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Pleiadian Star Child
Pleiadian Star Child
Pleiadian Star Child
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Pleiadian Star Child

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Set in a distant past in the Pleiades. Star Child is a story about the history of how the Pleiadians came to be about. The teachings of the Pleiadians are incorporated into this story.
Release dateMar 7, 2014
Pleiadian Star Child

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    Pleiadian Star Child - Ed Russo

    Pleiadian Star Child


    Star Child

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\Superman1stStyledShield2.JPG

    By Ed Russo


    Hundreds have died from the Yellow Plague that is spreading across the globe. There is no cure for what is about to take place.  I DONT WANT TO DIE!  Lara screams. It is inevitable my love, there is nothing that we can do… Death will come for us all!"

    By Ed Russo

    Published by Illuminated Publications:


    THE SCIENCE OF BUSINESS: Te secret to a successful business

    THE ILLUMINATI CODE: The Mystery of the New World Order






    A Golden Illuminated Publications Book Published by Golden Illuminated Publications Copyright  2007, 2014 by Ed Russo

    ISBN: 978-1-304-91797-3

    Second Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    For Jeanette, my mom and Alfred

    Part I

    Chapter I: Birth Right

    Kli Ohr was running for his life.  He just witnessed his mother Miliabeing murdered. He flees into the wilderness not knowing if his father Erok Ohr is alive or not. He is 10 years old by earth’s standard and he is frighten to be alone. He runs through the Crystal Forest as fast as he can. Tall grass brushes him as he runs through the forest. He is terrified as a baby bagrum is chasing him. A full grown man could fit in the mouth of a full grown bagrum. A baby one is the size of a full grown panther on earth, which at this time earth is in its early stages of development.

    Not far behind him are Mor Ban’s soldiers. The soldiers are carrying spears and swords while possessing shields. Kli Ohr, runs pass the glass trees that are everywhere. One of the soldiers is coming from an angle catching up to him. Meanwhile the beast is catching up to the young boy. Just right when the soldier was about to tackled Kli Ohr, the beast pounces on the soldier gripping the soldier’s body with its razor sharp teeth. Kli Ohr, glances back seeing the soldier was being attacked and he keeps on running. As he continues running through the forest he witness a spear hit a tree right beside him.  It was thrown by one of the soldiers. The boy keeps on running as he dodges more incoming spears being thrown at him while they are hitting the trees. The soldiers pull their spears out of the glass trees that were hit when they tried to hit Kli Ohr.

    Kli Ohr finally comes to a dead end that leads to an open lake. He pauses as he is out of breath. He looks and sees there is nowhere to go except over the water falls. He takes in a deep breath to gain his confidence and runs full speed and jumps off the cliff just as a spear barely misses him.

    Kli Ohr thinks about his father who is a robust man with long dark hair and a long beard. Most of the men during this   time   have   long   hair   and   long   beards and very muscular. He wears a metal chieftain helmet with an image of a serpent protruding outward and curling upward. The serpent is a symbol of wisdom. He has very muscular  arms that  are  exposed  while  he  wears  bracelet cuffs  on  both of  his  wrist.  He wears a breastplate that covers the front of his torso.  Below he wears a fur skirt with a large wide belt. On his belt he wears a sword frog where he keeps his sword. His muscular legs are bare just like his arms. He wears thick boots that just comes below the knees. As a JHWH (ish-wish) he wears a red cape made of animal skin that is fastened to his breast plate.

    Kli Ohr relives the tragic moment of seeing his mother being murdered. He sees his father’s lieutenant’s guards fighting Mor Ban’s soldiers.  His mother Milia is doing what she can to protect her son. Kli Ohr sees his father fighting many soldiers. He has conquered many soldiers singlehanded when he first civilized society. Kli Ohr now witnesses his father slaying many soldiers, along with his lieutenants backing him up. While Erok is defeats many of his opponents, more of Mor Ban’s soldiers invade the palace.

    Kli Ohr is in shock when he sees the unbelievable. He knows that he must be perceiving things in error. Once he comes to the conclusion of what he sees is real, his whole world crumbles before him as he sees his mother’s throat getting slashed by one of Mor Ban’s soldiers.

    Nooo! Kli Ohr screams when he sees his mother’s head topple off her body as the headless body slowly falls to the ground. Everything appears to be in slow motion.

    Milia! Erok yells out when he sees his wife dies. As a skilled warrior he  threw  his shield  across  the  room which  hit  the   soldier  who  he saw going near his son. The soldier fell down. Erok then slashed the soldier next to him and then went over to the wounded soldier that killed his wife that he hit with the shield. Before the soldier had time to get up, Erok-El snatched him up and slashed his throat. Kli Ohr sees other soldiers coming his way.

    Run, my son, Erok yells as he continues fighting. Kli Ohr then starts running from the soldiers, not knowing if his father is still alive or not.

    Suddenly Kli Ohr wakes up  from  reliving  this  horrible nightmare.  He wishes it was just that, but what happened was real. Kli Ohr looks around wondering where he is.

