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Taken - The Volkov Dynasty Book 2
Taken - The Volkov Dynasty Book 2
Taken - The Volkov Dynasty Book 2
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Taken - The Volkov Dynasty Book 2

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Being ripped away from the people she loves, Liv is returned home to Westchester at her father's request. Arranged to marry the man that abused and drugged her, Liv fights for her chance to escape and get home to the man she was torn away from. Things change for the better and some for the worse but Liv has some major milestones and hurdles to jump over to keep what she truly loves safe from those who want to make her suffer. Loss and pain are some of the things coming her way. Can she handle it? Does she welcome her birthright with open arms?
Release dateMar 31, 2018
Taken - The Volkov Dynasty Book 2

Vee Anderson

Hi, my name is Vee and I published my first book Pawn by Vee Anderson in Fall 2011. I hope you enjoy my book as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love creating new characters and creating new worlds for them to live in. I'm hoping to make Pawn the first in a long series with the second book Masquerade, third book Shattered and the fourth book Lost out now. I am also currently working on a YA series named The Volkov Dynasty and the first of the trilogy Promised is out now. ​Author of Paranormal novels The Lilly Reed Series and YA series The Volkov Dynasty

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    Taken - The Volkov Dynasty Book 2 - Vee Anderson

    Taken - The Volkov Dynasty Book 2


    The Volkov Dynasty

    Book 2

    Vee Anderson

    Also by Vee Anderson

    Lilly Reed Series






    The Volkov Dynasty


    Copyright © 2018 Vee Anderson

    All Rights Reserved

    Dedicated to:

    To my beautiful niece, who inspires me to be my best – Kylie P

    All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental


    Konrad Blak for an amazing cover photo

    Chapter 1

    My heart broke into two as we drove past the ‘Welcome to Westchester’ sign. Looking forward from the back seat of the Cadillac Escalade that they rented to bring me home, I watched my younger brother Jake drive down Main St. I don’t want to be here, I want to be back at home, my home, with Luke, but I’m not because they found me. My name is Olivia Volkov, well Liv and I ran away almost three years ago, away from my controlling father, away from the man that I was Promised to, away from my life as a Queen in training to become the next Pack leader. And when I say Pack I mean Pack, we’re werewolves. Every full moon I go out into a forest and break out of my skin turning into a wolf, not one of those half man half wolf werewolves but an actual wolf. Westchester is the home of around 900 werewolves, it’s a town just for us wolves, so we don’t have to hide who we really are.

    Driving down Main St I watched all the familiar businesses like Doug’s Barber shop and Trudy’s Dance Studio as we passed them. Jake hung a right at the next street taking us to Franklin St. My stomach started doing flip flops the closer I got to my father’s house. After a minute or so Jake turned onto King Dr. Tears started welling up in my eyes because I don’t want to be here. I want to be at home in Burlington, New Mexico with my fiancé Luke planning our pending nuptial but that’s not going to happen because (a) I know I’ll never be able to escape again and (b) I don’t know if Luke is alive. When they found me in New Mexico, the man that I was promised to Bryce hurt Luke, so I would come out of my hiding spot even though Luke told me not to, that he wanted me to run. But I couldn’t leave him there for Bryce to take his anger out on, so I walked out of my hiding spot and that’s when Bryce told me that I must leave with him. After telling him no way he told my brother to stab Luke, who was lying on his side on the floor of a dirty warehouse beaten and bruised. Jake went to stab him again, this time in the chest, and I quickly stopped him and told Bryce that I would go home with them, so I don’t know if Luke is okay.

    I gave my head a little shake, I can’t think about that, I can’t let myself get too stressed out, I heard stress isn’t too good for the baby. Yes, I said baby. I’m a little over four months pregnant with my first child for both Luke and I. Luke is 24 years old and he’s amazing, and then there’s me who’s 18, I know I’m a little young to be having a baby and believe me this wasn’t planned at all, but it happened, and we’re excited at the chance to become parents. Plus, we’re also starting to plan our wedding. I know Luke is the man for me, I thought I was in love once with my best friend from when I was younger Grayson but I think I was in love with the fact that he was my best friend and that he wouldn’t hurt me because I started dating him after the horrible first date I had with Bryce in which he drugged me. Grayson was great, but Luke is amazing. He’s beyond handsome with those manly good looks, he has black shaggy hair that he always has to push out of his eyes all the time, but he won’t let me cut it. He’s tall and strong with muscles galore and that comes from working construction. He’s the complete opposite of me, he’s outgoing and has lots of friends plus he’s gorgeous, and there’s me, I’m plain, boring and I would rather sit at home watching movies with him than go hangout with his friends, they’re his friends not mine but I try for him, you can say that he broke me out of my shell, a little.

