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La Palma a diferent way! Travel Guide 2020
La Palma a diferent way! Travel Guide 2020
La Palma a diferent way! Travel Guide 2020
Ebook132 pages1 hour

La Palma a diferent way! Travel Guide 2020

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1st edition 2020La Palma, the small Isla Bonita, is the greenest and most versatile Canary Island of the archipelago. The travel guide La a different way! 2020 brings you with numerous detailed maps and exact information to all highlights. Start with a detailed described city tour through the capital Santa Cruz de La Palma and let your discoverer heart beat faster. The main shopping street O'Daly leads you along magnificent buildings to the Plaza de España with the towering Iglesia de Salvador. Learn all about the important capital festival at the Bajada de La Virgen Interpretation Centre, which is held in honour of the island's patron saint. Visit the old market hall La Recova and the large island museum Museo Insular. Admire the wooden balconies Balcones Tipicos, which are the symbol of the capital, and take a breath of discovery on Christopher Columbus' Santa Maria in the Museo Barco de la Virgen. In Breña Alta, shop with nuns at the Monasterio El Cister and see how hand-rolled cigars are made at the Museo del Puro Palmero and Puros Artesanos. Bathe on the beautiful lava beaches of the popular town of Los Cancajos and smile at the legendary history of the twin dragon trees of San Isidro. In Villa de Mazo, visit the Corpus Christi Museum Museo Casa Roja, watch ancient Canarian pottery being made at Ceramica El Molino and visit the aboriginal caves Cuevas del Belmaco. At the southern tip you can enjoy fabulous views during a crater hike in the centre of Volcán de San Antonio and meet salt workers in the Salinas de Fuencaliente. Visit the new Centro Reserva Marina next to the Faro de Fuencaliente lighthouse and taste the excellent wines at Bodegas Teneguia. Be sure to visit the Casa Museo del Vino wine museum in Las Manchas, where you can taste and buy all the island wines. The newly opened Caña del Fuego explains the earliest volcanic eruptions on La Palma. Do not miss to book a guided tour through the dark volcanic cave. A guided tour will tell you the history of Tazacorte. Go to a banana plantation next to the Museo del Plátano or spot dolphins and whales on a boat trip from Puerto de Tazacorte. In El Paso, visit the silk museum Museo de la Seda and see the petroglyphs El Verde and La Fayana. From the Centro de Visitantes de El Paso you start to the world's largest erosion crater Caldera de Taburiente. After a shopping trip in Los Llanos de Aridane you will dive into the history of the natives in the archaeology museum Benahoarita. From the sleepy Tijarafe with its restored mansions, you will set off for the popular weekend market Mercadillo de Puntagorda. In the hippy village Las Tricias you will expand your knowledge in the vivid gofio museum MIGO and you will be impressed by the dragon trees and the cave Cueva de Buracas. Discover the secret rock carvings of La Zarza and La Zarcita and look out over the neighbouring islands of Tenerife, La Gomera and El Hiero from the highest point of the island at Roque de Los Muchachos. A visit to the astrophysical observatory La Palma should also be on your schedule. In San Andrés y Sauces you can splash around in the beautiful natural swimming pools of Piscina's Naturales Charco Azul, or visit the Aldea rum factory. Walk through the primeval laurel forests of Los Tilos and explore the nature trail through the Cubo de La Galga. The new El Tandal Archaeological Park completes your knowledge of the indigenous people. In the small village of Puntallana, the ethnographic museum Casa Luján with its lovingly designed rag dolls is one of the highlights and, like the Fuentes de Puntallana springs, is well worth seeing. Finally, let the day end with a glass of wine against the fantastic backdrop of the spectacular sunsets in Puerto Naos.
Release dateMar 1, 2020
La Palma a diferent way! Travel Guide 2020

Andrea Müller

Die deutsche Autorin Andrea Müller lebt seit 7 Jahren auf Lanzarote. Nach ihrem ersten Urlaub zog die facettenreiche Vulkaninsel mit dem milden Klima sie dermaßen in ihren Bann, dass sie sich nach mehreren Aufenthalten entschloss, dauerhaft auf der Insel zu bleiben. Um Urlaubern die einzigartige Faszination der gesamten Kanaren zu präsentieren, bereist Frau Müller seit 2013 die kanarischen Inseln und veröffentlicht diverse Reiseführer unter der Marke "mal anders!" Die Autorin legt gesteigerten Wert mit detaillierten Informationen und umfassendem Insiderwissen sowie hilfreichen Tipps, Urlauber gezielt über die Kanaren zu führen. Sie sagt: "Die Kanaren wollen eben entdeckt werden".

