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The Emergency Survival Manual: 294 Life-Saving Skills
The Emergency Survival Manual: 294 Life-Saving Skills
The Emergency Survival Manual: 294 Life-Saving Skills
Ebook794 pages4 hours

The Emergency Survival Manual: 294 Life-Saving Skills

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About this ebook

From break-ins to basement flooding to broken bones, this guide has everything you need to be prepared for any emergency that comes your way.

Who’s better suited to write a book about handling emergencies than an Emergency and Risk Management Consultant and the CEO of Mutual Aid Response Services (MARS)? Joseph Pred is the go-to-guy for assessing and handling emergencies. When you combine his knowledge with that of the experts at Outdoor Life magazine, what do you get? An epic book filled with lifesaving skills. This book also covers what to do before the first responders arrive…or if they never do.

Basic Tools & Skills: Everything you need to know to assess and start handling an emergency. From stocking a first aid kit and treating burns, cuts and broken bones, to protecting yourself when using pepper spray and performing CPR.

Home and Family Safety: Protect your house and keep you and your family safe. Learn how to deal with a lost child, handle house fires, public transit scares, car accidents, and help a sick or hurt pet.

Community Safety: All the ways to help your neighbors and keep your community safe. From what to do if you see a house being broken into and dealing with school tragedies, to coping with a major natural disaster and handling a toxic spill—and everything in between.

When disaster strikes you want to be ready, and you can be with the Emergency Survival Manual.
Release dateOct 6, 2015
The Emergency Survival Manual: 294 Life-Saving Skills

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    The Emergency Survival Manual - Joseph Pred