    Hello child, are you ok? says a woman’s voice. Kli Ohr looks up and sees a woman and a man looking down at him while he is lying down on some cloth. He sees that he is inside of a hut.

    We pulled you out of the water, you almost drowned, says the woman.  My name is Shyla, and this is  my husband Du Wa. Where are your parents?

    My mother is dead, my father, I don’t know, says Kli Ohr You can’t be any older than seven; we have to find your father. What is your name?

    It is year 4 and in Natarian years Kli Ohr is 4. He was born a year after the calendar began which was when his father became JHWH, ruler of Uraba. Once the couple realized that Kli Ohr is the son of the former JHWH and JHWH of Uraba, they know that the only thing that they can  do  is  watch  over  Kli Ohr until  they  hear  something about his father.

    Your father is such a great man.  He made so many changes in our society.  Before you were born and your father enthroned, there was no laws. Everything was settled by blood feuds. Ritual sacrifice and cannibalism ran rampant, says Du Wa.

    Yes, I know, says Kli Ohr. My father is great.

    A few days later word spread that the Erok Ohr is dead and the new JHWH is Mor Ban. Mor Ban also murdered his brother Tu-Ban for submitting Erok Ohr in the first place when Erok held his greatest foe Tu Ban’s daughter Milia as a hostage. While Milia were Erok’s prisoner, she fell for him and eventually married Erok Ohr.

    Kli Ohr broke down crying when he realized that he was left all alone.

    We will take care of you, as if you were our own, says


    Year 8

    Kli Ohr is now a grown man. He has been training as a warrior among the peasants.  Mor Ban has been subjugating the people in Uraba.  Kli Ohr feels that he should reclaim his father’s throne.

    Mor Ban, the time has come. I shall take back my father’s kingdom, says Kli Ohr.

    I will kill you just like your father. I think it’s time to teach you who is King.

    Mor Ban draws his sword and Kli Ohr and Mor Ban fight for the title.

    Mor Ban is defeated and now Kli Ohr now sits  in  his place. As Mor Ban lies on the ground, Kli Ohr grabs the red cape that Mor Ban sat upon the chair before he fought till his death. He puts the cape on.

    Now that I reclaimed my father’s kingdom and now JHWH of Uraba, I now need a wife as JHWH. Kli Ohr looks at Mor Ban’s wife and says to her, I would like your daughter to be my hand in marriage. Mor Ban is no longer here to give her away."

    Kori’s daughter Tia comes forward. Kli Ohr takes Tia’s hand. A Priest of Tomu steps forward with two bracelets.

    These two bracelets represent our two moons. Take these bracelets and exchange them, says the priest. Kli Ohr and Tia exchange bracelets.

    By the flames of Tomu, the sun, I take you Tia as my wife, says Kli Ohr.

    By the Mistress of the Moon, Buwa, I take you Kli Ohr as my husband. the bracelets are put on and each kisses each other.

    Kli Ohr continued to spread the teachings of Tomu who is represented as He who ignited the Sun.

    Chapter II: The Prophet

    Year 58

    A few generations later a descendent named Wab Ohr became the JHWH of Uraba. He didn’t share his family’s nobility and he became a tyrant. Wab Ohr was a vicious warlord. Over the years Wab Ohr had two sons by the name of Nad Ohr and Hyr Ohr.  Nad Ohr also became a tyrant just like his father.

    Hyr Ohr didn’t approve of his brother’s ways. They got in a fight and Hyr fled into the wilderness. He wanted no part of his family. He disowned the family name.

    Mor Ban’s descendant Tha Ban who was a leader of the ancient city called Zul had Nad Ohr murdered. Tha Ban now became JHWH, and ruled, especially since Hyr Ohr never came back to try to oppose him. Tha Ban is now King of Uraba.

    During this time a group of people who came from the Priesthood, got together as a tribe. Hyr has two sons name Jafo and Tio.

    Hyr died from an infectious disease.

    Jafo who is now 15 earth years (5 years Natarian) of age lives in a small village with peasants that look after him, his brother and his father when his father was alive. Tio is 14 years of age. Their mother was a local peasant woman who got captured and sold as a slave sometime after they were born.  Jafo often took walks in the early hours  of  dawn  as  the  black  sky  starts  to  turn  blue.  He would walk among the hills near the Cove River. One day, after he journeyed far into the hills, he got tired and decided to rest beneath a tree. As he sat there focusing his thoughts in his mind,   he   heard a voice within him speak.

    Lookinto the sky and knowthat you are chosen. Jafo then looked up into the sky and the word, Breath came to him.  He knew what path had been laid for him. Looking from the hillside he saw the beauty of creation and that   everything is just an extension of the one Light. The understanding of the inner workings of nature woke up inside him. He then opened his mind and heart to all that he perceived.  The  fact  that  everything  is a  dream  and  that there  is  only  one  Dreamer  that   is hidden  behind  all  of creations  eyes.  He then understood fully what his father was trying to teach him.

