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A Dominate Nightmare ( Book 11 )
A Dominate Nightmare ( Book 11 )
A Dominate Nightmare ( Book 11 )
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A Dominate Nightmare ( Book 11 )

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Liberia Princeton. An overnight writing sensation that broke records within her first year in the writing industry. With her signature writing style that separates her from the competition, she finds herself living her most intimate moments in the public eye. Being the only daughter to a high profile Lawyer has always come with its setbacks.

A book she wrote in private while in her freshman year of high school holds the most detailed feelings her heart once felt comes back full force without a warning. Did she predict the future without knowing? They say to watch what you say because your words can become your reality.

Everyone has to pay for their mistakes. Even if your last name is Okawmmay.

X'ari Stone Okawmmay is a man with a serious reputation. Known for his playboy college days of having only the most beautiful women with him on the red carpet, unlimited amounts of money at his fingertips, and the bragging rights of handsome genetics. On the outside, he loved the attention and luxurious lifestyle.

One drunk mistake cost him everything. A ruined reputation, business deals, broken relationships, and the peace to go as he pleases without being called a rapist. At 38 years old, Stone is months away from serving 10 years for a rape he didn't commit. The sad part? He meets the love of his life. But, will she feel the same when she finds out exactly what happened to the man the world now hates, or will she fight for not only his rights but for the ones who've also been unfairly accused the same way?

The Mafia can be a tricky world, can they survive their experiences?

Release dateFeb 5, 2021
A Dominate Nightmare ( Book 11 )

The Buffness Diaries

The Buffness Diaries - Creator of the #1 Best Selling International African Mafia book series. A 60x Best Seller with 10 number 1s | 110 books, 2k Chapters, 1M+ Words, and 5M views. The Day and Night Series has sold in 23 countries to date, and has Pending Awards ? Every story has been turned into a book/story from my own Diary Entries. I put my life, fantasies, fears, insecurities and wishes into books. ♡I hope that you can take away from at least one character and book within the series. Learn from them and apply it your future. Remember: you're worthy of respect, love, honor, peace and happiness.

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    A Dominate Nightmare ( Book 11 ) - The Buffness Diaries

    A Dominate Nightmare

    Author: TheBuffnessDiaries

    Cover Credits: Photo by Photo by Vladimir Fedotov


    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book Review.

    First Written: 5/13/2017

    First Publish: 2//5/2021

    Previously Titled: Mr. Dominates Virgin


    A man is judged when he has everything, he's judged when he has nothing. He's judged when he makes good decisions, he's judged when he makes a mistake.

    Sometimes living the fast life can be rewarding, the luxurious materialistic items that you get to show off. The unlimited amounts of money at your fingertips, the beautiful women on your arm but you realize they're only there for the wrong reasons. They don't love you, they don't value anything about you, they just love the idea of being with someone with status.

    There's a price to pay when you live a lifestyle like this one. You create enemies, you upset people without knowing, and sometimes they come back to take everything you've worked so hard for.

    Chapter 1 | A Time To Remember

    Liberia ( POV )

    The warm sunshine beamed through the double doors in my bedroom, sitting at my vanity holding my favorite pen in my right hand, grazing outside looking at the sunflowers placed on my balcony seal. Reminiscing of all the memories I had from high school and college.

    My pen glazed against the silk paper my mother gifted me from Italy.

    Dear Diary,

    It was a cold and rainy day when I realized what a mean girl was. I walked into the locker room to change for PE, a group of girls was talking about one of the seniors on the football team. Talking about how attractive he was, what they've done with him after practice, and everything else you can imagine.

    After they made a very rude and smirky remark about me being a virgin and how you can tell by the way I was conserved and shy, I went home and wrote in my diary. I put everything I wanted in a man in that book. I listed every trait, good and bad. I know he'll never be perfect but he can be perfect for me and that's all that matters.

