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Three Sisters & the Journey West: A Mail Order Bride Romance
Three Sisters & the Journey West: A Mail Order Bride Romance
Three Sisters & the Journey West: A Mail Order Bride Romance
Ebook45 pages43 minutes

Three Sisters & the Journey West: A Mail Order Bride Romance

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A woman and her two sisters fall on hard times in England when their alcoholic father dies, so they all decide to go out west and seek mail order husbands. Only one has actually corresponded with a rancher but throughout the long journey by ship, train and stagecoach, she wonders if he’ll still be there at the end, and also, what will happen to her beloved sisters.
Release dateDec 20, 2015
Three Sisters & the Journey West: A Mail Order Bride Romance

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    Three Sisters & the Journey West - Doreen Milstead

    Three Sisters & the Journey West: A Mail Order Bride Romance

    Three Sisters & the Journey West: A Mail Order Bride Romance


    Doreen Milstead

    Copyright 2015 Susan Hart

    Synopsis: A woman and her two sisters fall on hard times in England when their alcoholic father dies, so they all decide to go out west and seek mail order husbands. Only one has actually corresponded with a rancher but throughout the long journey by ship, train and stagecoach, she wonders if he’ll still be there at the end, and also, what will happen to her beloved sisters.

    Esther rested on a chair watching her sisters. Their world had crumbled around them in a matter of days. Each one struggled to deal with the shock in their own particular way. Isabella stood beside the window staring out at the pear tree with its delicate flowers dancing on the breeze. She was likely composing a beautiful poem or perhaps planning which colors to use in her next painting. The youngest of the three, she found solace in her art.

    Charlotte had collapsed onto the sofa in a storm of tears as soon as the services were over. The middle child, she felt everything strongly and had no qualms about letting them out. At least she waited until they were in the privacy of their home.

    The home that was theirs no longer. Esther looked around the tiny cottage with a mixture of relief and sorrow stirring in her chest. It was the only home she had ever known, her haven and refuge from the world. It was also full of shadows and memories that threatened to drag her into the black void of despair.

    She could not succumb. Her sisters needed her to be strong. Who else was there but her?

    We must make a plan. Esther pitched her voice above Charlotte’s sobs. The landlord will allow us to remain here, but only until he finds a new tenant. She swallowed back her own grief and continued. With no family, no dowry, and only the small stipend from father’s will, our options are limited."

    How can you speak so callously and father not yet cold in his grave? Charlotte cried out, her face twisted by grief into a caricature of her usual cheery beauty. Some of us loved him, we need time to grieve.

    The harsh words cut Esther’s heart until it bled. She clenched her hands into fists, digging her nails into her palms until she found her control.

    Tenderhearted Isabella moved from the window, perched beside the weeping girl, and rubbed her hand across Charlotte’s shoulders in a soothing circle. Esther loved father too, dearest. We all miss him, but our sister is right. We need to know what we are going to do next. She waited for the inevitable sobs to subside before she continued. But perhaps, for tonight, we can just be together and let ourselves mourn. Tomorrow will be soon enough for plans.

    Esther acknowledged her sister’s silent plea. Charlotte would be of no use until she cried herself out and slept through the night. She reined in her own need to secure the future and nodded.

    Very well. We will meet here tomorrow after breakfast. Esther couldn’t make herself leave it at that. In the meantime, each of you must think of something we can do to exist.

    Isabella sent her a weak smile and even Charlotte managed to nod.

    Esther stood on shaky knees and made her way out to the garden behind the house. A footpath led to a small stone bench surrounded by her mother’s rose garden. As a girl, she remembered sitting there, tending her sleeping sisters as

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