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Johnathan Morgan at The Burlington School for Boys "The Terrible Troubles"
Johnathan Morgan at The Burlington School for Boys "The Terrible Troubles"
Johnathan Morgan at The Burlington School for Boys "The Terrible Troubles"
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Johnathan Morgan at The Burlington School for Boys "The Terrible Troubles"

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Johnathan Morgan returns to The Burlington School for Boys, its name has now been changed to Burlington School for Young Men, after ten years since he first graduated from the private boarding school. During those Ten years, Johnathan has earned a Ph.D. in Education with a Masters in Educational Psychology. When he first graduated from Burlington, he took some time off to travel the United states and during that time he invested his inheritance in renovating the Old Turner Mansion which played a pivotal role in his last year at Burlington. With additional property bought he funded the new Burlington School for Young Ladies, its program modeled after the Burlington School for Boys, offering the same opportunities founder Henry Burlington envisioned as a progressive preparatory school for Boys age 10 to 18 as a resident program. Ten your ago, Johnathan and his mates saved the school from closing at great risk to their lives. He made a promise that after he graduated he would come back after he finished college and teach at Burlington. If he thought his horrible troubles were over, the terrible troubles where just beginning. Johnathan ,with Dr. Banner, remember Dr. Banner, the FBI Profiler from our fist story where we introduced Johnathan Morgan and the Burlington School for Boys discover someone once again what the two schools ruined and closed. But William Masters our villain from that story is on death row. And Billy Masters is dead. So is behind these Terrible Troubles now. Why do they want the schools closed that they would go to extremes to poison kids at the school, to bomb the school, to go to extremes to close the school. Johnathan and the mates at the school must now discover the real motive behind these terrible troubles.

Release dateJan 25, 2021
Johnathan Morgan at The Burlington School for Boys "The Terrible Troubles"

Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III

I am a Award winning Poet, Writer, Artist, Sculptor, Pop Sociologist, an Inductee into the National Deans List, a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. I have been active in Community Service: Past Board Member of the Vine Neighborhood Association (3 terms), Membership Chair, Fund Raising Committee, Board secretary and interim Board Treasurer. Past member of the Recipient Rights Committee, County Mental Health Board. KVCC Public Museum Volunteer for 20 years. Involved in Community Theater for 50 years off and on most recent with the Kalamazoo Civic Theater since 1985. I have been apart of a Disaster Relief team for Hurricane Andrew in Florida helping feed 5000 people a day. I have be a home missionary worker with a local church administrating a shelter program for the homeless, Minister of the food Ministry, cook, and procurement of emergency food pantry items 1991-1992, I am a graduate of Kalamazoo Valley Community College 1998, Studies at Western Michigan University, Studies at Lansing Community College 1975, Graduate of Davenport College of Business 1974. Graduated Portland High School at age 21 in 1970. I was born in 1951 premature Twin with developmental issues, Learnings disabilities, and hearing impaired.

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    Johnathan Morgan at The Burlington School for Boys "The Terrible Troubles" - Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III

    Johnathan Morgan At the Burlington School for Young Men

    The Terrible Troubles


    Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III

    Copyright 01/25/2021

    Smashword Edition

    License Notes

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    Johnathan Morgan returns to The Burlington School for Boys, its name has now been changed to Burlington School for Young Men, after ten years since he first graduated from the private boarding school. During those Ten years, Johnathan has earned a Ph.D. in Education with a Masters in Educational Psychology. When he first graduated from Burlington, he took some time off to travel the United states and during that time he invested his inheritance in renovating the Old Turner Mansion which played a pivotal role in his last year at Burlington. With additional property bought he funded the new Burlington School for Young Ladies, its program modeled after the Burlington School for Boys, offering the same opportunities founder Henry Burlington envisioned as a progressive preparatory school for Boys age 10 to 18 as a resident program.

    Enrollment historically was open to those youth coming from families of wealth as an alternative offering these youth an education that would prepare them for contributing to society not as spoiled brats of wealth, but as leaders in society, future doctors, scientists, leaders of industry, Government leaders, Lawyers, and not just sitting on family boards taking advantage of wealth to misuse power in society. The Founder wanted to take the best of the family of wealth prodigies, who could achieve greater things then be a member of societies wealthy families. Rich kids who often found themselves in trouble and frankly having a fat head because of their wealth. The school offered advanced preparatory courses that would from age 10 to graduation at 18 give the boys a head start in a four-year college program often cutting short 2 years of a four-year program or Doctorate program from 6 years to 4 yours.. Courses designed to prep the boys and bring the best out of them educationally, and socially. Tapping their potential at an early age based on their IQ, and abilities that made them stand out at age 10 in a public school or other private schools.

