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Med-Chains & Covid-19: Innovative Solutions for Pandemics
Med-Chains & Covid-19: Innovative Solutions for Pandemics
Med-Chains & Covid-19: Innovative Solutions for Pandemics
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Med-Chains & Covid-19: Innovative Solutions for Pandemics

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MED-CHAINS & COVID – 19: Innovative Solutions for Pandemics is the groundbreaking new book by Dr. Eyong, offering the medical community new insight into COVID-19 and previous pandemics. Rather than quarreling over the inadequacies and inconsistencies of current pandemic practices, Dr. Eyong's new book offers his tangible and innovative solutions on how to approach, analyze and handle a pandemic crisis. His thoroughly researched approach to pandemics employs the expertise of respected medical researchers, acclaimed scientists, and innovative medical device developers across the industry. By employing their combined medical wisdom, Dr. Eyong provides feasible solutions for preparing, managing, and the ultimate goal of preventing a pandemic, such as COVID-19, from occurring in the future. This book will be available in ten languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Latin, and Japanese.

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All proceeds from the book will go to charities that help kids who lost a parent during this pandemic.

Release dateDec 5, 2020
Med-Chains & Covid-19: Innovative Solutions for Pandemics

Ebot Eyong

Dr. Ebot Eyong博士は、E&E Medicals andConsultingの創設者兼CEOです。高度な医療機器向けのフルサービスのエンジニアリング、規制、および販売会社。Eyong博士は、生物医学エンジニア、品質保証、および規制コンサルタントです。彼は10年以上にわたり、世界の医療機器企業や規制当局がヘルスケア業界で成功を収めるのを支援することにキャリアを捧げてきました。彼はまた、世界中の医療機器規制の調和のための強力な支持者です。

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    Med-Chains & Covid-19 - Ebot Eyong

    This book is dedicated to my two beautiful daughters, Arielle and Arlyn, and my lovely wife, Cynthia. I also want to dedicate it to my mother, who poured all she had on her children with much resiliency and sacrifice.





    COVID – 19 Pandemic


    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)


    Medical Supplies

    Geo-economic Challenges


    Rights of Fulfilment during Pandemics


    Re-engineering during Pandemics


    Medical Devices Regulation

    Harmonization Challenges


    Integrating Pandemic Management


    Demand Management Style


    Hospital Capacity Management


    Reimagining Healthcare for Pandemics








    e are living in odd times, given the current Covid-19 pandemic caused by the spread and contamination of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A pandemic of this magnitude caused a third of the world's population to become infected with the H1N1 virus a century ago, in 1918, with an estimated fifty million more deaths when compared with mortalities of the first and second world wars.

    SARS-CoV-2 is an infection that can occur for two days to two weeks without symptoms in the human body and, in some cases, for the entire life of the infection.  The COVID-19 pandemic tells the world a human death tale and medical supplies' unavailability to rescue lives.

    Bookish innovative ideas are discussed by most news outlets, social media, and medical workers to compensate for the lack of funding. For example, some healthcare workers have worn garbage bags in the absence of hospital gowns. One thing is undeniably real; our healthcare professionals do not have personal protective equipment (PPE) in times of greatest need to protect themselves and provide patients with the best treatment urgently needed.

    Forecasts from the Center for Healthcare Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) have shown that there is still a shortage of hospital beds and therapeutics even though adequate protection measures are pursued.  It is an inconvenient truth that raises a challenging question: Why does the world experience such medical supply shortages to fight the COVID-19 pandemic?

    These shortages in most medical facilities and regulatory challenges affect the medical device industry and healthcare systems. Even though a few predicted it, the novel coronavirus pandemic seemed to have started by surprise.

    Once exclusive to the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epidemic has gone from a news headline to the talk of every country, media house, community, and professional debate. In a noticeably short period, it is being rated as the fastest disease outbreak in memory. Coronavirus has ushered market failures, where high demand for medical supplies is met with limited supply. It is now a competition for manufacturers and distributors to set new terms and conditions for purchasers. This involves high financial risk payment terms, such as upfront fees, of up to 50%. The balance is due when the goods leave the warehouse.

    Over a short period, the emerging economic model has substantial advantages in its offing, particularly for the global market's wealthiest economies. It is exacerbated by the panic buying of people from high-income countries. The disparity has complicated the whole issue and reduced access to affordable and quality-assured medical supplies for countries in the low and middle-income categories.

    The Zika virus caused defects and neurological issues to thousands of infants. The Ebola virus had a significant impact, particularly in West Africa.

    A total of about 45000 cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and 16000 deaths were reported in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Medical experts suggested that the lack of medical supplies and PPE led to an increased rate of infections. Since then, nothing has significantly changed, putting millions of healthcare workers and patients on thin Covid-19 ice.

    Med-Chains is about the interrelations and challenges faced by countries in finding solutions during pandemics. The effects of disruptions within the healthcare system and the activities that lead to shortages in medical supplies, regulatory challenges, government interventions, re-engineering, and geo-economic consequences during a pandemic are relatively connected. The COVID –19 pandemic reveals both the interconnections and cracks in healthcare systems. Med-Chains presents a compelling case for strengthening the global response to pandemics at both international and national levels.

    According to credible sources, the economic disruption caused by COVID 19 is in the heights of 35 trillion dollars. The same study estimates show that the next pandemic could be prevented at about 130 billion in the next two years. These estimates are not without error bars, but they provide a perspective from the preliminary findings relating to the urgency to prevent, protect, and respond to such a crisis. In all, the need to strengthen research and development for vaccines and other diagnostics remains imperative.

