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Satanic Serenades
Satanic Serenades
Satanic Serenades
Ebook167 pages1 hour

Satanic Serenades

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Suspend Disbelief... Opvs Noctvm: Satanic Serenades are Infernal Reflections upon both vital existence and mythology, written in a beautiful, sometimes terrifying polemical, imaginative Gothic style, which inspires contemplation and darkest entertainment. Both fictional and non-fictional concepts are contained herein as veritable "diabolical psalms" for those who resonate to The Satanic perspective, and appreciate the sinister aesthetic. Divided into several sections, the black heart poetry of Satanic Serenades features odes, observations, and experiences which will manifest the Dark Side of the mind. Also features The Legend of Haunted Devil's Canyon, a poetic horror anthology based upon frightening urban legends. Suspend disbelief, relax in your blackened candle-lit chamber, as the night unfolds, the fog rolls in, and be taken into a Theater of Nightmares and Shadowy Dreams. Your Hellish journey is about to begin... you have been warned... Enter at your own risk!
Release dateMar 31, 2011
Satanic Serenades

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    Satanic Serenades - Draconis Blackthorne



    The following is a theatre of nightmares, designed to manifest the dark side of the psyche. A phantasmagoric psychodrama effectively utilizing the fears & superstitions of mankind to their extremes. In other words, reflecting the horror from darkened mirrors. In short, a technique I call Shadowmancy, which preserves the necessary mystique needed for enchantment & psychodrama. These Satanic Serenades are written in the spirit of Milton's Paradise Lost, & can serve as Unholy Psalms for The Children of Darkness. And, it's just plain dark fun, that I believe every Satanist, & otherwise darkly-inclined individual, would enjoy.

    There are three sections to this tome: The first part entitled "Satanic Serenades is comprised of more recent poems which are personal reflections upon life and experience. The second part entitled The Theatre of Nightmares is comprised of dark lyrical fiction and mythological themes intended for entertainment, which were originally written for musical performances with several Gothic Metal bands; and the third section entitled The Legend of Haunted Devil’s Canyon" is a horror anthology based upon urban legends commonly surrounding wilderness environments. Each poem is accompanied with a description to accentuate some of the symbolic meanings.

    Take heed: By & by, words such as evil are taken in a purely theatrical sense, & besides the lyricks of Hail Satan, these dark rhymes are not necessarily intended to reflect actual Satanic philosophy as outlined by The Church of Satan, and are purely for entertainment purposes.

    The show is about to begin. Come in & take a seat. Make yourself comfortable. as the curtain parts and the fog rolls in. Suspend disbelief, and brace yourself for the unexpected...

    In Nomine Satanas,

    Draconis Blackthorne

    Warlock, Church of Satan.

    - Part I -

    Satanic Serenades

    Candlemas 'Evil'

    Descent to Hell, Return again

    Ouroborous sheds His skin

    Purified in Abyssal Flame

    Emerge anew, redoubled strength

    Rebirthing torrent, timeless wise

    Apotheosis realized

    Mighty Dragon, blackest thorns

    Daemon spawn, Devil born

    God of Moon with Venus rise

    Infernal light, Mercury rides

    Darkest Angel of The Night

    The heart of Winter glows with Lust

    Ebon flow upon the snow

    Shadows grow from the fire

    Flicker by the Nocturne pyre

    Candlemas Evil is Satan reborn.


    Candlemas Evil is a play on the words 'Candlemas Eve'.

    Black Dragon Phoenix

    The Wheel has turned, by season's churn

    Blackest flames twist and burn

    Infernal Dragon birthed

    The sphere is one, the sphere is none

    A timeless secret not undone...

    Passing through the looking glass

    Travel through the chasm vast

    Reflection manifest The Will

    Emerge in the eternal now...

    Rejuvenation, transformation

    The fires within purify

    Crossing through the swirling gate

    The Third Eye opens wide...

    In the darkness of regeneration

    The serpent sheds its skin

    Omnipotent visualization

    Begins anew again...

    Drawing deep, the shadow fang

    Piercing eyes, and heart, and brain

    Immortal form, Hellish born...

    Black Phoenix flies, forever night!

    In Power, Joy, unending Might!

    Samhain's Return

    Goblins and ghouls begin to creep

    Into the realm of mortals they seep

    Dancing, carousing, it captures their minds

    To replicate same, if just for a time

    Welcome again into My world

    A glimpse of the Magic enchantment unfurled

    A tip o' the horns, a curl of the tail

    The howl of a wolf, the moan of a gale

    The Gates are agape, from caverns below

    The fiery rictus, the carven glow

    Reflections upon the overcast sky

    Overshadows the land from tempestuous high

    Skeletal trees scratch at the air

    Filled with the scents of carnival faire

    Impending darkness grows day by day

    Chases the curse of the blindlight away

    Gaze in wide wonder at the marvels I bring

    A season eternal of nightmares and dreams

    The phantoms come closer on this Halloween

    Filling the evenings with laughter and screams!


    The multimedia proliferation has begun, and even though we Satanists preserve our total environments, it is pleasing to see the evocations manifest to dominate society again. Baphomet is festive with this Halloween display, complete with ornamentation representing the archetypes of this splendid season. A collage of evocations conjured up from the dark subconscious, framed by the trapezohedron which here acts as a window to the said subconscious. The serpent above configures the dreaded Number of The Beast with his symmetry, as Thirteen crowns The Baphomet form, suggesting the exploitation of these fun-fears for diabolical amusement.


    A cold familiar chill cascades from the West

    The rictus of the Jack 'O' Lantern glows through the night

    Sweet dreams of archetypal splendor greets smiles and fright

    As children laugh and play with Trick or Treat delight

    'Neath the pall of the Grim One's sight...

    The skeletal trees athrust to the sky

    Leaves blown by the wind of the whispering breeze

    The House there stands vacant, or so it seems

    Then who's are the eyes that peer through the beams?

    Devil Moon nigh, peers from on high

    Flooding the earth with blue-crimson light

    Vampires and Werewolves arise for a bite

    Nightmares alive in glory and might!

    Black candles a-shimmer in the beautious gloom

    The shadows take shape in the depths of your room

    The demons, the devils, the ghouls and the ghosts

    The Gates are cast open, we welcome the hosts

    Our brothers and sisters from Hellish Abodes

    By thunder and lightning, the ravens have flown...

    The Sabbath bell calls through black haunted halls

    Baphomet's smile in daemonic guile

    By Satan, Lucifer descends Leviathan to Belial

    Looming specterous by words of Spell

    Lingering shades, All Hallow's Eve

    By what was spoken, shall soon be reaped

    In pleasure, in passion, in feral grace

    Halloween's wonders, come take thy place!

    Halloween XL

    Daemons dance with creatures from darkened fane

    Donned in vestments of evocative bane

    The world catches but a glimpse of Hell

    As robed phantoms utter omnipotent words of spell

    Nightmares come alive in joy and in dread

    We remain amused at the teeming masses as dusk enfolds the land

    The Gates

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