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Ghost Kicker
Ghost Kicker
Ghost Kicker
Ebook53 pages44 minutes

Ghost Kicker

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In the future, criminals are sent to one of two places. The worst of the worst are sent to the city of Gehenna with no chance of return. Others are sent to Dusk City to pay for their crimes. But what happens when a Los Angeles cop is sent to Dusk - a world full of the bad guys that he put away?

Release dateFeb 17, 2021
Ghost Kicker

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    Book preview

    Ghost Kicker - Curtis Woodward

    The plane started to descend and a voice forced its way over the madness, screams and alcohol being consumed. Our boy Quinn sat at the back of the plane. Occasionally peering back down over the fifty or so brand new locals of Dusk City.

    You can tell the real criminals from the ones going looking for another chance.

    It was easy.

    There were lawyers and accountants, smartly dressed, trying to stay out of eyesight of the ones drinking furiously. The ones randomly jumping from their seats, headbutting windows and demanding more drinks. The scumbags were grateful they weren’t already going to hell. This was like Spring Break for them. Another chance to fuck another place up. Dumb fucks.

    This is your captain speaking, it began.

    We’re about ten minutes from Dusk City. It’s nice and warm for you down there. Please remember to buckle up and appreciate the safety of the person next you. And don’t forget it, this could be your last chance.

    That last sentence hit Quinn like a ton of bricks.

    Last chance.

    He put his headphones back on and noticed the man sitting next to him couldn’t stop shaking. Sweat trickled down the man’s face. His glasses barely hanging onto his nose. The man was neatly dressed. His green polo shirt tucked into his pants. It was the first time Quinn had actually really seen him on the two-hour flight.

    The man in the green polo, with his head firmly pressed back, shifted his eyes over to Quinn.

    I’m not a good flyer, he blurted.

    Quinn nodded.

    Can’t fly but you can rape a child, hey, you fucking pig rock spider!? a random voice ripped back from two rows ahead.

    The plane dropped quickly… the lights went out for a second.

    And then Quinn saw it out the window on the other side of the plane.

    A glimpse of Dusk City.

    It looked like a giant demon spewing buildings out of the dirt.

    Mega walls surrounded the city.

    It was Las Vegas on steroids and a whole lot of MDMA and not the best parts of MDMA.

    Quinn put his headphones back in and closed his eyes.


    Imagine going to Dusk City?

    Well, what if you’re a good person at heart, and you’re sent to Dusk City?

    How do you react or live or think you’re going to get back?

    What if something happens, out of your control, and you’re deemed to go onward to Gehenna?

    I’ve heard so many stories.

    But how many really lived in Dusk City?

    And if they were telling the truth… what did they see?


    I was happy once. My life was never simple and I am not going to sit here and bore you with stories of white picket fences, some stay-at-home wife named Betty Crocker or a labrador called ’Buddy’ that jumped all over me every afternoon as I close the door on my Mitsubishi Mirage or Toyota Camry and clumsily get my $10 tie stuck in the door.

    Fuck that for a life, anyway.

    This isn’t that type of story.

    Yeah I had a lady back home.

    I did have a dog when I was a kid too. My old man, probably drunk, once saw me having too much fun so he kicked the dog so hard, the poor bastard’s ribs almost came out its mouth.

    But this isn’t my story.

    It’s the story of a million other souls. Banished from the life they knew. For things they wish they could have taken back. Moments in time they wish they could change. Guilty of crimes not quite bad enough to send straight to the gates of Gehenna.

    In this world, in a time long after yours, those that commit serious crimes are sent in front of a ’Grand Deemster’.  

    It is here that your fate is decided for the first time.

    If you’ve got a minute, I’ll explain how this all works.


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