    In the 85 plus years of the school’s history, the alumni have been Senators, Research Doctors, owners of successful Law-firms, Scientists making remarkable discoveries, or very successful businessmen. Many of the Alumni have sent their own sons or Grandson’s to Burlington School for Boy’s. A Burlington has been head master, from the son of the founder to his son. All successful men in their own fields retiring to run the school while their own prodigy where at the school as Mates a term that identifies them as students at the school. In the recent decade, the school has opened its doors to those who have been sponsored with scholarships, enrolling young boys who are or were less fortunate to come from a family wealth. The overall requirement now is having the educational potential and willing to be admitted at age 10 to start their education in a progressive setting. As long as the family could afford that cost, or earn a scholarship, the boy was expected to remain in the program until graduation barring breaking of school rules, failing grades, or financial restraints. Many of the mates at the school came from families of wealth with a long history of family wealth, and just as many where what you would call Families with new money, those who were successful as Doctors, Lawyers, in business, and elected government officials often alumni of the school. With a scholarship, a boy could transcend the issue of money when they had the potential based on intelligence and grades and came from a less fortunate economical family environment. Only 3 Scholarships have been granted in the last ten years.

    Regardless of old money, new money, or scholarships, the family dynamics varied in stability, divorces, dysfunctional family dynamics often related to old money wealth and new money wealth where working parents didn’t have the time to parent their sons. To busy making money. This dysfunctional dynamic often inherited and handed down from generation to generation the curse of wealth. Henry Burlington the founder, saw and recognized this dysfunctional dynamic and sought to offer a better dynamic for these sons, who often where shifted from private school to private school having their own issues with abandonment, or dealing with divorced parents, and multiple marriages. In the hope of breaking the mold and assuring the next generation had a better life through new progressive approaches to education that stimulated the young mind to see a better future. The school has had its up and downs throughout the decades achieving those goals.

    Which brings us back to Johnathan Morgan an 8-year-old orphan who lost both his parents in a tragic fire. Whose father was a common laborer, a black sheep of the Morgan dynasty, and the Johnathan’s Grandfather had lost his inheritance to bad investments and broke, dying and leaving his own son without a penny to call his own. Great Aunt Susy Morgan a spinster, and matriarch of the Morgan wealth suddenly finds herself straddled with her Great Nephew. Ill prepared to parent the boy after two years with the boy in her care, sends Johnathan off to the Burlington School for Boys, where her own late father, Brother to Johnathan’s Grandfather had been a mate at the school. Thus, another generation of Morgan’s at the Burlington school for Boys.

    Henry Burlington the Third, the Head Master, and his wife, Mary the school nurse, fostered the boy during his 8 years there at the school. In Johnathan’s, senior year, his Great Aunts dies, and leaving the boy her entire estate and the Morgan dynasty of wealth. Head Master Henry becomes Johnathan Trustee of his wealth until the boy turned 18 when he would have full control of that wealth. Ten years later, Johnathan now an adult, and the newest staff member of the school joining his Foster Brothers the twin sons of Henry and Mary, who with their wives, are now the new Co-Head Masters of the school. Their Mother and Father taking charge of the now ten-year-old Burlington School for Young Ladies. Mary the Head Master, and Henry teaching a course for senior girls in Introductory Law.

    The Twin Co-Head Masters William and Tomas, with Williams twins sons and Tomas son are now entering the school as 10-year-old’s. The Twins, William and Henry, and their cousin Tomas the same age with only a month between in age. Their fathers also alumni mates of the school when their Grandfather Henry Burlington the Third was a new Head Master when their Fathers where seniors graduating that year. The newest Burlington’s at the school the Fourth generation to attend Burlington.

    Chapter 1

    First Day is not always the Best Day to Wake Up.

    It has been Ten years since Johnathan Morgan graduated from Burlington School for Boys. Many of his fellow graduating mates have done well for themselves. Harry Miles his roommate for many years at the school went on to college to become a Biochemical engineer, in a field where he developed new ways to produce biochemicals from living plants, that would be used in biodegradable products, that could be made into everyday containers, that could then be recycled into a liquid fertilizer with similar properties of those hasher fossil fuel chemicals used in fertilizer’s and other products without the pollution factor. Reducing the demand on fossil fuel that took thousands of years to develop from dead organic matter. It opened up a whole new industry of farming and agriculture when the plant source was replenishable, renewable source of biochemicals.

    George Kribber, who started out an enemy of Johnathan, and later a co-victim of a brutal attack by the School bully. Fulfilled his desires to become an Architect, and HVAC engineer. His first big project was designing a new building, a state-of-the-art new educational building for the new Burlington School for Young Ladies. Johnathan kept his promise and bought the old Turner Mansion and added more property to it. With the old mansion renovated and two wings added. He financed the school from the sale of his Late Great Aunts estate and invested a great share of his new found wealth for the first five years of its operation housing 20 young Ladies under the same model of the Burlington School for Boys, its founder had developed. Given the times, it had changed the name from Boys to Young Men. Burlington School Trustee became the governing body of the new school from the start with Johnathan Morgan as its principal financial supporter. In its first five years the School for Young Ladies grew in size and new resident housing was added, then a Gymnasium, and the new Kribber Educational building Two years ago.

