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Fall of the Honor Guard
Fall of the Honor Guard
Fall of the Honor Guard
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Fall of the Honor Guard

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War of the Zealot Empire #4 - Vesuvius' love life falls apart, leaving him stranded in his heart. His war is changing and now the stakes are higher than ever. If he does not crumble beneath the pressure first himself, his entire army will crumble on top of him. Love is a daring challenge, and everybody is out for their own lust, as the battle between terran liberty and zealot domination persists. Even General Doomhunter, General Dragon Heart and General of victory for Medelthians, or end it all.Eldrac find themselves caught up in the mess, outside of war. The return of an ancient species brings a new side to the world that may weigh in the coming
Release dateJul 27, 2014
Fall of the Honor Guard

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    Fall of the Honor Guard - Christian Clason

    Fall of the Honor Guard

    Fall of the Honor Guard

    Book 4 of War of the Zealot Empire

    Characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictional and based on fictitious ideas.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    All rights reserved, including rights to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

    ©2014 Andrew Gray & Christian Clason

    ISBN: 978-1-312-35817-1

    Chapter 1 ~ A Possible Ending

    Verana looked up at the stars and felt a little heart broken. Lying next to her, Vesuvius was dead asleep, she could tell from his breathing. She had spent many nights memorizing his sleeping patterns. He liked to pretend that he was asleep for some odd reason. His eyes would open and he would smirk. And that was just the thing, he was always ready for more endeavors and encounters when she was awake.

    She loved him dearly, there was no doubt of that in her heart. But she had grown to loathe their times together. While it was purposefully meant to be time spent physically pressed together, she missed being able to simply snuggle him like she was now. She just wanted to be held by the man she loved, not constantly thrown into the throes of hot love.

    Suddenly, his eyes opened, and he gently licked her neck with his large tongue, purring, and holding her close. His cock began to rise, with instant excitement. My Verana…my sweet Verana, his hand ran through her hair, as he pulled her close to him.

    Their secret had been kept safe, for a year and a half now. They would find a lull in the combat, to sneak off for time alone. Nights turned passionate, full of moans and howls of lust. Vesuvius could never get enough of his beloved, but he knew that this was as far as it could go in their relationship. If he surrendered, he knew he would be put to death. That was his assumption, his best guess. But for now, Vesuvius nuzzled his one true love with his reptilian snout and purred in her ear.

    She sighed and rolled away from him, Does every waking moment have to turn into lustful greed with you?

    Lustful? I was just cuddling with you…is something wrong? he looked at her with slight concern.

    Every waking time we’re together, she sighed, The first thing you do is make advances and get creepily sexual. It’s not creepy at this point…but still! It’s just always about sex!

    "Well, what else can we do? It’s not like we can run off to some distant land to live out our days in peace. Your army needs you, as does mine. This is all we can do, with the options we have. If I surrender, I’ll be executed, and then we truly won’t be together. What do you want me to do?" he argued.

    She sighed with irritation, Here we go again! Always with the surrender! Always with the death argument!

    Well, what do you want me to do?! he growled, What?!

    She scoffed at him and turned away, "Like I’d ever ask you to do that. Sure as hell would be nice though if every time we’re together wasn’t just a fuck fest."

    I…I thought you liked all that we did together… he had a look of confusion on him.

    "Yea but it’s all we do, she sighed with irritation, Constantly! Anytime I wake up! Anytime you wake up! It’s just about sex."

    I don’t understand…I love you, and it’s how I show my love for you. Is there more to a relationship than what we have been doing? he still looked dumbfounded, Why didn’t I know this sooner?

    She scoffed, There’s talking! Getting to know one another!

    Oh… Oh! he seemed to have a sudden revelation, So, terr-people, also talk to each other on the side of mating? I did not know that.

    She sighed with irritation, Act like we haven’t been doing this, like you haven’t been involved in a relationship for how many months now!