    Outdoor LifeThe Emergency Survival Manual





    1   Get the Right Mindset

    2   Practice Your Awareness

    3   Color Your Perceptions

    4   Sharpen Your Senses

    5   Shake Your Tail

    6   Avoid Automatic Behavior

    7   Keep Yourself in the Loop

    8   Perfect Awareness Through Practice

    9   Adapt and Overcome

    10   Call Emergency Services

    11   Dial Direct

    12   Handle It Yourself

    13   Get Professional Help

    14   Understand and Accept Stress

    15   Recognize Signs of Stress

    16   Tend to Vicarious Trauma

    17   Manage Your Mental Health

    18   Suit Up for Safety

    19   Mask Up

    20   Wear It Properly

    21   Put the Right One On

    22   Get Good Gloves

    23   Change Gloves Often

    24   Don’t Be a Hero

    25   PREPARED VS IMPROVISED: Protect Yourself

    26   Get It on Tape

    27   Tool Up with Tape

    28   Be a Duct Tape Doctor

    29   Escape Duct Tape Handcuffs

    30   Keep Paracord Handy

    31   Lift and Lower Loads (Not People)

    32   Become a String Surgeon

    33   Tie Three Useful Knots

    34   Defend Yourself

    35   Get Schooled

    36   Try Krav Maga

    37   Keep At It

    38   Use Your Imagination

    39   Do What It Takes

    40   Avoid Knife Fights

    41   Hit Where It Counts

    42   Throw a Power Punch

    43   Shout It Out

    44   Stock Your Toolshed

    45   Fill Your Household Tool Kit

    46   Choose a Basic Self-Protection Gun

    47   Handle Guns Safely

    48   Carry Responsibly

    49   Zap a Bad Guy

    50   Wield Pepper Spray

    51   ESSENTIAL GEAR: Light It Up

    52   Shine Bright

    53   Get a Headlight

    54   Ward Off Water

    55   Run on Sunlight

    56   Get Power in Your Pocket

    57   Hack a Vehicle Battery for Power

    58   Understand Battery Capacity

    59   Improvise a First Aid Kit

    60   Go to Bedroom, Bathroom, and Beyond

    61   Raid Your Kitchen

    62   PREPARED VS IMPROVISED: Fill Up Your First Aid Kit

    63   Be Safe on the Scene

    64   Get Educated

    65   Get Some Serious Training

    66   Treat Your Patients Right

    67   Build Your First Aid Kit

    68   Take It to the Next Level

    69   Use Your OTC Meds

    70   Use Antibiotics Wisely

    71   Know Common Prescription Meds

    72   Know Common Allergies

    73   Prepare for Anaphylaxis

    74   Employ an Epipen

    75   Look for a Medic Alert

    76   Call for Medevac

    77   Open an Airway

    78   Breathe for Them

    79   Control Bleeding

    80   Put on the Pressure

    81   Use a Tourniquet Properly

    82   Rig a Tourniquet

    83   Help Someone Who Has Been Impaled

    84   Deal with a Gunshot Wound

    85   Administer CPR

    86   Use an AED

    87   Help a Choking Victim

    88   Save Yourself


    89   Know Injury Types

    90   Spot an Infection

    91   Bandage a Wound

    92   Superglue It

    93   Handle a Heart Attack

    94   Recognize a Stroke

    95   Address an Anxiety Attack

    96   Help Them Calm Down

    97   Help a Seizure Victim

    98   Protect a Patient’s Spine

    99   Help a Victim Recover

    100   Treat for Shock

    101   Recognize a Hairline Fracture

    102   Stabilize a Fracture

    103   Sling an Injured Arm

    104   Splint a Limb

    105   Identify and Treat Burns

    106   Care for Chemical Burns

    107   Avoid Live Wires

    108   Help a Shocked Person

    109   Handle Hypothermia

    110   Avoid Frostbite

    111   Survive Heat Illness

    112   Defeat Dehydration

    113   Beware Common Poisons

    114   Know Signs of Poisoning

    115   Treat a Poisoning Victim

    116   Don’t Panic over Pregnancy

    117   Deal with Labor

    118   Deliver a Baby

    119   Perform Infant CPR

    120   Have a Helper

    121   Be a Helpful Parent

    122   Be Patient with Little Patients


    123   Grab Your Go Bag

    124   Keep It in Your Pocket

    125   Assemble an EDC

    126   Ride It Out at Home

    127   Avoid a Riot

    128   Be School Safe


    129   Anticipate Emergencies at Work

    130   Survive Being Stuck in an Elevator

    131   Have a Commute Backup Plan

    132   Be Ready for Travel Troubles

    133   Get a New Passport

    134   Spot a Pickpocket

    135   Avoid Being a Victim

    136   Use a Decoy Wallet

    137   ESSENTIAL GEAR: Pack Lifeboat Rations

    138   Get the Right Rations

    139   Add Protein

    140   Signal for Help

    141   Identify Disaster Risks and Needs

    142   Prepare for a Zombie Attack

    143   Develop a Plan

    144   Check Out Your Plan


    145   Keep in Contact

    146   Communicate in a Disaster

    147   Be Aware of ICE

    148   Carry a Card

    149   Mitigate Home Disaster

    150   Keep It Together

    151   Fuel Up

    152   Keep a 72-Hour Supply

    153   Stock the Right Supplies

    154   Consider Emergency Alternatives

    155   Hold Your Water

    156   Keep Caffeine On Hand

    157   Test Your Kit

    158   PREPARED VS IMPROVISED: Stock Food and Water

    159   Get Ready for Lights Out

    160   Guard the Neighborhood

    161   Eat Right in an Outage

    162   Throw It Out if It’s Thawed

    163   ESSENTIAL GEAR: Communicate Clearly

    164   Keep Your Home Secure

    165   Step Up Your Security

