight up. So, Shahina, do you know what happened to the others?

    A psychotic break I was told, Piran, but we’re not supposed to talk about it. The woman said as she strode beside him. When her head shook the long braid of silver hair swung behind her like a pendulum.

    Right, he said with a nod. When they reached the door he stopped. With the clipboard in his left hand he placed his right on the panel beside the door. Then he leaned in the second check could be done on his face.

    When he stepped to the side, she took his place. Once the scans were done the door opened. The woman stepped through and walked to the chair. She sat and placed her hands over the keyboard. Let’s get to work then.

    Right, the man replied as he stood behind her. He flipped the pages and droned on about the required procedures for the day.

    Chapter 1 –

    She woke in the dark. It was always dark at this time of day. One hand went up and reached through the darkness. It found a fixture. Fumbling down the neck of the lamp she pushed a button at the base; then came blinding light. With a groan she dropped her hand to cover over her eyes. Slowly her fingers broke apart so she could look through them. She blinked several times then dropped her arm. A deep breath was taken in then let out. Slowly she pushed up to sit in the center of a pile of blankets on a bed. Still blinking, she looked around the room.

    It wasn’t a place she remembered. There were four walls to the room. To the right was a paste up picture of a window. Ahead of her was a dresser with a bookcase on top. To the left was an open area that led over to a door. Behind her was another wall which had a desk set against it. As her eyes circled around she blinked repeatedly. It didn’t seem to be decorated with anything for a personal touch.

    She pushed the sheets off of her legs. While her eyes lowered, she noticed that they were plain white sheets. There was a pale blue blanket over them though. It was the same color as the carpet. She dropped her feet on the light plush. Her hands pushed down the pale blue shorts and matching tank top. While she looked down, she noticed the tint of her skin. Her eyes lifted in search of a mirror.

    There was one at the back of the door. She walked quickly over to it then peered in to look at what stared out. From head to waist white hair fell straight down. The only breaks in it were light blue streaks that further emphasized the length. Periwinkle colored eyes caught the light. At the corners of them on her cheeks were silver tattoos in the shape of flowers. They each had five petals. Warm brown skin wrapped around her form. She blinked several times with hands placed on either side of the mirror.

    Who am I?

    The voice that came was young sounding. With eyes blinking again, she pushed away from the door. Several steps were taken in retreat. Then her head tilted back; she looked up at the ceiling. There was another light, but it was off. She walked over to the door again. There was a switch there. She flicked it up; the light above went on. She retreated to her bed and switched off the lamp there.

    A new search began. Close to her bed was the desk. She pulled open the center drawer. It seemed logical that something would be there. Her fingers curled around a notebook. She pulled it out then set it on the top of the desk. Her fingers flicked it open then ran down the lines as her eyes searched for something that would spark a memory.

    I am Roddiah (Dia). I am fifteen years old. My birthday is November 3. I live here.

    She blinked several times as she read the line in the notebook. Though it felt odd, she had to take it as truth. With a soft shake of her head, the teen wandered from the desk across the room to the dresser. There were a variety of things on the bookshelves: schoolbooks, story books, and little figurines. Her fingers flicked over the edges of the shelves then wrapped around the handles of the top drawer. While she pulled it open she looked inside. There were several pieces of clothing, exactly what would be found in a girl’s wardrobe. She pulled out one of each; they were hung over her wrist. She shut the first drawer and opened the second. Within she found more clothes. A white T-shirt with a blue and purple butterfly was within; several of the same styles were underneath the first. A pair of black pants with light blue, dark blue and purple layered flames was set beside it. Like the previous, there were several of similar styles stacked in the drawer. She took out one of each and set them over her arm. Kneeling, she pushed the drawer shut and pulled out the lowest one. She looked inside then pulled out the blue with black sole shoes along with white socks.

    Quickly she changed. Her shoes carried her to the desk again. The left drawer on the side was opened. A smile pulled over the teen’s lips as she saw a wallet. She snatched it out then flicked it open. Within was a card that repeated the information she had found in the notebook. The smile broadened and she pushed the wallet into her pocket. On the ball of her foot she turned then walked to the door. Her fingers curled around the doorknob. While she turned it, she felt her chest tighten in nervousness. She bit her lower lip then took a quick deep breath through her nose. She let it slip past her lips while she pulled the door open.

    No monsters leapt out at her. There was just a flickering light over her door. With her eyes narrowed, she leaned her head out of the doorway. She turned her eyes to look up and down the hallway that spread out on either side. It was quiet, except for the sound of the light above popping as it went on then off then on again.

    She stepped out of the room into the hallway. Her hand pulled the door shut behind her; her fingers slid into her pockets. With her steps quickly taken, she walked right down the path. It was all tiles down the hallway in white and black spattered linoleum. A dozen paces passed then she noticed a communal bathroom on the left. While she continued on, several other landmarks came into view. A good half dozen doors were passed on the right and left walls. With the end of the hallway coming, a water fountain was seen on the right. The door that held the seal on the building was heavy.