    I felt the SUV stop so I focused my eyes watching Jake turn the SUV off. Everybody else jumped out of the vehicle leaving me in there by myself. I really don’t want to be here, I don’t want to see my father again. It was quiet for a second then I watched Bryce quickly spin on his heel looking back at the SUV, growling loudly he moved quickly jumping back into the SUV, pointing behind him he growled Get out of the vehicle now. His muscular body was shaking with anger which isn’t very good because that means he will probably hurt me, well more than he already has. Bryce’s baby blue eyes are blazing in anger and it made his handsome face (even though I hate him with every inch of my being, I will still admit he is handsome) look inhuman.

    I shook my head and pleaded No, please let me go, please Bryce if you really love me let me go.

    Growling louder he reached in the SUV and grabbed my right forearm that has a good size bruise on it because he keeps dragging me around by that arm. He ripped me out of the SUV as he jumped out, and because of how he ripped me out I wasn’t able to land on my feet so I fell to my knees sharply to the pavement and the moment my knees hit I started falling face forward but I was saved, if you could call it that, by Bryce yanking me backwards so I could land on my rear end. Groaning loudly he gripped my right forearm tighter as he hoisted me off the ground to my feet.

    I looked up at my childhood home with complete sickness in my stomach. When I ran away I looked back at our large two storey white mansion and thought that I was never going to see that house again and now here I am standing in the horseshoe shaped driveway staring at the house I tried to escape from. With a tug Bryce started moving us forward, I looked behind me and saw the rest of his gang coming up behind us. My ex-best friend Casey was beside my brother holding his hand and Jake looked happy. Jake is tall like my father and he looks just like my father, he’s got light brown hair that is shaggy, and it hangs in his light brown eyes, he’s really built, well most werewolves are in good shape, but he doesn’t look like my younger brother of 11 months anymore. When I left three years ago Casey was a short bubbly 15 year old with a light blonde curly bob who dressed in skater clothes but now she’s Goth, she’s still got a bob but it’s a bluish black plus she’s wearing it straight, she has a pink camisole tank top on with a black fishnet sweater on top, black faded skinny jeans and black mid-calf Doc Martens. I found out on my ride back to Westchester that Casey and my brother have been dating for over two years and that they are engaged. Behind them is Jake’s friend and Bryce’s younger cousin Eli who looks just like Bryce with his blonde hair, blue eyes and surfer boy good looks. And beside Eli is Max, Max is handsome, he’s the perfect mix of his Caucasian father and Japanese mother, his bluish black hair looks natural not dyed like Casey’s, and his warm honey brown eyes look angry and they’re pain filled, they’re pain filled because when he found me at mine and Luke’s house in Burlington I shot him with Luke’s .9mm gun so I could get away so Max kind of hates me right now plus he’s angry at Casey and Jake because Jake stole Casey away from Max.

    I tried getting Casey’s attention for her to help me, to save me but she’s so entranced by her love for my brother and her hatred for me that she doesn’t want to go against her King and Bryce by letting me go so she kept her eyes turned away from mine.

    Turning forward I watched Bryce push open the black double front doors of the house before walking in like he owns the place. My father’s house is the largest house in Westchester, you can say it’s suitable for a King and it is. Bryce pulled me through the front doors into the front foyer. Above us is a large chandelier that sparkles in the sunlight because of the large arched windows of the front foyer. I noticed right away that the house has been redone, before I left everything was done in shades of brown and white but now it’s done in dark shades of blue with white trimming. Straight ahead of us is a large set of stairs that take you upstairs to the bedrooms. To my left is a living room that used to be blocked off because it had stuff in there that we were never allowed to touch so it was completely off limits but now it has the pool table from downstairs and a large flat screen TV and bar, weird. Beside that is a main floor bathroom and beside that is the laundry room. On my right is my father’s library that has seating for his meetings and beside that is my father’s office then beside that is the kitchen that stretches the whole back of the house with an eat-in nook and large dining room for entertaining. Bryce dragged me off to the right to our intended destination which is Father’s office.

    Just as Bryce pulled me around the staircase I watched the office door open and my father came walking out. I dug my heels in harder, so Bryce gave me a huge tug which made me stumble forward. Looking up I watched my father walk up to us, stopping a couple feet away from us Bryce dropped his hand from me and they all dropped to their knees showing their respect to my father, their King. I stayed standing because I’m not part of his Pack anymore, the moment I left Westchester I became a Rogue so I stood my ground watching him. He really hasn’t changed much in the last couple of years except he’s a little bit greyer in his light brown hair, he’s wearing his normal day attire of a crewneck sweater in navy blue and light brown khaki’s that hung a little loose on his thinner stature. His light brown eyes locked onto mine Olivia.

