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Salt Water
Salt Water
Salt Water
Ebook170 pages47 minutes

Salt Water

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In her debut poetry collection, Brianna Wiest pioneers a new cross-genre of writing. Through her freeform approach, Brianna’s words artfully illustrate our deep connection to the natural world as well as to ourselves, distilling the essence of wisdom into lines that are sure to touch your heart and open your soul.
Release dateDec 4, 2017

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Reviews for Salt Water

Rating: 4.7368421052631575 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Never get tired of reading her words. I find myself audibly gasping when sentences and stanzas resonate with my soul. Never stop writing!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Absolutely beautiful. She has written the secrets to finding a good life in element, gorgeous snippets.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of the best books I’ve ever read!, absolutely amazing!

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

Salt Water - Brianna Wiest

"Salt Water is a slow deep breath, in and out. It sits in a new genre of poetry, somewhere between artistic self-expression and candid self-help. It is a meditation on acceptance, growth, and what it means to be human. Salt Water is the note you wrote to yourself years ago, which you find again when you most need it, that reminds you ‘it’s going to be okay.’"

—Lee Crutchley, Author of How To Be Happy, Or At Least Less Sad

"There are too many words to write and too many things to say about the power of Salt Water. What I can say is that I cried, made many noises of epiphanies, and felt as though I was reading the words of my soul, written down on a page. To say this book is about enlightenment would be an insult. It is the awakening of self, the seeing of light, the acceptance of darkness, and the choice for greatness just as it is right now, within each and every one of us.

—Dionna Chambers, Spokesperson, Motivational Millennial, Creator of Dream Series TV

"With every page I became more convinced that Salt Water is the book you’re going to see everyone with next year. The poems are solid, simple observations that get at the universal. For anyone with questions, Wiest’s poetry offers a new, wholesome perspective, a way to ‘see the fractures as the design.’"

—Chrissy Stockton, creative and partner at Thought Catalog and author of We Are All Just A Collection Of Cords

Brianna Wiest does it again. Fantastic writing of poems that are simple in nature, yet give great depth when it comes to thoughts and emotions. Loved reading each poem, as it provided something unique each time.

—Faiz Aly, CEO of Aly Media

Copyright © 2017 Brianna Wiest. All rights reserved.

This book was designed by KJ Parish and published by Thought Catalog Books, a publishing house owned by The Thought & Expression Company. It was printed in Berlin, Germany and was published in an edition of 2,000 copies.

ISBN 978-1-945796-75-3

To S.B.

Part of you pours out of me in these lines from time to time.

I am freed by the same mind that traps me.


Letting go

Is not releasing

It is allowing

What already is

I thought becoming myself

Was improving each part

Piece by piece

But it was finding

A hidden wholeness

Seeing the fractures

As the design


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