    This book examines advances in solving pandemics, recognize gaps with outstanding healthcare systems' challenges, and encourages all stakeholders to consider such challenges during system improvements. The corresponding chapters focus on building strong response systems, robust detecting mechanisms, and developing healthcare systems with provisions to handle and maintain services invaluable to the public. All these efforts aim at answering a straightforward question: How can we make sure a pandemic of the scale of COVID-19 never happens again?


    COVID –19 Pandemic



    he new coronavirus, named SARS-COV-2, is the leading cause of the disease called COVID-19. Discussing the origin of the virus, its spread, comparing it with other diseases caused by coronaviruses, and measuring these diseases' severity is not just relevant but essential. After nearly ten months since the beginning of the pandemic, some people still do not understand its gravity.

    What is a coronavirus?

    Coronaviruses are a sub-class of the virus family with crown-like spikes on their surface when viewed under the microscope. Many forms of coronaviruses are already in circulation within animals and the human body.

    Dromedary camels were associated with the virus causing the Middle East respiratory system (MERS) in 2012. Below is a list of global pandemics in memory.

    The first reported case of the novel coronavirus (2019-NCOV) was in December 2019, in Wuhan, the Hubei (China) capital, where approximately 11 million people live. While the emerging virus origin is unknown, most of the new cases were associated with the Huanan seafood wholesale market. Substantial data suggest that this virus is associated with bats, but it remains to be proven.

    Coronaviruses affect the respiratory tract, breathing passages, or the airways. Mild symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue.  Difficulty in breathing is a severe symptom. For MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and SARS (Server Acute Respiratory Syndrome), there have been cases of acute illnesses that lead to death.

    Currently, it is proven that not all COVID-19 suspected individuals display symptoms of infection. Based on the limited data available, the aging population and those with underlying healthcare conditions suffer the most fatality of the disease. 

    The virus has infected people from more than 215 countries within a short period; by November29, 2020, it had infected more than 60 million people, and over one and half million deaths were registered.

    The death rate surge created a sense of urgency, rushed scientists, biotech entrepreneurs, and engineers to develop coronavirus tracking and distribution models, diagnostic tests, and redesign medical equipment to respond to the global pandemic. The conventional modes of transmitting respiratory viruses occur through droplets or aerosols. Smaller particles join to form aerosols and travel farther distances. Infection by contact involves touching infected objects and contact with infected persons. The disease has been determined to be airborne.

    Unless drastic measures are taken to improve efficiency and effectiveness in preventing the virus from spreading, the growing need for better healthcare services has overwhelmed the current healthcare systems. Thus, it is difficult to deal with the current healthcare crisis, let alone mentioning future ones. Apart from the complexities in supply chain management, there are many players and moving parts in the process. Med-Chains contributes to widening our understanding of healthcare systems, medical supplies, personal protective equipment, pharmaceutical, and regulatory challenges as tested and strained by the novel coronavirus pandemic outbreak.

    Detecting the Virus

    Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading expert in infectious diseases in the United States of America, said earlier in April that the inability to monitor COVID-19 rapidly and effectively is a failure. Pathogens that emerge and re-emerge require a multidisciplinary approach to achieve their surveillance and detection. These key pathogens' complexity with their diverse tissue tropisms and multiphasic immunological responses goes beyond basic modern medicine. A combined medical history analysis, clinical signs, and physical examination might include a differential diagnosis list, which depends on the approach implemented.

    Laboratory methods are vital to recognize an etiologic agent from testing clinical samples, like blood, nasopharyngeal swab, serum, etc.

    -Wun-Ju Shieh

    Today's medical microbial and infectious disease are key factors, which combine with traditional microbiological procedures, conventional immunology research, and modern molecular methods.  However, there are logistical and technological problems related to these approaches, and sometimes there is no clinical or pathological connection to the test findings.

    Detecting Techniques

    Modern pathology techniques involve a morphological pattern recognition method and a traditional wide array of advanced molecular and immunological techniques. These include both traditional methods and new modern methods, which permeate into more spheres of modern medicine. These methods cannot stand alone to detect a virus and complement each other since they all have their advantages and limitations.

    A careful evaluation must also be reached to establish their status as a necessary laboratory assay or a diagnostic test to detect the virus using these techniques, saving time, effort, and money.

    Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay

    PCR amplification has become a common practice in most pathology labs, especially when it comes to the detection of emerging viruses. It allows for high sensitivity, gives rapid and accurate results since molecular identification enhances definitive conclusions. Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) samples would allow for effective diagnosis even if the culture were not initially obtained from a biopsy or autopsy when processing the microbial virus.

    PCR involves isolating microorganisms' nucleic acids by using gel electrophoresis, restriction endonuclease enzymes, and other nucleic acid hybridization methods.

    Sometimes when unknown etiological viruses are concerned, degenerate primers are employed in PCR amplification at reduced stringency. This allows for multiple pathogens to be detected simultaneously. It also ensures rapidity, accuracy, and versatility. What has made PCR so accurate and feasible is the usage of 16S Ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA). The pan-eubacterial has a wide range of sequences obtained from the 30S subunit of the prokaryotic ribosomes, which helps in detecting even unknown bacterial or viral specimens.

    The availability of this wide range of sequences allows bonding sites for universal PCR primers. Complementary chains can provide a sound analysis of the etiological strains by comparison to the known sequences. However, like other techniques, this technique also

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