    That’s not what I meant! I really didn’t know there was more to add to what we were doing! he growled.

    Really? she rolled her eyes, You didn’t know that it would be preferable- No! Genuine! To actually try to get to know somebody? But every minute is spent fucking instead of in questions. Even when I volunteer questions! Your answer is always ‘oh I don’t wanna talk about that’ and other bullshit like that!

    That’s not what I meant either! God dammit, that’s not what I meant at all! he rubbed his head, with a growl, This is frustrating, Of course I want to get to know you! Of course I want to know you outside of sex! But it never occurred to me to do that! I didn’t know Medelthians did that! Verana, you’re more than just an object, and I love you for more than just your body! His frustration with himself was apparent, as he wrapped his knuckles against his skull, with a growl.

    You’re just… she growled and clambered out from under the blankets. They fell until the whole picture of the red and pink dragon, a birthmark of her draconic form, wrapping around her torso, was revealed.

    No I’m not, Verana, he said as he gazed upon her, and the birthmark, I’m just a stupid fool, who forgot the woman he loved was a person, and not a play thing. Please…come back. You’re all that’s good in this world. The day you leave me, the stars and the moon will weep, and I would be an empty shell. He rose to his feet, and held her hand in his, Don’t go, please don’t go.

    She sighed and squeezed his hand, Maybe I was a bit harsh.

    He sighed with relief, and held her close, purring softly, I’m sorry Verana…

    She nuzzled him lovingly. She truly did love him, but she could not help but question his intentions and motives. She felt so alone in all of this. Without a friend to tell, there was nobody to help her find the boundaries. Certainly a mother figure would know better than she when a zealot needed some learning and when he was just pulling wool over her eyes.

    What do you want to do now? he asked her, nervous that he was walking on eggshells. The feeling was showing in his voice.

    She sighed and wrapped her arms around him. She pulled him down onto the bed on top of herself, then wrapped them in a blanket. Snuggle, she yawned, That’s all I want to do.

    Dragon Heart marched through the campsite, headed to the meeting. Several generals were already gathered there, studying the maps where they had spots marked off with black quill ink. Eric was there with Eldrac standing on his left and General Ubeingar on his right. Both men were intent on the maps, but Eldrac had her attention split.

    Dragon Heart cleared her throat as she approached, Where do we stand at this point in time?

    Eric pointed to the map, There are several heavily defended structures, in a honeycomb pattern all along this region here. Huge bunker complexes designed to keep us from edging closer to what will most likely be their last hold out… He took a quill and circled a very large structure off to the far east of the map, There are the remains of the Zealot Empire Headquarters.

    There were whispers among the generals, before Eldrac spoke up, There seems to be no way around the defensive structures…by any path. They will have to be attacked head on. We will lose many men and women. I suggest we dedicate…four hundred thousand, for the entire campaign to clear these bunker clusters. If we are successful, we could push through within a few months, and have a clear path to the Zealot HQ, crush the Honor Guard, and be done with this war.

    There has to be another way, Dragon Heart looked over the maps, as she pondered the possibilities. The headon attack simply won’t cut through it. What about an airstrike? she offered.

    Eldrac nodded, I was thinking a three pronged attack, airstrike, paratroopers, and a land assault.

    What if we get dragons involved? she asked, The higher out of danger we keep our men and women, then the fewer we lose.

    Eldrac nodded, That’s a good call, but we have to assume that there are artillery batteries behind those lines of bunkers, that are zeroed in on specific spots in front of the bunker’s line of fire. Those will need to be taken out. We’ll need recon before we ever strike the lines of fortifications. We don’t know what’s behind the fortifications.

    Yes and no, Dragon Heart shook her head, We’ve at least driven them back, if we can come back with something new, in the end we’ll win this one out.

    Eldrac shook her head, That makes no sense…we have them on the run yes…but their retreat has been tactical entirely. They’ve been leading us to this kill zone. There’s no cover in front of those bunkers and pillboxes.

