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Ever Enduring Hearts
Ever Enduring Hearts
Ever Enduring Hearts
Ebook209 pages3 hours

Ever Enduring Hearts

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A book from a Jane Austen novel lover. With the same feel as her classic novels, but with its own story of love and adventure.
Release dateAug 4, 2015
Ever Enduring Hearts

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    Book preview

    Ever Enduring Hearts - Gabrielle Owens-Alonso

    Ever Enduring Hearts

    Ever Enduring Hearts

    By: Gabrielle Owens-Alonso

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Comments by the Author


    The story of Leah Williams is one like many before it, and yet it holds in its own way a peek into a world we do not know. A world outside of our own in both a literal and metaphoric sense. Yes there are similarities, but in the true spirit of creativeness there must be an element of difference. It is one thing to write fact and quite another to imagine a completely different life.

    This story is one to cool the mind, while you travel along the adventure. However, there is something you might not know. Leah Williams may not be a heroine in certain lights. She may seem to live a life with no real purpose, but our purpose in life does not come about without action on our part. There may be sadness in this world, but the point is not to focus on the journey. The point is to figure out where the journey is taking you.

    Leah finds herself lost in a world with no rule book. A place of complete unexpected chaos, with no directions to follow. With unexpected twists along the way, it is time for the child inside her to find the truth about her father’s past and fix what was broken.  With confusion and life blocking her view she finds that life is never what you think it will be.

    She finds herself in the company of strangers trying to find her way. When she meets some unexpected friends she finds that one of them holds a secret that could ruin her family forever. Soon she finds that she has to battle within herself to make a choice that could change her life but also the life of a young boy she takes under her wing.

    When she finally convinces herself she could be happy, an unexpected twist of events sends her fiancé away to the north of England. Leah is forced to hand the burden of handling matters regarding her home after her father’s unexpected death. With her stepmother and aunt trying to help her keep things in perspective, she finds everything falling away.

    All of a sudden everything will change.

    Chapter 1

    This is a story like many before it. There is adventure and sadness, and romance. However, there is something different about a story of a girl who watches her world turn upside down and does not know how to repair it. Not all know what can be done when your life must change, but when the time comes to repair what is broken it seems not all the pieces fit right. We all face decisions that shape our future, but those who are timid and shy feel lost in a world that has no plan of slowing down. Leah as a child could not imagine what lay ahead for her, but when things began to unravel everything seemed to go wrong. Little do we know, the answer is always there. Sometimes it just seems too hard to reach.

    Her early life was nothing but days filled with running and playing in the gardens of long wild flowers. No one to tend to them, and yet they were filled with more life than any person the girl had ever knew. She found great joy in this innocent pass time, and her world seemed to be as great as she could ever imagine at the age of 12.  Her father was a man of a most serious nature, and he also had an unsettling secret. A mystery to all, a piece of a past, but would find its way back to Huningten Park. When he was forced to be a widower, he never truly understood the difficulty it would be to raise a young daughter. Now having to raise her to be a polite young woman was the most challenging task that he could have ever imagined. He was determined to find her a woman figure in which to imitate, but could not consider marrying again.

    That was not even an option in that dear gentlemen’s mind. He was not a romantic sort and could not dream of trying for a new wife. What more could be done? His young daughter showed no signs of becoming an elegant female that would be welcomed in polite society. She was too small and spirited. Something had to be done. Mr. Williams set out to find a teacher for his dear Leah.

    My dear I am sure you will get along quite well in my absence. Marie will be here to tend to you and I will return in a short time. Please, try to continue your studies. Her father said.

    Yes. Are you going to town to find a new wife papa? Leah asked.

    Do not be silly dear child; I am sure I will never marry. Do not worry yourself; you will always remain mistress of Huningten Park. He said kissing her on the forehead.

    A trip of such duration was too much for the young girl and she passed the most of the next week walking through the fields and sitting in her private room. She did not want a governess to live with them, but there was no discussing the matter. Her father was so determined. The following week was full of tears and disappointed hopes for the young girl, but she tried her utmost to continue playing on the piano forte and reading. She enjoyed stories of adventure with intelligent heroines. She hoped that when she were older she would become a heroine of her own life. Her father would say that a lady is not a heroine; she is an elegant room decoration. She is meant to be seen and spoken of, but remains silent and still.

