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Empath's Emotional Intelligence Guide: How Sensitive People Can Build Emotional Resilience, Be Mentally Strong and Build Better Relationships
Empath's Emotional Intelligence Guide: How Sensitive People Can Build Emotional Resilience, Be Mentally Strong and Build Better Relationships
Empath's Emotional Intelligence Guide: How Sensitive People Can Build Emotional Resilience, Be Mentally Strong and Build Better Relationships
Ebook131 pages2 hours

Empath's Emotional Intelligence Guide: How Sensitive People Can Build Emotional Resilience, Be Mentally Strong and Build Better Relationships

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About this ebook

Do you ever feel that people always seem to push your buttons, and not in a good way? Perhaps you end up getting upset over little things and lose all self-control as a result? You might be an empath. Most empaths need to work on their EQ and create the mechanisms required to cope, thrive, and lead a life of emotional stability.

Relationships can be tricky when your personality and emotional affinity affects friends, family, and colleagues. There is a better way to interact with those around you without unbottling your emotional genie at every turn.

Empaths are people with deeper intuitions, a more developed sense of caring, and sensitivities to the needs of others. This can create conflict situations and cause you to feel emotionally burned out and mentally drained.

Only one to two percent of people are empaths, and they exhibit their empathy and emotional intelligence in unique ways.

Discovering your emotional resilience equips you with strategies that help you face each day with physical, mental, and social strength. If you are ready to make the decisions that influence your abilities and shortcomings—then this is the read of a lifetime.

Learning how to participate in and handle social interactions is one of the most challenging tasks for empaths as their emotional radars are always on maximum; however, it can be done.

Whether you simply seek to improve and define your relationships with others or work on your relationship with yourself, this book is for you.

Inside this book, unlock:

1.) A better understanding of your emotions

2.) The daily life of an empath

3.) Emotional intelligence and how to use it effectively

4.) The strengths and weaknesses of an empath and how to live with the awareness of yours

5.) How to improve your emotional resilience and develop coping strategies for your interpersonal interactions

and much more!

Become mentally strong, make better decisions, and react in appropriate ways without wasting energy or losing control.

Being an emotionally mature empath makes for a great companion. Having a free spirit and being truth driven means you will be able to live in every life situation with authenticity and clarity.

You can reduce your confusion, feel with more certainty, and enjoy each moment without compromising who you are. Knowing which careers suit your emotional awareness can help you trust your choices, create growth opportunities, and stay positive in life.

Release dateDec 30, 2020

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Readers find this title to be a great read for empaths, offering a better understanding of oneself and providing different perspectives to think about. It is especially helpful for struggling empaths, as it describes their experiences and offers support.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Brilliant book. I didn’t realize I was an Empath until every chapter described my life..

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Best book I’ve read about empaths to this day. Every chapter offers a different perspective for you to think about.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A great read for all the struggling empaths out there!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    With this book I understood my self better. It explains things that I felt and now I have a word for it. It gives me an out view how can I be more while also understanding why do I feel those certain boundaries which I cannot explain before. This book is great for empaths who wants to have an understanding to theirself.

    1 person found this helpful

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Empath's Emotional Intelligence Guide - Mrs. Ashiya


Sensitive people care when the world doesn’t because we understand waiting to be rescued and no one shows up. We have rescued ourselves, so many times that we have become self-taught in the art of compassion for those forgotten. - Shannon L. Alder

The other day I was told I am overly sensitive. It happened after I heard that a friend dropped their dog off at an animal shelter because their new landlord does not allow pets on the property. The poor puppy is being punished even though it did not do anything wrong. My friend had a tough time making this decision and it traumatized her greatly. I started to cry when my friend became emotional about losing her dog. The whole situation makes me sad. When I told my boyfriend about the situation and maybe adopting the dog, he told me I was being silly and should stop getting emotionally involved in these types of circumstances.

Have you ever been told you are ‘too’ sensitive or that your emotions are out of control? Yes? Then you might be an empath. An empath is someone who attracts both joy and stress into their lives through daily interactions with those around them.

Empaths share common experiences throughout their lives. We are highly sensitive beings who feel emotions deeply. Sometimes it is our own emotions and sometimes we experience the emotions of our friends or families. Some individuals describe this emotional affinity as being like a sponge because we absorb the feelings of fellow human beings. Unfortunately, this situation is not always great because some empaths feed on the negativity of others. It can lead to feeling upset or negative or even depression. Empaths should learn how to handle these emotions.

Empaths often cope with emotional baggage through time alone. Everybody needs time away from society, but empaths use this time to recharge and stabilize inner peace. Empaths find nature appealing when they require some peace. Animals especially play a big role for empaths. They turn to pets for comfort in difficult times. So even though empaths feel strongly, they have great coping mechanisms to continue their passions.

Famous Empaths

You are not alone in this world even if empaths often feel lonely. There are many examples of empaths throughout history. Mother Teresa lived frugally to ensure the well-being of many individuals in Calcutta while following strong Christian beliefs. Similarly, the Dalai Lama heads up Buddhism and strove to liberate humanity without any violence. Spiritual leaders often have a strong passion and intuition, which makes them empathetic characters.