    That’s why I say we take them from the air! Dragon Heart responded.

    Eldrac nodded, It’s either gotta be that. Or if Eric can pull another miracle from the elements…

    Eric chuckled, I can do stuff, make things go woosh, and krakow! he said as he moved his hands about with a smile. Only if the ground lets me…and that’s a lot of ground. Has to be like…60 miles. Move sixty miles of pissed off earth? Nope…not happening, ground gets pissy, I get tired, I get useless, go home, take a nap, and eat half my weight in rations, then take another nap…

    Eric! Pay attention! Eldrac snapped at him, Eric clammed up, but looked like a kicked puppy. She took in a deep breath, and looked to both him and Dragon Heart, Sorry… Dragon Heart, how many dragons do we have on hand? And how many fighters and bombers do Telemechus and the zealots have? If we don’t have that information, we’d best get it, and soon.

    Well…we only have three dragons on hand, Dragon Heart admitted, But we can collect more.

    What about Hadroc, and Duran’hutsa? Eric said, once he finally came back from the shock of getting yelled at, I’m sure their firepower would be valuable.

    That already adds one dragon to our arsenal, Dragon Heart nodded, And Hadroc’s power on top of it.

    Eric beamed with delight, What about Toros, and Ri’zikar? Wait, Ri’zikar isn’t a dragon, but he can summon dragons…wait…dead dragons! But they’re still dragons, only dead!

    Eldrac sighed, Toros isn’t a dragon either…can he summon dragons made out of dirt?

    Eric shook his head, No, but he knows how to trim a mean bush!

    Eldrac facepalmed and blushed, Oh Eric for the love of God…

    Dragon Heart blushed and remained while the others burst into raucous laughter. No really, he just whacks at it with his spear! he said, using hand motions that looked like something else. They simply laughed louder and harder.

    God dammit Eric… Eldrac, the fair skinned, ginger Etherian, was apple red in the cheeks, in front of all the other generals.

    Dragon Heart shared in the embarrassment as she fell quiet. The laughter rang around them for several minutes. It was non-stop until she forced them to return their attentions to the maps.

    Eric shrugged, he had no idea why they laughed, he literally saw Toros smacking a death bush with his spear once. It was back to business as usual. Eldrac was still flushed, and slightly aroused.

    So…Hadroc, Duran’hutsa, who else could we call upon? Would Ri’zikar fight? Eldrac asked.

    Not sure, I haven’t seen him around, Dragon Heart replied.

    Eldrac sighed, So Hadroc, and Duran’hutsa then…

    Only reason we haven’t called on them i- Dragon Heart’s voice cut off and she cleared her throat, They are busy working on events of importance…

    Eldrac shook her head, The greatest few battles of the war are left, and we need all the firepower we can muster. It’s like Vesuvius isn’t even trying anymore!

    He’s become lazy…let’s take advantage of this, Dragon Heart nodded.

    Eric tapped his finger to his chin, I wonder if there’s a woman involved…

    Eldrac growled, Dammit Eric! Shut up! She slammed her fist on the table for emphasis. How…how did you kill a god?! How?! You’re so…ugh…

    Eric chuckled, Well it wasn’t easy…but I just had to believe!

    Eldrac ran a hand through her soft red hair, Believe in what?

    Eric smiled, I had to believe, in that giant platter of freshly baked muffins to munch on after the battle.

    Eldrac groaned, I had to ask…

    Dragon Heart shook her head, Moving on!

    If we can send in a large assault overhead, then we may be able to crush them in one swoop, General Ubeingar interrupted.

    Eldrac looked up, then at the enemy battlements on the map, That’s a ton of anti aircraft fire to weave through, can dragons’ natural armor protect against that much lead, and laser fire in the air?

    Lead is a natural element to them and laser fire won’t be a problem, Dragon Heart replied.

    Eldrac nodded, Well that’s a relief.

