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Pastor Holy Whore
Pastor Holy Whore
Pastor Holy Whore
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Pastor Holy Whore

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Pastor Holy Whore explores religion and the church with voodoo laced prayers on the mouths of church members and hallelujah dances of pleasure at the Church of Nature.


Patience is a shell of a woman who comes alive when finding Mami Wata. Mami Wata hears the prayers of those who serve her and answers from the waters with a mysticism filled with voodoo, animism, and rituals.


Once Patience realizes she can have it all, she sets out to help the women of her village and her son. Passion, desires, soft touches, and more exist in the Church of Nature. The worship of pleasure continues at Patience's son's church where exhibitionism takes center stage next to the Bible and prayer. 


Worship has never looked like this. Churches take on another form of life. Leave your inhibitions at the door. The doors of the church are open and church is in session. 

PublisherLatoya Brown
Release dateJan 18, 2021
Pastor Holy Whore

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    Pastor Holy Whore - Sondae Love

    This is a work of fiction, and the views expressed herein are the sole responsibility of the author. Likewise, certain characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events or locales, is entirely coincidental.


    Pastor Holy Whore

    Published by: Hype Managem3nt ([email protected])

    January, 2021 by Sondae Love ([email protected])

    Cover Design by: Tamara Natalie Madden,, Full Circle: A Photo Exhibit

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and articles. Thank you for supporting the author’s rights.

    Published: January, 2021

    Printed in the United States of America

    ISBN: 978-0-9796214-6-8

    Pastor Holy Whore


    Sondae Love

    Struggling Flower

    It was normal for Patience to check her wallet to see if the little pieces of paper were present. After checking her wallet, she would check the secret area where she kept enough money to get on the trotro, if the need ever came about.

    One day after finding that her wallet was empty, but the rest of the belongings in the house were present, Patience thought a robber came in. Later she would find that her new husband had taken the money. During the day Patience looked everywhere for her money, retracing her steps outside and even walking the pathway to her home. Did she drop it? Did someone get it while she was at the market? How?

    In the evening Kojo came home in a huff. Patience had become accustomed to his standoffish manner. They greeted each other and Patience set about preparing his food. The two did not talk much as they were falling into the routine as it was culturally accepted to do so. Conversations were few and far between. It was just two people who happened to be married. The other parts of being human were not culturally acceptable. When Patience found her mind wandering, hoping for conversation or just to know what Kojo was thinking, she would think back to when they first met. When they first met Kojo knew what to do in order to get Patience’s attention. He knew she loved sweets so he would find a way to get her a piece of chocolate.

    Kojo had hazel eyes. In a village of dark skin with dark brown eyes, he stood out. The ladies were always waiting and wanting his attention. It was normal to see a few ladies wanting Kojo’s attention, but he was not the kind of young man to want the attention of just anyone. And for those he did, he played the game well and the ladies only cried and went about their way. There was no need of making a scene once the young lady had already laid down with him. Kojo was cunning in that way and knew the mindset of his culture. When he met Patience he was ready to have a family. All of the parts needed for the two to get married were in place. Besides, Patience was a quiet and obedient woman who would stay home, have his meals ready, wash his clothes, and soon enough have his children.

    Their wedding was a cultural one full of all of the bustle as other weddings: Kente cloth presented, bitters, food, and the ceremonial pictures taken. Patience could never recall any sweeping feelings about Kojo, she was only doing what any good African woman was supposed to and just getting married. She looked forward to having his children.

    In the present day, Kojo changed. He no longer had to find chocolates for Patience. To him, he had already paid the dowry for her and the courtship was over. They were married now and it was time to settle into the role.

    Patience sat near to her husband to share about her money loss. Before she could finish, Kojo admitted he was the one who took it. The manner of which he said it was carefree and as if it was his to begin with.

    The African culture seemed to always overlook it’s women. Patience knew this. Women would always complain about how their husbands were stealing money from their purses in order to place bets on games. Patience was taken aback. Normally she would not question Kojo’s actions. He came and went as he pleased. He left her house money to use for whatever was needed at home. This new act from him triggered something within Patience.

    Patience was not familiar with the feeling that washed over her. It was a stir that washed over her body as if she were turning red. She wondered if Kojo could see it just as she felt it. On the surface Patience only swallowed her soup and nodded her head as if she understood. No questions, no comments, just the two eating in silence.

    Patience would come to find that Kojo had a habit of taking her money. If she stayed all week at the market, by the weekend’s end the money would be spent. Unfortunately, he had a gambling problem that was slowly leaving Patience and their household with nothing. The house money he used to leave became smaller in amount. In turn, Patience had to stay at the market longer and make certain to bargain harder for the fabrics she sold. She began to get worried and would always be in silent prayer wishing for an answer.

    The house was already humble in it’s appearances. The home had been in Patience’s family for years, but there was no furniture except in the two bedrooms. In each bedroom there was a thick mattress on the floor and a lamp. In their bedroom there were clothes in brown boxes because they could not afford to buy a wardrobe. On one side of the room was Patience’s 4 pairs of shoes and next to hers was Kojo’s 3 pairs of shoes. The outdoor kitchen was made of bamboo and had a fish stove for when Patience wanted to dry her own fish, 2 mounds of red clay for frying and cooking, and a few buckets for washing the dishes and fetching water. The little shower was also outdoors - a grey colored cement stand with a bucket and dipping bowl for throwing the water on your body. It was normal to move in

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