    166   Let Fido Help Out

    167   Handle a Home Invasion

    168   Use Force Judiciously

    169   Install Smoke Detectors

    170   Detect Carbon Monoxide

    171   Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

    172   Don’t Rely on the Sticker

    173   Use a Fire Extinguisher

    174   Fight a Fire Right

    175   Know When to Flee

    176   ESSENTIAL GEAR: Climb to Safety

    177   Hold Your Breath

    178   Stop, Drop, and Roll

    179   Escape a Burning House

    180   Smother a Fire

    181   PREPARED VS IMPROVISED: Respond to Fires

    182   Fix a Flooded Basement

    183   Build a Wall

    184   Make a Pyramid

    185   Fill Sandbags Correctly

    186   Get Kids Ready

    187   Explain Clearly

    188   Prepare Online

    189   Teach Your Kids to Be Safe

    190   Spot a Potential Runaway

    191   Convince a Teen to Stay

    192   Handle a Missing Teen

    193   Help a Lost Child

    194   Childproof Your Home

    195   Don’t Have a Hot Dog

    196   Give the Right Medicines

    197   Handle an Injured Pet


    198   Give a Pet CPR

    199   Run Off a Raccoon

    200   Know When to Go to the Vet

    201   Transport Your Pet Safely

    202   Avoid a Dog Attack

    203   Understand Aggression

    204   Recognize Warning Signs

    205   Fight Off an Attacking Dog

    206   Teach Your Child Dog Safety

    207   Read MSDS

    208   Meet Mr. Yuk

    209   Read the Fire Diamond

    210   Drive Defensively

    211   Charge It Yourself

    212   Get Out of a Skid

    213   Steer with Blown Tires

    214   Deal with Brake Failure

    215   Drive Safely on Flooded Roads

    216   Tend to a Traffic Accident

    217   Shoot the Scene

    218   Help a Downed Rider

    219   Stay Safe in Transit

    220   Handle Hassle Discreetly

    221   Don’t Be a Bystander


    222   Survive a Sinking Ship

    223   Get Through a Plane Crash


    224   Bucket Up

    225   Address Book It

    226   Make a Date to Prepare


    227   Avoid a World of Trouble

    228   Chart Your Priorities

    229   Take Only What You Can

    230   Decide Whether to Stay (or Go)

    231   Evacuate Early

    232   Signal for Help

    233   Wave for Help


    234   Know Your Weather Alerts

    235   Categorize Weather Alerts

    236   Heed Warning Flags

    237   Store Food for the Long Term

    238   Pack It Up Right

    239   Cook in a Disaster

    240   Keep Your Stash Fresh

    241   Purify Water

    242   Try Solar Disinfection

    243   Distill Water Properly

    244   ESSENTIAL GEAR: Use a SteriPEN

    245   Make Normal Saline

    246   Disinfect with Bleach

    247   Get Out of the Mud

    248   Cross Fast-Moving Water

    249   Assess Your Home After a Flood

    250   Scale It Up

    251   Prepare for the Tempest

    252   Handle a Hurricane

    253   Beware the Eye of the Storm

    254   Tell When a Twister Is Coming

    255   Judge a Tornado’s Course

    256   Stay Safe in a Tornado

    257   PREPARED VS IMPROVISED: Pack Your Go Bag

    258   Survive Being Snowbound in a Car

    259   Get Through a Blizzard at Home

    260   Set Up a Snow Pantry

    261   Ride Out an Earthquake

    262   Survive Under Debris

    263   Assess a Concussion

    264   Know Tsunami Warning Signs

    265   Brace for Impact


    266   Beware Volcanic Hazards

    267   Protect Yourself from Ashfall

    268   Look Out for Lahar

    269   Handle a HazMat Event

    270   Decontaminate Yourself

    271   Get a Disaster Under Your Thumb

    272   Seal Your Home

    273   PREPARED VS IPROVISED: Fortify Your Home

    274   Avoid the Plague

    275   Wash Up

    276   Pack Extra Pandemic Supplies

    277   Don a Mask Correctly

    278   Know the Plan

    279   Be a Community Activist

    280   Lend a Helping Hand

    281   Study Solar Flares

    282   Be Aware of X-Class Flares

    283   Prepare for Space Weather

    284   Avoid an Active Shooter

    285   Protect Yourself from a Shooter

    286   Treat a Dangerous Package with Care

    287   Keep Cash on Hand

    288   Secure Your Cash

    289   Automate Your Cash Flow

    290   Protect Important Documents

    291   Plan to Be Prepared

    292   Back Up Your Plans

    293   Be Resilient

    294   Set Your Priorities


    •   Check Your Home for Hazards

    •   Know What’s Safe to Eat

    •   Return to a Safe Home


    My pocketknife is alarmingly orange, adequately sharp, and always in the left front pocket of my pants, whether those are faded work jeans or business-casual khakis. I use the lockback skinner mainly to slice apples, clean my fingernails (not always in that order), and open boxes. But it’s always there, because I never know when I’ll also need it to cut a seatbelt, fend off a mugger, or hack my way into—or out of—a burning curtain factory.

    This is the nature of emergency preparedness. While statistically speaking, the other guy (or girl) has a better chance of getting it—whatever it is—than you do, many of us keep an eye open for the worst that the world might deal. Maybe it’s a car wreck, or a house fire, a killer tornado, or a rabid raccoon. A 3-inch knife might not prevent or neutralize any of these disasters, but it can’t hurt to have one in hand.

