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Still Love
Still Love
Still Love
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Still Love

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Jenn is going to college living a normal life, just trying to get her degree. Her life is in for a twist, when she starts talking to the deaf boy in her class.
He's just as surprised. What happens next, none of them could predict.
Release dateJul 30, 2019
Still Love

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    Still Love - Danielle Yosere

    Still Love

    Still Love


    Still Love by Danielle Yosere

    Companion Novel to Choices and Answers series: Devan and Ivy’s story, book three.

    Published by Lulu Publishing Company: 627 Davis Dr. #300, Morrisville, NC 27560

    © 2018 Danielle Yosere

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. Author holds right to all content of this publication.

    Disclaimer: Any, and all, persons in this book are completely fictional. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is completely coincidental. Any inspiration or wild ideals that may come from reading this material is due to your own free will upon reading the author’s published material.

    For further information:

    Second edition.

    ISBN#: 978-0-359-57845-0

    To those who inspired this, who may one day love the characters within.


    I feel alone. My world once again shattered. The girl I was dating… I shake my head at the image of her kissing that guy from her school. She tried telling me months ago that they were just friends. I scoff in my next breath and wonder how stupid had I been? This was one of my many reasons I didn’t get close to people. Someone always gets hurt…

    Rubbing my hands over my face in order to push away the thoughts, I ignore the interpreter in front of me. She was signing for my college professor. The board behind her brighter than necessary for midday. A bunch of try-hards. She was annoying me right now. Then again, I guess, they all were. I didn’t care what the professor was saying about history and all about the people. I wanted to go to my place and act like nothing was wrong with me. I wanted to go back to my dorm room and pretend the world outside was sunshine and rainbows all the time, day in and day out. Too bad I couldn’t get away with that. Stupid regulations and agreements.

    I don’t show emotion as the group starts to make gestures at me. The same group that always makes stupid gestures at me during this class. The seats are far enough away they can’t touch me, but I can clearly see what they’re doing as well. They’re mostly all boys, around seven of them. They’re immature and I don’t understand how they’re still enrolled here. Bunch of idiots. There’s one girl that sits among them… usually with a book in hand ignoring what’s going on. The girl that’s always with them continues to read her book today as well. She doesn’t join in with the harassment. Never has… she doesn’t stop the taunting either though being a bystander. I wonder why she even bothered hanging out with them. I pause when I notice they all stopped making motions and are looking directly at her.

    I roll my eyes. This ought to be interesting. They were giving her the spotlight, a chance to harass me personally. Alright, girl, show me who you really are…


    I sigh. These people in this stupid class were going to drive me to insanity or murder whichever came first. I’m not sure at this point. I refrain from rolling my eyes and I stare ahead while watching as my fellow students pick fun and gesture obscenities at the deaf boy in class. You could call it harassment with as bad as they get at times. The boy is ignoring them. Actually, he’s ignoring everyone. His head in his hands, he wasn’t even watching his interpreter. He had just broken up with his girlfriend. That was the rumor hovering over him these days. Fact was everyone thought she had been cheating with her guy friend from the local high school through the whole relationship. She claimed that she couldn’t handle the block. Whatever, she was just obnoxious anyway.

    Come on Jenn! Don’t be a stick in the mud! one of the boys prods me to join in on the taunting. It was really cruel.

    I look over and see him watching us. No, watching me. He was waiting to see what I was going to do. How’d he know that I was next on the line of people that the group wanted to tease him? I sigh as they all wait in anticipation now. The teacher wasn’t watching. He never did. The interpreter was done and was trying to get his attention without touching him. He had told her on day one, don’t tap me to get my attention.

    She almost did one time and I’m pretty sure he was contemplating murder.

    I look up and see the guy, Jones, waiting for me to taunt the boy as well. He’s basically the leader of the pack. I slowly tick off my options. One by one. I sigh quietly. I get up and walk over to him. Through the horde of chairs and desks in the college classroom, I make my way over to him.

    He watches me. He was quiet. Not because he was deaf but because… well, I didn’t know precisely why. His blond hair lays styled shorter but to one side of his head. He doesn’t show any expression or emotion. I didn’t think he would. I lean and kiss his cheek and sign to him that I’d see him later.