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    Book preview

    La Palma a diferent way! Travel Guide 2020 - Andrea Müller

    1      Imprint La Palma... in a different way! Travel Guide 2020

    2      The history of the Canary Islands

    3      LA PALMA

    4      City walk Santa Cruz de La Palma

    5      Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Snow

    6      Museo Camarín Virgen de las Nieves


    7.1      Monasterio El Císter

    7.2      Maroparque

    7.3      Museo del Puro Palmero y Museo de La Fiesta de Las Cruces- Tobacco Museum and Cross Festival Museum

    7.4      Puros Artesanos- Handmade cigars

    7.5      Mirador de la Concepción

    7.6      Iglesia San Pedro Apostol


    9      Dragos Gemelos- The twin dragon trees of San Isidro

    10      VILLA DE MAZO

    10.1      Ceramica El Molino

    10.2      Escuela de Artesania- School of arts and crafts

    10.3      Museo Casa Roja- Museo del Bordado y del Corpus Christi- Corpus Christi Museum and Embroidery Museum

    10.4      Templo Parroquial de San Blas

    11      Belmaco Cave Archaeological Park - Archaeological cave park Belmaco


    12.1      Bodegas Teneguia

    12.2      Artesania Artesol

    12.3      San Antonio Volcano

    12.4      Volcán Teneguia

    12.5      Volcanic Interpretation Centre San Antonio

    12.6      Bodega La Casa del Volcán

    12.7      Bodegas Carballo

    12.8      Faro de Fuencaliente

    12.9      Centre of Interpretation of the Reserva Marina

    12.10      Salinas de Fuencaliente

    13      LAS MANCHAS

    13.1      Casa Museo del Vino

    13.2      Wine and more: The history of wine growing on La Palma

    13.3      Plaza de La Glorieta

    13.4      Volcanic Caves Interpretation Center - Caña del Fuego

    13.5      Virgen de Fatima

    14      TAZACORTE

    14.1      Iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel

    14.2      City walk Tazacorte

    14.3      Museo del Plátano- Banana Museum

    14.4      Banana cultivation in Tazacorte

    14.5      Santuario de Las Angustías

    14.6      Puerto de Tazacorte- boat trips- dolphin watching and voting...

    14.7      Sugarcane cultivation in Tazacorte

    15      El PASO

    15.1      Museo de la Seda- Las Hiladeras- Silk Museum

    15.2      Mercadillo El Paso

    15.3      Natural food El Campo

    15.4      Petroglifos El Verde and La Fajana

    15.5      Centro de Visitantes de El Paso

    15.6      Ermita de la Virgen del Pino

    15.7      La Cumbrecita

    15.8      Palmex


    16.1      Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios

    16.2      Museo de Pintura en la Calle

    16.3      Museo Arqueológico Benahoarita- Archaeological Museum Benahoarita

    16.4      Rastro Argual Abajo Los Llanos- flea market

    16.5      Artefuego La Palma- Art glassworks

    16.6      The Mirador El Time

    17      TIJARAFE

    17.1      Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria

    17.2      Casa de La Décima

    17.3      Museo Etnografico del Traje- José Luis Lorenzo Barreto- Ethnographic Museum of Costume

    17.4      Casa del Maestro- house of the teacher

    17.5      Danza del Diablo- dance of the devil

    17.6      El Local en la casa del Trigo

    18      PUNTAGORDA

    18.1      Mirador Los Dragos

    18.2      Mercadillo de Puntagorda

    19      LAS TRICIAS

    19.1      Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Carmen

    19.2      Museo de Interpretación del Gofio- MIGO- Gofiomuseum

    19.3      Buracas


    20.1      Mirador El Serradero

    21      La Zarza Cultural Park

    22      National Parks Caldera de Tamburiente

    22.1      Roque de Los Muchachos

    22.2      Observatorio Astrofisico- Astrophysical Observatory La Palma

    22.3      Flora de Cumbres- Tajinaste Rosado

    23      BARLOVENTO

    23.1      Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario

    23.2      La Laguna de Barlovento

    23.3      La Fajana


    24.1      Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Montserrat

    24.2      Charco Azul- Piscinas Naturales

    24.3      Aldea Distilleries - Sugar Cane and Rum Interpretation Centre

    25      Los Tilos

    25.1      Centro de Visitantes Los Tilos

    25.2      Puente Los Tilos