    It took a little bit of strength not to throw myself at him and hug him, wow I don’t know where that came from. I mean he’s my father, even though he was abnormally cruel to me as I grew up after my mother died I still love him and I still missed him, he’s still my daddy. Holding onto all emotions I relayed the same cold tone Father.

    His tired eyes looked me over from head to toe, I don’t know why but I looked away and that was when he started walking over to me. I could see out of the corner of my eye Bryce on his knee with his head hanging down. I heard my father stop so I looked up at him and when our eyes met I watched him take a deep breath in through his nose. His eyes widened in surprise You’re pregnant.

    Chapter 2

    My father took a step back I think more in shock than anything, me on the other hand I didn’t know what to say or do. We were broken out of our shock by Bryce jumping to his feet, he screamed WHAT? I watched Bryce move into my line of vision, his crazy wide eyes met mine as he screamed again YOU’RE WHAT? I took a step back from Bryce, his eyes looked crazy as he screamed at me. Storming over to me he screamed I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU, YOU BITCH as he raised his arm to hit me. I can’t take this anymore and even though I want to stand up against him I took the chicken way out and turned away from him closing my eyes as I braced for the hit but strangely enough the hit never came.

    With my back to everybody I heard Casey yell JAKE NO.

    Still partially crouched with my back to everybody I opened my eyes and saw my father standing there with an even more surprised look on his face, instead of looking at me he was looking over me as he said Jakob, what are you doing?

    Moving away I saw Jake standing there holding Bryce’s arm and Bryce look shocked and angry at the same time, his eyes were blazing in anger directly at Jake. He ripped his arm out of Jake’s grasp How dare you touch me. I should rip your throat out for that.

    I could see how tense Jake was, but he stood his ground against Bryce, he said with a calm voice No harm comes to the Queen.

    Bryce screamed WHAT?

    Father ignored Bryce’s scream Jakob, what are you doing?

    Jake took a step in between Bryce and me and said looking at our father Father, on our trip here to Westchester Liv appointed me her Guardian.

    Bryce screamed BULLSHIT, THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN.

    Father sighed Jakob are you telling the truth, did Olivia really appoint you her Guardian.

    I have no idea what Jake is talking about because I don’t remember doing that, but Jake nodded Yes Sir she did. It happened after Bryce punched in her in the face, he also tried to rape her out in a field.

    I could hear Bryce growling and I was expecting him to freak out, so Father jumped in, he turned to me and asked Olivia is Jakob telling the truth? When you were on your way back here did you appoint Jakob as your Guardian? What do I say? I can’t say no it didn’t happen but what if I do say no, what will happen to Jake but if I say yes what happens too. In the werewolf world when someone becomes King or Queen they appoint specific duties for some of the wolves. The Guardian is the position of someone that the King or Queen trusts and they are the protector of the King or Queen at all costs. My father’s eyes narrowed as he asked Olivia?

    I glanced quickly at Jake and his eyes were wide with fear and I don’t know what happened inside of me but instead of fearing my brother I wanted to protect him because I don’t know what Bryce will do to him if I said that Jake lied so I looked to my father It’s true. Jake is my Guardian. There is another position in the werewolf world and it’s the assistant to the Queen or King and this assistant helps with planning things that need to be done and help with other stuff plus they are the Queen’s closest confidant, so I continued And I appointed Casey as my assistant.


    Father looked into my eyes Olivia, are you telling me the truth?

    I nodded Yes Father.

    I’m not sure if he believes us or not but he said Okay, Jakob is your Guardian and Casey is your assistant. His eyes moved to Jake’s Jakob I think Olivia and the baby need some rest, so you can take her upstairs to get her situated and I’ll stay here. Jake nodded and grabbed my back pack from Casey, we turned to head up the stairs and when I walked past Casey I could see built up tears in her eyes, I think she was truthfully terrified of what was going to happen to Jake. As we started up the stairs with Jake behind me I heard my father say Casey honey, Marissa is starting lunch maybe you can go give her a hand. Eli you need to take Maxwell to the doctor to get fixed up and Maxwell I would like to know how you got shot.

    Bryce yelled Liv shot him. Sir they are lying to you, I can’t believe this. I’m the King in training and I’m being disrespected. Jake blatantly disrespected me in front of these wolves he needs to be punished. Then there is Liv, she’s pregnant and by a human, she has tainted your blood line Sir, she will be giving birth to a Mutt.

    Just as we stepped onto the landing Father

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