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A Time Traveler's Theory of Relativity
A Time Traveler's Theory of Relativity
A Time Traveler's Theory of Relativity
Ebook272 pages3 hours

A Time Traveler's Theory of Relativity

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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He believes in science, but only magic can help his mom.

Twelve-year-old Finn is used to people in his family disappearing. His twin sister, Faith, drowned when they were three years old. A few months ago, his mom abandoned him and his dad with no explanation. Finn clings to the concrete facts in his physics books—and to his best friend, Gabi—to ward off his sadness. But then his grandmother tells him a secret: the women in their family are Travelers, able to move back and forth in time.

Finn's mom is trapped somewhere in the timeline, and she's left Finn a portal to find her. But to succeed, he'll have to put his trust in something bigger than logic.

"This is an incredible book, no matter which time universe you're in. I couldn't put it down. One of my favorite debut novels of the year."—Erin Entrada Kelly, New York Times bestselling author and 2018 Newbery Medal winner

Release dateOct 1, 2019
A Time Traveler's Theory of Relativity

Nicole Valentine

Nicole Valentine writes books about the crossroads in our world where science and magic meet. She writes for middle grade and young adult readers and reads absolutely everything. You are as likely to find her curled up on the sofa reading a biography about Richard Feynman or Carl Sagan, as reading a book by Alice Hoffman or Kate DiCamillo. Nicole earned her MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. In her prior timeline as a technologist, she managed web development at and went on to launch as well as various other start-ups. She was the Chief Technology Officer of, a website for teens interested in reading and writing young adult fiction, which was sold to Random House in 2013. Outside of fictional world-building, you can find her walking around with a hawk on her arm or wrangling two giant dogs named Merlin and Arthur. She resides outside of Philadelphia with her family.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A fun, mind-bending time-travel story about a boy who discovers his mother and extended family are time travelers. Reminiscent of A Wrinkle in Time, Finn is a twelve-year old who must try to save his mother, who is lost in time, and reverse or change the fate of his twin sister. In the course of doing so, he learns about love, friendship, loss, and fate.

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A Time Traveler's Theory of Relativity - Nicole Valentine


Chapter 1

Finnegan Firth slid out of his bedroom window and padded on bare feet across the cold slate patio. He needed to check the mailbox quickly, before Dad’s morning alarm went off. Dorset’s Lower Hollow Road was the first stop on Mr. Booth’s mail delivery route, so the earlier the better. He approached the end of the long, curved driveway and stared down his tin nemesis.

Finn pulled the small door from its latch and was met with a familiar screech of metal separating from metal. Nothing. The box was the same black hole it had been for the past three weeks.

He was not surprised. This disheartening routine had become his new normal.

He stood there on the desolate road, listening to the whisper of the first leaves falling, and wondering if he’d be doing this forever. He couldn’t stop himself from hoping, even when all the available data proved he should.

If someone had told him that Mom would leave right before his thirteenth birthday, he would’ve said it was highly improbable. She and Dad had been arguing more than usual, but there’d been no hint that things were that bad. She’d left without leaving a note. She hadn’t texted, called, or even emailed since. Finn had tried calling her cell more than once and it always went straight to voicemail. He didn’t have the heart to leave any messages lately.

Dad was sticking to the same refrain: she would be back, she just needed time. But as the weeks dragged on, Dad had become more distant than ever. Professor Firth was not an easy man to read, but Finn thought he detected a note of despair creeping into his father’s measured responses.

Dad hadn’t even mentioned his birthday to him yet. Watch him forget, Finn thought darkly.

It wasn’t like his birthday was ever a true celebration. In fact he secretly dreaded the whole month of October. It made everyone silent and heavy with gravity. A cloud of smoke-colored grief hung over every birthday cake he could remember. This year he’d be thirteen—while Faith remained three forever.

Thirteen should feel momentous; it should feel like the beginning of a whole new universe. It should start with a big bang. Instead, thirteen was going to be the saddest year yet. Finn was the lopsided remainder in an unbalanced equation, the unstable particle. Always the boy left behind.

He trudged back up the driveway and behind the house. Even the moon wasn’t there for him. He was too late. It was already hidden behind the mountain. A few early morning stars remained, twinkling in commiseration. He climbed through his window, pulling the sash down quietly till the rubber insulation met and sealed him inside.


Finn, you’d better be packing! Dad yelled from the living room.


