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The Smart Woman's Guide To Travel
The Smart Woman's Guide To Travel
The Smart Woman's Guide To Travel
Ebook118 pages1 hour

The Smart Woman's Guide To Travel

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Travel Lovers, Look No Further! All in One Travel Guide, Planner and Journal!

The Smart Woman's Guide To Travel is for women who want to travel more, travel well and travel soon!


Here's some of the things you'll discover in The Smart Woman's Guide to Travel:

  1. Why planning can make or break your trip.
  2. How your personality affects your satisfaction with your travels.
  3. Why incorporating "one thing" into every trip will enhance your travels.
  4. Why you should always consider these 3 "C's" when planning your trip.
  5. The 7 things to consider when planning your trip.

Makes a great gift for the woman traveler in your life!

PublisherVikki Walton
Release dateFeb 26, 2019
The Smart Woman's Guide To Travel

Vikki Walton

Vikki has always had an inquisitive mind. Once she found the Nancy Drew series and later, Agatha Christie, she was hooked for life. Now as a mystery writer, she gets to be the one creating the clues and red herrings for readers. She's also a life-long learner and that has led to her writing of her expertise and experience in nonfiction books as well as leading workshops. When she's not traveling the globe, you'll find her in Colorado tending her gardens, chickens, and bees while thinking up a new murder plot. 

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    Book preview

    The Smart Woman's Guide To Travel - Vikki Walton

    The Smart Woman’s Guide to Travel

    Travel More. Travel Well. Travel Soon.

    Vikki Walton

    The Smart Woman’s Guide to Travel

    Copyright © 2018 by Vikki Walton

    All rights reserved

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

    Formatted by Rik - Wild Seas Formatting



    All the women who long for adventure.


    Maybe it’s genetic. Or it’s a need to venture beyond your current circumstances. For whatever reason, many people—and especially women—love to travel.

    For those women who simple adore travel, the idea of travel for you is invigorating, exciting, and something you love to do.

    Conversely, travel may seem like a far-off dream.

    Either way, I’m here to help you achieve your vision to travel.

    First, you’ll understand how planning can turn a good trip into an extraordinary adventure. Next, you’ll learn how to pick the best form of transportation and lodging that suits you and your desires best. You’ll also discover how the activities you want to do will help you create your perfect trip.

    You will be provided with some safety and health tips before and during your trip. And finally, you’ll gain insights into how to travel more, travel well and travel soon!

    Ready to get started?

    First, let’s begin with why you want to travel.

    There are many reasons women love to travel.

    Travel puts you there. If you’re a life-long learner like me, there’s nothing like standing where history occurred. Yes, in our technological age, you can read about it and see it on any number of visual screens any time you want. But seeing it in person is taking it to a whole other level. It can also change your perspective from what you’ve been taught.

    Travel can test you.

    The fact is, every day we get up and we go through our routine. We know it by rote. You’ll be surprised to find that even the simple act of figuring out how to turn on an appliance in a new country becomes an adventure. Navigating from point A to B will take you out of your comfort zone. Immersion in different cultures can be challenging. Traveling with others or traveling alone can be a challenge. Travel forces you to confront things that bother you about others or yourself.

    Yet, all those challenges are worth it!

    You meet people that would never have crossed your path at home. People you meet and experiences you share become memories you will cherish all your life. On travels, I enjoy interacting with people of different cultures, religions, and political beliefs. These experien-ces affirm and enlighten my own opinions. For those I disagree with, it is a good reminder of practicing respect and self-control.

    Travel can enchant you. You may find you fall in love. With yourself. Traveling solo can be one of the most empowering things you can do as a woman. Having to rely on yourself can be scary for some women. It’s when you realize how genuinely capable you are is the moment when you recognize your worth and power. Of course, you don’t have to travel to love yourself or to know your worth. It’s just that for some women it is a way to instill more profound self-love.

    Travels makes you appreciative. It makes you thankful of where you live and what you have. Far too often it is easy to take people and things in our life for granted. It is also a good reminder of things at home that might need changing.

    Travel occurs for many reasons.

    It could be that you want an adventure. It may be that you love the same daily routine which brings comfort and stability. But there is also incentive to break out and do something that has been a dream of yours for years.

    It may be that you need an escape from a difficult time in your life to grieve or gain perspective. Agatha Christie writes in her biography that she needed to remove herself from the familiar. She had been dealing with the death of her mother, the monumental task of cleaning out her beloved home, Ashfield, ill health to the point of a nervous breakdown and the dissolution of her marriage.

    Travel may be time to rest and relax away from the duties of home and work. Yes, it’s a cliché but I’m noting it here that the adage of women’s work is never done is true. For a woman, and especially for those who are mothers or care for others, there is no being away from work. You simply switch gears and move on to the next thing that needs doing. Going away is a time to recharge and to give yourself the gift of self-care.

    It can be a time of bonding of couples, families, or friends. Some of my favorite trips have been with my daughters and my friends. Family trips instill memories that last beyond the moment. Couples that take time to get away can find their delight and desire for one another renewed.

    You may seek to give back through volunteer efforts. Are you passionate about a particular area? There are so many ways that you can incorporate volunteering into vacation time.

    Last, it could be a time of celebration. A significant birthday or achievement is worth celebrating.

    What’s your reason for traveling? What’s your reason for not traveling more?

    Now that you’ve recognized why you want to travel and why you don’t travel more, let’s dig a bit deeper into what often holds you back from traveling or that limits the enjoyment of your trips.

    There are key areas that surround a trip. They are planning, transportation, accommodations, activities, safety and health. Let’s talk about planning for a moment. Being spontaneous is fun if you have all the time and money in the world. However, planning can allow you to enjoy your trip without having to spend your time worrying about where you’re going to spend the night. There’s nothing as frustrating as driving all day only to find yourself exhausted and unable to get a hotel room because of a big event that weekend.

    Planning also saves you time and money. Doing your research will help you uncover city passes that can provide you with travel on local public transportation and admittance into attractions. They often allow you to skip lines—thus saving you time—and may even include discounts with restaurants or other venues. In Chapter Two, you’ll get some insights into what type of a planner you are and how to choose the best method for planning for your personality.

    One of the things we never want to plan on is something bad happening. Unfortunately, bad things do and can happen. Some may be frustrating like your luggage not arriving at your destination for a day or two, others can be more devastating like being in a vehicle accident or having all your money stolen.

    Therefore, it’s imperative to prepare while anticipating that the well-thought-out scenario will probably not occur.

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