    This is the premise and promise of the book in your other hand: that it’s better to be prepared for the worst than it is to be surprised and defenseless when it arrives. Because it will arrive. While statistically speaking, emergencies will remain strangers at any given moment, every human lifetime edges close to calamity at least once or twice. It might be a car accident, a natural disaster, a riot, or a fall down a flight of stairs.

    As I reviewed and edited this excellent and useful crisis-response compilation, it occurred to me that humans can be almost equally divided into two camps: those who expect the worst and prepare for it and those who hope it will never happen to them. This is a book for the former, for those who recognize the world is a hazardous place and want to know precisely what to do when the shit goes down. For these people, knowledge is power, and this book is full of useful knowledge.

    There is no better guide to this world of tragic what-if than author Joseph Pred. Pred has been a certified Emergency Medical Technician for more than 20 years, and he has trained in law enforcement, fire fighting, crisis intervention, and public-safety management. His particular field of expertise is in recognizing and mitigating the risks of large public gatherings, its own stew of suspended catastrophe and potential disaster.

    Do you need this book? No. Not if you expect the best of the world, or think that disaster will never visit you. But if you fret about the contents of that strange package, or worry about the stability of the power grid or that rickety elevator, or if you want to know where to find safe air in a fire, how to splint a facture, or how to hack your car’s battery to get out of trouble, then read this book. And pack an adequately sharp pocketknife.


    Editor-in-Chief, Outdoor Life


    Emergencies and disasters might feel like they belong in the realm of Hollywood movies, or like something that always seems to happen to someone else. After all, it can be uncomfortable to think about circumstances where things might be out of your control and the outcome is uncertain. But the fact is, emergencies happen to everyone. If you’re lucky, the emergencies and disasters you face will be relatively minor, but sooner or later they will affect your life in some way. This book isn’t intended to scare you with disasters or worst-case scenarios, nor is it intended to be an extreme end-of-the-world ‘prepper’ manual. Instead, it’s intended for everyday people who want to be more informed and prepared, no matter what life brings. Facing adversity is difficult under almost any circumstance, but being unprepared makes coping with those emergencies that much harder. Your willingness to increase your awareness, take steps to plan ahead, and accept that life sometimes means handling tough situations with as much calm determination as you can manifest, will help you be resilient and prevail.

    Unfortunately, some of you may have had less than enjoyable experiences in the past with really dry and uninspiring material about safety, disasters, and preparedness. This book, however, is colorfully designed to be easy to read, with subjects broken down into bite-sized pieces that won’t overwhelm you with too much information or detail.

    This book provides an introduction to a wide variety of skills and strategies that will be helpful in a wide range of circumstances. You can use it as a broad reference guide, or pick and choose just the content that feels most relevant to your needs. Either way, I hope it will inspire you to explore your level of preparedness, to better understand the potential hazards in your environment, to take a class to deepen your skills, and to volunteer to serve your community in a time of need.

    If you’re new to disaster preparedness, look at this book as a resource to help you and your family get started. Don’t feel too much pressure to get it all done— or master every skill immediately. Instead, arm yourself with curiosity to learn the new skills and tools that will help you handle almost any crisis. There’s a lot to learn, but very step you takes you farther away from being a victim and brings you closer to being a true survivor. If you already have your 72 hour emergency kit and are reading this to learn more, you’ll hopefully find a new ways to approach an existing challenge or information to further deepen your preparedness. Either way, you’re bound to learn and expand your knowledge.




    A friend was petting a horse in a meadow when the horse unexpectedly kicked her in the head. She managed to stagger over to us despite bleeding from a head wound. Luckily my medical training meant that I was able to evaluate her condition (she needed stitches, but fortunately her skull wasn’t fractured), and arrange to get her taken safely out of the park, and driven to a hospital for treatment. My work in public safety means that I’ve had many opportunities to make a difference, but this one was personal, and helping friends and family has been the most meaningful to me. I’ve learned that having the skills to help someone can transform a potentially scary situation into one that feels manageable.