    To avoid any compromise to their abilities, we’ll put armor on the underbellies, necks and heads. That should prevent any chance for catastrophe, Dragon Heart added.

    Eldrac nodded, We need to get a tally on the air forces Telemechus has.

    Dragon Heart nodded with agreement, Yes we do.

    Eldrac nodded, This will prove to be our most ambitious attack of the campaign yet, I hope it all goes to plan. I refuse to set up trenches again.

    Then let’s go big, Dragon Heart agreed.

    How do you mean? Ubeingar asked.

    I’ll see how many more dragons I can rally, Dragon Heart explained, Eric, find Toros and see if he can find more for us. We need everything we can throw at them to squash them in one swoop.

    Eric nodded, Right! Find Toros, so he can find more dragons!

    No…so he can find us more soldiers, Dragon Heart interrupted, Anything we can get we’ll use.

    Find more soldiers to find more dragons! he said.

    Dragon Heart rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. I can’t believe this. Why does he have to be childishly idiotic right now? Just tell Toros we need all the help he can give, she told Eric firmly.

    Will do my dear, he smiled, with a wink, then bolted away in a flash of purple lightning.

    Dragon Heart shook her head and turned to the others, We’ll need all the metal we can gather. We’ll need to form dragon armor.

    Aye! the others nodded.

    There was a flash of light, as Eric returned. He went over to the buffet, Oh…hah! Uhh…muffin! He pointed to a blueberry muffin, and then took a bite, Mmm! Then he bolted off again.

    Everybody looked to Dragon Heart for an answer, who could only pinch the bridge of her nose. Alright, everybody knows what to do! she said loudly, Just get your men ready!

    Chapter 2 ~ War and Love

    Verana slipped into her clothes and shivered. It was cold out here in the woods. It felt like a storm was settling in, the cold was coming in like a knife. It only reminded her of the mountains though, which was a good feeling.

    Behind her, Vesuvius lay on the bed, fast asleep. Usually he woke to ask her to stay one more day. Today she hoped to skip that part and get right on back to her place in the army.

    He roused as she slipped off the bed. Time to go huh?

    She blushed as she clipped her belt buckle, Yea. It’s time to go. She wanted to stay herself, looking out the frosted window of the abandoned cabin. She felt alone being anywhere else.

    He slid out of the bed, and walked up to her, hugging her close, with a sigh. He looked up at her, with a smile, but sad eyes, Stay safe? Please? The next battle will be vicious, for both of us. Vesuvius knew he was losing the war, and part of him wanted to quit, he knew he should quit, but his pride and resolve were strong.

    Safe? You know me! I thrive on danger! she gently nudged his chin with her knuckles playfully.

    He stood up on his tip toes, to pull her down into a deep kiss. He was not surprised when he tasted a hot salty tear touch their lips during this kiss. His heart throbbed with warmth as he remembered how much he would miss her and how much she would miss him too.

    Don’t die on me… he said as he pulled away, In the off chance I survive this conflict too…

    Hah! she threw her head back, I’ll be laughing from the other side then! Just watch me standing at Heaven’s gates when Hell burns your tail!

    He chuckled, Now, now! If I do survive, and somehow don’t get executed, I’m going to want to have someone to come back to.

    You know I don’t take in cry babies! she chuckled, But I might kiss it and make it feel better! She took his tail, running her hand down to the tip and stuck it between her lips, playfully.

    He shivered at the sight, but did not burst forth, Gods…that still gets me…one last bout?

    She bit her lip and looked out the window. She needed to be leaving. It would be dark soon and at best, she would not be to camp before sunrise. Sure, she turned back to him, Let’s make it quick.

    He smirked, Yes…

    Eric bolted in front of Toros, who appeared to be meditating by the stump. TOROS! He yelled in his ear.

    The bovarian winced, Yes Eric?

    Eric opened his mouth to speak again, then closed it, then opened to speak, and closed it again, rubbing his chin. Oh, I stormbolted here to talk to you about something that I forgot about. That is all.

