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Coal Harbor
Coal Harbor
Coal Harbor
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Coal Harbor

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Coal Harbor is a small island located off the lower western corner of Alaska. It is a small fisherman’s paradise and also serves as a resort during the warmer seasons. During the harsh winter months, the island can also remain under frozen snow and ice for up to six months.
With winter fast approaching along with ice and snowstorms moving in, it appears to be just a typical winter season coming on to the forest rangers. That is until a Learjet crashes into a snowbank. After launching a rescue from the ranger station in near whiteout conditions, life on the quiet island suddenly becomes dangerous when it is learned that the aircraft cargo could be a large shipment of cocaine and the survivors could be wanted drug smugglers.
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Coal Harbor

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    Coal Harbor - Michael J. Bryant


      Michael J. Bryant

            Copyright 2024 Lulu Author,

                      Michael J Bryant

                    All rights reserved.

      ISBN 978-0-359-89396-6

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events portrayed in this book are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All contents herein, ideas, fictional events, characters, story lines, and anything else pertaining to this story of Coal Harbor, belong to the author Michael J Bryant, exclusively written and designed for this book alone.

          Written By: Michael J. Bryant

                            Copyright By: Michael J. Bryant 

                  Created January 31, 2009. All rights reserved.

                        US Copyright Office Washington, DC 


                           I would like to dedicate this book to all Law Enforcement officers and Agencies throughout the United States, including my own family members in the field.

                                                                     Michael J. Bryant  

                                                                      January 31, 2009


    Chapter 1                                                   Coal Harbor Alaska

    Chapter 2                                                   Alaskan Bay

    Chapter 3                                                   She’s Going Down

    Chapter 4                                           Sea Knight

    Chapter 5                                                   The Connections

    Chapter 6                                                   Trouble in Siberia

    Chapter 7                                                   The Crash Site

    Chapter 8                                                   Worst Blizzard Yet

    Chapter 9                                                    Escape

    Chapter 10                                                  Wrath of Vengeance

    Chapter 11                                           A Surprising Development


    Coal Harbor is a small island located off the lower western corner of Alaska. It is a small fisherman’s paradise and serves as a resort during the warmer seasons. During the harsh winter months, the island can also remain under frozen snow and ice for up to six months.

      With winter fast approaching along with ice and snowstorms moving in, it appears to be just a typical winter season coming on to the forest rangers. That is until a Learjet crashes into a snowbank. After launching a rescue from the ranger station in near whiteout conditions, life on the quiet island suddenly becomes dangerous when it is learned that the aircraft cargo could be a large shipment of cocaine and the survivors could be wanted drug smugglers.

     Coal Harbor Alaska      Chapter 1

     There is an old, abandoned town located just below the rocks that start forming the huge mountain ranges which travel from Coal Harbor Island all the way to the mainland of Alaska. Back in the 1800’s it was first thought that coal could be mined from this fairly large sized island located northwest off the Alaskan coast but with so much volcanic rock in the area it proved to be a very tough job.

    The mines, as well as the entire town built to house the miners and officials, were abandoned by the early 1900’s. Although the town still stands and is one of the main tourist attractions in the area, without power and modern-day technology the township will probably remain a ghost town.

       There are also several ships which call Coal Harbor their home. The ships go out during the fishing season and the fishermen make their living catching fish from the sea. During the main part of winter, the ships remain frozen in ice at their berthing ports. Aside from the fishing season there were not many ways of making a living on the islands unless you were a forest ranger working in the state parks and who also would pull double duty at times as the only law on some of the islands. There were still spotty settlements here and there on Coal Harbor Island, but most people would leave during the extreme cold months.

    Another tourist attraction on the island is an old three mast sailing vessel which appeared to be forever frozen in the landscape. How it became trapped and how it got so far away from the inlet remained a mystery. The ship is located about a half mile from any waterway, and it was believed that perhaps the harbor had extended more inland long ago.

    Islanders and some experts have inspected the area and currently believe that the ship could have been a pirate ship dating back to the early 1800s. Many wondered, could there still be treasures aboard this ship which was buried in the sand nearly up to its main deck? Or did the pirates bury their treasure somewhere in the many caves combing the inlet?

     At one time the news of the pirate ship and its discovery started a wave of treasure hunters and looters scouring over the entire area. Fearing that the ship might be vandalized, the state parks took possession of the property, and the site became protected by state law.

