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5 Success Mantras of Financial Distribution Business
5 Success Mantras of Financial Distribution Business
5 Success Mantras of Financial Distribution Business
Ebook71 pages4 hours

5 Success Mantras of Financial Distribution Business

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About this ebook

In India, financial distribution business has been a widely practised profession. Life insurance agency or stock broking has been age old professions. Mutual fund agency has also become very popular career. Financial distribution business comprises all the above and many more. So it is a vast profession, and requires a lot of expertise.
Overall this book provides necessary guidance to learn and excel, for all existing and upcoming financial distributors or wealth managers.

Release dateDec 30, 2020
5 Success Mantras of Financial Distribution Business

Kaushik Sen

Kaushik Sen, has been working in the financial markets since 1995. He completed his MBA Degree, with finance as specialisation, in first class, from Pune University. He has worked as Area Manager at Bonanza Portfoilio Limited ( A stock broking firm ) for a brief period. He has also studied technical analysis and fundamental analysis and has been stock market Analyst and was also a member of Association of Technical Market Analysts (ATMA).

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    Book preview

    5 Success Mantras of Financial Distribution Business - Kaushik Sen


    In 1995, just after completing my class 12, I had joined the financial industry by taking up agency of Life Insurance Corporation of India. My sole objective at that time was to gain some experience, while continuing my studies. Never had I imagined at that time, that I would find my full time profession in the financial markets.

    While working in the financial markets, I had the opportunity to meet and interact with lot of professionals working in the financial markets. Some were working part-time, and some full-time. What I understood was that there were lot of gaps in the knowledge and awareness level of the financial advisers. Some of them came as they had no other option. Some of them came as their father, grandfather were into this business. But many of them did not realise the need of knowledge about financial markets to be successful in this profession.

    So this book is written to educate the financial advisers and distributors, so that they can guide their clients well.

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    Financial Distribution


    Financial distribution business refers to the distribution of financial products like loans, mutual funds, insurance, loans & so on.

    Theoretically, financial distribution business refers to the selling of financial products to clients and end-users. Financial distributors act as intermediaries between the principal company and the client.

    Practically, the financial distribution business includes much more than the selling of financial products. It involves need analysis, advisory and after-sales support, apart from upfront sales.

    A client wants to invest in mutual funds. There are various companies offering different types of schemes. The official role of a financial distributor is to sell one, two, or three schemes to the client, collect the cheque from the client, and submit the cheque to the company. But the big question is that who is going to decide, which scheme is good for the client, whether the equity scheme is good for the client, or the debt scheme is good for the client. And herein comes the role of advisory and creation of awareness.

    A financial distributor is expected to explain all the advantages and disadvantages of various schemes to the client. On the basis of the knowledge imparted by the financial distributor, the client is expected to decide which scheme is best suited for him or her. And this entire exercise constitutes financial distribution

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