    25.3      Cubo de La Galga

    26      El Tandal Arqueológico Park

    27      PUNTALLANA

    27.1      Iglesia de Juan Bautista

    27.2      Museo Etnográfico Casa Luján

    27.3      Biblioteca Bila

    27.4      Fuentes de Puntallana

    28      Beaches of La Palma

    29      Life and Death - Bathing Accidents in the Canary Islands

    30      Summary Miradores - Viewpoints on La Palma

    31      History Hotels Airport

    32      General Information Canary Islands

    By Andrea Müller

    The content of this e-book was compiled with the greatest care. Nevertheless, errors cannot be completely excluded. The author assumes no legal responsibility or any liability for any remaining errors and their consequences.

    All product names are used without guarantee of free usability and are possibly registered trademarks. All (also personal) images were explicitly permitted only for this travel guide. Any further use / transfer is expressly not permitted.

    The work including all its parts is protected by copyright. Any use - even in extracts - is only permitted with the author's consent. All rights reserved.

    Comments and questions are welcome:

    Andrea Müller

    Calle Las Cuevas, 8 P02

    E- 35542 Punta Mujeres, province Las Palmas, Lanzarote


    mailto:[email protected]

    © 2020            Andrea Müller

    Cover design:       Andrea Müller

    Photography:            Andrea Müller

    Number of pages Print variant: 112 pages

    Number of images: 288 images/Maps

    © - Map Data OpenStreetMap ODbL

    Kanarischen Inseln

    The archipelago consists of the 8 islands La Graciosa, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro. Politically they belong to Spain and geographically to Africa. They are located 1200 km from the Spanish mainland and between 100 and 500 km west of Morocco. All islands are of volcanic origin, their age decreases from east to west.

    Millions of years ago, huge masses of magma pushed their way up through fracture lines of the earth's crust, exploded in violent volcanic eruptions and formed the islands with their basalt lava flows. In several eruption thrusts of varying duration and intensity they formed the present island profiles.

    Fuerteventura with approximately 22 million years, Lanzarote and La Graciosa with 15.5 million years are the oldest islands of the archipelago. Gran Canaria originated approximately 14.5 million years ago, Tenerife 12 million years ago and La Gomera 11 million years ago. La Palma and El Hierro are with 2. and 1.2 million years respectively the youngest Canary Islands. The natives are descended from North African Berbers and developed different cultures on the individual islands, independently of each other. In Lanzarote they were called Majos, in Fuerteventura Majoreros, in Gran Canaria Canarios, in Tenerife Guanchen, in La Palma Benahoaritas, in La Gomera Gomeros and in El Hierro Bimbaches.

    They lived at the Stone Age level in caves and fed on collected plants, cultivated cereals and legumes, products from animal husbandry, especially goats, and near the coast on fish and shellfish.

    The conquest and thus the subjugation of the Canary Islands took place between 1403 and 1496 by the Spanish Crown.

    La Palma has a total area of 718 square kilometres. Volcanic activity can still be seen in many places today, such as the Volcano Route on the Cumbra Vieja and the crater of the Caldera de Taburiente. With its striking relief, La Palma has the highest elevations in the world in relation to its surface area. The volcanic mountain range that extends over the whole island is over 2000 m high. The Roque de Muchachos is with 2426 m the highest mountain and after the Teide in Tenerife the second highest mountain of the archipelago. La Palma is also known as Isla Bonita = beautiful island and Isla Verde = green island, as it is the most wooded island with 40% of the forest cover compared to the other islands. It has retained its charm and original character, as mass tourism has disappeared.


    La Palma has a total of 83,000 inhabitants, 16,000 of whom live in the capital.

    The tour starts at the tourist information [1]. From here, walk up the street inland and you will come to the Plaza de La Constitución

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