    During her father’s long absence, she spent much of her time walking in the wild field that she considered, on such an occasion, no longer full of the same joy. Her meals were served at the same times each day, but she felt very lonely at the large dining table, so she ate her supper in her room. She watched and waited each morning in hopes of the sounds of a carriage. Each time, she was disappointed. She had no playmates her age near by, so she tried other forms of entertainment to occupy her long hours of silence. Often she resorted to playing with her dolls and reading her favorite stories.

    She compared the lives of the characters to her own, and decided upon making a change. She was determined not to allow others to influence her life, but to be a lady of her own mind. This, however, was easy to contemplate but with a father as her’s it was not a possibility. Her father was animate in the assurance that Leah would do nothing he did not approve of, and although Leah had a wild spirit she felt she was too timid to disobey his wishes. She did not like her father to be cross with her, and she only wished to make him happy. At a cost, she must give up her own hopes. Although it seems unfortunate, it was the duty of a well bread young lady.

    Her father had been gone for longer than she had expected. Then one day a letter came. It was addressed to her, but she hesitated to open it. She feared it held horrible news. She sat looking at the writing for many hours before she built up enough courage to read its contents. She slowly opened the neatly folded paper, and saw the first glimpse of her father’s writing. Her heart leaped at the sight of the familiar strokes, but there was still much to be expected. The letter read this way:

    My dearest Leah,

    It has been a long while since I have written, only for the reason that I wanted to suppress the news for a little while longer. I have found a very kind young woman to come and teach you. She has recently moved to town and was looking for a family to take her in. So this is my news, I shall be returning very soon with your new mother. I know this will be very hard for you at first, but I know you two will grow with love for one another. Do not be uneasy my dear. All will be well when I return home. Goodbye for now.

    Love always,


    Young Leah sat for a moment. This had to be a mistake. She sat alone for a long while before one of the servants came in to see if she needed any assistance in preparing for bed. She could hardly speak. She looked up, and tears welled up in her large hazel eyes. She ran into the ladies arms and wept. The maid servant led her to her bed and wiped the tears from her eyes.

    If you please, what could be the matter miss?

    The young girl looked up, My father has married again. Now this new lady is coming to live with us and teach me. I cannot understand it! Father said he could never marry again!

    Miss, your father has raised you alone for some time now. He has not gone to seek a new wife, but it is easy to fall in love when all you have felt is loneliness.

    But Marie, how could he marry her and not tell me? He has dealt very badly toward me. I shall not speak to her when they arrive, she said folding her arms in a stubborn manner.

    Indeed Madame I am sure things will work out just fine. She may not be your natural mother, but perhaps she could be a friend. Said Marie.

    Marie assured her that she would have little to worry herself over, and that everything would be fine once the master had returned.  Leah was sure she would not speak to this lady, no matter her importance. As she pondered her plans to avoid this new person. When time came for her new mother and her father to return home, she was sure that there was no way of her being convinced to be pleased with the situation. She went outside to welcome the carriage. As she walked down the steps to the front of the house, Marie fixed her dress. Leah placed her hands in front of her, waiting for the first view of the carriage. It had been but a few moments when she heard the team of horses approaching the house.

    Her heart started to beat faster as she anticipated what this lady would look like. She thought harshly that she was a horrid looking woman with dark circles under her eyes and a pale face with no beauty what so ever to show. Soon she heard the horses approaching.

    She mustered up a smile and waved to her father as cheerfully as she could pursued herself was needed. However, instead of her father reaching out his hand to wave in return, there was a slender gloved hand that appeared. This would not do! Leah instantly stopped waving. The carriage approached and stopped right in front of her.  The servant opened the door and out came her father. She was unable to contain her joy. She ran into his arms. He hugged her for a long time.

    Papa! It seems like forever since I have seen you!

    Then he said, Leah. I would like you to meet Anna, your new mother.