    Not knowing what to do in a difficult situation is a terrible feeling, a feeling of powerlessness. It’s even worse in an emergency, when you don’t have the skills to cope. We often rely on emergency responders to be there when we need them most, but in some crises you may instead have to rely on yourself and the people around you to handle the situation. The skills and gear explored in this section will help you be better prepared to handle a variety of challenging situations, from the everyday to the catastrophic. Easily stressed out or overwhelmed? You’ll learn how situational awareness and crisis management techniques apply to a wide range of scenarios. Wondering about first aid? Learn how to assess shock, handle a seizure, or stop serious bleeding. Are you prepared to defend yourself? Explore different ways to fend off an attack armed with your wits or with something that has a little bit more punch. Not sure how prepared you really are? Get simple guidance on tools, medical supplies, drugs, and protective equipment so you can be ready to handle the next emergency; because having the right basic skills and tools is the first step towards to overcoming adversity.


    Before you end up in the middle of an accident or disaster, before you ever need a plan, you need to develop the habit of being tuned in at all times to your immediate surroundings. This is called situational awareness, and it’s used by emergency responders and people working in complex—or sometimes hazardous—environments. It’s a kind of relaxed awareness that allows you to recognize any unusual circumstances, hazards, and early stages of problems before they end up evolving into big trouble. Like any other skill, it requires practice, and the best time to use these skills is before problems emerge. When done right, this awareness can change the way that you view the world every day and, in the process, save your life or prevent both large and small issues from catching you by surprise.


    Safety begins with awareness of your environment, but it doesn’t end there. Be ready to act at a moment’s notice. Practice all of the following concepts, regardless of the environment you’re in, and eventually they will become second nature.

    BE OBSERVANT Pay attention to the sights and sounds you notice when you are alert and aware.

    NOTE THE UNUSUAL Determine any threats based on your own observations, experience, and the feeling that something’s not right.

    CONSIDER OPTIONS Make your decision based on your training, experience, and circumstances.

    TAKE ACTION Let your actions drive the situation and your safety; don’t let the actions of others end up compromising your safety.

    KEEP MOVING Don’t panic or fail to act. Mental paralysis could mean the death of you or a loved one.


    To better understand situational awareness, it’s useful to see it as a scale. More important, you can consciously move up or down the scale as part of stress management or checking in with yourself about how aware you are in the moment. It’s a good exercise to ask yourself occasionally, What color am I at right now?

    WHITE (UNAWARE) Your head is in the clouds. You are unlikely to notice if anything dangerous is unfolding around you, nor are you be prepared to react. This lack of awareness is aggravated by being distracted or emotional, or having a false sense of security. Physical issues like sleep deprivation, pain, stress, or intoxication can also dull your awareness. This white level of awareness is like being drowsy behind the wheel of your car.

    GREEN (RELAXED) This low level of awareness is reserved for very safe places. You’re ready to increase your awareness to Yellow if something unusual happens but isn’t likely to happen. This is how you might feel relaxing at home in a safe neighborhood. Switching back to Green after coming home from dealing with an Orange or Red situation is an important part of consciously managing stress.

    YELLOW (AWARE) Calm and alert, you have a relaxed awareness of your surroundings. This is how emergency responders are while on duty. At this level, you’re observant of all things—aware of people, animals, environmental conditions, and the layout or terrain of an area. You can react quickly if your situation changes. This is similar to the alertness needed for normal defensive driving on a busy road.

    ORANGE (POSSIBLE PROBLEM) There may be a problem; you’re starting to process information that causes concern for your safety. At this level, you’re noticing that something is wrong and are evaluating options for reacting to the situation. This is an ideal time to proactively move to a safer location or change what you’re doing before things get ugly. Consider this level similar to that needed for driving in very bad weather or on an icy road.

    RED (THREAT) You’re in trouble. You have to act now for your safety or defend yourself. The time for assessing options is over. Pick your target or escape route, and move! This level is like reacting to a car pulling in front of you when you’re traveling at high speed in bad weather; there’s a split second to decide whether to hit the car or swerve into another lane. If you have been practicing situational awareness, you’ll already know your options almost instinctively.

    BLACK (OVERWHELMED) You’re in panic mode, thinking too much and failing to act. Maybe you’re paralyzed with fear or indecision, or exhibiting panicked or inappropriate behavior (whether or not you’re aware of it). You can get into this mode when, say, you freeze behind the wheel during an accident, hit another car, and flip over. You may not even know what just

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