    She pushed on it; to her delight it opened. The teen stepped out into the open air. A cement path led in an L shape from the door she left to a closed door in a new building. On either side were patches of grass. The wind from the east held a tinge of saltiness. When her eyes turned in that direction she saw the ocean in the distance. She turned her eyes the other way and saw more grass. There was another building that turned back east at the south end of the one ahead; further away from them was a high fence. Whether it was to keep things out or in she couldn’t recall.

    Her steps took her around the outside of the middle building. She quickly stepped back up to the sidewalk at the southern end then went across the flags to the door of the other building. When she made it to the door, both of her hands pressed the portal open. She rushed in then came to a halt. Ahead was a hallway; on either side were hooks and cubbies for extra clothing. There seemed to be similar structures for each of the entryways of the buildings. Ahead was a second heavy door that protected the interior from the exterior. In there was a dining room. She hurried into the new area.

    There the sounds of something moving through another room met her ears. Ahead were the tables and chairs that made up the sitting places. Then further behind were several banquet tables strewn over with tablecloths and structures which would hold the trays of food for meals. A wall was behind it and set with containers for drinks. There was a doorway to the left which led into the kitchen.

    Curious and nervous, the teen walked over to the door. She tilted her head so she could look into the circular window. While she stared, she noticed there was another female riffling through the supplies. She bit her lower lip a moment then let it go as she pushed open the door; her voice called out, Hello?

    The female was both a year older and an inch taller than the other teen. Her hair was dark blonde. There were bangs cut straight above her eyes while the rest of her hair fell down to her waist. She blinked her brown eyes once then a smile pulled at the pink lips set in tan skin. Hello Dia; you’re up early today.

    She nodded faintly then gave a small wave. Yes, I woke a little early. Um, how do you know my name?

    She blinked twice. Her head cocked to the side. Well, we all live here. The teen turned then walked over to her. Are you having memory problems again? Oh well, my name’s Kirati. I work in the kitchen usually.

    Pleased to meet you, Dia replied. She continued to stare at the woman. There was nothing about her that seemed familiar.

    You too; can I get you anything to eat? Kirati asked. She straightened the short mauve jacket she wore then brushed her hands over her tight brown jeans. The brown leather boots clicked as she stepped over the tiled floor.

    Uh, sure, can I have my usual please?

    I don’t make pancakes until its closer to the six a.m. breakfast hour. She said with a quick shake of her head. Sorry Dia, but can I make you something else?

    Um, no, thanks. I can wait. She shook her head with a small smile. Can I help you prepare breakfast?

    Kirati chuckled. I’d appreciate that. She walked over to the counters. The teen knelt then opened the lower cupboard doors. If you could just put these out on the tables outside it would be a big help.

    Sure, replied Dia. She smiled as she took a stack of trays from Kirati. She stood then walked out of the kitchen.

    While she left, Kirati called out, You can leave after that. I know you’ll want to get reminded about a few more things before you start your day.

    Uh, right, thanks, Dia called back. She went to the banquet tables and fit the trays into their slots. Due to many being the same size, it was rather easy to put them in their places. She wandered back and forth until each section had a tray. When it was done she went to the kitchen door. There she leaned in and called out to Kirati, I’m going now.

    The elder teen didn’t turn around while she waved. Her attention was focused on her task of pulling out each ingredient to make fresh meals for breakfast. See you later, Dia.

    Bye, she said as she watched. Dia turned away from the door. With her hands in her pockets she wandered into the main part of the dining room. Her eyes turned to look around while she pondered where to go next.

    The outside path led away from the dining room to what seemed to be the main building. With her head tilted to the side, Dia decided to wander through it. While she went, she noticed that there were several doors on either side. The very first set held bathrooms. From there on it were a couple storage closets then different offices. In the direct center of the hallway on either side were stairs that led up to the second floor. The teen turned left, but before she could go up the stair one of the offices’ doors opened.

    Emerging from within was a male. Or at least Dia thought it was a male. The black skirt with gray pleats at the bottom made her pause. A white dress shirt with a black bow tie made her think male again. Black leather boots completed the outfit. A short haircut with long forelocks made the brown hairdo seem somewhat gender-ambiguous. While the fingers went up to sweep the bangs to the side, green eyes set in pale skin noticed the teen. A smile turned over the lips while he stepped over to her. Hello Dia.

    Hello, she replied with a small hesitant smile. The octave of the voice made her think male again. Dia stepped down from the first step. Her feet carried her over to him.

    I look forwards to seeing you in class later. You always have such interesting ideas. The male said with his smile still on his lips. The age seemed to be two more than she was. His height was quite a bit shorter though at five foot three inches.

    I-I-um, thank you. Dia replied. She tried to keep a frown from her lips as she felt the stutter in her throat.

    He smiled, but the corners of his lips twitched. Soon his expression turned into a frown. Don’t you remember me?