Politicians may be empaths. A famous political empath is Nelson Mandela who fought for freedom from the apartheid regime in South Africa. Mandela endured great hardship as a child and suffered in prison for his political beliefs. His persistence paid off when South Africa saw an end to the freedom struggle in 1994. Barack Obama is another political empath that fought for all people to be equal. Obama often puts himself in the shoes of others and encourages society to do the same before passing judgment. A political agenda may be rooted in empathy and strong empaths can steer the political field with well-developed skills.

Empaths are found in the media industry too. The British author, George Orwell, saw colonial brutality while working as a police officer. His experiences led him to dress up as a vagrant and live on the streets to understand the people and what they go through better. As an empath, Orwell later wrote a book about his time on the streets and other books reveal additional injustices of society. Another empath is the actress Hilary Swank. Swank became a prevalent empath after starring in a 1999 film about a transgender person. Her role shed light on gender issues and Swank became a spokesperson for this cause. Empaths affect society greatly and can bring about change.

Many Roles for One Person

Empaths have many roles in society. Empaths are sometimes classified into certain categories based on their abilities. An empath may tune into the physical characteristics of a person like feeling pain when a friend has a headache. Other empaths pick up on the emotions of others whether it be happiness, sadness, or something in between. Oftentimes an emotional empath has a strong sense of intuition. They know what is going on—some people call it a gut feeling. Empaths that have vivid dreams may be able to interpret their meanings or even give insight into the dreams of other people. Empaths have a wide range of special abilities that some might consider to be superpowers.

Other empaths are categorized according to their attraction to nature. An empath with a green thumb often attunes to plants and takes great care that their plants flourish. Plant empaths value a fruit or vegetable garden and often live off their own produce. A greater focus is possible for earth empaths who consider the entire universe. These empaths can forecast natural disasters, weather, or other occurrences happening throughout the world. Of course, most empaths feel an affinity to animals. Empaths often have multiple pets and treat them equally to humans. Many nature empaths change their eating habits and become vegans to avoid animal cruelty. Any damage to fauna and flora hurts empaths a lot. Empaths touch every part of life and are very important for a balanced world.

What type of empath are you? Do you lean more to people or nature? There is no right or wrong type of empath. Every empath is unique in their own way. Knowing what type of empath you are makes it easier to use your gifts productively. It gives you a sense of purpose and belonging. But, you need to learn how to control your emotions to work for good. Empaths with high emotional intelligence have a big impact and live out their passion.


Empaths are complicated individuals. We need guidance from time to time and this book intends to help you live a fuller life as an empath. After reading this book you should understand yourself better and have the tools to take control of your life. Building emotional resilience happens when you have the right strategies to deal with changing feelings. Once you manage your emotions, you can use your empath strengths in all your daily interactions. How will you achieve this confidence? Simply read the chapters in this book and apply the principles to your life.

Empaths have a strong sense of self. We will dive deeper into this knowledge and consider what empaths experience every day. Understanding your character and other empaths help in being a better person. It should help in identifying any shortcomings you may need to work on. Specifically, emotional intelligence is a term many people know and has exceptional importance to empaths. It is valuable to know how empaths exhibit emotional intelligence. There are both strengths and weaknesses to an empath’s emotional intelligence.

Luckily, there are strategies to build your emotional intelligence further. Improving emotional intelligence assists in becoming mentally stronger. Empaths often have energy-draining experiences and you need to know how this affects your life. There are many ways to avoid falling prey to a negative mind. These emotions occur from many walks of life including friendships, romantic relationships, and in the workplace. Life is a roller coaster but empaths thrive in adversity. Are you ready to exploit your empath gifts?

Chapter 1: Empath Explained

There are many tests on the internet that determine if you are an empath. If you are reading this book, then you probably already know the answer to whether you are an empath. But just to make sure, answer the following questions with a yes or no:

●  Has someone said you are too emotional or sensitive?

●  Do you feel sad when an acquaintance is sad?

●  Do you celebrate when someone is happy?

●  Do crowds drain your energy?

●  Do you spend time away from others to recharge your energy?

●  Have you engaged in negative activities (for example, binge eating or hurting yourself) when stressed?

●  Are your relationships taking over your life?

●  Do other people turn to you for your emotional support?

Now total up the ‘yes’ answers. Answering yes to less than three of the questions shows you have empathy but you are not necessarily an empath. If you have more than three yes answers, then you are an empath without a doubt. The more you answered yes too, the stronger your empath abilities. So how does your empathic ability affect your personality?

Empaths are phenomenal human beings. An empath understands the emotions of other people and tunes into these feelings so strongly that it affects their own lives. They are strong, compassionate, consider their impact on all aspects of life, and strive to make a difference. But empaths also have their problems. Empaths are emotional, tend to hide, and often disagree with others. Some people believe empaths have a paranormal gift due to their hypersensitivity to emotions. These things make empaths special.

A Day in the Life of an Empath

Every day is a new opportunity for an empath. Well-established empaths have set routines for emotional and

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