Finn stood in front of the bookshelf, scanning the spines and doing the math. He figured a three-day weekend at Gran’s house meant he’d need four books minimum. It wasn’t easy to choose which ones to reread. He had gotten pretty close to recreating all of Feynman’s original Caltech diagrams, but that project was beginning to lose its appeal.

Dad staggered past the open door carrying a large suitcase. Finn! No daydreaming. You always do this— He stopped himself. Lately, everything Dad said to him was cut off mid-sentence. I’m late enough as it is.

Finn bristled. Anyone could see this wasn’t daydreaming. It was deliberating. He and Dad had never lived on the same wavelength, but the disconnect between them had gotten worse since Mom left. Mom understood him. She liked to hear about what he discovered in his science journals. At least, that’s what he’d always believed.

What if his birthday came and went and he still heard nothing from Mom? Maybe being around him had finally become too hard for her. Maybe he was why she left. After all, his very existence was a constant reminder of what she’d lost.

He packed five books to be on the safe side. Carl Sagan was already in his backpack, along with his tablet, which held at least ten articles he’d downloaded from various scientific journals. He’d bring the diagram notebook, too, just in case.


Dad’s car rushed through Dorset’s narrow backroads. The patches of dry leaves burst into autumn confetti outside Finn’s window. He leaned his forehead against the glass and let out a deep sigh, fogging it up and muting the riot of color outside.

It’s not fair. Even Finn winced at the sound of his voice—like a little kid’s whine. But really, why did a man taking a leave of absence to spend quality time with his son still have so much work?

Come on, said Dad, it’s only till Monday. And you love Gran.

Of course I love Gran.

Would you prefer I drop you off with one of your great-aunts instead? They’re only another five minutes down the road.

He was joking. No parent—even highly disconnected, oblivious Dad—would subject a kid to either one of Gran’s sisters. Aunt Ev would vacillate between forgetting Finn was alive and talking his ears off, while Aunt Billie was a nightmare of angles: all elbows, knuckles, and knees topped off with a sharp tongue. Finn had never once seen that woman smile. If it weren’t for the nasty comments that sometimes escaped her pursed lips, he would swear they were sewn together.

I just want to be home, in my own room. Why can’t I stay home? I’m old enough.

No you’re not. Twelve is—

I’ll be thirteen next week.

I know that, Finn. You think I don’t know your birthday?

Finn didn’t bother to answer. He watched the wind whip up a miniature cyclone of leaves. Mom used to call them whirligigs.

If it gets dull you can call Gabi to come over and visit. Gran would love that.

Right. Sure. Like Gabi wouldn’t already have plans with all her new friends. No point in telling Dad that he’d actually messaged Gabi last night to ask if she could hang out this weekend. Usually they’d spend hours texting or chatting online—Finn summarizing articles he’d read, Gabi launching into detailed fantasy book reviews. Lately, though, the exchanges had mostly consisted of Gabi asking if he’d heard from his mom or gotten any more information out of his dad. It was getting on Finn’s nerves. Gabi was under the mistaken impression that all you needed to do was ask a question. Maybe that was how it was with New York families like the Rands, but it sure didn’t work that way in his.

Last night Gabi had responded to his message with a confusing non sequitur. He had spent a minute trying to decipher her meaning until she typed, OOPS! wrong window ☻ She never came back.

Finn looked at Dad, who had both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road ahead. I want to stay home.

No deal. You’re still too young and Gran is getting old. This way, I know you’re taking care of each other.

Well, that’s convenient for you. Split two atoms with one neutron.

Dad ignored his sarcasm. Did you pack the groceries she asked you to get?

Finn pulled Gran’s shopping list out of his pocket. There were only three small things on the list. He flipped over the paper to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. Last time he forgot her Sunday pound cake, and she made him pay for it with a humiliating game of Scrabble. Gran had memorized every high-scoring two-letter word in the English language. She knew a few four-letter ones pretty well, too. Finn learned a lot of vocabulary from Gran. He smiled to himself. The weekend wouldn’t be all bad.

Yeah. It’s all in my backpack.

You somehow found room next to Feynman’s entire life’s work?

He didn’t want any part of Dad’s mocking today—wasn’t going to play the history is more important than science game. Dad studied what had already happened; Finn studied what was possible.

Can’t this trip wait?

No, you know it can’t. He didn’t look at Finn, kept his eyes on the road. I need to get this paper done and the research reserve is available now at Widener.

"You teach history. I’m pretty sure all the facts will be the same next month."

Dad didn’t have an answer for that. Finn’s mouth screwed up into a painful twist as he bit the inside of his cheek. He kept staring out the window, focusing first on his reflection in the side mirror and then the road behind him. Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.