    With her head lowered, Dia let her eyes fall as well. I’m afraid not.

    Well, that is annoying. My name is Shobal.

    She lifted her eyes. With a small smile, Dia spoke up. Ah, thank you. I seem to be having trouble remembering anything today.

    His smile returned, though the look in his eyes was rather sad. Well, don’t worry about it. We’ll all help you.

    She nodded then bit her lip. Thank you, Shobal. Oh, may I ask where we are?

    Of course, this is Meadow Springs. It’s not so different from a closed off community. No one who lives here is over eighteen. It’s pretty much self-sustaining.

    I see. Dia replied. She blinked and ran her hand over the back of her head. I don’t remember... What are you? And, what am I?

    I’m a teacher. As for you, if you don’t remember you’ll have to find out for yourself. No one can be told what they are. He smiled and placed his hand on Dia’s shoulder. I know you’ll find who you are.

    Thanks, Shobal. She replied with a smile. Her hand brushed over his while she took a step back. Dia put her hand through her hair again. Then she grinned. I can tell even with a brief meeting, you’re a wonderful teacher. I hope I can get to know you better.

    He chuckled while he waved. No need for compliments, but thank you. Oh, you’d better hurry on, Dia. After breakfast, there isn’t much time until the first class. I hope you can get it together by then.

    Ah, yes, I hope so too. She smiled and laughed. With quick steps she wandered back through the hallway into the dining area.

    The scent of freshly cooked food flooded through the air. It was a pleasant smell, but what wafted by next wasn’t. The scent was sour like something that hadn’t been cleaned in days.

    Dia blinked as she turned her head. Something about that seemed familiar, but she couldn’t say why. With a soft cough she put her hand up to her nose. She rubbed at it as her eyes glanced around.

    You’re alive!

    Dia blinked as she turned in a circle. Eh? She mumbled as she tried to see who the phrase came from.

    Suddenly a woman around eighteen years old popped up. She was dressed rather oddly in an orange stocking cap with a green stripe across the forehead. Her hair was a paler orange and fell messily around her brown face then down her back. She had blue eyes or a lighter color than the grungy tank top she wore. There was a white, orange, and green striped scarf around her that obscured full view of the top. From her hips down she had green pajama pants. On her hands were black gloves of the same material as the black sandals over her feet.

    Dia gasped as she saw her. She couldn’t recognize who it was. Her eyes went wide as the older woman pressed her five foot four inch body in closer. Who are you?

    Her nose wrinkled up. With a scowl, the woman pulled away. They did it to you, didn’t they?

    Do what?

    She shook her head. Both of her hands went up to cling to her cap. The woman pulled it down further. Then she pulled the scarf up over her mouth. Don’t you remember me?

    No, replied Dia. Her eyes were wide as she stared at her in fright.

    With a sigh, she pulled the scarf down some. My name is Viridianai. Her eyes darted around quickly. You have to be careful.

    Pleased to meet you, replied Dia with a stutter.

    Yes, yes, said the woman. She sighed as she glanced around. It isn’t safe here. You should get out as soon as you can. I will be doing it soon myself.

    But, why isn’t it safe?

    Viridianai looked up at Dia. She took a quick step back. Her hand pulled the scarf up over her chin then lower lip. They are coming for us. I don’t want it to happen again. Just get out while you can.

    I don’t understand, replied the teen. She shook her head then reached out to the smaller woman. Please, I just woke up recently. I remember nothing at all, not even my name. I’ve found documents and have been told what it is, but I don’t remember anything else.

    Her eyes went wide. She pulled her scarf over her mouth. Her other hand pulled her cap down over her eyes. I’m too late. They got you. The words were muffled, but could still be distinguished. They got you. The small woman turned and fled down the hallway.

    Wait! Dia called as she reached out to her. She took a step forwards, but she stopped as she lost sight of Viridianai. With a sigh, she shook her head. I don’t know what’s going on, not at all. Her hand went to the back of her head. She rubbed it as she wandered further to go into dining room.

    With a quick step, another person came over. A frown was on his lips as he briefly placed his hand on her shoulder. I thought I heard Viridianai. Are you okay?

    She blinked up at the teen. Eh? Oh, yes, I’m all right.

    The ruddy skinned youth smiled softly at her. Good, I’m glad to hear that. I’m not sure what’s gotten into her. She is getting to the end of her time here, though. With a frown, he turned his brown eyes away from her. The black hair he had was cut short, though the bangs were left longer. He looked up at her again then laughed, Next year is my last one, as I’m seventeen. Hopefully I won’t go kicking and screaming, like some of the others have.

    I-I’m sorry, who are you?

    He blinked at her. I’m Nastas. Then with a slight smile, the teen the same height as Dia placed his hand on her shoulder once more. Are you sure you’re okay? Over his body he had a white and red diagonally striped t-shirt over an orange long-sleeved shirt. The other half of his clothing choice was dark brown jeans over black boots.