    Someone who embraces my shyness, someone who loves everything about me. Understand that I'm not perfect, but I try to be the best version of myself I possibly can be. He's patient with me, he doesn't pressure me to do something I don't want to do. He waits for me to make the first move and follows, that sounds like a fairytale doesn't it?

    Hey, girl! are you here? Come on, we have to get ready for our flight. It leaves in an hour Jordan shouted from my living room

    I'll be right there

    I closed my balcony, locking it. Made sure everything was unplugged from the outlets. I have this fear of things catching on fire after I watched a horror movie last month with Jordan. I grabbed my bag walking down the stairs to the living room, Jordan was waiting for me with yogurt in his hand. I hate that stuff!

    Are you excited!? I can't wait to touch down in London, this is the perfect time of year to enjoy the good weather and the good food. Of course, I'm excited for you too, we're going to Author Week he smiled

    I am. just nervous, I always have a hard time interacting with people

    You'll do great, come on


    lights flashed before our eyes, Jordan held on to me like the support best friend that he is. He kissed my temple with a gentle smile on his face. I've had to explain to many people that he's gay and we're just best friends. We've been best friends since middle school. Our mothers grew up together, after one playdate at 5 years old, we instantly connected. That's how we met. He's been my best friend, my protector, and my security blanket ever since.

    Liberia! You look beautiful! Who are you wearing tonight? Are you excited for Author week? Who are your favorite authors right now? What are your plans moving forward? Your fans want to know, when will we get book 20? Have you found your prince charming yet?

    All of these questions were being thrown at me left and right, I normally never answer any of them because people twist your words. If I mentioned that I love an author at the moment then someone will release an article with the headline that says, I only like one author, and the rest of them are shit. It was always hard being my mother's daughter, she's a famous lawyer who's created tons of enemies all around the world. I grew up very privileged, very rich and I got picked on for it. All I ever wanted were friends, the only one who didn't care about how much my parents were worth, was Jordan.

    I love Jazz Kale. He's a wonderful author, his poetry gets me through a lot of my tough times. I'm excited to meet a lot of authors this week. I'm wearing a custom piece that Vera Wang made for me. A dark red jumpsuit made of nylon and spandex. My shoes are from Dior, my diamonds are from Zales and my makeup is done by myself. I have not found my prince charming, maybe one day I'll be able to write a book about him. As for my 20th book? I don't know, I'm taking a break for right now. By the end of the year I'll be able to tell you when that book will be available, thank you

    You always handle things like a boss! Let's get some champagne, maybe some Hors d'oeuvres? I'm hungry and thirsty. I could use a vodka tonic right now Jordan smiled

    Lord! I followed Jordan into the closed-off section designed only for authors and writers. I saw some of my great associates. We weaved at each other, putting on a friendly smile. This industry is very cut-throat, you write one book and it becomes a bestseller, all of a sudden the other authors pick you apart as to why you didn't deserve it. The critics will eat you alive, even if you have thousands of people leave you five-star reviews. A critic will always say what could have been better but they have never written a book themselves.

    There's Nathan. What is he doing here? Jordan asked

    He's a writer, Jordan. He can be here

    He rolled his eyes, Make him leave

    I grabbed a glass of champagne walking towards the open Library. Hi, Liberia. it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you over the last year, I'm inspired by your work ethic. You print out 19 books in just two years! That is amazing, I know that some of the critics have left you terrible reviews but I just want you to know that many upcoming writers are inspired by you including myself

    My heart smiled, every time I get a compliment about how much I've inspired someone it makes me want to do more. I love hearing that my works have pushed other people to be the best version of themselves.

    Thank you so much, that means a lot to me. I'm honored that someone like myself can motivate others, it's nice to meet you too. What's your name?

    She smiled, Janice Jones. I'm not a romance or erotica writer like yourself, but I do write about adventure and mystery thrillers. The interview you gave a couple of months ago when you talked about the hardships of being in the spotlight? That inspired me a lot, I learned so much from that interview. It can be a scary thing

    I'm thankful. I'll be sure to read one of your books. I don't consider myself an erotic writer. I just love the idea of love, I love romance. I love for it to have an adventurous, mysterious feel to it

    I hope you'll like it. Thank you

    Jordan walked over to me holding a creme brulee. When does it start?