    Toros chuckled, Uh huh…and would this…information you forgot about…in the two seconds it took you to bolt here, have anything that if forgotten might jeopardize the war effort in the enemy’s favor?

    Eric pondered this a moment, and nodded, Yeah. That sounds about right. Yeah.

    It wouldn’t help for me to count, that you bolted here twice, once with the information clearly on the forefront of your mind, and the second, with a blueberry muffin in the palm of your hand, and your mind empty of all things besides the growling of your stomach, he chuckled.

    Well, it’s not just any muffin, it’s a blu- Oh, you already know, Eric shrugged, as he munched on it.

    Eric…when was the last time you had something other than army rations? Toros asked.

    Ages it seems like…why? Eric said as he munched on the muffin.

    Toros got up, from his sitting position, Let’s go get you a proper meal, and maybe your memory will come back to you. Sages can’t live on processed things efficiently, or even an elven diet for too long.

    Eric nodded, Ahh, that sounds delightful! Lead the way.

    Toros nodded, and headed out of the clearing, Eric followed.

    Eldrac tapped her foot as she waited in the tent, The hell is taking him so long? she grumbled, looking over the battle plans. Useless sage… she growled, How did he become so powerful…when he gets entertained by someone jingling a ring of keys in front of him? She sighed, running a hand through her red hair.

    The cold stormy breeze billowed against the entrance flap. The biting cold made her hair stand on end. It was a bitter feeling that nipped at the back of her neck and slipped through her attire. She shivered as it took a whole bite of her as the flap opened.

    Dragon Heart let it fall behind her quickly, to shut out most of the cold, Have you seen Eric? She sounded a touch concerned about the sage.

    Eldrac shook her head, No, I haven’t seen him. He hasn’t been back for at least a couple hours. She rubbed her forehead with a sigh.

    Dammit, Dragon Heart rolled her eyes with a sigh, I’ll have to go by horse then. I trust you have things handled here, for now?

    No, I need you here, I can’t have you leaving too! she sighed, But, to answer your question, yes, I do have things handled.

    I should be back no later than a fortnight, Dragon Heart explained, I’ll be gathering resources from the dragon territory. We should have some recruits from that lot coming back with me. Hopefully I can get some useful resources as well.

    Alright then, may the gods, and the elements be with you, Eldrac nodded.

    Dragon Heart nodded in return as she spun on her heel. She barely paused as she strode out into the fierce cold. Good. The weather will be bad for zealots. They’ll have to rely on good armor, if they have it. She hunkered down into the thick of her coat as she headed off to find her horse.

    Damn this weather… Eldrac said to herself as she shivered, But at least the Honor Guard will have the same disadvantage as our zealots in this weather. She had done all she could for the moment, now she just wanted some company, and warmth. She headed back to her tent, after summoning one of her Majors into her tent for the day.

    Eric feasted on the most succulent of all meats, and the most engorged of all fruits in the sanctuary. The piles of food looked like they were stacked a mile high, and the sage was packing it all away. It was as if his stomach was bottomless. He smacked and crunched his jaws against meat, vegetables, and fruit. He made noises of enjoyment, as he sat there eating. The sage was ravenous with hunger, that he had previously forgotten about. He forgot what real food was like, and how important it was for him. Canned food from rations were not the best for someone like him. He was surprised he had gotten by at all.

    So, talk to me, what did you need from an old Earth Sentinel, like me? Toros chuckled, as he sat cross legged across from Eric. His speech was slow, deliberate, and deep.

    Oh, I was sent here to see if you could get me some allies for the war effort. Like Hadroc, Duran’hutsa, and maybe you. We’re making one final push against the Honor Guard, and we need some help. I would ask you to equip thunder lizards for combat, but no one on the mainland knows how to ride one but me, Eric chuckled.

    Toros chuckled, Well, I suppose I could join the fight, for old times sake. I’ll ask Duran’hutsa and Hadroc.