    With a small nod, she spoke up, Yes, Nastas, sorry I’m just having a little trouble remembering things.

    Oh, right, he replied with a small frown. His hand rubbed over her shoulder softly. I remember something about that. Anyway, shall we get some breakfast? Nastas smiled again as he dropped his hand.

    That sounds good, though I haven’t much of an appetite, said Dia. She smiled faintly while she walked with him to get into the line. While she looked around she thought she saw at least a half dozen people total. The place was set up rather like a buffet, so she wandered over and joined them in line to pick out food.

    Just eat whatever you’d like. Oh, mind if I sit with you?

    Oh, no, go ahead Nastas.


    Dia bobbed her head. She glanced around so she could look for foods she liked. What struck her is that she didn’t know what she liked. She gnawed on her lower lip as she looked around in search of anything that seemed appealing. With her plate in one hand, she used her other hand to pick up pieces with the tongs. When she had a variety, she wandered over to find a place to sit.

    The older teen followed her to a seat. He plopped down then sighed as he rubbed his hands over his knees. So, what are you going to do today? After the question he put his hands up. He picked up a sandwich then bit into it.

    Dia shrugged slightly. Her eyes lowered as she stared at her plate. She cut up pieces of pancake then nibbled on it. I think I’ll probably go to class. What about you?

    I have my duties as the gardener, so unless you go out, you’ll probably not see me much.


    With a slight shrug, Nastas smiled as he munched the last of his sandwich. He chuckled as he picked up a cup of milk. Don’t worry about me. We can always see each other at meals to catch up.

    Dia nodded slightly. She smiled as she replied, Thanks, Nastas.

    There was a smile on his lips as the older teen took a long drink. He put the cup down then stood. He bobbed his head while he chuckled. I’ll see you later, Dia. He picked up his dishes then carried them to the kitchen.

    While she watched him go, Dia finished her pancakes. Her eyes turned around the dining room again. There were people of many different shades of skin as well as colors of hair. The styling was different as well. It didn’t seem like there was any sort of uniform, which she found strangely comforting. With a shake of her head, Dia stood from her seat.

    Another person brushed by her. The male was quiet as he pushed over a trolley. With a small smile, he bobbed his head while he gestured to the piles of dirty dishes on it. There was no sound.

    Um, hello, said Dia as she blinked at him.

    The teen was around the same age as the one that just left. He had dark blonde hair that was cut short on his head. The skin tone he had was the same as hers. He had really pretty blue eyes. The outfit he wore was simple with a brown hooded jacket over black slacks and black shoes. He gestured to the trolley again as he smiled and nodded.

    Um, thanks, said Dia as she put her dishes in the separate containers. When she finished, she nodded then retreated from him. With a quick breath in then out, she wandered to the exit. 

    South of the cafeteria, there was a garden. In the very center was a mass of sunflowers. Around it was a border of evergreen bushes. Further on the outside were small plants and flowers. There was more than just the aforementioned, though. There were many growths that could be used for food or even medicine.

    There was another familiar figure that sat at the edge. It was one that Dia saw before. The red and white striped shirt sported by the raven haired man told that it was Nastas, the current gardener.

    Since Dia had met him, she decided not to go out and explore that part of the compound. With a slow shake of her head, the teen wandered from the side of the cafeteria to the sidewalk on the eastern edge. There was a diagonal path that led to the southern entrance of another building. With a slight shrug, Dia wandered over the flags to the door. She pushed the portal open then glanced around inside.

    There was a straight open area. From there behind a second set of doors was the main floor of the gymnasium. It was in the dead center of the building. Hallways went around the outside of the center space. There were more rooms that contained both lockers and nurse rooms.

    Dia had a thought that she knew the inside of this building, but she had no idea why. The only thing that she could come up with was that like the bedroom, it was a place she was often in. The longer that she was awake, the more familiar the structures became. She couldn’t say that she recognized the people within them, however. With a sigh, she wandered from the entrance down the hallway.

    It was further down the way that one of the trainer’s offices came into view. From the noise that came from within, the girl knew that someone was within. It was most likely the person who took over the duties in the gymnasium. As expected, there was a label on the door that read ‘Coach Yevunye’. 

    What Dia didn’t expect was a teen just a year older than her. The outfit she wore was even more surprising. There was a black spiked collar around her neck. The same leather made the belt on her grape colored short dress. She had black and white striped stockings underneath that went into black flats. Yevunye glanced back at her. She had pale brown hair tied into low pigtails. The long strands went well to her waist. There were brown eyes set in ruddy skin. The five and a half feet tall teen waved her hand as she spoke, Welcome, Dia. What are you doing here? Is there something that you wanted to speak to me about?

    Um, no, replied Dia. I was just looking around.

    Oh, said Yevunye with a soft blink. Then she chuckled and walked over to her. She left the room them closed the door shut behind her. Would you like to play a game?

    What sort of game?

    The balls in the storage room need to be filled with air. There’s some other stuff I need to get done, but if you could help out with that I’d appreciate it.