    The group behind me doesn’t catch on. They cheer because they think I’ve sunk to their level. Please, I have better things to do than waste my time being a jerk to someone.

    Peter, he spells his name.

    I nod. Jenn, I reply. He nods. I go to leave and he catches my wrist. He grabs his bag and follows me out the door.


    I was amazed by this girl. She didn’t taunt me. She didn’t make a stupid gesture. She walked over and kissed my cheek. Then told me in sign language that she would see me later. I didn’t even realize she knew sign language!

    I told her my name. Her name is Jenn, she told me fingerspelling it out for me.

    She goes to leave, and I stop her carefully not to be seen touching her. I hated when people tried to get my attention my tapping me like I’m an invalid. Just because I’m deaf doesn’t mean I’m dumb.

    She stops and waits for me patiently. I grab my bag and we head for the door. My interpreter tries stopping me and asking me what I was doing. I ignore her. Then she grabs for my arm. I pause Jenn from leaving. She turns and sees my interpreter’s hand on my arm. I watch her laugh lightly. She must have known about the no touching statement I made.

    I knew everyone was watching me and my reaction. I could feel their eyes on me. I turn and glare. She drops my arm like it’s burning her but demands to know where I’m going. I tell her to go blow off some steam, that she’s getting paid to interpret not babysit. She stares at me like I’m crazy.

    You’re paid until the end of the day whether I’m here or not, woman, bye, I tell her brightly.

    I turn and walk out. Jenn smiles and she grabs my hand. We walk past the people ditching classes in the hallway hand in hand. I ask her where we’re going. Jenn shrugs. I hold back a laugh. This was going to be interesting.


    I didn’t think he would come with me. The whole thing with no touching? I mean come on. Why would Peter want to join me? I wasn’t even sure where I was going. I shake my head. It was weird.

    Then an idea hit me. I knew exactly where I would take him. It would be an adventure.

    We get into my car. My cute green Jetta with a manual stick. He sits in and looks at me. I motion for him to shut the door. He does. I start heading away from the college. We ride all the way to the outskirts of the city in complete silence and stillness. He didn’t ask me anything or try to point anything out.

    I park the car on the side of the road near a forest. The trees tower tall overhead, and the grass green as the spring time. I step out of my car. I hear him get out behind me. He’s hesitant and slow. Unsure of what we’re doing or where we’re going.

    I walk through the woods near where I parked. It’s half a mile walk to the spot I planned to take him. I walk at a brisk pace. I get there in under ten minutes through the thicker terrain and forest, which makes it my personal best record.

    I turn and see Peter behind me, meaning he kept up with my pace. My hearts does a strange flutter flop thing in my chest. I gasp. He stares at the water fall gushing before us. It shines blue being so deep in the forest, you can’t tell whether it’s day or night when you’re this deep in. I walk on the edge of the pool of water, up the incline wall, and into the cove that goes behind the falls. Peter follows carefully watching his footing.

    How’d you find this place? he signs.

    I like to explore, I shrug. I reach touching the water lightly and it splashes back on him. Oops! I apologize instantly.

    He reaches out and sprays water at me. Oh, so sorry, he mocks laughs.

    I smile. I spray him again. He picks me up and pretends to go towards the falls. I grab his arms. He smiles evilly. I tap his arm and glare at him. He sets me down smoothly. I sit with my back against the cool gray stone walls of the cave. He sits next to me closer to the falls.

    Why are we here? he asks me.

    Why not? I ask him.

    He doesn’t answer. I poke his arm. What? he raises a brow at me.

    Why can’t people touch you? I question.

    You just did, he points out unconcerned.

    You don’t know maybe I like to live dangerously, I comment.

    I doubt that, he scoffs.

    So? I poke his arm again wanting an answer.

    Well, there’s a curse, he grins deviously, whoever touches me has to stay with me and the only cure is my own death.

    Oh really? I smirk. I knew he was being sarcastic and playful.

    Yes, there’s no hope for you, you’re doomed from the start, he grins wider.

    Oh man, I was hoping to get a date with this guy in class, I roll my eyes.

    A date? Please, don’t waste your time, he waves a hand like I should ignore those boys.

    OH? I taunt.

    Besides, you already share part in my curse, he takes my hand and holds it on his chest for effect. He shakes his head and goes

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