They were approaching the turn onto Lower Dorset. Finn didn’t have much time left. He decided to come out and say it.

Are you even worried about Mom?

Dad took a sharp breath. His knuckles became whiter as his hands gripped the steering wheel harder. Yes, of course!

Then why are you doing work? Why aren’t you trying to find her and get her to come home?

Leave it to me, Finn. Please.

Has she called?

No . . . I’d tell you if she did.

Then how do you even know she’s okay?

Look, Dad sighed, clearly out of patience, Gran says—

Finn sat up straight. Gran’s heard from her?

Dad shook his head. No—no. She knows the way your Mom thinks. That’s all.

What did Gran say?

Finn, let’s not do this now.

Normally, he’d keep pressing, but they were coming up to Gran’s house. He let it drop. Maybe he’d get more out of her.

The tires rumbled on the gravel driveway. Finn instinctively glanced over at Dorset Peak’s trailhead, behind Gran’s house, to see if there were any cars parked on the road. There were none today.

Good thing no one is up there, Dad said. His tone held that hopeful change-of-subject cheer that Finn knew all too well. They say the storm tonight is going to be a big one. No one wants to be stuck on the mountain in that. Neither of them mentioned that it was Mom who’d started that habit of checking the trail. She was always concerned for the inexperienced hikers who might misjudge the weather or sunset.

Finn was pulling his stuff together when he realized Dad hadn’t turned off the engine or made any move to exit the car.

You’re not even coming in?

No, I already told Gran on the phone. I have a long drive and I have to stay ahead of the storm. Finn was silent, and Dad finally met his gaze. C’mon, Finn, don’t look at me like that.

Finn grabbed his backpack and slammed the door as hard as he could. He wrestled his bike out of the trunk on his own. As he stomped up the walkway he heard the car pull out of the driveway. He didn’t turn to wave right away and when he finally did, Dad was already down the road and out of sight. Everyone wanted to get away from him as fast as they could.

Finn stood for a moment surveying Gran’s expansive yard. Even the trees looked tired of Vermont’s extended summer. The air was humid. He hated this kind of weather. It felt as if all the oxygen had left the atmosphere. A cold front was supposed to arrive tonight. Finn couldn’t wait.

He was reaching for the door when it opened from the inside—though only a few inches, just enough for Gran’s wizened face to peek out. Her gray hair was uncharacteristically frizzing out in all directions, and Finn couldn’t decide whether she hadn’t slept in days or had just woken up.

Finn! I’m not quite ready for you . . . She looked behind her for a moment at a scene Finn could only guess at from his vantage point. Um—I know! Why don’t you bike over to Gabi’s first and then come back here?

Gran, what’s there to be ready for? It’s only me. Finn put one hand on the door and started to step forward.

She slammed the door shut. He nearly fell backward down the slate steps.

I’m sorry, Finn. Her voice came muffled from behind the thick wooden door. Come back in an hour. Or two! Yes! Make it two!

Gran, are you okay?

Fine. Fine. Two hours, dear.

What about your groceries?

Leave them on the steps. I’ll get them. Thank you! Now go on, I’ll be ready for you later.

Finn pressed his ear to the door and heard Gran speaking in low tones. He had a fleeting thought that maybe he was ruining an early birthday surprise she’d planned for him, but that seemed unlikely. Finn had not had a real birthday party since he was three.

More likely, he’d interrupted a romantic interlude. He glanced back at the driveway and wondered if he’d somehow missed Doc Lovell’s old Jeep, but there were no cars parked anywhere near the house. It was possible someone else had dropped Doc off, though. So very disturbing, he muttered.

Gran and Doc Lovell had been dating for over two years, and while they liked to pretend they never stayed over at each other’s houses, Finn knew better. He was happy Gran had someone. He just didn’t want to think about it too much.

Still, it was unlike Gran to put anyone over her only grandson. Finn was used to top billing. It was a slight that stung.

Okay, Gran, he shouted through the heavy wooden door. I’ll come back later. Text me if you need me. He waited a second to see if she’d change her mind. When it became painfully obvious she woudn’t, he pulled out the small bag of groceries from the backpack and left it in front of her door. His questions for her would have to wait.

Chapter 2

Gabi’s house reminded Finn of a giant acorn. It was like it had rolled down the side of the mountain and settled there, and someone had come along, hollowed it out and added windows. Gabi always complained about how small it was. Finn thought it was perfect. His own house was cavernous by comparison—always too empty, even before Mom left.