    Dia blinked twice. She shrugged while she wandered down the hallway. I guess I could.

    Come with me then, said Yevunye while she walked with her. Her eyes tilted along the walls. The doors were made of wood. She put her hand out and rapped on one of the portals. This one holds the smaller things. She dropped her hand to the knob. She twisted it then pulled the door open. With a soft smile, she gestured inside. Come find me when you’re done.

    The room was made of a series of shelves and buckets. The small balls were in buckets on the shelves. The large balls were in buckets on the floor. Wheels were on the bottom of the big buckets so they could be simply wheeled out. The soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs, and other large ones seemed to have deflated. On the shelves just inside of the doorframe there were pumps and patches for the equipment. 

    Okay, said Dia while she bobbed her head. She glanced inside of the room. When Dia turned around again, she noticed the pumps. She grabbed one then carried it with her. She frowned as she stared down at the baskets of balls. This would take a while. She shook her head then pulled one of the baskets out into the hallway. She put the pump down on the floor. She leaned into the basket and pulled out the balls. She put them on the floor.

    Whatcha doin’?

    Dia glanced up as she heard a young sounding voice. Her head tilted to the side while she noticed the strange outfit that the younger teen wore. She blinked then replied, I’m just helping out. What about you?

    Nuthin’, the teen replied. She looked like she was about fourteen; the small frame she had at five feet two inches enforced the youthful look. Her outfit certainly didn’t make her seem more mature. She wore a periwinkle colored hat with a blue ribbon in the center. She wore a darker periwinkle colored pajama set with white flowers over it. Her black clogs tapped on the floor; one did more so than the other as she stood on one foot.

    Would you like to help me then? Dia asked as she sat on the floor. She crossed her legs then put one of the flat balls there. She poked the pump in the air hole then pushed on the handle.

    Um... The girl mumbled as she put her hand up to her hair. She played with the shoulder length teal strands. Her blue eyes glanced at the balls, to the basket, then into the closet. I suppose so. She wandered from the hallway into the storage room. She hopped up and picked another pump from the shelf.

    Thanks, said Dia. She smiled briefly at her. Her gaze lowered to the ball cradled in her lap. She pumped the sphere full of air until it plumped out how it was supposed to be. She popped the pump out then tossed the ball into the basket. Ah, one down...a lot of go.

    With a soft laugh, the smaller girl wandered back in. She dropped down then assumed the same pose as Dia. She pumped the ball full of air. She was quicker at it than the slightly older teen.

    So, um, how are you doing?

    I’m fine Dia, how are you?

    With a shrug, Dia started on the next ball. Talking while they worked help keep the action from becoming monotonous. I’m fine I guess.

    Did you get the new schedule for classes?

    Dia shook her head softly. I don’t remember. Her eyes lifted so she looked at the teal haired teen. I...don’t remember who you are either.

    Not again, said the teen with a sigh. My name is Aleyah. I live next to you in the dormitory.


    We also are in the same classes. The younger teen laughed faintly. She filled up the ball then tossed it into the basket. There’s you, me, Varda, and Mignon. We are the youngest gals.

    I see.

    Aleyah nodded a little. She blinked then laughed as she continued to fill up the balls on the floor. Yes, now I hope you kept your calendar. You forget things a lot. It’s April, so it’s a new quarter. We won’t be able to go outside when it pours rain, but even so, we should get a lot done.

    As long as the roof doesn’t cave in, said Dia.

    Ouch, said Aleyah while she looked at her with wide eyes. Well, even if it does, Benjiro is a genius when it comes to cleaning up and fixing things.

    Who is Benjiro?

    You might have seen him around already today, replied Aleyah. She tilted her head to the side while she spoke, He’s got your complexion, blonde hair, and blue eyes. He usually dresses pretty casually in a zippered jacket and jeans.

    I think I met him, replied Dia while she nodded. He’s rather quiet.

    Of course he is, said Aleyah, He’s mute.

    Dia stopped. She opened her mouth then closed it again. She shook her head while she lowered her gaze to the work at hand. It was a few filled sports balls later that she spoke, I didn’t realize.

    He doesn’t let it get in the way of most of what he does.

    Dia nodded a little. She continued to fill the balls. With a soft sigh, she stood then pulled the full basket into the storage. Oh, I see. She smiled as she pulled out two baskets. She emptied both of them on the floor. Then she sat down and started to fill the balls.

    Aleyah nodded a little. She continued to help, but about halfway through she groaned and stood up. This is so boring.

    Yes, said Dia with a sigh, But it has to be done.

    But it isn’t our job, replied Aleyah. Come on, let’s go do something else. Coach can finish the rest of them.

    I-I don’t know, stuttered Dia.

    Aleyah shook her head. With a small laugh, she wandered away from the task. Well, I’m bored so I’m not going to do it anymore.

    I’m going to finish this, said Dia with a small nod. She poked the next ball with the pump. She pushed the handle until the air filled the sphere. I’ll see you later.

