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Work Quilting
Work Quilting
Work Quilting
Ebook107 pages51 minutes

Work Quilting

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About this ebook


Do you need a new job or a new perspective?


The past years have shown us that having only one income can be a recipe for disaster. It's imperative to have multiple income streams and most importantly, to look forward to your work. Enter the idea of "work quilting." No matter what age you are or what stage of your life, you can begin to craft the life your desire using your unique skills and talents. 


When you think about work, what comes to mind?


 Drudgery at working just to pay the bills? Is your creativity stifled or are your skills and talents going untapped? Maybe you really enjoy your work, but you feel others get ahead while you're passed over for promotions. Or are you tired of juggling your desire to advance your career and maintain a home and personal life that supports you in mind, body, and spirit?


Maybe you simply don't know what you really want or how you'd go about it. Work Quilting will motivate and inspire you through simple tests and insights to achieve personal goals and success. Whether you seek to start a home-based business, publish your first book, or gain an additional income to prepare for unexpected life challenges or retirement, you will find the guidance to use your unique abilities to create the life you desire.

In this inspirational and motivational guide, you find out how to:

  • Discover what you really want in life
  • Transform your dreams into achievable goals
  • Determine which types of income streams are best for you
  • Learn the difference between a product or service offering
  • Make use of stacking functions to achieve more with less time and effort

Are you putting off living your best life until "later" or when you retire? Now's the time to break free and enjoy the abundance of a fulfilling life.

Want to know the kind of work you can do every day that makes you happy? Grab Work Quilting and discover what you really want.


The World of Work is Changing! As you may have noticed, the world of work is changing. You also may have challenged the worn-out notion of the Single Lifetime Occupation but are fuzzy about the options. Happily, Vikki Walton is here to help. In this useful guidebook, she offers the very tools you need to reconstruct a new career— a 'quilt' made of a variety of things that suit you perfectly. Spend time with Work Quilting and you'll have what you need to start a new adventure."

Barbara J Winter, author of Making a Living Without a Job


PublisherVikki Walton
Release dateFeb 8, 2021
Work Quilting

Vikki Walton

Vikki has always had an inquisitive mind. Once she found the Nancy Drew series and later, Agatha Christie, she was hooked for life. Now as a mystery writer, she gets to be the one creating the clues and red herrings for readers. She's also a life-long learner and that has led to her writing of her expertise and experience in nonfiction books as well as leading workshops. When she's not traveling the globe, you'll find her in Colorado tending her gardens, chickens, and bees while thinking up a new murder plot. 

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    Work Quilting - Vikki Walton


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    You never change things

    by fighting the existing reality.

    To change something , build a new model

    that makes the existing model obsolete.

    Buckminster Fuller


    To everyone who wants to live their life on their terms.

    Why I Wrote This Book

    They say that you can know what you should become by what you do when you’re a child.

    Years ago, I remembered how I loved drawing blueprints. While many kids were playing, I would sit for hours drawing out a blueprint of a home. Later in life, I would use this earlier passion to become a registered interior designer.

    While I thoroughly enjoyed spending other people’s money to help them decorate their homes and offices, I felt something was lacking.

    I began writing. I had no idea how to be a writer.  I started a writer’s group. Even though I moved away, the group continues to this day and has launched the writing careers of successful authors. 

    In my new home, I quickly became engaged in other creative outlets. I began to teach adults in subjects that I had experience—nonprofit fundraising and suburban homesteading. How’s that for diverse topics?

    One day I woke up and I was no longer in my 20’s. Or even in my 30’s. When did this happen? Life was passing me by at breakneck speed. I had more to do.

    But how could I do what I wanted—to travel more, to learn new things, to teach others, if I spent so much time working for someone else?  I couldn’t.

    And neither can you.

    Today is your day.

    You see, along my life’s journey I realized that what I love to do and what I have always really loved, is telling others what to do!

    I want to help you live the life you really want.

    To pursue the dreams, you’ve kept at bay for tomorrow.

    I hate to break the news to you but tomorrow may be too late.

    All you have is today.

    I’m not advising you to quit your job or run away from home.

    But I’m not going to advise you to not to either!

    Sometimes the best thing we can do is refuse to stick with the safe while not pursuing the possible.

    I see so many people dragging along in life, working for someone else’s dream, as the passage of time cuts away at heart’s desires.

    I see women, ill and dying of dreaded diseases who put their dreams on the back burner for a later that will never arrive.

    I see you ...wondering if there is a purpose for your life beyond the day to day trials of life.  Living a life that is comfortable but has you questioning why you’re not happy.

    This is why I wrote this book.

    For  you.

    I’m telling you what to do. Ready?

    Go for it!


    First, a confession.

    I’m not a quilter.

    I can’t sew. I did buy a sewing machine. It’s still sitting in my closet.

    A quilt is simply a visual representation of how to effectively piece together your passions to create a comfortable income.

    Now I’m using that analogy of a quilt, but you can use whatever makes sense to you. 

    But before we dive in, I want to ask you to look inside for a moment.

    Ask yourself.

    What’s holding me back?

    I challenge you to say this question out loud.

    This is the time for acknowledging your deep soul truth.

    Does something come to your mind immediately?

    For years I believed what I’d been taught.

    Go to school, get a degree, and choose a career path. That chosen career path is supposed to inevitably lead you to accomplish what you think you

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