    Thanks! Eric responded, with a mouthful of food.

    The clear open air was refreshing. Verana could not have asked for a clearer day. However, she wished it could be warmer. It was a long flight to the island, where the army met up for ron dezvous, and now that she was in camp, she just wanted to go back to the cabin.

    Of course, she knew that if she went back to the cabin, he would not be there. And even if he was, it would not simply end in a lovely happily ever after. In the end, he had an army of Honor Guard to return to and she had family and friends to protect.

    You’re still seeing him, aren’t you? a voice asked behind her.

    Verana flinched and turned around to see Salamissa standing in the doorway. She sighed with relief and turned back to the boots she was shining. I’m not going to talk about that, Salamissa, she responded.

    I know you won’t, Salamissa sighed and sat down on the bench next to her.

    I know you just care, Verana said, keeping her attention on the black boots, But, there’s a chance…in all the world, don’t I deserve a chance?

    I’ve… Salamissa had tears building in her eyes and it showed through her voice, I’ve only seen dark bloody endings for you, Verana.

    Verana lifted her head and looked around. Everybody was bustling about, preparing for what was coming. Half of camp had moved from its original position to this elven island, so that bigger preparations could be made. Verana and Salamissa were friends once upon a time, during Verana’s training for the army. She knew all about Salamissa’s abilities, though she was not sure about the extent of her insight. She had her doubts about what Salamissa saw. I know what’s coming, and I just have to avoid it on my own.

    The Matriarch Guard was here on the island, they were always kept in reserve, unless direly needed. They were by far, the best troops the rebels had, that were non magic. Despite the entire campaign, they had lost fewer than one hundred, out of their original ten thousand strong ranks. Their armor was always kept polished, and shining to reflect the purple, and neon green trim. These were once the best, most revered zealot soldiers in the Zealot Empire.

    Tiberius had been up and down the lines for hours, before he decided to go find Salamissa. He could pick up her sweet scent in the muddiest of trenches. It was not long before he had appeared right beside her. He looked at the woman seated next to her, with a tilt of his head. Something was suspicious about her. Her smell was off, and had something that seemed oddly familiar to him. He could place it all too well, but he figured it was impossible. He looked to Salamissa, with worried eyes, This next campaign, is the most ambitious of the war yet. I’ve been summoned to the front…I haven’t been there in almost half a year, not since the trenches.

    I have faith in you, Salamissa turned to smile up at him. She reached up to take his hand. Besides, I know you wouldn’t miss the start of our new family.

    New…what? he quirked a confused eyebrow, until it registered, You mean…I’m…a father? His smile was growing wide, There’s a child in you? We, have a child?

    She smiled at him brightly as she reached for his hands, We’re pregnant! She rose to her feet and put his hands to her stomach, which was still flat as ever.

    He smiled, Oh wow! My first clone! A clone I made all on my own! He was excited, and thrilled, he hugged her close, This is wonderful! We’ll have another me to carry on our name!

    She chuckled, No…no hon… It’s a baby, not a clone. There are big differences.

    He stared blankly, I fail to see a difference…your insides have their own natural cloning vat, doesn’t it? So surely, when my seed mixes with your egg, it produces another clone of me. That’s how it works right?

    She giggled and pecked his nose, You’re adorable! Silly! When your seed mixes with the egg, we create new life mixing our genetics. She pulled up her blouse to lay his hand against her belly, She’s going to be born looking a bit like you and a bit like me.

    Well…so she’s a female Zealot? She’s a Matriarch? he looked lost, and he was almost never this dense.

    She giggled and took his hands in her own, Where’s the scientist in you? She’s not a Matriarch. She’ll be a half blood…or rather… She paused for thought, dumbfounded herself. Half zealot, a quarter etherian and a quarter elf, she giggled.