    Okay, just don’t miss class, said Aleyah as she waved her hand. She skipped down the hallway.

    Bye, called Dia while she continued to pump the balls full of hair. She soon grew tired. No wonder Yevunye asked for help. Her head dropped as she finished the second basket full of sports equipment.

    Hey, how are you doing?

    Dia lifted her head. She smiled as she rubbed one hand over her face. Not very well I’m afraid, she replied then yawned, I didn’t get far and I’m tired.

    Why don’t you take a break? You could probably stop. Thanks for your help.

    Aleyah made an appearance. She helped too.

    I’ll thank her later. You’d better go so you don’t miss class, said Yevunye with a chuckle.

    If you’re sure, replied Dia as she stood. I will go. She yawned again. Her hand brushed down the front of her pants.

    Yes, shoo now, said Yevunye as she waved her hands. I know the others won’t be happy if you miss their classes.

    I’ll go quickly, said Dia, As soon as I clean up. She waved her hand as she ducked down.

    No, you go now, said the gym teacher.

    Dia straightened her body as she held up the pump. Are you sure?

    Yes, said Yevunye, Now stop protesting and go. Thankfully my class isn’t until tomorrow so there’s no need to rush.

    Alright, said Dia while she gave the older teen the pump. I’ll see you later. She smiled and bobbed her head. With a slow step, she wandered away from the teacher. Dia made her way down the hallway then glanced back to watch Yevunye. She noticed the girl did the same as they had. With a slight chuckle, Dia shook her head then walked to the door. She pushed it open and walked outside.

    It was on the eastern end of the gym that the teen emerged. It was still early in the day, but lunch would happen before classes. The sun climbed up in the sky to rest directly overhead. The scent of cooked food wafted up from the southern building. There would be time to go to the southern building for food then go to the northern building to collect her things for class.

    With a light sigh, Dia walked over the sidewalk that bordered the building until she reached the midway point. She diverted her steps along the diagonal path. Once she reached the main path she walked south then west to the door of the cafeteria. Dia glanced inside of the small window while she pushed open the door. Her weight leaned into the door then broke away as she stumbled inside.

    Hey, careful there, said a person she brushed by.

    Oh! I’m sorry, replied Dia quickly. She straightened her body as she brought a smile to her lips. She pushed her hair back with one hand then grasped the long strands with both as she tugged it off of her shoulders then let it fall and spill down her back. Are you okay?

    Yes, replied the redhead. He smiled as he brushed back the longer bangs back from his well tanned skin. His bangs were almost as long as the rest of his hair around his ears. The gray eyes stared out as he watched her. Are you okay?

    Um, yes, thank you.

    Good, said the man with a soft sigh. He bobbed his head. He was an inch shorter than the year younger female. He smiled as he took a step closer to her. Have you come for lunch, Dia?

    Y-yes, replied the young woman as she nodded. She wanted to speak his name, but like everyone else she’d come across she couldn’t recall a thing about him. Are you going to eat?

    Yes, said the redhead. The outfit he wore was rather flamboyant. He wore a long jacket that was like one you’d see on someone from old royalty. It was nearly all black, but with white ruffles at the cuffs and gold brocade along the collar then over each hem. He wore a black mesh shirt then black slacks that covered black leather boots. He watched her for a moment then smiled as he gave a flourishing bow. His hand went out and he clasped hers softly. I notice your hesitance, milady. Do not worry. I, Daith, will do what I can to ease any worries you have.

    Dia blinked then flushed softly as he kissed the air just barely above her hand. Her other hand lifted to her cheek. Oh, thank you kind sir.

    You don’t have to thank me. It’s my duty. Daith smiled at her. He stood straight. He gently held her hand while he led her into the cafeteria. What will you be doing on this fine spring day?

    I plan on continuing my studies, replied Dia as he walked with him. Her eyes cast about the place then returned to him. What will you do?

    Ah, I have my scholarly pursuits as well. Spring is a bountiful season for the scientist.

    I wish you well in your work, said Dia with a soft smile.

    Thank you, said Daith as he bobbed his head. He lifted his other hand and placed it over hers while he held her hand up. I’m afraid I must depart from you for now. Would you mind that?

    If you have work to do, then by all means go do it, replied Dia. She held his hand gently then removed herself from his grip. With a nod, she glanced into the cafeteria. They’d entered from the back, so it wasn’t as familiar as it was from the view she knew from the morning. Her eyes returned to him as she nodded. I won’t be offended in any way.

    Then I bid you, adieu, said Daith while he bowed. He straightened his body then walked quickly away from her. The direction he went took him straight past the buffet table. He went to the dining tables.

