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The Wish: Dear Santa Christmas Romances, #6
The Wish: Dear Santa Christmas Romances, #6
The Wish: Dear Santa Christmas Romances, #6
Ebook123 pages1 hour

The Wish: Dear Santa Christmas Romances, #6

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Acting as event coordinator at the exclusive Lodge restaurant is a feather in Chrys' cap, but she didn't bargain for the abrasive woman in charge of the reception. However she finds an unexpected champion in the Lodge's handyman.

Chrys' friend Anna has a tough decision to make. Owner of the book store in the mall, she may have to close her business if the mall owners don't permit her to use a lifeline which just might make her financially viable. Little does she know that her daughter will enlist the help of a stranger.

A gentle, heartwarming Christmas tale of love and trust.

PublisherMona Ingram
Release dateDec 16, 2020
The Wish: Dear Santa Christmas Romances, #6

Mona Ingram

Mona Ingram loves to make up stories and is the author of more than four dozen romances. Most mornings she can be found at her computer, trying to keep up with the characters in her current work, many of whom invariably want to go off in a completely different direction than she planned. But that’s the joy of writing. An avid bird watcher, Mona is particularly happy when she can combine bird watching with travel.

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    Book preview

    The Wish - Mona Ingram

    Dear Santa

    Christmas Romances Series


    The Wish


    Mona Ingram


    Elizabeth Mackey Graphic Design

    About this series:

    Dear Santa is a series of sweet Christmas romances in novella-length. These short reads are ideal for an escape during those busy holiday moments.

    Copyright © 2020 Mona Ingram

    All rights reserved.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locations is entirely coincidental.


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen


    Chapter One

    Chrys was frowning at the menu when Anna breezed into the restaurant, snowflakes sparkling in her dark hair.

    Why the scowl? she asked, tossing her coat onto the bench and sliding in.

    They don’t have the tuna melt anymore. Is nothing sacred?

    Anna chuckled. That’s more than a few years ago, my friend. Times change. She looked around. Remember how we used to come here when we had serious decisions to make? We thought we were so grown up. She picked up the menu. And now look at us.

    Yeah. By the way, how’s Abby?

    Anna lowered the menu and smiled at her friend. Fine. I missed having her with me at the store today. She spent the day with Mom. They were going to go Christmas shopping.

    Along with the rest of the world. Was the mall busy today?

    Are you kidding? Christmas is three weeks away. She paused. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were no ups and downs in retail? Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the seasonal business, but it’s not getting any easier to make a living.

    Same here. I love being a florist, but I was checking my sales graph the other day and it’s easy to see the peaks at Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc. She looked up as their server brought coffee. Thanks, Sandy. Is it okay if we take our time and order later?

    Sure, just give me a shout when you’re ready.

    Chrys blew on her coffee. I was thinking about our friendship today when I was at work. How we got busy with our own lives and drifted apart after high school and then met up again last year. It was as if no time had passed. She looked across at her friend. And both of us ended up owning a retail business. How weird is that?

    No kidding. Although you were always interested in flowers, and I was a bookworm. Back then, when we were teenagers, e-books weren’t as popular as they are today. I think if I could have seen into the future I might not have opened a book store. Not to mention in a mall, where they control so many aspects of the operation.

    No luck with your request?

    Anna sighed. Afraid not. You’d think I was asking for the moon when all I want is to display work by local crafters.

    What’s their objection?

    They keep bringing up the non-compete clause, which is ridiculous. There are no vendors selling crafts in the mall.

    I don’t get it.

    They claim that selling crafts in my store would compete with pop-up stands in the mall.

    Chrys frowned. But there aren’t any pop-up stands either. And even if there were, those things come and go.

    Exactly. The mall is owned by a large developer back east. Jill has made all the arguments but they’re not inclined to budge.

    Jill. That’s the woman who works in the mall Admin office, right?

    Yes. She’s super nice. She even went so far as to explain to them how the book business has changed. They administer malls across the country so they probably know that but she thought she’d try. She told them that I might not survive if I don’t have another income stream, but they’ve turned a deaf ear.

    Chrys put down her coffee cup. Is it that bad? You might have to close?

    Unfortunately, yes.

    You seem awfully calm.

    Do I? I guess I’ve had a while to think about it. The change has been gradual, not that it makes it any easier to accept.

    So what’s next?

    Anna forced a smile. First of all, get past Christmas. And then take another look at where I stand. My lease expires at the end of March, so there is that...

    What would you do if you have to close?

    I don’t know. The thing is, I really like selling books, and I think local crafts would be a great addition. Bring new customers into the store and support local vendors at the same time.

    Chrys nodded. Let’s hope they see the light.

    Amen to that. How about you? Business-wise, I mean.

    Chrys thought for a moment before responding. Do you ever get a feeling about something you’ve agreed to do? That odd little prickly feeling that you might regret it?

    Not recently, but I know what you mean.

    Yeah, well I’ve agreed to be the local coordinator for a fancy party on January 2nd, and Jessica Bradley – the woman who hired me – is already getting on my nerves.

    People get antsy this time of year.

    True, but this is more than that. She actually told me that she’d prefer to work with a ‘real’ event coordinator, but that I would have to do since she couldn’t find one.

    And you didn’t tell her to take a hike?

    It was over the phone; she caught me by surprise. Chrys took a sip of her coffee. It’s a big payday for me, plus a lot of the town big-wigs will be attending. The men may not notice my efforts, but their wives represent a lot of potential business for me.

    Good point. What’s she like... otherwise?

    I haven’t met her yet, but from our conversations, I picture her as a little rich girl. Demanding, but at least she’s clear about what she wants and is willing to pay for it. She’s from Vancouver, which is why she needs someone here to do the coordination. I’m meeting her tomorrow, as a matter of fact.

    Where is the big event?

    The Lodge, which is another reason I want to do it. The most exclusive venue in Nanaimo and they always close for the month of January right after New Year’s, so I’ll have access for a couple of days to decorate. The Chef from The Lodge is doing the food; they must be paying him well. I’ve never had a meal there but I hear it’s amazing. Anna looked away and Chrys sensed something was bothering her friend. What is it?

    The Lodge. That’s where Jeremy took me to tell me he wanted a divorce. It was just like in the movies where they go to a public place so the other party won’t make a scene. Anna’s smile was pained. It worked. I just sat there in shock. I can remember looking around the room. There were candles on the tables and I couldn’t figure out why they were all blurry. She dabbed at her eyes with a napkin. See, I’m doing it again... crying.

    I’m sorry Anna. I didn’t know.

    I don’t know why I’m crying now. It’s been almost three years.

    "You’re well rid

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