    I don’t science, I just guard the damn women when they magically come out of the vats every few thousand years or so, he rolled his eyes, as he squeezed her hands, But…if there’s one in there already…could we try for a second too?

    She giggled, You silly! I can’t get pregnant again before my body’s ready. I have to have this baby and go through the cycle of hormones before my body will be ready to create another.

    Hormones? Interesting, but…you’re not swollen yet. So… he smirked and kissed her lips, All this talk is getting me riled up…

    She snickered, I suppose.

    We should really tell your parents…about us…soon though, he smiled.

    She giggled, I’ll be glad to finally get this out in the air to my mother.

    I wonder how she’ll take it, he chuckled.

    I don’t want to think about that, she said, Let’s…go do that thing you were talking about…being riled up…

    Do that thing? About being riled up? he smirked wryly, Ohh… He licked her neck playfully, You don’t want that. He winked playfully.

    No I do, she said, firmly, I want it now. I don’t need to be thinking about…all of this other stuff. And I’m stuck back on thinking about my mother. You’re ruining my mood.

    He smirked, and took her hand, To our house then.

    Salamissa giggled and trotted off towards home. He stumbled after her, as she practically dragged him inside. It was strange to Tiberius that they were living together, yet Salamissa’s family was unaware of their relationship.

    Tiberius was a happy zealot. In his eyes, she was with the most beautiful woman on the island, and possibly on this planet. He wanted to be by her side, all days and all nights, until he ceased to live. He was at peace with the world, and with his own life. With her, it had far more meaning now than it ever did when he was a part of the Empire. He was dragged up the steps of their home. When they reached the privacy of their room, he at once started to tear everything off of her, kissing every inch of bare flesh on her as he could reach at his small stature.

    Salamissa giggled as he stripped the two of them down. His eagerness shone through, but it was all to her heart’s content. Tiberius was a loving man, devoted to her, both physically and emotionally.

    He pushed her to the bed, licking her bare body with his foot long tongue, as he liked to do to heat up her senses. Every aspect of her enthralled him, from her strong personality, to all her physical features. There was not one thing about this woman that he did not love, he would protect her and their child with his life.

    He ran his tongue between her large breasts, and up to her neck. He kissed her deeply, hungry for kisses, and aching to slip inside her. He gently ran his nails over her perky breasts, lightly enough to stimulate her senses.

    He pulled back to smile at her gazing into her eyes. I’m going to be a father…and you’re going to be a mother, a beautiful and loving mother, he said, as he traced a nail around her left areola.

    You’ll make a wonderful father too! she chuckled and reached up to caress his cheek.

    We best tell them soon, before your belly tells them for us, he chuckled, as he kissed her lips tenderly.

    "Well now…that is an easier way of telling them!" she argued.

    He laughed, Indeed, but not so easy, when the father is a zealot, and your mother has been fighting them for thousands of years. But this talk is killing the mood, he shimmied down, and spread her legs, inserting himself into her with a groan. He began with a gentle thrust, and started to purr.

    She moaned as her eyes rolled back. She rocked with the motion of his thrusts. Her breasts rolled up and down as their bodies swayed.

    He purred and groaned with passion, as he picked up the paces of his thrusts. He licked her navel, and smiled up at her, I love you!

    She moaned in response, Ohh! I love you too!

    He licked all the way up to her breasts and massaged them with his hands, as he bucked his hips against her. Gods Salamissa! he groaned with delight, throbbing with arousal, as he slammed her insides. Suddenly, he stopped thrusting. He remembered who she was when he first met her, and how their relationship came about, as if it had just donned on him.  He gazed into her eyes, and pulled her into a deep kiss, cupping the sides of her face with his hands, and locking his lips firmly against hers. I want to marry this woman, I want to walk all the ages of this world with her.

    She moaned into his mouth and caressed his cheek. She slipped her thoughts into his mind, Why did you stop? Her hands moved over his body, caressing him sensually.

    Because, I’m so happy…that I had to kiss you. I want to do what terrans

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