    It's already started. over the next several days we will explore the city and attend many different projects. I intend on experiencing my very first Showcase with one of my favorite psychology writers. You'll probably not want to attend but it's fine, did you speak to your boyfriend? I mean your ex-boyfriend?

    Don't get smart. No, I didn't

    Hey, I was thinking we should plan a summer road trip?

    Yes! I'm down for that-

    The buzz in my clutch startled me. I grabbed my phone quickly answering.

    Hello? I answered

    Honey? It's Mom. I-Grandma had a heart attack. We're going to the hospital now

    My chest filled with a burning sensation, anxiety, and fear followed.

    I-I'll be home as soon as I can I whispered

    What? What happened? Jordan asked

    With tears in my eyes, I whispered the words, My grandmother had a heart attack. I have to go

    Chapter 2 | Swollen Eyes

    Jordan ( POV )

    I'm devastated to hear about her grandmother passing away. We rushed back as fast as we could, her family was shocked as all of us were. We had just spoken to her grandmother about going to get coffee when we came back from London. She was so happy and proud of Liberia. I can't even imagine what she's going through right now, her grandmother was everything to her. Her biggest supporter, her biggest fan and now she's gone. She was so healthy, she exercised everyday and maintained a healthy body and mind. She was only 65.

    The funeral is in a few days, I told Liberia that I would handle everything at the office for her while she's planning things with her family. The Press got a hold of this, for the most part, fans have been pouring in support which is needed especially during times like this.

    I opened up an email quickly scanning through the words, I became shocked that a publishing company in France wanted to buy her catalog. They're offering her 20 million dollars, that's a big deal.


    I looked up to see Liberia wearing sweats standing in the doorway.

    Hey, what are you doing here? I told you to stay home and rest

    I needed to get up and get some fresh air. I decided to come to the office and check on you, how's everything going?

    This girl can't take 5 minutes away from work for anything.

    I was just going through your emails. A publishing company in France wants to buy your copyright for 20 million dollars, when are you signing? I chuckled

    Eh- I'm not selling my copyright. 20 million dollars is a lot of money, but that's also the amount that some of these big-name authors have received for one book. 19 books of mine and you offer 20 million dollars? That's generous, I just don't feel that right now is the time to sell anything

    Maybe she's grieving? 20 million dollars for 19 books? I'm pretty sure they can make a deal where she still owns 60% but I'm not going to say anything. She knows what she wants to do and I support her decision.

    Alright, no matter what decision you make I'm always here for you

    Thanks, Jordan

    Oh, Block Out magazine wants to feature you in next month's issue. A new writing magazine that gives lots of first-time writers and authors a platform to share their works. They can only afford to offer you $5,000 for the feature, I told them money is never a problem for you

    She nodded with sad eyes, Yeah, I'll think about it. I just wanted to come by and say hi, thank you for taking over everything. Hopefully, I'll be back to work in a few weeks, I'm glad that I took the time off because I couldn't edit a book right now if I wanted to

    I felt so bad, I gave her a hug feeling her body break against mine. Her grandmother was an angel, she helped me during some of my hardest times.

    I love you, Honey. You're such a strong woman, don't let anyone tell you differently. I'll be here for as long as you need me, besides I'm your assistant anyway I'm not going anywhere

    She softly smiled, Thanks


    Dear Diary

    Your funeral was today, you had an open casket as you wanted. Beautiful cherry blossoms with pictures of your loved ones surrounding you. You wanted this to be a celebration, you didn't want us to cry and feel sorry for ourselves because you were gone but to celebrate your life while you were here. You always spoke about giving people their flowers while they're here because when they're gone they won't be able to receive anything. I tried my hardest to be the best granddaughter I possibly could, I tried to cherish every moment that we shared.

    You taught me a lot of things while you were alive. You're basically my second mom, at times you were

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