    Tio studied nature and learned the use of herbs for medicine and other remedies.

    During these times, over the years many peasant slaves that escaped Wab, had escaped into the hills and forest. These people gathered in groups as outlaws in order to survive. Jafo and Tio lived with these outlaws in camps near the lake. These people looked out for them, now they could return that favor by looking out for them, by sharing   what they have discovered. Many of these people suffered persecution from Wab and his people because they honored in the ways of Kli Ohr and his father Erok. They were made slaves by the people who held power under Wab Ohr.

    A criminal outlaw named Arus is wondering through the Crystal Forest.  Arus is a very robust man that is about 11ft   tall. The   Lyrian   ancestral   bloodline   is   very prominent in him. The Lyrians are the ancestors of the early human race.  It shows in his height and ruthless aggressive behavior. Arus is wanted for murder and he is out   for   a   walk.   He walks through the jungle with his sword and shield.  A large catlike beast called a bagrum is up ahead.  The beast doesn't frighten him. Arus is not afraid of anything.

    The beast growls and Arus look at the beast in his eyes with a mean stare. The beast leaps at him and Arus puts his shield up to block the cat and punches the beast in the head. The beast is stunned. Arus then takes his sword and cuts off the head of the beast.

    Ha!  Nobody can stop me!  Not even a beast of the jungle. Is there anyone who can defeat me? Ahh!Arus roars through the jungle while holding up the head of the beast. Meanwhile, one of Tha Ban's soldier's observed what happened. 

    Wow, this guy is dangerous. Maybe if I’m careful I may be able to follow him. He may stumble across the other outlaws that are on the run. The soldier thinks to himself.

    Arus  sees  a village  up  ahead.  Once he got through the Crystal Forest he came near the hills near the Cove River.   The peasants were intimidated when they see him.  Some of these peasants recognized this brute. He had a very bad reputation.

    Who is bold enough to stand up to me!?  Puny peasants. Is there one among you, who can defeat me?!

    The soldier who has followed Arus accidently stepped on a tree branch that shattered like glass. 

    Who goes there? ask Arus.

    Arus  turns  around  and sees the soldier.

    Ha. You dare to challenge me? Arus says to the soldier. The soldier stands   with   his   shield   and sword ready to fight. The soldier is afraid of this brute, but he refuses to show his fear. Arus grabs the soldier and cracks his back over his knee and say, Pathetic. I need a challenge.

    Arus has never lost a fight in his life.  Jafo remembers his  purpose,  and  he  is  not  going  to  let  this brute  harm  the peasants who are now his people. Jafo stands forward. He is afraid for his life.

    Ha  ha  ha.  Arus  laughs.  I enjoy your humor. But this is too funny. A young boy. What the hell can you do? Get out of here boy before I swat you like a bug. Jafo stands with his sword. He has no shield to protect himself. He swings theswordat Arus and Arus slaps the boy sending him airborne and Jafo is stunned as he tumbles onto the ground.

    I told you to get out of here boy! Now you are... out of here! Ha ha ha. Jafo lays there trying to get his bearings together.

    Arus then says, Who can defeat me? Nobody! Arus starts to head out to destroy the village.  Jafo is not going to watch him destroy his family.  Jafo grabs   a rock to use to distract him, so that Arus will turn to him as he does his best to fight this brute. Jafo throws the rock at Arus direction and the rock hits Arus in the head and Arus falls down unconscious. Jafo is surprised at what just happen.  Jafo walks over to Arus and raises   the sword and brings it down on Arus's neck.

    Jafo is brought forward to Tha Ban by a soldier who was the backup of the other soldier that was trialing Arus in the jungle. The other soldier stayed hidden in the woods the whole time. He came forward once he saw Jafo defeat Arus. In Jafo hand he holds the head of Arus. Tha Ban looks in disbelief, as he sees this young boy holding the head of a murdering criminal brute that no one has ever beaten. Even though Tha Ban recognizes this boy as the descendant of Erok, he honors him for defeating such a ruthless criminal that has been causing a lot of terror in the city of Urok. Tha Ban decides to accept Jafo in his court. Jafo wasn't sure if he should accept this offer or not. This man he hates. He suspects that he had his soldiers captured his mother and sold her into slavery. Jafo thought that maybe he should take the offer. He figures that the way to defeat his enemy is to keep them closer to himself than he would keep his friends. He accepted the offer.

    Beautiful women came to the court to honor Jafo. They would perform dances and songs for him. He is a hero to the people for defeating a terrorizing brute. Jafo enjoys this as there are six women dressed in similar clothing. They have their hair tied in two braids. The women on planet Natar who aremarried have their hair covered completely in a headdress or their hair is tied up into a knot in the back of their head. The married women usually wear long sleeves where their arms are not bare, while wearing a long tunic or surcoat that comes down to the ankles, covering over the boots that they wear. The long tunic has a belt tied around it in the midsection. Now unmarried women may have their arms and legs bare while it is visible that their boots come up to just below the knees. While their arms are bare the cuff bracelets are revealed.

    These six women are

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