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Dead Woman Driving — Episode 3: Dog Days: Dead Woman Driving, #3
Dead Woman Driving — Episode 3: Dog Days: Dead Woman Driving, #3
Dead Woman Driving — Episode 3: Dog Days: Dead Woman Driving, #3
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Dead Woman Driving — Episode 3: Dog Days: Dead Woman Driving, #3

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Kate Hastings is back in Episode 3 of the Dead Woman Driving serial novel. Kate, with the help of her mentor Sue Wright, tackles her first job for her new employers. The job seems easy enough — the simple retrieval of a stolen dog. But as Kate already knows, nothing is ever as easy as it seems, and the job quickly turns into an emotional roller coaster.

PublisherThe Novel RV
Release dateDec 9, 2020
Dead Woman Driving — Episode 3: Dog Days: Dead Woman Driving, #3

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    Book preview

    Dead Woman Driving — Episode 3 - Sue Ann Jaffarian


    A Serial Novel






    Sue Ann Jaffarian




    Kate Hastings had learned early in her life that rarely is anything as it seems on the surface. There is always something kept from the light. A truth that might be lurking beneath the surface like a hungry alligator. To accept something blindly was foolish at best. In some circumstances, it could be life-threatening.

    So, this job is simply about snatching a stolen dog and returning it to its owner? Kate asked.

    Seated in her truck next to Sue Wright, Kate stole glances at the elderly woman as she drove. Last night Sue had given Kate a brief run down of the job they would be doing for Bill and Sharon Hopkins. It would be her first job for them. Kate was glad they’d sent someone to show her the ropes. It seemed easy enough on the surface — retrieve a stolen show dog. Kate had spent much of the night thinking about the hidden part of the seemingly simple task. Last night Sue had given her only a sketchy summary, saying she’d fill Kate in tomorrow. Today was tomorrow and Kate wanted more information.

    I don’t buy that, Kate said after Sue gave her a shrug.

    They were driving to the town where the dog was supposedly being held. It was about fifty miles from their campground. Today they would do reconnaissance; checking out the situation, location, any patterns to the dognapper’s behavior, so that they could carry out the mission quickly and efficiently. It was about 7 when they started out this morning.

    I’m guessing there’s much more to this than what you’re telling me in order for Bill and Sharon to be involved, Kate added.

    Sue cut her eyes to Kate. You’re a smart cookie. Just as Ozzie said.

    You knew Ozzie? Kate asked.

    Sue nodded. From time to time we would meet up and camp together.

    Kate remembered Ozzie saying he had female companions on the road. Were you one of Ozzie’s girlfriends?

    A short guffaw escaped Sue’s lips. We were just friends. Ozzie did have some special lady friends, but I wasn’t one of them. I prefer women.

    Oh, Kate said, slightly taken aback.

    Don’t worry, sugar, Sue said with a laugh, you’re not my type.

    Anything else I should know about you? Kate asked. You know, since we’ll be working together.

    I’m eighty years old, Sue answered, Originally from Florida, and have been on the road full-time for just over five years. Three of those I’ve worked for Bill and Sharon. In fact, it was Ozzie who recruited me. Chips and soda are my vices, Sue added with a chuckle. Sometimes chocolate. I don’t drink or smoke or do drugs, so there’s little else left at my age besides food. I like to hike and ride my trike. That about sums it up for me.


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