    Johnathan went on to graduate after nearly 7 years of college, earning a PH.D., in Education, a Masters in Educational Psychology and He worked Two years as an Educational Psychologist for a public school system. In the tenth years since Johnathan graduated from the Burlington School for Boys. He was welcomed back to the beginning of the fall start of classes by the two new co-Head Masters of the school William and Tom Burlington, the Twin sons of Henry and Mary Burlington. Among the new Middle group mates, was the Twin sons of William Burlington, Henry Burlington the Fourth, and his twin brother William, and their cousin Tom Burlington. Henry Burlington the Third and his wife Mary retired that summer to take on new positions elsewhere. Mary was now the Head Mistress of the Burlington School of Young Ladies, and Henry was in a teaching position teaching a course on the introduction of Law to Seniors girls of the school. Johnathan Morgan replaced Dr. Maggy Banner in her position as school counselor, who decided ten years ago, to retire from the agency as an FBI profiler and Agent, the summer Johnathan and his mates had graduated, and continued on at the school for boys.

    The Burlington School for Young Men had grown in those last Ten years to 135 Mates, with a new Resident Hall designed by George Kribber to house all the Freshmen, and Middle Group mates and room for more in the future. The Old resident hall was renovated to add more classrooms, labs, and additional administrative offices. The Old Residents rooms now housed the Junior and Senior group. The new Resident hall was located where the old athletic field had been, and new fields/bleachers built east of the Athletic wing. The new fields were also used by the School for Young Ladies for their Soccer team and sport activities. The two schools had become a boon for Burlsville economy with the added students, and teachers and staff requiring off campus housing. The property taxes, and sale taxes gave Burlsville an increased source of revenue to upgrade its infrastructure and add new businesses to meet the need of the towns growth.

    The first day of Fall at the school for Young Men saw staff and its new Co-Head Masters running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off. Edna Tucker had finally retired and went to sunny climes to enjoy her retirement. Johnathan found only 4 of the teaching staff still there when he left 10 years ago and a whole new staff of teachers and support staff. During his years at the school, he had met William and Tom when they visited during college breaks and with their wives s after they had graduated college. With their parents as surrogate parents for Johnathan they had always counted him as one of the family, and warmly welcomed their foster Brother back into the fold at the school. The first order of business before the new and old mates returned to the school for the fall was meeting with Johnathan and expressing how much they felt out of their depths as co-Head Masters. William had been successful businessmen, and Tom had followed into his Fathers footstep as a lawyer working at his Father’s former law firm as a junior partner. Their wives where stay at home moms when the babies had arrived retiring from positions in Williams business as an office manager, and at the law firm as a law clerk.

    Running a school for a Young Men was way out of left field for them. The wives admitted having 135 boys in their charge was a far cry from raising twins and one son. But being expected to foster 132 boys was frightening to say the least. They asked Johnathan relying on his training, and the fact he was an alumni mate, how they should go about dealing with the administration of these boys education and life at the school. Johnathan reminded William and Tom that they were once mates here as well.

    Please Johnathan don’t remind me. William said. I remember how much trouble I gave my Grandfather and then my Father as a mate here. Are you telling me that I can expect to have 135 mates constantly needing a firm hand on the backside and hundreds of demerits passed out daily?

    I agree with Willy here, we must have caused our Father much grief in our senior year here when he took over as Head Master after Grandfather died. Tom stated.

    I am reminded of something your Father said that summer day when your mother announced to him your women were expecting their first grandchildren. It was at the traditional private party for new graduates. He was giving us his usual toast in this very cottage. If I recall it started out, You are all my sons in my heart, and I hope these last few years have shown you how much I care about you. I toast to you future, and may you have sons of your own who will enroll here, so that the next Head Master can enjoy the telling your sons, just how good you were as mates here. If I am lucking one of my son’s will take that position when Mary and I retire. Better yet, may we see a grandson here for me to terrorize as the Head Master as my Father terrorized me, and his Father terrorized him." Then your mother spoke up.

    Excuse me Dear, I was going to save this news for latter. I got a phone call this morning from our son William. Our daughter-in-Law June is expecting Twin boys, in 7 and half months and Tom’s wife Sarah is due around the same time with a boy as well. I do believe in 10 years or so, you will get your wish. Maybe we can convince our twins to co-Head Master then. Now wouldn’t that be a terror. Mary stated.

    What, for our future grandsons, or for our sons as Head Masters? I do recall William and Thomas did a good job terrorizing us both. Henry recalled.

    Now dear, as I recall you did a good job playing Warden, Father, and Head Master. Who was terrorizing who.

    Your Mother reminded your Father that he wore many hats very successfully. When I came to this school you two had been in your last year here. Your Father has always shared some of the adventures he had as a mate here and how many times his Father had to wear those same hats as Warden, Head Master, and Father. Growing up here myself, I may not have been the worse mate your Father had to deal with, and he would also share how in that last year you two where here, you gave him some grief too. But the hats he wore then was as your Head Master of the school, and then as your Father. Where Warden was more the hat you gave me to wear. Has your Father, he had to be a bit harder on you so as not to show favor over the other boys. He even once told me that he may have at times

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