Gabi’s mom was outside clipping the fading heads of late-summer flowers. She stood up and wiped the tips of her gardening gloves on her apron. Mrs. Rand didn’t look a thing like Mom, but there was a familiarity in that gesture that reminded the hole inside Finn’s chest to ache.

Mrs. Rand tipped back her sun hat and smiled warmly at him as he coasted up on his bike. Good day to attack the weeds. She seemed completely in her element, and Finn found himself wondering why she and Mom hadn’t become closer friends. They had so much in common, between the theater and gardening. Then again, Mom didn’t have any close friends.

Mom even had a gardening hat like that. A memory nipped at the back of his brain and refused to be shooed away: Mom introducing him to her favorite garden dweller, the praying mantis.

Did you know this is the only insect that can turn its heads 180 degrees to look at you over its shoulder? Sneaking up on a mantis is nearly impossible.

She’d urged him to try. He did and sure enough it spun around to look at him. He’d jumped backward, but Mom had smiled proudly at him just the same.

See how she puts her eggs in this protective sac so they’ll be safe all winter? The branch near her held what looked like a brown Styrofoam walnut. Finn examined it closely. It was tiny.

"How will she stay safe?"

Oh, well—she’s not made to survive the winter.

The mantis didn’t seem all that scary then. He felt bad for her and all her children who would grow up without her.

Of course, he learned much later that the females sometimes cannibalized the males, which made him less inclined to sympathy.

Mrs. Rand broke his reverie. Gabi’s, uh—just gone down the road. You can probably catch her if you hurry.

Finn tried to find his smile. He wasn’t quite sure what to say next. Down the road meant the old marble quarry, which had been filled in with water and opened to the public as a swimming hole. Dorset had been founded because of that marble quarry and the town was proud of it. But the Firths stopped going as a family years ago.

I thought . . . she wasn’t allowed. The older kids went on their own. Not them. They hung out in their own little world, grabbing day-old bagels from the Union Store on the green, or exploring the woods they knew so well.

Gabi begged and I gave in. She said it hesitantly, fiddling with the gold necklace she always wore. You’re both getting older, aren’t you? And today will probably be the last hot day of the season. Everyone trying to get in a bit more of summer. Mrs.Rand was talking brightly and too fast. She studied him for a second and Finn knew what was coming. Pity. You could wait here for her if you like.

No. Today, he would reject this. Today, he would choose normal.

That’s okay, I’ll catch up with Gabi. Thanks! He pushed off on his bike.

She yelled after him, Finn, are you sure? I made fresh lemonade!

He kept going. The determination in his pedaling came easily because of what he was riding away from. He could practically hear Mrs. Rand’s thoughts. Poor family, been through so much, first the little girl, and now Liz leaving. It wasn’t until he was out of her line of sight that he realized what he was riding toward. His pace slowed. Normal was not something you could sail headlong into. He should know that by now.

He could see Gabi as he turned the corner onto Route 30. She was maybe fifty or sixty yards ahead. He watched her for a moment, debating what to do next. He could catch up and maybe convince her to go back home. That might work. Lemonade did sound good.

Gabi! Finn shouted.

She turned, saw Finn, and waved enthusiastically. He caught up and got off his bike to walk it alongside her.

I thought you were supposed to be at Gran’s, she said.

Gran was real jumpy and sent me packing. I think Doc is over. Boyfriend visit.

Gabi raised an eyebrow at him. "We need to come up with a better term than girlfriend and boyfriend when talking about old people."

Like what?

Beloved? Paramour? Gabi gave him a sideways grin. Boo?

You’re going to make me lose my lunch. He was laughing. Gabi always got him to laugh. I don’t think any of those work. Nice try though.

"Since she’s gonna be busy with her boyfriend—she drew out the word in a mocking sing-song fashion that made Finn squirm—Come with me! She grabbed him by the wrist, her eyes wide with excitement. The whole grade is going to be swimming at the quarry today and my mom actually said yes!"

Finn pulled back. I’d, uh, I was kinda thinking we could hang out inside—

It’s gorgeous out today! Tomorrow it will be fall and the day after that it will be winter. C’mon, please? Just for a little bit.

It’s gonna be full of tourists.

It is not. Even if it is, we’ll outnumber them. I’m not taking no for an answer!

How could Gabi not know? It was true that he’d never told her any details. He had only said the word. Drowned. But the whole town knew everything about his family. And as much as he hated the gossip, it had also been his protection.

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