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The Prevailing Power of God's Word
The Prevailing Power of God's Word
The Prevailing Power of God's Word
Ebook69 pages1 hour

The Prevailing Power of God's Word

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In this intellectually stimulating publication, Ndileka Ndamase echoes the truth that it is a normal but distasteful behaviour for Christians to blame God where things go wrong in their lives. This book intends to direct them to always do introspection, first. Are you in the pathway of God's will? if so, then what is the reason for God's Word not to work when you employ it? There are principles that are set out to give guidance herein.

By following these principles, you will observe that the Word of God still wields power as it is. This will help all Christians to deal with the world around them shrewdly as alluded in Luke 16:8.

When Ndileka Ndamase was studying her LLB degree, she experienced difficulties with the Constitutional Law. Realising that she would not graduate because of it, she made a vow to God that she would study Theology if He could help her pass the course. Both terms of the vow were met. As she was studying a degree in Theology she became so fascinated in knowing much of God's ways that she always wanted to share the Word with people worldwide. Writing this book is the commencement of that spiritual journey.

Release dateJan 19, 2021
The Prevailing Power of God's Word

Ndileka Ndamase

In these intellectually stimulating publications, Ndileka Ndamase echoes unveils spiritual principles that are set out to give you guidance in all your endeavours. By following these principles, you will observe that the Word of God still wields power as it is. This will help you as a Christian to deal with the world around you shrewdly as alluded in Luke 16:8.When Ndileka Ndamase was studying her LLB degree, she experienced difficulties with the Constitutional Law. Realising that she would not graduate because of it, she made a vow to God that she would study Theology if He could help her pass the course. Both terms of the vow were met. As she was studying a degree in Theology she became so fascinated in knowing much of God's ways that she always wanted to share the Word with people worldwide. Writing these books is the commencement of that spiritual journey.

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    The Prevailing Power of God's Word - Ndileka Ndamase


    Prevailing Power


    God’s Word

    Ndileka Ndamase

    Published By Ndileka Ndamase at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2021 Ndileka Ndamase

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the copyright holder.

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    Book layout and cover designed by Frequency Revelator

    For Global Destiny Publishing House



    Chapter One: Dissecting the True Meaning of the Word of God

    Chapter Two: The Purpose of the Word of God

    Chapter Three: Obstacles that Hinder the Word of God from Prevailing in Our Lives Today

    Chapter Four: Divine Principles on How to Make the Word of God Work in Your Life

    Chapter Five: The Power of Faith in Unlocking the Potency of God’s Word in Our Lives

    Author Profile


    To God Almighty, I thank You Lord for having me on this earth. In all the hardships and sufferings, You are still God. But remember, we always ask valid questions based on who You are as God. Thank You so much for Your guidance in this piece of work. I bless You too.

    I would also like to thank Ms Zodwa Ntuli, my sister in Christ and an attorney in Pretoria for her support. Young as she is; she knows what it is to stand on the Word of God and sift chaff.

    Chapter One: Dissecting the Meaning of the Word of God

    "For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the things for which I sent it.

    (Isaiah 55:10-11).

    As a child of God who has been part of the body of Christ for over 20 years, studying and engaging in the activities of the church, it has been a normality to hear preachers telling us that we must read the Word of God and then give us the book, its chapter and verse/s from the Bible. From this reference, I assumed that the Bible is the Word of God and that from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is compiled with the Word of God. Even so, it never left my mind to think about what the Word of God is and from what does it originate. This may appear foolish. However, besides being told to be obedient to this Word, perhaps what purpose does it serve in our lives? It is never too late to learn new things from the old ones to avoid perishing. Even in our country’s legal system, there is a doctrine that says ignorance is no excuse. Biblically, God says that people are perishing due to lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).

    In my view, the Word of God is the written law or instructions by which God rules over the kingdoms on earth and guides His people regarding how to go about with their individual lives to please Him as the ruler. It will give us more information if we look at the dictionary definition of the phrase, ‘the Word of God’ and if possible, to take one person who is a theologian to see how she or he defines it. According to the Dictionary, the Word of God is a manifestation of the mind and will of God. Adding to this, Mr Don Stewart defines it as something that God has decreed through the use of prophets.

    The origin of the Word of God is literally God Himself in that we have learned in the book of Genesis that He used His words to call things into existence during creation. He gave different orders to non-existing things by calling the name of the thing that He wanted to see in real life. Then that thing would appear, responding to God’s words. This information is contained in Genesis 1:1-31. Further, I have to go through the secondary sources of the Word of God. For instance, God gave His word to the prophets so that they spoke to His people on His behalf. He spoke to people like Moses personally as God Almighty at

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