    The bottom of the surrounding harbor is littered with other sunken vessels of various ages and sizes from over the years. This made an interesting dive for tourists as well as for locals on the island. There were fishing ships, small boats, cargo vessels, a few seaplanes and several old sailing ships which were probably used in exploration adventures long ago. Most of their fates remained a mystery around Coal Harbor Island while other’s fates were blamed on the freezing storms and harsh seas.                           Just before the bad weather sets in over the island and surrounding areas, ships, puddle jumpers and seaplanes carry most of the islanders and tourists to Anchorage or beyond. Once the freezing cold sets in and the harbor freezes over, there just isn’t any way of returning or leaving the island for several months. Most residents which chose to stay know that they had better have ample supplies for the winter months ahead.

    Sometimes the winter freezes could last from November through June and if you wanted to leave you would have to catch a boat or plane off the island before November. After the harbor froze up, there was no way to run supplies to the island by ship and if the temperature was fifty degrees below zero or lower, the planes could not fly in without endangering themselves and their cargo.

      Coal Harbor Island has a small ranger station located about three miles inland. The ranger station is equipped with two patrol boats at the harbor and one small plane with skids. The plane can take off and land from a small snow-covered landing strip cut out of the wilderness. They also have several vehicles. These vehicles consisted of snowmobiles, a couple of all terrain jeeps and a new snow vehicle which traveled over nearly any terrain.

    The snow tractor, as it was normally called, traveled on tank tracks rather than wheels. It could travel a great distance carrying supplies or people depending on its mission status. The snow tractor could seat up to four people at a time. The multipurpose vehicle could plow snow or travel during blizzard conditions without too much trouble in case of emergencies. Without it, the rangers would be stranded at the station during snowstorms and freezing weather.

       The small ranger station houses six rangers during tourist season and there are only two rangers that stay behind during the winter months. The mission of the rangers who chose to remain on the island during the winter season have a variety of duties to perform. They patrol the protected areas, give help during emergencies to those remaining on the island and perform any duties necessary, weather permitting.

    They could usually stay in contact with the outside world during the winter months with modern day satellite communications. Telephones were a main source of communication long as the telephone lines did not fail. There was also a ship to shore and a citizen’s band base station radio for staying in touch with the locals and they were manned and monitored continually.  

      With the second winter storm brewing off the coast, the island was still coated with a thin layer of ice and snow from the last storm. The temperatures during the day were averaging around twenty degrees and when nightfall came the temperature dropped below zero. In early November most of the rangers were preparing to leave the island. One more day of widespread patrolling and the rangers would be cut back to only two officers to man the station for the winter. Like the winter before, Kevin Turner and Betty Hopkins would be staying behind.  

     As the team of rangers gathered at the front desk counter of the ranger station where Betty was monitoring communications, Dave commented, Guess I’d better fill up my coffee thermos before I leave for the scattered settlements. I highly doubt that I’ll be able to get a refill out there. Most of the residences should be gone by now.

    Al always has a pot of coffee on, Kevin admitted, Stop by his shack and he’ll take care of you.

     Patrolling the settlements is a lot better than patrolling the pirate ship area and the many caves, where I never see anyone, Brian complained a little.

    I enjoy my patrols, Kevin boasted, Patrolling the docks and waterways allows me time to speak to a lot of people and get coffee as well.

    We’re going to trade off patrol routes next year, Brian told them, I need a change of scenery.

    You only have one more day of patrolling before you guys leave for the winter so I don’t want to hear any complaining, Kevin replied, I’m the one that will be here patrolling everything myself until you guys show back up in the spring.

    You volunteered, Dave said with a smile.

      True enough but this is my last winter on the island, he explained, You guys are going to have to figure out which two of you will be here next winter.

     Holding up one hand as if directing someone to stop, Dave quickly announced, Don’t even look my way. Besides, I must get going on patrol.

     While Dave finished filling up his coffee thermos from the brewing steamy pot on the counter, Brian also admitted, I have to get going myself.

     Looking at his watch and realizing that it was getting late, Kevin then said, I’d better get down to the docks, myself.

     Aren’t you going to give me a hug and a kiss first? Betty wanted to know, now looking at Kevin.

     Before Kevin could reply, Brian rushed around to the backside of the counter and over to where Betty was seated monitoring the radio system and said, Hey good looking, you can hug and kiss me.

    Everyone knew each other very well and had worked together for years so no one took offense when one of the rangers played around with their affections toward the women. If they weren’t flirting around with Betty, they would be doing it to the other radio operator Doris Page. Once Brian leaned down and hugged Betty, she playfully gave him a kiss on the cheek.

     That’s so you won’t feel left out darling, she told him with a grin.

    Smiling from ear to ear, he quickly replied, I don’t feel left out anymore, beautiful.

     Nudging Brian on the shoulder in a playful way, Kevin was now standing directly behind Brian when he said, Hey, quit cutting in on my territory pal unless you want to trade places with me for the winter?

     No way, my friend, Brian explained, I’m leaving on patrol right now and when I return, I’m packing my stuff up.

     That’s what I thought,

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