    With a reach into the carriage he received the hand of a woman. The woman slowly showed herself. Leah could not help her reaction. Her eyes grew as she saw the most beautiful lady she had ever seen before. She stood tall in the most elegant way, with a lovely dress of white and blue flowers stitched in it. She smiled at Leah with a smile that was so kind and gentle. Her long golden hair was perfectly curled to the side under her woven hat. Leah had never imagined her to be so wonderful in appearance. She had thought of her to be a sharp, horrid woman with hard features and no beauty in at all. Now that she had seen her, she blushed at the horrible things she had thought about her. 

    Anna looked down at Leah with a kind smile.

    Hello dear Leah! I have heard so much about you. Your father has spoken so affectionately of you. I was so pleased to hear that today we would be coming here to meet you.

    She had the softest voice. She was not at all what Leah had imagined. She smiled and waited for Leah to speak. Leah curtsied in respect, but could not speak. Her father cut in and suggested they go in for some tea. He led the way, and Leah followed Anne into the house.

    In the tea room, Mr. Williams talked of his time in town and how he met Anna. Leah could not help her surprise when she became aware that Miss Anna had been so forward. In that she asked Mr. Williams if he had any need of help at his home. Leah was sure this was not the usual practices of respectable young women. However, Leah knew very little about what was respectable. Anna spoke of how she was so desperate that she could not put off another minute. She was left with no money, and in need of a good family home. However, she had not planned to be swept off her feet by such a gentlemen. This was a surprise as well, Leah would not describe her father as being genteel.

    Mr. Williams and Anna laughed a little, but Leah could not understand why. They continued with the story. Mr. Williams said he had invited Miss Anna for tea to better understand her qualifications. Then he realized that she was such a wonderful young lady and he thought that Leah needed a female example to look up to, and decided that he must marry Miss Anna. Anna had no family in town and had no living relatives, so there was only a small ceremony. They made arrangements to gather any thing Anna would need at her new home, and once all was well, they set off.

    Leah could not understand how it all came about. She was sure that Miss Anna had planned the whole thing, but further questions failed to produce any evidence of this. Leah gave up on her endeavor to not be kind to Anna, for her kindness was too much not to return. For many minutes, there was comfortable silence. It was soon time to prepare for supper. They left the tea room and were soon all gathered in the dining room. Leah watched as her father sat Anna in the chair that her mother once occupied. This was too much for Leah, and she soon could not hold in her feelings. She ran out of the dining room into the large hall and up the stairs to her room. There she cried and covered her face with her hands. Anna stared at Mr. Williams with a sad look. Not a moment later he was compelled to see how his daughter was getting along.

    Leah was still crying when her father opened the door.

    Dear Leah, he said as he sat by her side and took her into his arms.

    Father! I am sorry! I don’t understand how you would want to replace ma’ma.

    Dear Leah. Anna is a very bright, kind young woman that I love and is willing to teach you. I would never try to replace your mother, but you needed someone to look up to. There is very little I could teach you on my own. My dear, you are so young, but soon you will understand the importance of all that has happened.

    Yes papa. I will try my utmost to make Anna feel welcomed. She said.

    That’s a good girl. Now, when you are ready come join us for supper. Her father said.

    Leah wiped her tears away, and agreed to return to the dining room. Anna had remained in her seat and would not eat until the whole party was gathered again. She smiled as Mr. Williams entered holding little Leah’s hand. They talked and soon Leah liked the idea of her new mother. In the short years that passed, they grew to care for each other very much, and formed a lasting bond. Anna taught Leah to be a well bread young lady, and Leah grew to care for Anna as a dear friend. They spent many hours together and talked of all the exciting news received from town by friends of Anna’s and new designs that could be used for a tea table, and so on.

    They laughed and talked, while on the other hand, Mr. Williams spent most of his time in his study, responding to letters of business and reading books concerning finance and property.

    This is how it was, day after day. They had grown to understand and except this, but all that was soon to change.

    Chapter 2

    Leah had grown from being a girl of 12 to a girl of 17. She grew to be a quiet creature, and still remained as spirited as she was as a child. As she grew she had developed some fine features, Anna was sure she was one

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