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Super Limón
Super Limón
Super Limón
Ebook69 pages51 minutes

Super Limón

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Versatile, irreplaceable, delicious, the lemon is really a little sun that fits in one of our hands; source of nutrition, health and well-being, also of beauty and home care in a completely natural way.

This book is an excellent guide to learn how this fruit has beneficial properties both for health and for different uses in our home.

My purpose is that by reading this book you understand that you have a very valuable resource, which is worth as much as gold in your hands due to its properties, and that you learn to take advantage of all its virtues; in our day-to-day life, this powerful fruit can be helpful in a large number of situations and can substitute for other substances, providing greater benefits in many others.

Release dateFeb 27, 2021
Super Limón

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    Super Limón - Pablo de la Iglesia

    Super Lemon


    Nutritional properties of

    this extraordinary health fruit


    Pablo de la Iglesia

    The author does not give advice or prescriptions, this work is for informational purposes and any change in diet or lifestyle is under the sole responsibility of the reader and the treating professionals.


    Multipurpose, irreplaceable, delicious, truly the lemon is a little sun that fits in one of our hands; source of nutrition, health and well-being, also of beauty and home care in a completely natural way.

    My purpose is that after reading this book, you understand that when you have a lemon and know how to take advantage of it, you have a resource that is worth gold as an ally for a life well lived; In our daily lives, this powerful fruit can come with help in a large number of situations and replace other substances providing greater benefits in many others.

    It is even an ecological alternative to replace numerous chemical agents such as stain removers or detergents; it should always be inexpensive, although sometimes market fluctuations have put its price through the roof. Therefore, to make it more ecological and economical, to those who have a piece of land, I always recommend that they plant a lemon tree, and if you do not have space, that you take the opportunity to give it to a friend or loved one so that its benefits spread over the entire face of the earth without barriers and impediments to their wide use.

    With regard to our health care, it is a food that can be used according to the needs of each one and with total respect for the integrity of each person. Although it implies the care of minimum precautions in some cases, it is simply a safe food in normal quantities and with preventive and curative benefits in all kinds of diseases; this is especially so for those who advance due to our disharmonious lifestyle and that cause more deaths around the world: cancer, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes and obesity.

    I'm not saying anything new, although many are surprised, but the truth is that - inversely proportional to what is usually said - we are not winning the war against any of these diseases, I would say that we are losing rather and by a wide margin. The healthcare system has become cold, inefficient, costly and dangerous. And I am not exaggerating on this last point; let me tell you with the words of a great homeopathic doctor and author of the book Sana sana, el negocio de la enfermedad (Sana sana, the disease business, -Sudamericana-), Mónica Müller:

    The synergy between the demands of the patient, the fatigue of the doctor and the pressure of the laboratory ends up making any healthy person a sick person and any sick person seriously ill.

    And why we have come to that? She explains it herself: 

    ... In the United States, where there is a whole discipline dedicated to statistics, it is known that more people die from the ingestion of drugs than from lung diseases, HIV, and even automobile accidents. It is the fourth leading cause of death. It is a very serious issue. I guess at some point this has to stop. Now how does it stop, I have no idea. In reality, we are dealing with what, until last year, was the second largest business after weapons. It has reached such a huge of uncontrolled point that I don't know how it can be stopped. For now, it seems to me that palliative measures can be taken, such as no more advertising of drugs or prohibiting the free sale of antibiotics. It is an uncontrolled world problem, as if there is no awareness of it.

    This abusive situation in the use of medicines is very well reflected in the section on antibiotics. These drugs have been valuable for a long time, saving millions of lives, however, the abuse of this resource has generated bacterial resistance to them and their usefulness is drastically diminishing; From the health establishment -particularly from the pharmaceutical industry- we are told that this puts us on the brink of the abyss and that common infections that today are easy to treat or that were until recently, can kill us again.

    This is not like this! In no way and we must avoid falling into panic situations induced by selfish

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