    Dia watched him. She noticed that Daith spoke to someone she saw before, Shobal. The teen stood there by the back entrance while she looked around the scene. With a deep breath taken in then let out, Dia slowly wandered in. She was a little hungry, so she walked to the end of the buffet table. The dishes were all filled with various lunch foods, even though they all seemed to be the makings for sandwiches. With a slight shrug, Dia picked up a plate then slid over the front of the table as she made her meal. Then she stepped over to the drink station and got a cup; she filled it with milk. With everything in hand, Dia walked over to one of the dining tables. One was empty, so she dropped down in the seat.

    It was a few minutes into the meal before someone else walked over to the table. With a soft sigh passing her lips, a pink haired teen dropped her tray on the surface. She gave a brief smile to Dia while her blue eyes darted over her way. She pulled out the seat with one pale hand. She dropped down then brushed the wisps of bangs away from her face. The rest of her short hair was back in a ponytail.

    Dia glanced over at her. She blinked then smiled as she bobbed her head. She picked up her sandwich and bit into the side. While she munched on it she continued to watch the newcomer.

    While they looked different in appearance, the new teen and Dia were the same age. Her stature was much smaller at five feet five inches. The fragile frame was made smaller by a baggy mauve and black striped sweater. She had a pair of oversized black jeans whose bottoms were double the size of the waist. Her black shoes were only visible when she sat. When the girl caught Dia’s stare, she shifted uncomfortably in her seat while one hand went up to her lips. What is it? Is my chicken salad smeared on my cheek?

    No, replied Dia. She lowered her head as a faint embarrassed flush rose on her cheeks. I’m just trying to remember who you are.

    You forgot again? Man, you are so weird Dia, replied the teen. She shook her head while she sighed, I’m know, like the cut of meat.

    Oh, hello Mignon, said Dia with a weak smile. She bobbed her head while she picked up her drink. How are you?

    I’m okay, though I don’t look forwards to having more schooling. I suppose we only have a few years left, but even so I wonder whether this will do any good. Mignon sighed then shook her head. She picked up her sandwich. With the bread holding the diced chicken within itself in a balancing act, Mignon bit into the side.

    I don’t know. I can’t remember anything, so I don’t think I’ll be doing so well, replied Dia with a weak laugh.

    Mignon snorted. She almost choked on the food while she ate. She cleared her mouth then mumbled, You’re right about that. She smirked and put her sandwich down on the plate.

    Dia stuck her tongue out at the smaller teen. She ducked her head as she picked up her sandwich. It was made of some sort of shaved beef. With a faint shrug, she mumbled, I certainly wouldn’t be a very good permanent greeter. I can remember most things, just not people.

    That’s really weird.

    I know, said Dia with a sigh. She glanced over at Mignon. So what are you in for?

    With a shrug, Mignon stuffed her face with the sandwich. She kept quiet for a good span of time. It didn’t sound like she wanted to talk about what was wrong. Finally she mumbled, It’s complicated.

    I see.

    Yeah, said Mignon with a slight shrug. She finished munching on her sandwich. She licked her fingers clean. With a faint sigh, she lifted her body from the seat. I’m gonna grab some stuff before class. I’ll see you later.

    Okay, bye, Mignon, said Dia while she waved. She picked up her sandwich then finished it off. With a light sigh, she sipped at her drink while she glanced around the place.

    There were quite a few people that wandered in and out of the space during the afternoon meal. All in all, everyone made their appearance. Dia wanted to speak to each person she saw, but at the moment she just tried to figure out who they were. When they spoke, it was a little easier to catch the name that went with each person. It wasn’t very long before the cleaner made his way around the tables.

    With a smile, Dia bobbed her head and put the dishes in the buckets on the trolley. Thank you, Benjiro, she said.

    With a soft wave the quiet man gestured to her. He put his hands on the trolley again. He pushed the trolley away from her table through the others. There seemed to be a smile on his lips at all times as he cleaned up the space.

    Dia watched him for a while. With a soft shake of her head, the teen stood. She glanced around then turned her gaze to the door at the far end of the room. Her fingers slid into her pockets while she wandered. She cleared her throat then hummed as she made her way to it.

    Hey, Dia!

    Dia glanced back as she heard the feminine voice. Yes? she asked as she turned around.

    With a slight smile on her lips, a five feet four inch tall teen skipped over. Her fingers pushed back her cheek length hair from her face. The strands were a dark purple. Below were dark blue eyes. She put her hand from her pale cheek up in the air. Wait for me.

    Okay, said Dia. She did wait. Her hands remained in her pockets while she stood in the space between the cafeteria and the door.

    The fourteen year old girl had a white shirt with red capped sleeves on. There was a green star in the center of the chest. The same shade of red as her sleeves was on her red jeans. She had black shoes as well. With a quick step she walked over to her. With a soft laugh, she spoke, Are you going to class now?

    Probably, is it soon?

    Yes, replied the short teen, There’s just enough time to get there. We don’t have time to get our things from our room, but even so with it being the first day we could probably just go as we are. She shrugged then laughed faintly. I’m sure Shobal won’t mind.

    His class is first?

    The purple haired girl blinked. Then she sighed as she looked up at Dia then at the door. She went to it then shoved it open. While she stepped through she called back, Yes it is. Right after it is Keziah’s class.

    Oh, said Dia as she quickly followed the other.

    She bobbed her head. With a quick glance back, the other asked, Do you remember me?

    I...don’t know your name, admitted Dia. She ducked her head down. Her footsteps continued from the door of the cafeteria to the door of the main building. I can’t remember.

    Well, I’m Varda.

    Good to meet you, said Dia as she lifted her head again. She smiled at Varda while she watched her. Her hands pulled out of the pockets of her slacks. She pushed the heavy door.

    You’re weird, replied Varda with a soft laugh. She smiled as she ducked under the taller woman’s arms. Once she was inside, Varda turned around. She walked backwards with her hands clasped behind her back. But I’m glad you’re still friendly, Dia.

    Dia shrugged then laughed. It was an awkward sound. She didn’t really know what else to do. With a slight smile, Dia rubbed her hand on the back of her head. She smiled as she let the door shut behind her. I’m glad to be, normal. She grinned slightly as she glanced at Varda then looked away again.

    Right, well let’s get to class. Varda stepped quickly down the hallway. When they came to the middle she diverted her steps. While Varda walked up the stairs, Dia followed her. With a hum, the short teen skipped up the steps then circled around the side of the hall into main corridor.

    With a quick step to follow, Dia caught up with the others as they walked across the flat surface. The tall teen glanced around the hallway. Even though the offices were downstairs, most of the actual classrooms were upstairs. It was an easy way to get exercise. She walked with Varda into the room.

    The door was in the back of the room. The desks all faced right, which was the front of the room. There was a dry erase board that stretched over the wall halfway between ceiling and floor. In front of the board was a podium. Beside the podium was the teacher’s desk. Other than that desk, there were four others for the students to use. Already, the teacher was in place. Another of the students was in her seat at the front by the window.

    Varda walked into the room. With a smile, she waved at Shobal. She walked over to the seats by the window. She sat behind Aleyah. Her hand reached up and she flicked the brim of her hat. Hey, take that off.

    I will not, replied Aleyah. Her hands went up and she grasped either side of her hat. She fixed it then pouted. I don’t have to.

    Aleyah, said Shobal while he leaned over his desk, You know the rules. You have to take the hat off while class is in session. I can’t have you blocking the view of the person behind you.

    But teacher...

    Shobal shook his head. If you want to wear it, you have to sit in the back.

    Aleyah opened her mouth to speak, but she soon closed it again. With a soft sigh, she stood from her seat. Her eyes tilted back and she stared at Varda. Would you switch seats with me then?

    Varda sat in her seat. She folded her arms across her chest. She smirked faintly as she lifted her eyes and watched the other squirm. Then she rocked forwards. She stood with a slight sigh, I suppose I could.

    While the two switched spots, Dia watched. She walked over to the desks. After looking at the last places, she sat in the one in the back. Her arms rested on the top of the desk as her shoulders slumped slightly.

    Shobal sighed softly as he watched the other two. The teacher bobbed his head. He looked at Dia then at the door. We only have one person left then we can start. I hope she comes.

    I’m here! called Mignon as she hurried through the door. In her quick steps she tripped over her big baggy cuffs. She fell down. With a yelp, she landed on her hands and knees.

    Mignon! Are you all right? Shobal asked as he quickly made his way out from behind his desk towards her.

    Dia stood up as well, but she sat again as the teacher made it to the other student first. With a soft sigh, she rested one hand on the desk as the other rested on the back of the chair. Dia blinked then murmured softly, Are you okay?

    Yes, I’m fine, replied the pink haired girl. She stood with Shobal’s help. She sighed while a small smile took her lips, Sorry that I’m late.

    It is fine, replied Shobal. He walked with her to the last remaining desk. When she was seated, he let her go then returned to the front of the room. He rested his hands on either side of the podium. As you know, this is a course called practical math. While it involves numbers we will do a variety of things including: cooking, sewing, and architecture. If you have any questions then ask them now.

    Dia thought it would be best to remain quiet. As the others were silent as well, she felt a little better about it. She was a little confused about what the course would entail. It didn’t sound too intimidating, though.

    While he waited for everyone to speak, Shobal looked from face to face. When it was silent, he smiled then laughed softly, So far so good, eh? Very well, let me start the lesson.

    Dia bobbed her head slightly while she listened to him. It was a long lecture on the importance of math and how it ties in with everyday life. Halfway through Dia drifted off, but when she snapped back it didn’t seem like she’d missed anything important. With a nod, she stood as the others did.

    So then, the next class period, we’ll meet in the cafeteria, said Shobal. I’m sure that Kirati will be glad for the help...eventually.

    The other three females laughed; it was a delayed reaction before Dia laughed as well. With a nod, she wandered over to the door. She paused on the threshold. With a soft wave of her hand she spoke, Bye for now, Shobal.

    Goodbye, Dia, replied the teacher.

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